Dr. Mathew Mc Cauley
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Email mmccaul@tcd.ie Phone3531896 4387https://tcd-tmhrg.orgBiography
Dr Mathew McCauley is Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at TCD. He serves as a Principal Researcher in Trinity's Centre for Psychological Health and is Founder of TCD's Military Health Research Group. Mathew is a Consultant Military Clinical Psychologist. He has served as a Consultant Clinical Psychology Researcher within NATO's Science and Technology Organisation. Mathew's background also includes 20 years of service across international military healthcare systems, with his doctoral training completed via Britain's National Health Service and at the UK's Royal Centre for Defence Medicine. Mathew is a recipient of the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 19 (Society for Military Psychology) Presidential Citation for "exceptional leadership, service, and international clinical and research contributions in advancing the science and practice of military psychology." He was also elected Fellow of the APA through Division 19, reflecting his international contributions in the field of psychology. His teaching, research and publishing are in the areas of military psychology, clinical health psychology, psychotherapy, and qualitative research. Education: BA, PGDip, PGDip, MSc, PGCHE, PsyD, MA(jo)
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- McCauley, M. , Resiliency & Psychological Trauma in Military Populations. , Annual Conference, Irish College of Psychiatry., Dublin, Ireland., 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Carroll, M., Barbour, O., McCauley, M., et al., The Application of Mindfulness in the Irish Defence Forces, Defence Forces Ireland, 2016Report, 2016
- McCauley, M., Butcher, F., Carr, K., & Hacker Hughes, J., The Case for Defence and Security, The Psychologist, 29, 2016Journal Article, 2016
- Clifford, C., Hill, C., McCauley, M., Pekkala, D., & Precious. D., 'Military Resilience Update ', DCPS, JMC. JFC, UK Ministry of Defence, 2015, 1 - 4Protocol or guideline, 2015
- Ryan, M., McCauley, M., & Walsh, D., The Virtuous Circle: A Grounded Theory Exploration of the Good Lives Model, Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, (June), 2018, p1 - 22Journal Article, 2018
- McCauley, M., O'Brien, D., Barbour, O., Madigan, S., & Fallon, C. , Psychological Health in the Irish Defence Forces., An Cosantoir, 77, (9), 2017, p19 - 21Journal Article, 2017
- McCauley, M. & O'Brien, D., Military Clinical Psychology in the Irish Defence Forces, The Irish Psychologist, 44, (1), 2017, p10 - 15Journal Article, 2017
- McCauley, M. & Melly, S., Defence Clinical Psychology in the UK Armed Forces, Defence Mental Health Symposium, Ministry of Defence UK, 6-8 June 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- McDonnell, E., Hevey, D., McCauley, M., & Ducray, K.N., Exploration of Associations Between Early Maladaptive Schemas, Impaired Emotional Regulation, Coping Strategies and Resilience in Opioid Dependent Poly-Drug Users, Substance Use & Misuse, 53, (14), 2018, p2320 - 2329Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Walker, F., Liebling, H., McCauley, M., Barnard, D., & Simmonds, S., Experiences of Military Transition. , University of Warwick Publication Service & Warwick Research Archive Portal (WRAP), 2015Published Abstract, 2015
- Walker, F., McCauley, M., Barnard, D., Liebling, H., & Simmonds, S., Transition into Civilian Life: Exploring Army Veterans Experiences of Military Relationships. , The Psychological Well-being of the Military in Transition. British Psychological Society, 3rd Military Psychology Conference., The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham, UK., November 5-6., British Psychological Society, , 2014Poster, 2014
- McCauley, M. , Critical Incident Stress Management Systems in the Irish Fire Service: TCD Research Findings. Study conducted by D. Hevey, C. Wilson, & M. McCauley, Trinity Research Centre for Psychological Health, School of Psychology, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Chief Fire Officers Association, Annual Conference, Kilarney, Ireland, 4-5 May, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- McCauley, M. , Mental Health in the Military: Addressing the Myths., CPD Seminar, Irish Society of Occupational Medicine & Medico-Legal Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 07 September 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- McCauley, M. & Breeze, J., Dispatches from the editor: military psychology, a force multiplier, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, (2), 2019, p63 - 64Journal Article, 2019
- Hacker Hughes, J., McCauley, M., & Wilson, L., History of military psychology, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, (2), 2019, p68 - 70Journal Article, 2019
- Norris, R. & McCauley, M., Defence Clinical Psychology Service: an overview of clinical psychology in the UK Ministry of Defence, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, (2), 2019, p71 - 73Journal Article, 2019
- Sturgeon-Clegg, I. & McCauley, M., Military psychologists and cultural competence: exploring implications for the manifestation and treatment of psychological trauma in the British armed forces, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, (2), 2019, p80 - 86Journal Article, 2019
- Sturgeon-Clegg, I., Hurn, H., & McCauley, M., Neuropsychology and clinical health psychology in the UK Ministry of Defence, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, (2), 2019, p87 - 89Journal Article, 2019
- Frappell-Cooke, W. & McCauley, M. , Military psychological trauma and therapy: a review of EMDR treatment and supervision in the UK Ministry of Defence, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, (2), 2019, p90 - 93Journal Article, 2019
- Clifford, C. & McCauley, M., Male psychosexual therapy in the UK military, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, (2), 2019, p94 - 97Journal Article, 2019
- Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165, 2, (2019), 63 - 138p, McCauley, M., [eds.], 2017-2019Journal, 2019
- O'Shea, E., McCauley, M. & O'Brien, D. , Tele-mental health and psychosocial support: A case for implementation with Irish Defence Forces personnel. , Defence Forces Review, 2019, p85 - 92Journal Article, 2019
- McCauley, M., Psychological Resilience and Military Operational Stress, Scientific Meeting of the Irish Society of Military Medicine, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 12 April , 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- McCauley, M., Operation Bushmaster, An Cosantoir, 80, (01), 2020, p24 - 25Journal Article, 2020
- O'Shea, E., McCauley, M., & O'Brien, D., Support From Afar: The Potential of Technology to Support Mental Wellbeing., An Cosantoir, 80, (01), 2020, p18 - 20Journal Article, 2020
- McCauley, M., Psychological Medicine and Covid19., An Cosantoir, 80, (06), 2020, p12 - 13Journal Article, 2020
- Collins, R., McCauley, M., & Norris, R., UK Military Clinical Psychology During Covid19., The Military Psychologist., 35, (2), 2020, p18 - 21Journal Article, 2020
- McCauley, M., Simulation Based Education in Clinical Psychology: An International Perspective., American Psychological Association 2020 Convention: Division 19, Society for Military Psychology., 6-9 August., 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- O'Brien, D & McCauley, M., Covid19 and Defence Mental Health: The Journey of the Military Clinical Psychologist. , The Irish Psychologist, 46, (6), 2020, p152 - 156Journal Article, 2020
- Lalor, J. & McCauley, M., A Phenomenological Exploration of the Meaning of Resilience and Stress for Soldiers in the Irish Defence Forces., The Irish Psychologist - Supplement., 50th Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland., 19-20 November, 2020, 46, (5), Psychological Society of Ireland., 2020, ppS14 - S14Published Abstract, 2020
- Dillon, M. & McCauley, M., Transitioning from Military Service to Civilian Life: Psychosocial Experiences of Military Veterans following Discharge from the Irish Defence Forces, Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Dublin, 8 November 2019, Psychological Society of Ireland, 2019, pp506 - 506Published Abstract, 2019
- Langford, R., Liebling, H., McCauley, M. & Bowen, C., Interpersonal Relationships and Military Trauma, Warwick Research Archive Portal (WRAP), University of Warwick Publication Service, 2013Published Abstract, 2013
- Mitchell, N., McCauley., M., O'Brien, D., & Wilson, C., Mental Health and Resilience in the Irish Defense Forces during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Military Psychology, 35, (5), 2023, p383 - 393Journal Article, 2023
- Doran, G., McCauley, M., & Murphy, D., Factors Influencing the Salience of Military/Veteran Identity Post-Discharge: A Scoping Review, Journal of Veterans Studies, 8, (1), 2022, p231 - 246Journal Article, 2022
- A History of Military Psychology in, editor(s)Kennedy, C. & Zillmer, E. , Military Psychology: Clinical and Operational Applications., New York, NY, Guildford Press, 2022, [McCauley, M., Zillmer, E., & Kennedy, C.]Book Chapter, 2022
- Landoll, R., Donmoyer, B., Goodie, J., McCauley, M. & Diehl. A. , Stories from the Field: How to Create Interprofessional Health Readiness. Division 19, Society Military Psychology., American Psychological Association Convention., Minneapolis, USA, 3-5 Auguste, 2022., 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- McCauley, M. , International Military Psychology: A British and Irish Perspective. Division 19, Society Military Psychology., American Psychological Association Convention., Minneapolis, 3-5 August, 2022., 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- EMDR with a Military Population in, editor(s)Farrell, D., Schubert, S., & Kiernan, M. , The Oxford Handbook of EMDR, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2023, ppC29S1 - C29N, [Bradley-Scholey, S., McCauley, M., Whybrow, D., & Hurley, E.C.]Book Chapter, 2023
- McCauley, M., Myers to McCauley: A Century of Military Psychology in Britain and Ireland, The Military Psychologist., 38, (1), 2023, p11 - 17Journal Article, 2023
- O'Loughlin, M. & McCauley, M., Men Farmers Experiences of Identity Following Lower Limb Amputation due to Traumatic Farming Accidents: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study., Traumatology, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Diehl, A., Donmoyer, B., & McCauley, M., Simulation Based Interprofessional Education: Enhancing Operational Readiness in Military Behavioural Healthcare., ., UK Defence Mental Health Symposium, Defence Medical Academy, Whittington Barracks, Lichfield, UK., 25 October 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- McCauley, M. & Sessions, H., Clinical Psychology in the UK Defence Medical Services., Ministry of Defence Psychology Conference., British Army Headquarters, Andover, Hampshire, UK., 22 June 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Davenport, L., McCauley, M., Breheny, E., Smyth, L., Gaughan, M., Tubridy, N., Guigan, M., & O'Keefe, F., Neuropsychological outcomes following HSCT in MS: A systematic review, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 88, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Dolan, G., McCauley, M., & Murphy, D., Military Adverse Childhood Experiences: Ex-Servicemen"s Experience of Military Discharge and Its Impact on Their Sense of Identity., The Humanistic Psychologist, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Schnellbacher, S. & McCauley, M., Preface to the special edition: personalised medicine in military mental health and performance, British Medical Journal: Military Health, 170, (5), 2024, p377 - 378Journal Article, 2024
- Davenport. L., McCauley, M., Smyth, L., Reynolds, A., Gaughan, M., Tubridy, N., McGuigan, C., & O'Keefe, F., A qualitative study on the experiences of autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant for Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 92, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Rhind, S., Michael, G., McCauley, M., Pangburn, H., Forbes, D., Murphy, D., Geuze, E., McGurk, D., Jetly, R., and Wynn, G., Personalized Medicine in Military Mental Health and Performance, NATO STO HFM-281 RTG, PUB REF NBR E.G. STO-TR-IST-999, NATO Science and Technology Organisation, 2024Report, 2024
- Lalor, J., Chatfield, S., & McCauley, M., `We learn how to dig deep and get through it": An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the meaning of resilience and stress for soldiers in the Irish Defence Forces, Qualitative Methods in Psychology Bulletin, (38), 2024, p6 - 22Journal Article, 2024
- History of Aeromedical Psychology in, editor(s)C. Kennedy & G. Kay , Aeromedical psychology, Ashgate Publications, 2013, pp1 - 17, [Olson, T., McCauley, M., & Kennedy, C. ]Book Chapter, 2013
- McCauley, M, Liebling-Kalifani, H. & Hacker Hughes, J. , Military Mental Health Professionals on Operational Deployment: An Exploratory Study., Community Mental Health Journal., 48, (2 ), 2012, p238 - 248Journal Article, 2012
- McCauley, M. , Rising to the Challenge: Civilian Clinical Psychology in the USAF. , The Air Force Psychologist, 30 , (1), 2010, p6 - 7Journal Article, 2010
- McCauley, M, Hacker Hughes, J. & Liebling-Kalifani, H. , Wellbeing of Military Mental Health Staff. , Mental Health Practice, 14, (4), 2010, p14 - 19Journal Article, 2010
- McCauley, M, Hacker Hughes, J. and Liebling-Kalifani, H. , Ethical Considerations for Military Clinical Psychologists: A Review of Selected Literature., Military Psychology, 20, 2008, p7 - 20Journal Article, 2008
- McCauley, M., Norris, R. & Searle, Y. , Mental Healthcare at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine., UK, Ministry of Defence BZN/ClinPsych03/06/McC/DCMH, 2006Report, 2006
- McCauley, M. , Outpatient Psychology: Listening to our Clients, On Course, 16, 2005, p8 - 9Journal Article, 2005
- McCauley, M., Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, Blackrock Clinic Consultants Journal, (July), 2013Journal Article, 2013
- McCauley, M., Psychological Treatment of PTSD in the Military, PIPSIG Educational Meeting. Irish College of Psychiatry., Dublin, Ireland, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- McCauley, M., Occupational Mental Health in Military Populations., Continuing Professional Development Training Event, Dublin, Ireland, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- McCauley, M. (ed.), Military Mental Health Professionals: Occupational Issues Faced on Deployment and Subsequent Symptoms of Psychological Well-Being. , Gosport, UK, 2005, 2005Proceedings of a Conference, 2005
- McCauley, M., Mental Health Professionals and War., 3rd International Conference on Social Justice, Coventry, UK, 2005, 2005Poster, 2005
- McCauley, M., Mental Health Clinicians on Operational Deployment, 2nd Annual RAF Psychiatry Symposium, . Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Amport House, Hampshire, UK, 2006, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Lancaster, D. & McCauley, M. , Bio-Feedback in Military Mental Healthcare. , 3rd Annual RAF Psychiatric Symposium., RAF Akritiri, Cyprus, 2007, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- McCauley, M., Psychological Resilience on Operational Deployment. , Traumatic Stress Response Seminar., 48th Medical Group, United States Air Force, 2008Invited Talk, 2008
- McCauley, M., Traumatic Risk Management (TRiM): A British Model for Managing Psychological Trauma in the Military. , Traumatic Stress Response Seminar., 48th Medical Group, United States Air Force, 2009Invited Talk, 2009
- McCauley, M., Shapland, W., Odysseos, M., et al., Defence Mental Health Symposium, Ministry of Defence UK., 16-18 October, 2013, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, ShrivenhamMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2013
- McCauley, M., Shapland, W., Odysseos, M., et al., Defence Mental Health Symposium, Ministry of Defence UK., 8-10 October, 2012, 48th Fighter Wing, United States Air Force, RAF Lakenheath, UKMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2012
- McCauley, M., Operational Applications of Psychology in the Military, Faculty of Military Medicine, Irish Defence Forces, January, 2016Oral Presentation
- McCauley, M., Expert Panel on Psychological Trauma in Medicine, MedFest: Framing Trauma, Conflict, and Medicine, March, 2016Oral Presentation
- Hevey, D., Wilson, C., & McCaulely, M., Critical Incident Stress Management in the Irish Fire Service., May, 2016Report
- McCauley, M., Remembering the Battle of the Somme: the Rathmichael Parish Experience, Battle of the Somme Centenary Service, Rathmichael Church, July 3, 2016Oral Presentation
- McCauley, M., Rathmichael Parish and the Great War: Reflections on Sacrifice , Rememberance Sunday Service, Rathmichael Church, 13 November, 2016Oral Presentation
- McCauley, M., PTSD and Military Healthcare, Irish Defence Forces, Personnel Support Services, Annual Training Camp, Galway, Sept, 2016Oral Presentation
- McCauley, M, , An Investigation into the Practice of Mental Healthcare during Operational Deployments: Psychosocial Implications for Military Mental Health Professionals. , University of Warwick, 2006Thesis
- McCauley, M., Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment., Clinical Rounds: Continuing Medical Education Training., Dublin, Ireland, 2012Oral Presentation
- McCauley, M., 'Expert commentary on the psychological effects on victims of kidnapping. ', Kidnapped: Ireland's Tiger Raids, Ireland, TV3, 2014, -Film production, URL
Research Expertise
Adult mental health, military psychology, psychological trauma, clinical health psychology, psychotherapy, and occupational mental health.
TitleGood Lives Model: Mechanisms of ChangeSummaryDoctoral Supervision of research by Miriam RyanFunding AgencyHSEDate From2013Date To2016
TitleThe effect of deployment-related mental health difficulties on the spouses/partners of Irish Defence service personnelSummarySupervision of doctoral thesis by Sinéad Ní ChaoláinFunding AgencyHSEDate From2017
TitleFamilies' experiences of the deinstitutionalisation...SummaryFamilies' experiences of the deinstitutionalisation of Intellectual Disability Services: A grounded theory approach. Supervision of Doctoral research by Eimear GouldingFunding AgencyHSEDate From2012Date To2015
TitleEarly maladaptive schemas in the opioid using population and its effect on emotional regulation, coping styles and resilienceSummaryCo-supervision of thesis by Emma McDonnellFunding AgencyHSEDate From2015Date To2018
TitleCAMS: Exploring the Process of Change in Resolving SuicidalitySummarySupervision of Doctoral study by Suzanne FinneganFunding AgencyHSEDate From2013Date To2016
TitleExperiences of siblings of young people with spinal cord injury...SummaryExperiences of siblings of young people with spinal cord injury: A qualitative exploration. Supervision of Doctoral study by Claire KeoghFunding AgencyHSEDate From2012Date To2015
TitleFemales' experience of suicidal ideation during emerging adulthood: a grounded theory approach Louise HickeySummarySupervision of doctoral thesis by Louise Hickey.Date From2017Date To2018
TitleThe Impact of Peacekeeping Deployments on the Mental Health of Service Personnel in the Irish Defence Forces: The Role of Attachment in Post-Deployment AdjustmentSummarySupervision of doctoral thesis by Aoife MoloneyFunding AgencyHSE
TitleEvaluating the use of CISM in the Irish Fire ServiceSummaryCo-Authoring with Prof Hevey and Prof WilsonFunding AgencyIrish Fire ServiceDate From2015Date To2016
TitlePsychosocial implications for spouses of services members with operationally-attributable mental health difficulties.SummarySupervision of doctoral research by Rosie LangfordFunding AgencyNHSDate From2011Date To2014
TitleTransitioning from Military Service to Civilian Life: Psychosocial Experiences of Military Veterans following Discharge from the Irish Defence ForcesSummarySupervision of MSc study by Marina Dillon.Date From2016Date To2017
TitleQualitative examination of the role of emotions in non-epileptic attack disorder (NEAD)SummarySupervision of doctoral thesis by Emer McDormottFunding AgencyHSE
TitleA grounded theory exploration of older adults' experiences of engagement in psychological therapySummarySupervision of doctoral thesis by Lisa HarperFunding AgencyHSEDate From2017
TitleTransition into civilian life: Exploring Army veterans experiences of military relationshipsSummarySupervision of Doctoral research by Felicity Walker.Funding AgencyNHSDate From2012Date To2015
Psychology and cognitive sciences, Clinical and health psychology,
- Chartered Scientist, Science Council, UK Current
- Fellow, Royal Academy of Medicine, Ireland Current
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK Current
- Associate Fellow, British Psychological Society, UK Current
- Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine, UK Current
- Registered/Licensed Clinical Psychologist Current
- Registered, Tricare, Military Health System, Department of Defense, USA Current
- Registered Europsy Psychologist Current
- Member, Society for Military Psychology, Division 19, American Psychological Association, USA Current
- Fellow, American Psychological Association, USA Current
- Member, American Psychological Association, USA Current
- Member, Faculty of Clinical Health Psychology, British Psychological Society, UK Current