Dr. Maeve Bracken
Assistant Prof / MSc ABA (Part-Time), Psychology
Email mbracken@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1337Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Doherty, A., Bracken, M. & Gormley, L., Teaching Children with Autism to Initiate and Respond to Peer Mands using a Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Behavior Analysis in Practice, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Gormley, L., Healy, O., O' Sullivan, B., O'Regan, D., Grey, I. & Bracken, M., The Impact of Behaviour Skills Training on the Knowledge, Skills, and Well-being of Frontline Staff in the Intellectual Disability Sector: A Clustered Randomised Control Trial, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2019, pdoi: 10.1111/jir.12630Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Penrose, H., Gormley, L., Bracken, M. & Barron, B , Training Therapists in Presession Pairing Skills to Increase Life Skill Acquisition Rates, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 2020, p339 - 347Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- McCarthy, K. & Bracken, M. , The effects of emotionally and semantically opposite stimuli on the emergence of transitive relations, Irish Psychologist , 18, (3), 1991, p23-Journal Article, 1991
- Tierney, K.J., Bracken, M., Harland, R., & DeLargey, P , Matching-to-sample training using visual and haptic stimuli, Irish Psychologist , 20, (3), 1993, p33-Journal Article, 1993
- Tierney, K.J., DeLargey, P. & Bracken, M. , Formation of equivalence class incorporating haptic stimuli, Psychological, Record, , 45, 1995, p431 - 437Journal Article, 1995
- Tierney, K.J., Bracken, M., McKay, C. & Peoples, M, ). Prior Learning and Equivalence Class Formation, Psychological Record, 48, 1998Journal Article, 1998
- Stimulus Equivalence and Behavior Therapy in, editor(s)W O'Donohue , Learning and Behavior Therapy, Allyn & Bacon, 1998, [Tierney, K.J., & Bracken, M]Book Chapter, 1998
- Tierney, K.J., DeLargey, P., Harland, R. & Bracken, M. , Haptic Perception and Stimulus Equivalence , 20th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Kalamazoo, , 1994Conference Paper
- Brunsden, V., Davies, M., Shevlin, M., Bracken, M., Why do HE students drop-out? A test of Tinto's model, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 24, (3), 2000, p301 - 310Journal Article, 2000
- Bracken M, Rohrer N, Using an adapted form of the Picture Exchange Communication System to increase independent requesting in deafblind adults with learning disabilities., Research in developmental disabilities, 35, (2), 2013, p269-277Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Maeve Bracken, Sheena Morrissey, Use of a Tactile Pager Prompt to Reduce rates of Rapid Eating in Three Adults with Dual Diagnoses, Association for Behavior Analysis International, Granada, Spain, Nov 2011Conference Paper
- Gemmarose O Brien, Maeve Bracken, The Influence Of A Differential Reinforcement Of Lower Rates Of Behaviours Protocol With An Embedded Token Economy To Reduce Verbal And Physical Aggression Among Children In The Playground Of An Inner City Apartment Complex As Part Of A Group Contingency, Psychological Society of Ireland, Division of Behaviour Analysis, Dublin, April 2012Conference Paper
- Maeve Bracken, Li Wu, The Differential Effects of Twin, Peer, and Adult Video Models on Academic Skill Acquisition in Autistic Twin Children, Psycholocial Society of Ireland, Division of Behaviour Analysis, Galway, April 2013Conference Paper
- Maeve Bracken, Applied Behaviour Analysis and Children with ASD, Wexford, Sept , 2015, Cottage Autism NetworkInvited Talk, TARA - Full Text
- Psychological Society of Ireland: Division of behaviour Analysis, The Eighth Annual Conference of the Division of Behaviour Analysis , April 4th + 5th 2014, In:The Eighth Annual Conference of the Division of Behaviour Analysis , 2014, Athlone, IrelandMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland: Division of Behaviour Analysis , The Ninth Annual Conference of the Division of Behaviour Analysis , April 17th,18th 2015, In:The Ninth Annual Conference of the Division of Behaviour Analysis , 2015, Galway, IrelandMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland: Division of Behaviour Analysis, The Tenth Annual Conference of the Division of Behaviour Analysis , June 10th, 11th 2016, In:The Tenth Annual Conference of the Division of Behaviour Analysis , 2016, Maynooth, IrelandMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland: Division of Behaviour Analysis, Ethics & Supervision for BCBAs, Nov 15th, 16th 2013, In:Ethics & Supervision for BCBAs, 2013, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland: Division of Behaviour Analysis, BCBA Supervisor Post Certification Training, Dec 6th 2014, In:BCBA Supervisor Post Certification Training , 2014, PSI Offices Grantham St DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland: Division of Behaviour Analysis, BCBA Supervisor Post Certification Training , Nov 28th 2015, In:BCBA Supervisor Post Certification Training , 2015, PSI Offices Grantham St DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Maeve Bracken, A Behavioural View Of Sleep Through The Lifespan: Professor Neville Blampied, July 29th 2014, In:A Behavioural View Of Sleep Through The Lifespan, 2014, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland: Division of Behaviour Analysis, Data Science for Behaviour Analysts, Teachers, and Parents: Prof Rick Kubina, March 12th 2016, In:Data Science for Behaviour Analysts, Teachers, and Parents, 2016, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland, Division of Behavour Analysis, 40th Anniversary Conference, 11/05/16-13/05/16, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Psychological Society of Ireland, Division of Behavour Analysis, 13th annual conference Division of Behavour Analysis Ireland, 26/04/18-28/04/18, In:13th annual conference Division of Behavour Analysis Ireland, Galway Bay Hotel, GalwayMeetings /Conferences Organised
Research Expertise
TitleEffect of reward and loss on P3 amplitudeSummaryThe purpose of this study was to see how a person's brain processes consequences, such as monetary reward or loss. It was expected that the degree of brain activity would be greatest when individuals receive both monetary gain for correct responses AND monetary loss for incorrect responses. Lesser activity is expected when only monetary gain or loss is used and the least amount of activity when responses have no monetary consequences. The aim of this study was to see which combination of consequences (gain AND loss, only gain, only loss) results in greatest brain activity.Funding AgencyStart-up Lecturers FundDate FromSept 2009Date ToSept 2010
Education, Psychology and cognitive sciences,
- Chartered Member of the Psychological Society of Ireland. Member of the PSI Division of Applied Behaviour Analysis current
- Association of Professional Behavior Analysts present
- European Association of Behaviour Analysis present
- Association of Behavior Analysis International present