The School of Psychology is at the forefront of groundbreaking research that delves deep into the complexities of the human mind and behavior. Our mission is to advance knowledge, inform practice, and contribute to a healthier and more inclusive world. With a strong commitment to academic excellence and real-world impact, our research spans diverse yet interconnected fields, bringing innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Explore Our Research Areas:

  • Clinical & Counseling Psychology: We strive to enhance mental health care by developing evidence-based interventions and exploring the psychological factors that influence well-being and resilience. Our work supports individuals across the lifespan in overcoming challenges and thriving in life.

  • Cognitive Sciences: Delving into the science of thought, memory, language, reasoning and decision-making, our cognitive science research explores how we process information and interact with the world. This multidisciplinary approach combines psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and philosophy to uncover the mechanisms of human cognition.
  • Developmental Psychology: From infancy to old age, our research investigates the cognitive, emotional, and social development of individuals. By understanding the processes that shape human growth, we aim to foster environments that nurture potential at every stage of life.

  • Mental Health: As global advocates for mental health, our researchers study the causes, prevention, and treatment of mental health disorders. Through innovative methodologies and interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to reduce stigma and improve access to care.

  • Neuroscience: Combining cutting-edge technologies with a passion for discovery, our neuroscience research unravels the biological foundations of cognition, emotion, and behavior. We explore brain mechanisms to unlock answers to conditions such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and depression.

  • Personality & Individual Differences: What makes each person unique? Our work in personality psychology examines the traits, motivations, and behaviors that define individuality, helping us understand the diversity of human experiences.

  • Social Psychology & Human System Interaction: From interpersonal relationships to human-technology interactions, our research sheds light on how we connect with one another and adapt to an ever-changing world. We investigate social dynamics, leadership, and the impact of technology on society.

Research interests by Academic staff member

Name Research Interests
Dr. BUTLIN, Ben The conceptualisation of mental disorders, and the care of children in care
Dr. MCCAULEY, Mathew Post-traumatic stress, occupational mental health, psychotherapy
Dr. EUSTACE, Susan Counselling psychology and psychotherapy; anxiety, depression, mental health concerns, abuse, chronic illness
Dr. HANNIGAN, Barbara Counselling psychology and psychotherapy research
Dr. O’CONNOR, John Psychoanalytic theory; obsessive compulsive disorder; depression
Dr. TIERNEY, Kevin Behavioural analysis; applied behaviour analysis; computerphobia
Prof. TIMULAK, Ladislav Psychotherapy research, development of empirically based psychotherapy

Name Research Interests
Prof. BISHOP, Sonia Computational psychiatry, decision-making under uncertainty, attentional control
Prof. BYRNE, Ruth  Cognitive science of human thinking, reasoning and imagination
Prof. CARSON, Richard Cognitive neuroscience, human motor control, neurological rehabilitation
Prof. CUSACK, Rhodri The emergence of cognition in infants, perinatal brain injury, neuroimaging methods
Prof. DOCKREE, Paul Human evoked potentials, sustained attention, executive control
Prof. NEWELL, Fiona Multisensory perception; object and face recognition; sensory deprivation
Prof. O'CONNELL, Redmond Cognitive Neuroscience: attention, executive function, self-awareness
Prof. O'MARA, Shane Biology of learning and memory; mechanisms of brain repair
Prof. VANNESTE Sven Sensory loss conditions, memory related issues , motor conditions, brain stimulation
Prof. WHELAN, Robert Cognitive neuroscience, ageing, addiction, machine learning

Name Research Interests
Dr. BUTLIN, Ben The conceptualisation of mental disorders, and the care of children in care
Prof. CUSACK, Rhodri The emergence of cognition in infants, perinatal brain injury, neuroimaging methods
Dr. HADFIELD, Kristin Child development, global mental health, wellbeing-promotion
Prof. HEALY, Olive Applied behaviour analysis, autism spectrum disorders
Dr. NACI, Lorina Disorders of consciousness, brain injury, altered states of consciousness
Dr. NIXON, Elizabeth Developmental psychology, social development of children
Dr. QUIGLEY, Jean Critical psychology; language acquisition and development
Dr. SWORDS, Lorraine Developmental psychology, child and adolescent mental health

Name Research Interests
Prof. BISHOP, Sonia Computational psychiatry, decision-making under uncertainty, attentional control
Dr. BRACKEN, Maeve Applied behavioural analysis, autism
Dr. BUTLIN, Ben The conceptualisation of mental disorders, and the care of children in care
Dr. COSMA, Alina Adolescent Health and Developmental, Cross-cultural differences, Global health, Mental health
Dr. MCCAULEY, Mathew Post-traumatic stress, occupational mental health, psychotherapy
Dr. EUSTACE, Susan Counselling psychology and psychotherapy; anxiety, depression, mental health concerns, abuse, chronic illness
Prof. GILLAN, Claire Computational psychiatry, obsessive-compulsive disorder, addiction, eating disorders
Dr. GORMLEY, Michael Implicit cognition, addiction, sexual offending, driver behaviour
Dr. HADFIELD, Kristin Child development, global mental health, wellbeing-promotion
Dr. HANNIGAN, Barbara Counselling psychology and psychotherapy research
Prof. HEALY, Olive Applied behaviour analysis, autism spectrum disorders
Prof. HEVEY, David Psychological aspects of coronary heart disease, risk perception, quality of life
Dr. HOWLIN, Claire Music Cognition, Neuroaesthetics, Identity and Social Inclusion
Dr. KELLY, Clare Cognitive Neuroscience, fMRI, individual differences
Prof. NACI, Lorina Disorders of consciousness, brain injury, altered states of consciousness
Dr. NIXON, Elizabeth Developmental psychology, social development of children
Dr. O’CONNOR, John Psychoanalytic theory; obsessive compulsive disorder; depression
Dr. QUIGLEY, Jean Critical psychology; language acquisition and development
Dr. SWORDS, Lorraine Developmental psychology, child and adolescent mental health
Dr. TRIMBLE, Tim Criminological psychology and forensic investigation, policing
Dr. TIERNEY, Kevin Behavioural analysis; applied behaviour analysis; computerphobia
Prof. TIMULAK, Ladislav Psychotherapy research, development of empirically based psychotherapy
Prof. VALLIÈRES, Frédérique Global mental health, global psychotraumatology, applications of psychology for health system
Prof. VANNESTE Sven Sensory loss conditions, memory related issues , motor conditions, brain stimulation
Prof. WHELAN, Robert Cognitive neuroscience, ageing, addiction, machine learning

Name Research Interests
Prof. BISHOP, Sonia Computational psychiatry, decision-making under uncertainty, attentional control
Prof. CARSON, Richard Cognitive neuroscience, human motor control, neurological rehabilitation
Prof. CUSACK, Rhodri The emergence of cognition in infants, perinatal brain injury, neuroimaging methods
Prof. DOCKREE, Paul Human evoked potentials, sustained attention, executive control
Prof. GILLAN, Claire Computational psychiatry, obsessive-compulsive disorder, addiction, eating disorders
Dr. KELLY, Clare Cognitive Neuroscience, fMRI, individual differences
Prof. NACI, Lorina Disorders of consciousness, brain injury, altered states of consciousness
Prof. NEWELL, Fiona Multisensory perception; object and face recognition; sensory deprivation
Prof. O'CONNELL, Redmond Cognitive Neuroscience: attention, executive function, self-awareness
Prof. O'MARA, Shane Biology of learning and memory; mechanisms of brain repair
Prof. VANNESTE Sven Sensory loss conditions, memory related issues , motor conditions, brain stimulation
Prof. WHELAN, Robert Cognitive neuroscience, ageing, addiction, machine learning

Name Research Interests
Dr. COSMA, Alina Adolescent Health and Developmental, Cross-cultural differences, Global health, Mental health
Dr. HADFIELD, Kristin Child development, global mental health, wellbeing-promotion
Dr. HOWLIN, Claire Music Cognition, Neuroaesthetics, Identity and Social Inclusion
Dr. KELLY, Clare Cognitive Neuroscience, fMRI, individual differences

Name Research Interests
Dr. BRACKEN, Maeve Applied behavioural analysis, autism
Dr. CORRIGAN, Siobhán Knowledge management & organisational learning; change management, human factors
Dr. CROMIE, Sam Human factors competence and training
Dr. GORMLEY, Michael Implicit cognition, addiction, sexual offending, driver behaviour
Prof. HEALY, Olive Applied behaviour analysis, autism spectrum disorders
Dr. HOWLIN, Claire Music Cognition, Neuroaesthetics, Identity and Social Inclusion
Dr. TRIMBLE, Tim Criminological psychology and forensic investigation, policing

Research Institutes and Centers in Psychology