School of Psychology Research Symposium

In March 2023, the School held their first Research Symposium. The event was attended by over 130 members of our community, featured over 50 posters from our graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, short orals from trainees, symposia from faculty on the topics of brain development, mental health and climate and a plenary from Prof Shane O’Mara on the future of AI in Psychology.

Congratulations to our two poster prize winners! Dr Vanessa Teckentrup won the short oral prize for her talk on “A ubiquitous measure of processing speed using digital questionnaire response times: validity and association with demographic, lifestyle, and health factors". Mr Gabriel Byczynski won the “people’s choice’ poster award for his poster “Investigating the Effect of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation on Motor Learning”.

We look forward to seeing you next time for another great day of research.