Dr. Samuel Cromie

Dr. Samuel Cromie

Associate Professor, Psychology

3531896 2426

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Kay, A., Liston, P. and Cromie, S.D., Measuring Crew Resource Management:, HCI International 2014, Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2014, edited by Don Harris , 2014Conference Paper, 2014
  • Balfe, N., Cromie, S., Organizational factor inclusion in Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) tools, Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications - Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014, 2015, p1093-1100Journal Article, 2015
  • Sam Cromie & Franziska Bott, Just culture's ''line in the sand" is a shifting one; an empirical investigation of culpability determination, Safety Science, 86, 2016, p258-272Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Broughton, H., Cromie, S., Trimble, T., Cummiskey, J., Corr, D.i, Rugby Athletes and the Prevention of Injuries: an Analysis on Judgement, Knowledge and Decision Making, European Journal of Sports Medicine, 3, (2), 2016, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Transferring Learning Across Safety-Critical Industries in, editor(s)Malcolm MacLachlan , Maritime Psychology Research in Organizational & Health Behavior at Sea, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp49 - 68, [Paul M. Liston, Alison Kay, Sam Cromie, Nick McDonald, Bill Kavanagh, Roddy Cooke, Peter Walter]Book Chapter, 2017, DOI , URL
  • P Liston, V Arrigoni, S Silvagni, M Ducci, S Cromie, Closing The Loop of Cross-Fertilisation Transferring Human Factors Training from Aviation to Maritime, SEAHORSE Conference on 'Maritime Safety and Human Factors, Glasgow, 2016Conference Paper, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Siobhán Corrigan, Alison Kay, Katie O'Byrne, Dubhfeasa Slattery, Sharon Sheehan, Nick McDonald, David Smyth, Ken Mealy and Sam Cromie, A Socio-Technical Exploration for Reducing & Mitigating the Risk of Retained Foreign Objects, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Ethical Issues in the New Digital Era: The Case of Assisting Driving in, Ethics, Laws, and Policies for Privacy, Security, and Liability, London, UK, Intechopen, 2020, pp1 - 30, [Cahill, J., Cromie, S., Crowley, K, Kay, A., Gormley M, Kenny, E., Hermman, S, Doyle, C, Hever, A and Ross, R ]Book Chapter, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Driver Persistence, Safety and Older Adult Self-efficacy: Addressing Driving Challenges Using Innovative Multimodal Communication Concepts in, editor(s)Kalra J., Lightner N. (eds) , Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp313 - 319, [Cahill J., Cromie, S., Crowley, K, Kay, A., Gormley M, Kenny, E., Hermman, S, Doyle, C, Hever, A and Ross, R]Book Chapter, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Advancing a 'Human Factors & Ethics Canvas' for New Driver Assistance Technologies Targeted at Older Adults in, editor(s)Duffy V. (eds) , Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Posture, Motion and Health. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12198, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp503-520 , [Cahill, J., Cromie, S., Crowley, K, Kay, A., Gormley M, Kenny, E., Hermman, S, Doyle, C, Hever, A and Ross, R. ]Book Chapter, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Grimes T, Garfield S, Kelly D, Cahill J, Wheeler C, Cromie S, Franklin BD, Household Medication Safety Practices during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Qualitative Study Protocol, BMJ Open, 10, (11 ), 2020, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Paul Fagan, Hannah Quinn-Gates, Mengistie Rebsso, Sam Cromie, The Impact of Self Help Groups on the Psychosocial Well-Being of Female Members in Ethiopia, International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 6, 2021, p81 - 112Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Kay, A., O'Byrne K., Corrigan, S., Callari, T., Slattery, D., Smyth, T., Turner, M., Bennet, D. Logan, J. and Cromie, S., Development of an Observational Protocol for Reducing and Mitigating Workload and the Risk of Retained Foreign Objects, H-Workload 2018, the 2nd. international symposium on human mental workload, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20-21 September,, edited by Chiara Leva, Luca Longo , 2018, pp154 - 176Conference Paper, 2018
  • Waldron, C., Cahill, J., Cromie, S., Delaney, T., Kennelly, S., Pevnick, J., and Grimes, T., Personal Electronic Records of Medications (PERMs) for medication reconciliation at care transitions: a rapid realist review., BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21, (307), 2021, p1 - 17Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • AlMutairi, M., Redmond, P., Cromie, S., Grimes T., Household medicine disposal and waste management in Ireland, the need for a systems-based approach. , Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022, phttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11845Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Eduard Negoescu, Romaric Marcilly, Samuel Cromie, Aaron Koay, Tamasine Grimes, The medication self-management work system of patients and informal carers from a human factors & ergonomics perspective: A scoping review protocol., HRB Open Research, 6, (4), 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL
  • Bojana Bjegojevic, Maria Chiara Leva, Sam Cromie, Nora Balfe, Physiological Indicators for Real-Time Detection of Operator"s Attention, 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), Dublin, 2022, edited by Maria Chiara Leva, Edoardo Patelli, Luca Podofillini, and Simon Wilson , Research Publishing, Singapore., 2022, pp3309 - 3316Conference Paper, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Bilal Alam Khan, Maria Chiara Leva, Sam Cromie, A systematic review of older drivers in a level 3 autonomous vehicle: A cognitive load perspective, Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications: 5th International Symposium, Online, November 24"26, 2021, edited by Luca Longo, Maria Chiara Leva , Springer, 2021Conference Paper, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Leva M.C.Kay A., Solazzi N. Cromie S., Dynamic Task Representation Method (DyTRaM): A use of Task Analysis aimed at identifying safety critical deviations, Irish Ergonomics Review, 4, 2008, p24 - 40Journal Article, 2008, URL
  • An organizational approach to human factors in, editor(s)Hayward, B.J. and Lowe A.R. , Aviation Resource Management, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp51 - 61, [N. McDonald, S. Corrigan, S. Cromie & C. Daly]Book Chapter, 2002
  • CROMIE, SD, THE BEHAVIORAL SELF-CONTROL OF STUDY IN 3RD-LEVEL STUDENTS, 15, 1995, pp604 - 605Published Abstract, 1995
  • Liston, P., Cromie, S., Leva, M.C. , Training Best Practice: How to Support the Implementation of Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Quality-Improvement Tools in High-Value, High-Knowledge Manual Work, ICERI2009 Proceedings CD, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation - ICERI , Madrid, 2009, 1, IATED, 2009Conference Paper, 2009, DOI
  • Liston, P., Cromie, S., Leva, C., Helin, K., D'Cruz, M., ManuVAR Training: Supporting the Implementation and Design of VR/AR Quality-improvement Tools for Manual Handling, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE2010, Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics - AHFE , Florida, USA, 2010, AHFE, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
  • Leva M. C., Mattei F., Kay A, Kontoggiannis T., Cromie S., The Development Of A Tool For Modelling Tasks In Safety Critical Environments And Its Implications In The Development Of User Centred Virtual Reality Simulations, Irish Ergonomics Review , 5, 2009, p34 - 41Journal Article, 2009, URL
  • Leva M. C., Mattei F., Kay A, Kontoggiannis T., Cromie S, The Development of a method and a tool for dynamic task representation as part of a Virtual Reality Application, Reliability, Risk, and Safety: Theory and Applications , ESREL , Prague, 2009, edited by Radim Bris, Carlos Guedes Soares, Sebastián Martorell , 1, ESREL, 2009, pp104 - 126Conference Paper, 2009
  • Leva M. C Kay A., Mattei F. Kontoggiannis, T., Deambroggi M., Cromie S., A Dynamic Task Representation Method for a Virtual Reality Application, Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics , 5639, 2009, p32 - 42Journal Article, 2009, URL
  • The impact of safety training on safety climate and attitudes in, editor(s)Soekkha, Hans , Aviation Safety , Utrecht, VSP, 1997, pp649 - 660, [N. McDonald, S. Cromie and M. Ward]Book Chapter, 1997
  • McDonald, N, Corrigan, S, Daly, C, Cromie, S, Safety management systems and safety culture in aircraft maintenance organisations, SAFETY SCIENCE, 34, 2000Journal Article, 2000
  • Leva, C.; Liston, P.; Kay, A.; Cromie, S.; Krassi, B; Aromaa, S, Human Factors Methods in ManuVAR: A Contribution to Go beyond Leand and Agile Approaches , Proceedings Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference 2010, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference 2010, Limerick, Oct. 2010, ISSN 1649-2102, 2010, pp17 - 26Conference Paper, 2010, URL
  • H. Broughton S. Cromie, T. Trimble, AN INFORMATION RESOURCE LINKING PERFORMANCE TO PREVENTION OF SPORTS INJURIES - A PRELIMINARY INQUIRY, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45, 2011, p337 - 337Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Corrigan, S.., Cooke, M., Garavan, T.N., Gubbins, C., Cromie, S., , An Understanding of Manufacturing Operational Contexts in Enhancing Successful Implementation & Sustainability of Re-Skilling/Multi-Skilling Interventions, 11TH International Conference on Human Resource Development. , Pecs, Hungary, 2nd - 4th June, 2010, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
  • Gubbins, C., Cromie, S., Cooke, M., Garavan, T.N., Murphy, E. , The Nature of Manufacturing Task Characteristics and Their Impact on Learning Effectiveness and Workplace Performance, 11th International Conference on Human Resource Development, Pecs, Hungary, June 2-4, 2010, Routledge, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
  • Gubbins, C., Cromie, S., Fitzpatrick, M., Corrigan, S., Murphy, E., Cooke, M., Garavan, T.N., A 'State of the Art' Review of the Characteristics and Effectiveness of Training Technology Methodologies for Training Time, Skill Retention & Learning Transfer, EDULEARN International Conference on Education & New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 July, 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • Liston, P., Kay, A., Cromie, S., Leva, M.C., D'Cruz, M., Patel, H., Langley, A., Sharples, S., and Aroma, S., Evaluating the iterative development of VR/AR human factors tools for manual work., Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 2012, p2208 - 2215Journal Article, 2012
  • Maritime Work: Psychosocial and organisational aspects of work at sea and their implications for health and performance in, editor(s)Carter. T. & Schreiner, A , Textbook of Maritime Medicine., Bergen, Norwegian Centre for Maritime Medicine., 2013, pp178 - 192, [Malcolm MacLachlan, Sam Cromie, Paul Liston, Bill Kavanagh, and Alison Kay]Book Chapter, 2013
  • C. McCaughan, D. Coyne, S. Hughes, S. Cromie, Enhancing systems analysis in healthcare incident investigation: A work in progress, Irish Ergonomics Review, 9, 2013, p84 - 86Journal Article, 2013, URL
  • C. McCaughan, S. Cromie, N. McDonald, Factors in determining the level of causal analysis in healthcare incident investigations, Irish Ergonomics Review, 9, 2013, p87 - 96Journal Article, 2013, URL
  • Samuel Cromie, Paul Liston, Derek Ross, Siobhan Corrigan, Lindita Vani, Darragh Lynch, Solonas Demosthenous, Chiara Leva, Vangelis Demosthenous, Human and Organisational Factors Training as a Risk Management Strategy in an Aviation Maintenance Company, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 33, 2013Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
  • Koumaditis Konstantinos, Themistocleous Marinos, Philip Byrne, Derek Ross, Samuel Cromie, Siobhan Corrigan, , Investigating Human Factors in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industries, European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2011, Athens, Greece, May 30-31 2011, 2011, pp294 - 305Conference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
  • Liston, P., Cromie, S., 'The Development of an Integrated Learning Environment for the Training and Certification of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers: Moving Beyond the Classroom', International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 2012, pp3247 - 3254Conference Paper, 2012
  • Liston, P., Cromie, S., 'Using Research-based Teaching to Help the Unemployed in Ireland Upskill and Reskill for Sustainable Work', International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 2011, pp1127 - 2234Conference Paper, 2011
  • Liston, P., Cromie, S., 'An Analysis of Normal Operations in Aviation Maintenance', European Association of Aviation Psychology Conference, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
  • Liston, P., Kay, A., Cromie, S., Leva, C., D'Cruz, M., Patel, H., Langley, A., Sharples, S. and Aromaa, S. , Evaluating the Iterative Development of VR/AR Human Factors Tools for Manual Work. , 18th World Congress of Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, February 12-16, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • Liston, P., Cromie, S., Kay, A., Leva, C., D'Cruz, M., Patel, H., Langley, A., Sharples, S., Aromaa, S.,Vizzo, C. , Evaluating a Modular Virtual Reality Platform for High-Skilled, High-Value Manual Tasks in Real Industrial Cases, Joint VR Conference of euroVR and EGVE, Nottingham, UK, September 20-21, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
  • Leva, C., Kay, A., Smith T., Diez A., Azpiazu J., Liston, P. and Cromie S., The Use of Augmented Reality to Support Maintenance: Human Factors Issues and Advantages. , Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference , June 2011, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
  • M.C. Leva, A.M. Kay, F.Mattei, T. Kontogiannis,M. De Ambroggi, S.Cromie, Dynamic Task Representation Method for a Virtual Reality Application , HCI International , San Diego, U.S.A, July 19-24, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • M.C. Leva, F. Mattei, A. Kay, S. Cromie, The Development of a Tool for Modeling Tasks in Safety Critical, Irish Ergonomic Society Annual Review, Dublin, June, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • A. M. Kay, M.C. Leva, S.D. Cromie, N. Solazzi, Competency Framework - A particular use in the technical domain, Psychological Society of Ireland/British Psychological Society joint annual conference, Dublin, April 4-8, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
  • Deirdre McCarthy, Brian Edwards, Sam Cromie, Human Factors in Pharmaceutical Safety Systems - Relevance to the New EU PV Legislation, International Society of Pharmacovigilance Annual Meeting, Pisa, 1-4 October 2013, 2013Poster, 2013
  • Farzad Naghdali*a, M. Chiara Leva, Nora Balfe, Samuel Cromie, Human Factors Engineering at Design Stage: Is There a Need for More Structured Guidelines and Standards?, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p577 - 582Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
  • Ewan Douglas, Samuel Cromie, M. Chiara Leva, Nora Balfe, Modelling the Reporting Culture within a Modern Organisation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 2014, p589 - 594Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Samuel Cromie, Derek Ross, Siobhan Corrigan , Paul Liston, Darragh Lynch and Evangelos Demosthenous, Integrating human factors training into safety management and risk management: a case study from aviation maintenance, Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2015, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Baranzini, D & Cromie, S, Team systems in aviation maintenance: interaction and co-ordination across work teams, 25th EAAP Conference, , Warsaw, Poland, September 16-20th 20, 2002Conference Paper, URL
  • Sam Cromie, Mengistie Rebsso, Kate Dagher, Psycho-social outcomes and mechanisms of self-help groups in Ethiopia from 2016 to 2022. Report to Tearfund Ireland., Trinity College Dublin, February, 2024Report, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Psycho-social outcomes and mechanisms of self-help groups in Ethiopia. Report to Tearfund Ireland, Sam Cromie, Hannah Quinn-Gates, Paul Fagan, Mengistie Rebsso, July, 2017Report, TARA - Full Text
  • Sam Cromie, Katie O'Byrne, Alison Kay, Siobhan Corrigan, Dubhfeasa Slattery, Paul O'Connor, Foreign Object Management in Irish Healthcare with Specific Reference to Surgery and Obstetrics. Report to the HRB., October 2017, 2017, p1 - 58Report
  • Alison Kay Sam Cromie, Katie O"Byrne, Siobhán Corrigan, Dubhfeasa Slattery, Paul O"Connor, Deliverable 2: A study of foreign object management in surgical and obstetric procedures in two Irish hospitals. Report to the HRB., May 2022, 2022Report
  • Alison Kay, Sam Cromie, Katie O'Byrne, Siobhan Corrigan, Dubhfeasa Slattery, Paul O'Connor, Deliverable 3: Foreign Object Management Toolkits for Surgery, Midwifery and Obstetrics in two Irish hospitals. Report to the HRB., November 2022, 2022Report
  • Alison Kay, Sam Cromie, Katie O'Byrne, Siobhan Corrigan, Dubhfeasa Slattery, Paul O'Connor, Deliverable 4: Evaluation report of the pilot implementation of new foreign object management processes in two Irish Hospitals. Report to the HRB., 2023Report
  • Sam Cromie, Alison Kay, Natalie Duda, Siobhan Corrigan, Dubhfeasa Slattery, Paul O'Connor, Deliverable 5: Dissemination -Ensuring impact in healthcare and academia. Report to the HRB., 2023Report
  • Sam Cromie Michael Gormley Katie Crowley Joan Cahill Nora Balfe Ciaran Doyle Ann Hever Christine McGarrigle Eamonn Kenny Sonja Herman Robert Ross Declan McKibben, Older Driver Condition Monitoring: Objectives & Priorities, 2018Report
  • Sam Cromie, Trinity Stamina Ltd, 2011Campus Company
  • Sam Cromie, Derek Ross, Evangelos Demosthenous, Loukia Loukopoulos , 'A Whole Batch of Problems', STAMINA BPM Training Course, Dublin, 2011, -Film production
  • Derek Ross, Loukia Loukopopolous, Evangelos Demosthenous, Andreas, Hadjinicolaou, Siobhan Corrigan, Sam Cromie, STAMINA BPM Training Course, 2011, -Miscellaneous
  • Sam Cromie, Evangelos Demosthenous, Derval Cromie, 'Supersonic Aviation Videos', Dublin, Trinity Stamina Ltd, 2013, -Film production

Research Expertise

Most organisational systems operate with simplistic notions of how humans interact with equipment, procedures, organisational rules and culture. Aviation pioneered prioritising the human factors (HF) evidence-base design and operations. My research strength - across" is extending and promoting this evidence-base across a diverse research portfolio of topics/sectors - e.g., culpability judgements, foreign object retention (FOR) in healthcare, sustainable travel and self-help group (SHG) impact. "Just Culture" (JC) policy promotes fair treatment of staff involved in incidents; but it lacks foundation in empirical data and theory. My culpability decision making research generates this scientific foundation, influencing JC implementation in aviation, healthcare and rail. FOR is a persistent healthcare problem despite decades of attention. My research elucidates the human and cultural factors underlying failure of current procedures, highlighting how to enhance them. Reducing medication-related harm is a HSE strategic priority. My School of Pharmacy collaboration elucidates the HF of medication management in key contexts such as transitions of care. Promoting sustainable travel relies largely on guilt or crude financial incentives. My collaboration with School of Engineering & ADAPT applies behaviour change models developing nuanced evidence-based strategies. SHGs are effective in combating poverty in the global south. My research elucidates psychosocial impacts and what makes these groups effective, leading to a refined SHG model. I am proud of the role I have played, along with my Centre for Innovative Human Systems (CIHS) colleagues, in building a strong model of real-world human factors research. This is yielding substantial funding (€5m+ personally - EU, HRB, SFI and Industry; €1m+ annually for CIHS) that give us a leadership national role in patient safety and traffic medicine research. My research has significant social (policy & practice across sectors) and academic impact (40+ peer-reviewed papers including high impact international journals, e.g. Safety Science, 4.7 Impact Factor).

  • Title
    Participatory interface design for ground collision avoidance technology designed by TCD computer science. Gerry Lacey was principal investigator.
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland
  • Title
    Incident investigation in the health services
    Funding Agency
    Date From
  • Title
    Developing a multi-faceted approach to reducing and mitigating the risk of foreign object retention
    Over 1,000 Irish FOR incidents between 2011 and 2015 represent unnecessary suffering patients, reputational cost/damage to the healthcare service, institution and clinician and financial cost in claims and rework. FOR is an intractable human factors problem because removing materials after a task is not integrated into the natural task sequence, thus more susceptible to a "lapse" error. While the problem traverses tasks and industries the challenges can be specific to the sector, organisation, team, task and object. Generic risk controls need to be tailored to the specific context. Healthcare-specific human factors may be the hierarchical structure of medical/surgical teams, interdisciplinary communication, the culture around "speaking up" and the training history in a "conservative profession". The objective of this research project will be to integrate the best of existing methods into a foreign object management process and an implementation roadmap. The foreign object management process is a generic process which can be customised for application to diverse contexts. The implementation roadmap is a framework for introducing, customising and embedding the process in a hospital, including stakeholder identification and engagement, training, resourcing and continuous improvement. Two pilot hospitals have been chosen to analyse surgical and obstetric services. Two groups of stakeholders from the pilot hospitals will be identified and engaged with throughout the project - process stakeholders (surgeons, obstetricians, theatre nurses, midwives) and system stakeholders (hospital administrators, educators, device manufacturers, risk managers, patient representatives, indemnifiers, regulators). The project brings together an experienced multi-disciplinary team from human factors, psychology, risk & change management, surgery, obstetrics /gynaecology, nursing/midwifery. Human factors and risk management tools - process modelling, bowtie, stakeholder analysis - will be applied to analyse the challenges and develop the most effective solutions. The project team includes stakeholders in key positions in the health services to enable effective execution, dissemination and uptake of the projects results.
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    December 2016
    Date To
    December 2018
  • Title
    The social and psychological mechanisms and outcomes of self-help groups in Ethiopia
    A number of studies have confirmed that the Self Help Group (SHG) approach brings about various levels of change and empowerment while accumulating financial capital, as well as being cost-effective. Tearfund's underlying theory of change asserts that relationships and social capital are key towards achieving this. However studies conducted so far have touched on this, yet not researched this mechanism in depths from a psychological perspective. Emphasis has been largely on tangible benefits, though a psychological lens is believed to reveal intangible mechanisms and benefits. It is anticipated that a better understanding of the role of relationships and social capital in the SHGs will further improve the quality of the implementation if the Self Help Group approach. This research aims to: . Evaluate the impact of SHGs on the social, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of their members . Elucidate the features SHGs which promote, and those that may hamper, achieving this impact . Elaborate and adjust the Tearfund theory of change for SHG The study comprises mixed methods study of ten SHGs. The SHGs were chosen deliberately to include: . Five young ( less than 2 years) and five older ( more than 5 years) SHGs . High (5), Medium (4) and Low (1) functioning SHGs . SHGs from two regions - Oromiya and Wolaita Four data collection methods are being used in the study Surveys of the SHG members, including: o Demographic data o Self-evaluations of current status and changes since joining the SHG in finances, health, education, and wellbeing o Standardised scales of key psycho-social and spiritual dimensions o Team evaluation items In-depth focus groups with the SHGs focussed on elaborating their understanding of how the SHGs work, how they influence change in their members' lives and what the key mechanisms are Profiling of SHGs using a structured interview with key informants and reference to data gathered by Tearfund or its partners: o Date of formation, location, ethnic and religious composition, etc. o Local socio-political and economic context o Any significant events in the history of the SHG - internal conflicts, members leaving, drought challenges Semi-structured observations of the focus groups to gather data on non-verbal behaviours and team interactions
    Funding Agency
    BuZa/Tear, and co-funded by Tearfund and Tearfund Ireland
    Date From
    November 2016
    Date To
    May 2017
  • Title
    Innovation through Human Factors in risk analysis and management (InnHF)
    The INNHF main objective is to formalize an approach and make it possible to integrate the current and developing assessment methods recommended or required by recognized industrial standards and methodologies, with an easy to use but complete human factors and system health management approach, the following goals will be achieved: 1) Review of the applicability of most the recent generation of standards that are not yet fully acquired by different industries and verification of their effectiveness in safety assessment. 2) Devising a method to account qualitatively and quantitatively for the human factor in the wider applied risk assessment methodologies. Verifying how a proper account of the impact of human and organizational factors (H&OF) in the operational phase may provide a sensitive change in the results of the assessments. 3) Reviewing the methods to account qualitatively and quantitatively for maintenance effectiveness, also taking into account HOFs, verifying how a proper account of the maintenance strategy may provide a sensitive change in the results of the assessments. 4) To translate the results of the analysis performed through the novel approach in a factual design improvement initiative for new or existing plant or machinery able to provide leverage for competitive advantage (maximum availability, minimum unscheduled shutdowns of production, economic maintenance, minimum incident and accident). 5) The final objective of the project will be the development of a training program aimed at covering all the technical areas of expertise necessary to successfully carry out the case studies objectives. This training program will be initially rolled out internally to provide new researcher with a set of innovative skills to maximize the employment prospects for new researchers in large and/or SM enterprises. Further the training materials and content developed will also be offered to the wider community of the relevant industrial domains for the purpose of testing and dissemination.
    Funding Agency
    EU FP7
    Date From
    Nov 2011
    Date To
    Oct 2015
  • Title
    Developing Human Factors training tailored to the Bio-Pharma-Medica industry.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Through the use of virtual and augmented reality technology (VR / AR), the ManuVAR project will demonstrate that high value, high knowledge manual work presents an opportunity to improve the competitiveness of EU industries. ManuVar ( http://www.manuvar.eu/ ) is a European comprises 18 partner organisations across 8 countries.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Application of VR solutions to training, risk assessment and safety management
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Grabnow AML
    Developing an e-learning solution for training aviation maintenance technicians
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland
  • Title
    Collaboration with Clinical Speech and Language to develop an application of voice analysis technology to enhance team performance Principal investigator: Brian Vaughan
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland


  • European Aviation Maintenance Training Committee - Invited Member 2011
  • Irish Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Date
  • EQUIPS: The Evidence-Based QUality Improvement and Patient Safety Research Network for Ireland 2024
  • CIEHF Human Factors in Pharma Interest Group Date
  • Psychological Society of Ireland 1998
  • Joint Aviation Authority Maintenance Human Factors Subcommittee 2004
  • Q Community. A community of people across the UK and Ireland, collaborating to improve the safety and quality of health and care. 2024
  • Safety in Health Systems Group - Ireland Date
  • Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors Date
  • PhD External examiner for Avondale University 2024
  • Advisor to the Irish Air Corps on their implementation of human factors training. The role was to propose an integrated training concept for maintenance, flight crew, and air traffic management. 2023
  • Member of Water for Cameroon Ireland (WFCI) Working Group. This is a group that meets muti-annually to advise the Projects Manager on strategy, governance and ethics. WFCI is a charity that support sustainable community-led water projects in Cameroon. 2017