Dr. Clare Kelly
Associate Professor, Psychology
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Email kellyc58@tcd.ie Phone3531896Biography
Clare Kelly PhD is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology and Department of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, and a Principal Investigator at Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (https://immalab.wordpress.com/). Clare received her BA in Psychology in 2002 and PhD in Psychology in 2006, both from Trinity College Dublin. Since then, Clare has worked as a developmental cognitive neuroscientist whose research has largely focused on using translational brain imaging techniques to better understand psychiatric conditions by tracing the origins of these conditions in the developing brain. More recently, Clare's focus has broadened to include teaching, research, and advocacy on the climate and biodiversity crisis. She has been awarded Trinity's Sustainability Leadership Award and the School of Psychology's Teaching Award for her commitment to undergraduate education for sustainable development and her undergraduate module and Trinity Elective, The Psychology of the Climate Crisis (https://www.tcd.ie/trinity-electives/electives/psychology-climate-crisis/). She recently co-authored the paper "Rethinking Academia in a Time of Climate Crisis" (https://elifesciences.org/articles/84991), which argues that many aspects of scientific culture and practice act as a barrier to climate action. Inspired by Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics (https://www.kateraworth.com/doughnut/), the paper proposes seven new ways of thinking that will help us to reimagine academia in a way that works better for people and enables climate action. Her Google Scholar Author Profile is available here: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1_bjrikAAAAJ&hl=en
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Yang Z, Kelly C, Castellanos FX, Leon T, Milham MP, Adler LA, Neural Correlates of Symptom Improvement Following Stimulant Treatment in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder., Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 2016Journal Article, 2016
- Yang Z, Zuo XN, McMahon KL, Craddock RC, Kelly C, de Zubicaray GI, Hickie I, Bandettini PA, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Wright MJ, Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Functional Connectivity Architecture of the Human Brain., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 26, (5), 2016, p2341-52Journal Article, 2016
- Yoncheva YN, Somandepalli K, Reiss PT, Kelly C, Di Martino A, Lazar M, Zhou J, Milham MP, Castellanos FX, Mode of Anisotropy Reveals Global Diffusion Alterations in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55, (2), 2016, p137-45Journal Article, 2016
- Somandepalli K, Kelly C, Reiss PT, Zuo XN, Craddock RC, Yan CG, Petkova E, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Di Martino A, Short-term test-retest reliability of resting state fMRI metrics in children with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 15, 2015, p83-93Journal Article, 2015
- Vanderwal T, Kelly C, Eilbott J, Mayes LC, Castellanos FX, Inscapes: A movie paradigm to improve compliance in functional magnetic resonance imaging., NeuroImage, 122, 2015, p222-32Journal Article, 2015
- Jollans L, Zhipeng C, Icke I, Greene C, Kelly C, Banaschewski T, Bokde AL, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Cattrell A, Conrod PJ, Desrivières S, Flor H, Frouin V, Gallinat J, Garavan H, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Martinot JL, Artiges E, Nees F, Papadopoulos Orfanos D, Paus T, Smolka MN, Walter H, Schumann G, Whelan R, Ventral Striatum Connectivity During Reward Anticipation in Adolescent Smokers., Developmental neuropsychology, 41, (1-2), 2016, p6-21Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Lisdahl KM, Tamm L, Epstein JN, Jernigan T, Molina BS, Hinshaw SP, Swanson JM, Newman E, Kelly C, Bjork JM, Mta Neuroimaging Grou, The impact of ADHD persistence, recent cannabis use, and age of regular cannabis use onset on subcortical volume and cortical thickness in young adults., Drug and alcohol dependence, 161, 2016, p135-46Journal Article, 2016
- Tamm L, Epstein JN, Lisdahl KM, Molina B, Tapert S, Hinshaw SP, Arnold LE, Velanova K, Abikoff H, Swanson JM, Impact of ADHD and cannabis use on executive functioning in young adults., Drug and alcohol dependence, 133, (2), 2013, p607-14Journal Article, 2013
- Shpaner M, Kelly C, Lieberman G, Perelman H, Davis M, Keefe FJ, Naylor MR, Unlearning chronic pain: A randomized controlled trial to investigate changes in intrinsic brain connectivity following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy., NeuroImage. Clinical, 5, 2014, p365-76Journal Article, 2014
- Zuo XN, Anderson JS, Bellec P, Birn RM, Biswal BB, Blautzik J, Breitner JC, Buckner RL, Calhoun VD, Castellanos FX, Chen A, Chen B, Chen J, Chen X, Colcombe SJ, Courtney W, Craddock RC, Di Martino A, Dong HM, Fu X, Gong Q, Gorgolewski KJ, Han Y, He Y, He Y, Ho E, Holmes A, Hou XH, Huckins J, Jiang T, Jiang Y, Kelley W, Kelly C, King M, LaConte SM, Lainhart JE, Lei X, Li HJ, Li K, Li K, Lin Q, Liu D, Liu J, Liu X, Liu Y, Lu G, Lu J, Luna B, Luo J, Lurie D, Mao Y, Margulies DS, Mayer AR, Meindl T, Meyerand ME, Nan W, Nielsen JA, O'Connor D, Paulsen D, Prabhakaran V, Qi Z, Qiu J, Shao C, Shehzad Z, Tang W, Villringer A, Wang H, Wang K, Wei D, Wei GX, Weng XC, Wu X, Xu T, Yang N, Yang Z, Zang YF, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao K, Zhen Z, Zhou Y, Zhu XT, Milham MP, An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics., Scientific data, 1, 2014, p140049Journal Article, 2014
- Alaerts K, Nayar K, Kelly C, Raithel J, Milham MP, Di Martino A, Age-related changes in intrinsic function of the superior temporal sulcus in autism spectrum disorders., Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 10, (10), 2015, p1413-23Journal Article, 2015
- Kelly C., Castellanos F., Castellanos F., Tomaselli O., Tomaselli O., Lisdahl K., Tamm L., Jernigan T., Jernigan T., Jernigan T., Jernigan T., Newman E., Epstein J., Molina B., Molina B., Greenhill L., Potkin S., Hinshaw S., Swanson J., Distinct effects of childhood ADHD and cannabis use on brain functional architecture in young adults, NeuroImage: Clinical, 13, 2017, p188-200Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Biswal B., Mennes M., Zuo X., Gohel S., Kelly C., Smith S., Beckmann C., Adelstein J., Buckner R., Colcombe S., Dogonowski A., Ernst M., Fair D., Hampson M., Hoptman M., Hyde J., Kiviniemi V., Kötter R., Li S., Lin C., Lowe M., Mackay C., Madden D., Madsen K., Margulies D., Mayberg H., McMahon K., Monk C., Mostofsky S., Nagel B., Pekar J., Peltier S., Petersen S., Riedl V., Rombouts S., Rypma B., Schlaggar B., Schmidt S., Seidler R., Seidler R., Siegle G., Sorg C., Teng G., Veijola J., Villringer A., Villringer A., Walter M., Wang L., Weng X., Whitfield-Gabrieli S., Williamson P., Windischberger C., Zang Y., Zhang H., Castellanos F., Castellanos F., Milham M., Toward discovery science of human brain function, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, (10), 2010, p4734-4739Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Hoogman M., Hoogman M., Bralten J., Bralten J., Hibar D., Mennes M., Zwiers M., Schweren L., van Hulzen K., van Hulzen K., Medland S., Shumskaya E., Shumskaya E., Jahanshad N., Zeeuw P., Szekely E., Sudre G., Wolfers T., Wolfers T., Onnink A., Onnink A., Dammers J., Dammers J., Mostert J., Mostert J., Vives-Gilabert Y., Kohls G., Oberwelland E., Oberwelland E., Seitz J., Schulte-Rüther M., Schulte-Rüther M., Ambrosino S., Doyle A., Doyle A., Høvik M., Dramsdahl M., Tamm L., van Erp T., Dale A., Dale A., Schork A., Conzelmann A., Conzelmann A., Zierhut K., Zierhut K., Baur R., McCarthy H., Yoncheva Y., Cubillo A., Chantiluke K., Mehta M., Paloyelis Y., Hohmann S., Baumeister S., Bramati I., Mattos P., Mattos P., Tovar-Moll F., Tovar-Moll F., Douglas P., Banaschewski T., Brandeis D., Brandeis D., Brandeis D., Brandeis D., Brandeis D., Kuntsi J., Asherson P., Rubia K., Kelly C., Kelly C., Kelly C., Martino A., Milham M., Milham M., Castellanos F., Castellanos F., Frodl T., Frodl T., Zentis M., Lesch K., Lesch K., Reif A., Pauli P., Jernigan T., Haavik J., Haavik J., Plessen K., Lundervold A., Hugdahl K., Hugdahl K., Hugdahl K., Seidman L., Seidman L., Biederman J., Biederman J., Rommelse N., Rommelse N., Heslenfeld D., Subcortical brain volume differences in participants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis, The Lancet Psychiatry, 4, (4), 2017, p310-319Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Functional Neuroimaging of Reward and Motivational Pathways in ADHD in, editor(s)Michael Fitzgerald, Mark Bellgrove, Michael Gill , Handbook of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Wiley, 2007, [Kelly, C]Book Chapter, 2007
- O'Halloran L, Cao Z, Ruddy K, Jollans L, Albaugh MD, Aleni A, Potter AS, Vahey N, Banaschewski T, Hohmann S, Bokde ALW, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Quinlan EB, Desrivières S, Flor H, Frouin V, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Paus T, Smolka MN, Walter H, Schumann G, Garavan H, Kelly C, Whelan R., Neural circuitry underlying sustained attention in healthy adolescents and in ADHD symptomatology., Neuroimage, 169, 2017, p395 - 406Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kong XZ, ENIGMA Laterality Working Group, Francks C, Reproducibility in the absence of selective reporting: An illustration from large-scale brain asymmetry research., Human brain mapping, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Divyangana Rakesh, Clare Kelly, Nandita Vijayakumar, Andrew Zalesky, Nicholas B. Allen, Sarah Whittle, Unraveling the consequences of childhood maltreatment: deviations from typical functional neurodevelopment mediate the relationship between maltreatment history and depressive symptoms, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Chouinard, B., Gallagher, L., Kelly, C., He said, she said_ Autism spectrum diagnosis and gender differentially affect relationships between executive functions and social communication, Autism, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- MacSweeney, N., Bowman, S., Kelly, C., More than just characters in a story: effective and meaningful involvement of young people in mental health research, Journal of Public Mental Health, 18, (1), 2019, p14-16Journal Article, 2019
- Tamara Vanderwal, Jeffrey Eilbott, Clare Kelly, Todd S. Woodward, Michael P. Milham, F. Xavier Castellanos, Stability and similarity of the pediatric connectome as developmental outcomes, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Reiss, P.T., Huo, L., Zhao, Y., Kelly, C., Ogden, R.T., Wavelet-domain regression and predictive inference in psychiatric neuroimaging, Annals of Applied Statistics, 9, (2), 2015, p1076-1101Journal Article, 2015
- Mennes, M., Kelly, C., Zuo, X.-N., Di Martino, A., Biswal, B.B., Castellanos, F.X., Milham, M.P., Corrigendum to "Inter-individual differences in resting-state functional connectivity predict task-induced BOLD activity" [NeuroImage 50/4 (2010) 1690-1701], NeuroImage, 55, (1), 2011Journal Article, 2011
- Pincus M, Godfrey JR, Feczko E, Earl E, Miranda-Dominguez O, Fair D, Wilson ME, Sanchez MM, Kelly C., Chronic psychosocial stress and experimental pubertal delay affect socioemotional behavior and amygdala functional connectivity in adolescent female rhesus macaques., Psychoneuroendocrinology, 127, 2021, p105154Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Fitzgerald J, Wilson C, Kelly C, Gallagher L., 'More than a box of puzzles': Understanding the parental experience of having a child with a rare genetic condition"., European journal of medical genetics, 64, (4), 2021, p104164Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Caulfield B., Browne S., Mullin M., Bowman S., Kelly C., Re-open our city and campus post-Covid: A case study of Trinity college Dublin, the University of Dublin, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9, 2021, p616 - 625Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kelly C, O'Connell R., Can Neuroscience Change the Way We View Morality?, Neuron, 108, (4), 2020, p604-607Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Postema MC, Hoogman M, Ambrosino S, Asherson P, Banaschewski T, Bandeira CE, Baranov A, Bau CHD, Baumeister S, Baur-Streubel R, Bellgrove MA, Biederman J, Bralten J, Brandeis D, Brem S, Buitelaar JK, Busatto GF, Castellanos FX, Cercignani M, Chaim-Avancini TM, Chantiluke KC, Christakou A, Coghill D, Conzelmann A, Cubillo AI, Cupertino RB, de Zeeuw P, Doyle AE, Durston S, Earl EA, Epstein JN, Ethofer T, Fair DA, Fallgatter AJ, Faraone SV, Frodl T, Gabel MC, Gogberashvili T, Grevet EH, Haavik J, Harrison NA, Hartman CA, Heslenfeld DJ, Hoekstra PJ, Hohmann S, Høvik MF, Jernigan TL, Kardatzki B, Karkashadze G, Kelly C, Kohls G, Konrad K, Kuntsi J, Lazaro L, Lera-Miguel S, Lesch KP, Louza MR, Lundervold AJ, Malpas CB, Mattos P, McCarthy H, Namazova-Baranova L, Nicolau R, Nigg JT, Novotny SE, Oberwelland Weiss E, O'Gorman Tuura RL, Oosterlaan J, Oranje B, Paloyelis Y, Pauli P, Picon FA, Plessen KJ, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A, Reneman L, Rosa PGP, Rubia K, Schrantee A, Schweren LJS, Seitz J, Shaw P, Silk TJ, Skokauskas N, Soliva Vila JC, Stevens MC, Sudre G, Tamm L, Tovar-Moll F, van Erp TGM, Vance A, Vilarroya O, Vives-Gilabert Y, von Polier GG, Walitza S, Yoncheva YN, Zanetti MV, Ziegler GC, Glahn DC, Jahanshad N, Medland SE, ENIGMA ADHD Working Group, Thompson PM, Fisher SE, Franke B, Francks C., Analysis of structural brain asymmetries in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 39 datasets., Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Boedhoe PSW, van Rooij D, Hoogman M, Twisk JWR, Schmaal L, Abe Y, Alonso P, Ameis SH, Anikin A, Anticevic A, Arango C, Arnold PD, Asherson P, Assogna F, Auzias G, Banaschewski T, Baranov A, Batistuzzo MC, Baumeister S, Baur-Streubel R, Behrmann M, Bellgrove MA, Benedetti F, Beucke JC, Biederman J, Bollettini I, Bose A, Bralten J, Bramati IE, Brandeis D, Brem S, Brennan BP, Busatto GF, Calderoni S, Calvo A, Calvo R, Castellanos FX, Cercignani M, Chaim-Avancini TM, Chantiluke KC, Cheng Y, Cho KIK, Christakou A, Coghill D, Conzelmann A, Cubillo AI, Dale AM, Dallaspezia S, Daly E, Denys D, Deruelle C, Di Martino A, Dinstein I, Doyle AE, Durston S, Earl EA, Ecker C, Ehrlich S, Ely BA, Epstein JN, Ethofer T, Fair DA, Fallgatter AJ, Faraone SV, Fedor J, Feng X, Feusner JD, Fitzgerald J, Fitzgerald KD, Fouche JP, Freitag CM, Fridgeirsson EA, Frodl T, Gabel MC, Gallagher L, Gogberashvili T, Gori I, Gruner P, Gürsel DA, Haar S, Haavik J, Hall GB, Harrison NA, Hartman CA, Heslenfeld DJ, Hirano Y, Hoekstra PJ, Hoexter MQ, Hohmann S, Høvik MF, Hu H, Huyser C, Jahanshad N, Jalbrzikowski M, James A, Janssen J, Jaspers-Fayer F, Jernigan TL, Kapilushniy D, Kardatzki B, Karkashadze G, Kathmann N, Kaufmann C, Kelly C, Khadka S, King JA, Koch K, Kohls G, Konrad K, Kuno M, Kuntsi J, Kvale G, Kwon JS, Lázaro L, Lera-Miguel S, Lesch KP, Hoekstra L, Liu Y, Lochner C, Louza MR, Luna B, Lundervold AJ, Malpas CB, Marques P, Marsh R, Martínez-Zalacaín I, Mataix-Cols D, Mattos P, McCarthy H, McGrath J, Mehta MA, Menchón JM, Mennes M, Martinho MM, Moreira PS, Morer A, Morgado P, Muratori F, Murphy CM, Murphy DGM, Nakagawa A, Nakamae T, Nakao T, Namazova-Baranova L, Narayanaswamy JC, Nicolau R, Nigg JT, Novotny SE, Nurmi EL, Weiss EO, O'Gorman Tuura RL, O'Hearn K, O'Neill J, Oosterlaan J, Oranje B, Paloyelis Y, Parellada M, Pauli P, Perriello C, Piacentini J, Piras F, Piras F, Plessen KJ, Puig O, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reddy YCJ, Reif A, Reneman L, Retico A, Rosa PGP, Rubia K, Rus OG, Sakai Y, Schrantee A, Schwarz L, Schweren LJS, Seitz J, Shaw P, Shook D, Silk TJ, Simpson HB, Skokauskas N, Soliva Vila JC, Solovieva A, Soreni N, Soriano-Mas C, Spalletta G, Stern ER, Stevens MC, Stewart SE, Sudre G, Szeszko PR, Tamm L, Taylor MJ, Tolin DF, Tosetti M, Tovar-Moll F, Tsuchiyagaito A, van Erp TGM, van Wingen GA, Vance A, Venkatasubramanian G, Vilarroya O, Vives-Gilabert Y, von Polier GG, Walitza S, Wallace GL, Wang Z, Wolfers T, Yoncheva YN, Yun JY, Zanetti MV, Zhou F, Ziegler GC, Zierhut KC, Zwiers MP, ENIGMA ADHD working group, ENIGMA ASD working group, ENIGMA OCD working group, Thompson PM, Stein DJ, Buitelaar J, Franke B, van den Heuvel OA., Subcortical Brain Volume, Regional Cortical Thickness, and Cortical Surface Area Across Disorders: Findings From the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD Working Groups., The American journal of psychiatry, 177, (9), 2020, p834-843Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Kiiski H, Bennett M, Rueda-Delgado LM, Farina FR, Knight R, Boyle R, Roddy D, Grogan K, Bramham J, Kelly C, Whelan R., EEG spectral power, but not theta/beta ratio, is a neuromarker for adult ADHD., The European journal of neuroscience, 51, (10), 2020, p2095-2109Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Kiiski H, Rueda-Delgado LM, Bennett M, Knight R, Rai L, Roddy D, Grogan K, Bramham J, Kelly C, Whelan R., Functional EEG connectivity is a neuromarker for adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms., Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 131, (1), 2020, p330-342Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Kelly JR, Gillan CM, Prenderville J, Kelly C, Harkin A, Clarke G, O'Keane V, Psychedelic Therapy's Transdiagnostic Effects: A Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Perspective., Frontiers in psychiatry, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Mélanie Garcia, Clare Kelly, Towards 3D Deep Learning for neuropsychiatry: predicting Autism diagnosis using an interpretable Deep Learning pipeline applied to minimally processed structural MRI data, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Brynja Gunnarsdóttir, Valerio Zerbi, Clare Kelly, Multimodal gradient mapping of rodent hippocampus, NeuroImage, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Gr, jean, Joanes, Desrosiers-Gregoire, Gabriel, Anckaerts, Cynthia, Angeles-Valdez, Diego, Ayad, Fadi, Barriere, David A, Blockx, Ines, Bortel, Aleks, ra B, Broadwater, Margaret, Cardoso, Beatriz M, Celestine, Marina, Chavez-Negrete, Jorge E, Choi, Sangcheon, Christiaen, Emma, Clavijo, Perrin, Colon-Perez, Luis, Cramer, Samuel, Daniele, Tolomeo, Dempsey, Elaine, Diao, Yujian, Doelemeyer, Arno, Dopfel, David, Dvovrakova, Lenka, Falfan-Melgoza, Claudia, Fern, es, Francisca F, Fowler, Caitlin F, Fuentes-Ibanez, Antonio, Garin, Clement, Gelderman, Eveline, Golden, Carla EM, Guo, Chao CG, Henckens, Marloes JAG, Hennessy, Lauren A, Herman, Peter, Hofwijks, Nita, Horien, Corey, Ionescu, Tudor M, Jones, Jolyon, Kaesser, Johannes, Kim, Eugene, Lambers, Henriette, Lazari, Alberto, Lee, Sung-Ho, Lillywhite, Am, a, Liu, Yikang, Liu, Yanyan Y, Lopez-Castro, Alej, ra, Lopez-Gil, Xavier, Ma, Zilu, MacNicol, Eilidh, Madularu, Dan, M, ino, Francesca, Marciano, Sabina, McAuslan, Matthew J, McCunn, Patrick, McIntosh, Alison, Meng, Xianzong, Meyer-Baese, Lisa, Missault, Stephan, Moro, Federico, Naessens, Daphne, Nava-Gomez, Laura J, Nonaka, Hiroi, Ortiz, Juan J, Paasonen, Jaakko, Peeters, Lore M, Pereira, Mickael, Perez, Pablo D, Pompilus, Marjory, Prior, Malcolm, Rakhmatullin, Rustam, Reimann, Henning M, Reinwald, Jonathan, de Rio, Rodrigo Triana, Rivera-Olvera, Alej, ro, Ruiz-Perez, Daniel, Russo, Gabriele, Rutten, Tobias J, Ryoke, Rie, Sack, Markus, Salvan, Piergiorgio, Sanganahalli, Basavaraju G, Schroeter, Aileen, Seewoo, Bhedita J, Selingue, Erwan, Seuwen, Aline, Shi, Bowen, Sirmpilatze, Nikoloz, Smith, Joanna AB, Smith, Corrie, Sobczak, Filip, Stenroos, Petteri J, Straathof, Milou, Strobelt, S, ra, Sumiyoshi, Akira, Takahashi, Kengo, Torres-Garcaa, Maria E, Tudela, Raul, van den Berg, Monica, van der Marel, Kajo, van Hout, Aran TB, Vertullo, Roberta, Vidal, Benjamin, Vrooman, Roel M, Wang, Victora X, Wank, Isabel, Watson, David JG, Yin, Ting, Zhang, Yongzhi, Zurbruegg, Stefan, Achard, Sophie, Alcauter, Sarael, Auer, Dorothee P, Barbier, Emmanuel L, Baudewig, Jurgen, Beckmann, Christian F, Beckmann, Nicolau, Becq, Guillaume JPC, Blezer, Erwin LA, Bolbos, Radu, Boretius, Susann, Bouvard, S, rine, Budinger, Eike, Buxbaum, Joseph D, Cash, Diana, Chapman, Victoria, Chuang, Kai-Hsiang, Ciobanu, Luisa, Coolen, Bram, Dalley, Jeffrey W, Dhenain, Marc, Dijkhuizen, Rick M, Esteban, Oscar, Faber, Cornelius, Febo, Marcelo, Feindel, Kirk W, Forloni, Gianluigi, Fouquet, Jeremie, Garza-Villarreal, Eduardo A, Gass, Natalia, Glennon, Jeffrey C, Gozzi, Aless, ro, Grohn, Olli, Harkin, Andrew, Heerschap, Arend, Helluy, Xavier, Herfert, Kristina, Heuser, Arnd, Homberg, Judith R, Houwing, Danielle J, Hyder, Fahmeed, Ielacqua, Giovanna Diletta, Jelescu, Ileana O, Johansen-Berg, Heidi, Kaneko, Gen, Kawashima, Ryuta, Keilholz, Shella D, Keliris, Georgios A, Kelly, Clare, Kerskens, Christian, Khokhar, Jibran Y, Kind, Peter C, Langlois, Jean-Baptiste, Lerch, Jason P, Lopez-Hidalgo, Monica A, Manahan-Vaughan, Denise, March, , Fabien, Mars, Rogier B, Marsella, Gerardo, Micotti, Edoardo, Muñoz-Moreno, Emma, Near, Jamie, Niendorf, Thoralf, Otte, Willem M, Pais, Patricia, Pan, Wen-Ju, Prado-Alcala, Roberto A, Quirarte, Gina L, Rodger, Jennifer, Rosenow, Tim, Baptista, Cass, ra Sampaio, Sartorius, Alex, er, Sawiak, Stephen J, Scheenen, Tom WJ, Shemesh, Noam, Shih, Yen-Yu Ian, Shmuel, Amir, Soria, Guadalupe, Stoop, Ron, Thompson, Garth J, Till, Sally M, Todd, Nick, Van Der Linden, Annemie, van der Toorn, Annette, van Tilborg, Geralda AF, Vanhove, Christian, Veltien, Andor, Verhoye, Marleen, Wachsmuth, Lydia, Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang, Wenk, Patricia, Yu, Xin, Zerbi, Valerio, Zhang, Nanyin, Zhang, Baogui B, Zimmer, Luc, Devenyi, Gabriel A, Chakravarty, M Mallar, Hess, Andreas, StandardRat: A multi-center consensus protocol to enhance functional connectivity specificity in the rat brain, bioRxiv, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Clare Kelly, Ting Li, Daan Rooij, Nina Roth Mota, Jan K. Buitelaar, Martine Hoogman, Alejandro Arias Vasquez, Barbara Franke, Sara Ambrosino, Tobias Banaschewski, Cibele E. Bandeira, Claiton H.D. Bau, Sarah Baumeister, Ramona Baur"Streubel, Mark A. Bellgrove, Joseph Biederman, Janita Bralten, Ivanei E. Bramati, Daniel Brandeis, Silvia Berm, Geraldo F. Busatto, Anna Calvo, Francisco X. Castellanos, Mara Cercignani, Kaylita C. Chantiluke, Anastasia Christakou, David Coghill, Annette Conzelmann, Ana I. Cubillo, Renata B. Cupertino, Parick Zeeuw, Sarah Durston, Eric A. Earl, Jeffery N. Epstein, Thomas Ethofer, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Damien A. Fair, Stephen V. Faraone, Thomas Frodl, Matt C. Gabel, Tinatin Gogberashvili, Eugenio H. Grevet, Jan Haavik, Neil A. Harrison, Catharina A. Hartman, Dirk J. Heslenfeld, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Marie F. Høvik, Neda Jahanshad, Bernd Kardatzki, Georgii Karkashadze, Clare Kelly, Characterizing neuroanatomic heterogeneity in people with and without ADHD based on subcortical brain volumes, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62, (9), 2021, p1140--1149Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Anne E Urai, Clare Kelly, Rethinking academia in a time of climate crisis, eLife, 12, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Clare Kelly, Leveraging Longitudinal Pre-pandemic Data to Understand Mental Health Vulnerability and Resilience Among Young People During the Early Pandemic, Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 1, (4), 2021, p244-245Journal Article, 2021
- Orr C, Morioka R, Behan B, Datwani S, Doucet M, Ivanovic J, Kelly C, Weierstall K, Watts R, Smyth B, Garavan H, Altered resting-state connectivity in adolescent cannabis users., The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 39, (6), 2013, p372-81Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Di Martino A, Fair DA, Kelly C, Satterthwaite TD, Castellanos FX, Thomason ME, Craddock RC, Luna B, Leventhal BL, Zuo XN, Milham MP, Unraveling the miswired connectome: a developmental perspective., Neuron, 83, (6), 2014, p1335-53Journal Article, 2014
- Shehzad Z, Kelly C, Reiss PT, Cameron Craddock R, Emerson JW, McMahon K, Copland DA, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, A multivariate distance-based analytic framework for connectome-wide association studies., NeuroImage, 93 Pt 1, 2014, p74-94Journal Article, 2014
- Craddock RC, Jbabdi S, Yan CG, Vogelstein JT, Castellanos FX, Di Martino A, Kelly C, Heberlein K, Colcombe S, Milham MP, Imaging human connectomes at the macroscale., Nature methods, 10, (6), 2013, p524-39Journal Article, 2013
- Keller CJ, Bickel S, Honey CJ, Groppe DM, Entz L, Craddock RC, Lado FA, Kelly C, Milham M, Mehta AD, Neurophysiological investigation of spontaneous correlated and anticorrelated fluctuations of the BOLD signal., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 33, (15), 2013, p6333-42Journal Article, 2013
- Cortese S, Imperati D, Zhou J, Proal E, Klein RG, Mannuzza S, Ramos-Olazagasti MA, Milham MP, Kelly C, Castellanos FX, White matter alterations at 33-year follow-up in adults with childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Biological psychiatry, 74, (8), 2013, p591-8Journal Article, 2013
- Di Martino A, Zuo XN, Kelly C, Grzadzinski R, Mennes M, Schvarcz A, Rodman J, Lord C, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Shared and distinct intrinsic functional network centrality in autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Biological psychiatry, 74, (8), 2013, p623-32Journal Article, 2013
- Yan CG, Cheung B, Kelly C, Colcombe S, Craddock RC, Di Martino A, Li Q, Zuo XN, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, A comprehensive assessment of regional variation in the impact of head micromovements on functional connectomics., NeuroImage, 76, 2013, p183-201Journal Article, 2013
- Roy AK, Fudge JL, Kelly C, Perry JS, Daniele T, Carlisi C, Benson B, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Pine DS, Ernst M, Intrinsic functional connectivity of amygdala-based networks in adolescent generalized anxiety disorder., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, (3), 2013, p290-299.e2Journal Article, 2013
- Koyama MS, Di Martino A, Kelly C, Jutagir DR, Sunshine J, Schwartz SJ, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Cortical signatures of dyslexia and remediation: an intrinsic functional connectivity approach., PloS one, 8, (2), 2013, pe55454Journal Article, 2013
- Fair DA, Nigg JT, Iyer S, Bathula D, Mills KL, Dosenbach NU, Schlaggar BL, Mennes M, Gutman D, Bangaru S, Buitelaar JK, Dickstein DP, Di Martino A, Kennedy DN, Kelly C, Luna B, Schweitzer JB, Velanova K, Wang YF, Mostofsky S, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Distinct neural signatures detected for ADHD subtypes after controlling for micro-movements in resting state functional connectivity MRI data., Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 6, 2012, p80Journal Article, 2012
- Zhou Y, Milham M, Zuo XN, Kelly C, Jaggi H, Herbert J, Grossman RI, Ge Y, Functional homotopic changes in multiple sclerosis with resting-state functional MR imaging., AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 34, (6), 2013, p1180-7Journal Article, 2013
- Nooner KB, Colcombe SJ, Tobe RH, Mennes M, Benedict MM, Moreno AL, Panek LJ, Brown S, Zavitz ST, Li Q, Sikka S, Gutman D, Bangaru S, Schlachter RT, Kamiel SM, Anwar AR, Hinz CM, Kaplan MS, Rachlin AB, Adelsberg S, Cheung B, Khanuja R, Yan C, Craddock CC, Calhoun V, Courtney W, King M, Wood D, Cox CL, Kelly AM, Di Martino A, Petkova E, Reiss PT, Duan N, Thomsen D, Biswal B, Coffey B, Hoptman MJ, Javitt DC, Pomara N, Sidtis JJ, Koplewicz HS, Castellanos FX, Leventhal BL, Milham MP, The NKI-Rockland Sample: A Model for Accelerating the Pace of Discovery Science in Psychiatry., Frontiers in neuroscience, 6, 2012, p152Journal Article, 2012
- Cortese S, Kelly C, Chabernaud C, Proal E, Di Martino A, Milham MP, Castellanos FX, Toward systems neuroscience of ADHD: a meta-analysis of 55 fMRI studies., The American journal of psychiatry, 169, (10), 2012, p1038-55Journal Article, 2012
- Kelly C, Toro R, Di Martino A, Cox CL, Bellec P, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, A convergent functional architecture of the insula emerges across imaging modalities., NeuroImage, 61, (4), 2012, p1129-42Journal Article, 2012
- McGill ML, Devinsky O, Kelly C, Milham M, Castellanos FX, Quinn BT, DuBois J, Young JR, Carlson C, French J, Kuzniecky R, Halgren E, Thesen T, Default mode network abnormalities in idiopathic generalized epilepsy., Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, 23, (3), 2012, p353-9Journal Article, 2012
- Kelly C, Biswal BB, Craddock RC, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Characterizing variation in the functional connectome: promise and pitfalls., Trends in cognitive sciences, 16, (3), 2012, p181-8Journal Article, 2012
- Mennes M, Kelly C, Colcombe S, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, The extrinsic and intrinsic functional architectures of the human brain are not equivalent., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 23, (1), 2013, p223-9Journal Article, 2013
- Adelstein JS, Shehzad Z, Mennes M, Deyoung CG, Zuo XN, Kelly C, Margulies DS, Bloomfield A, Gray JR, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Personality is reflected in the brain's intrinsic functional architecture., PloS one, 6, (11), 2011, pe27633Journal Article, 2011
- Proal E, Reiss PT, Klein RG, Mannuzza S, Gotimer K, Ramos-Olazagasti MA, Lerch JP, He Y, Zijdenbos A, Kelly C, Milham MP, Castellanos FX, Brain gray matter deficits at 33-year follow-up in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder established in childhood., Archives of general psychiatry, 68, (11), 2011, p1122-34Journal Article, 2011
- Chabernaud C, Mennes M, Kelly C, Nooner K, Di Martino A, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Dimensional brain-behavior relationships in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Biological psychiatry, 71, (5), 2012, p434-42Journal Article, 2012
- Imperati D, Colcombe S, Kelly C, Di Martino A, Zhou J, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Differential development of human brain white matter tracts., PloS one, 6, (8), 2011, pe23437Journal Article, 2011
- Cox CL, Uddin LQ, Di Martino A, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Kelly C, The balance between feeling and knowing: affective and cognitive empathy are reflected in the brain's intrinsic functional dynamics., Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 7, (6), 2012, p727-37Journal Article, 2012
- Koyama MS, Di Martino A, Zuo XN, Kelly C, Mennes M, Jutagir DR, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Resting-state functional connectivity indexes reading competence in children and adults., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 31, (23), 2011, p8617-24Journal Article, 2011
- Keller CJ, Bickel S, Entz L, Ulbert I, Milham MP, Kelly C, Mehta AD, Intrinsic functional architecture predicts electrically evoked responses in the human brain., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, (25), 2011, p10308-13Journal Article, 2011
- Roy AK, Gotimer K, Kelly AM, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Ernst M, Uncovering putative neural markers of risk avoidance., Neuropsychologia, 49, (5), 2011, p937-44Journal Article, 2011
- Kelly C, Zuo XN, Gotimer K, Cox CL, Lynch L, Brock D, Imperati D, Garavan H, Rotrosen J, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Reduced interhemispheric resting state functional connectivity in cocaine addiction., Biological psychiatry, 69, (7), 2011, p684-92Journal Article, 2011
- Kelly C, Uddin LQ, Shehzad Z, Margulies DS, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Petrides M, Brocas region: linking human brain functional connectivity data and non-human primate tracing anatomy studies., The European journal of neuroscience, 32, (3), 2010, p383-98Journal Article, 2010
- Gee DG, Biswal BB, Kelly C, Stark DE, Margulies DS, Shehzad Z, Uddin LQ, Klein DF, Banich MT, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Low frequency fluctuations reveal integrated and segregated processing among the cerebral hemispheres., NeuroImage, 54, (1), 2011, p517-27Journal Article, 2011
- Koyama MS, Kelly C, Shehzad Z, Penesetti D, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Reading networks at rest., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 20, (11), 2010, p2549-59Journal Article, 2010
- Mennes M, Kelly C, Zuo XN, Di Martino A, Biswal BB, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Inter-individual differences in resting-state functional connectivity predict task-induced BOLD activity., NeuroImage, 50, (4), 2010, p1690-701Journal Article, 2010
- Margulies DS, Vincent JL, Kelly C, Lohmann G, Uddin LQ, Biswal BB, Villringer A, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Petrides M, Precuneus shares intrinsic functional architecture in humans and monkeys., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, (47), 2009, p20069-74Journal Article, 2009
- Zuo XN, Kelly C, Adelstein JS, Klein DF, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Reliable intrinsic connectivity networks: test-retest evaluation using ICA and dual regression approach., NeuroImage, 49, (3), 2010, p2163-77Journal Article, 2010
- Castellanos FX, Kelly C, Milham MP, The restless brain: attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, resting-state functional connectivity, and intrasubject variability., Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, 54, (10), 2009, p665-72Journal Article, 2009
- Zuo XN, Di Martino A, Kelly C, Shehzad ZE, Gee DG, Klein DF, Castellanos FX, Biswal BB, Milham MP, The oscillating brain: complex and reliable., NeuroImage, 49, (2), 2010, p1432-45Journal Article, 2010
- Di Martino A, Shehzad Z, Kelly C, Roy AK, Gee DG, Uddin LQ, Gotimer K, Klein DF, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Relationship between cingulo-insular functional connectivity and autistic traits in neurotypical adults., The American journal of psychiatry, 166, (8), 2009, p891-9Journal Article, 2009
- Kelly C, de Zubicaray G, Di Martino A, Copland DA, Reiss PT, Klein DF, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, McMahon K, L-dopa modulates functional connectivity in striatal cognitive and motor networks: a double-blind placebo-controlled study., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 29, (22), 2009, p7364-78Journal Article, 2009
- Hoptman MJ, D'Angelo D, Catalano D, Mauro CJ, Shehzad ZE, Kelly AM, Castellanos FX, Javitt DC, Milham MP, Amygdalofrontal functional disconnectivity and aggression in schizophrenia., Schizophrenia bulletin, 36, (5), 2010, p1020-8Journal Article, 2010
- Shehzad Z, Kelly AM, Reiss PT, Gee DG, Gotimer K, Uddin LQ, Lee SH, Margulies DS, Roy AK, Biswal BB, Petkova E, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, The resting brain: unconstrained yet reliable., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 19, (10), 2009, p2209-29Journal Article, 2009
- Roy AK, Shehzad Z, Margulies DS, Kelly AM, Uddin LQ, Gotimer K, Biswal BB, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Functional connectivity of the human amygdala using resting state fMRI., NeuroImage, 45, (2), 2009, p614-26Journal Article, 2009
- Stark DE, Margulies DS, Shehzad ZE, Reiss P, Kelly AM, Uddin LQ, Gee DG, Roy AK, Banich MT, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Regional variation in interhemispheric coordination of intrinsic hemodynamic fluctuations., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 28, (51), 2008, p13754-64Journal Article, 2008
- Kelly AM, Di Martino A, Uddin LQ, Shehzad Z, Gee DG, Reiss PT, Margulies DS, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Development of anterior cingulate functional connectivity from late childhood to early adulthood., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 19, (3), 2009, p640-57Journal Article, 2009
- Uddin LQ, Mooshagian E, Zaidel E, Scheres A, Margulies DS, Kelly AM, Shehzad Z, Adelstein JS, Castellanos FX, Biswal BB, Milham MP, Residual functional connectivity in the split-brain revealed with resting-state functional MRI., Neuroreport, 19, (7), 2008, p703-9Journal Article, 2008
- Di Martino A, Scheres A, Margulies DS, Kelly AM, Uddin LQ, Shehzad Z, Biswal B, Walters JR, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Functional connectivity of human striatum: a resting state FMRI study., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 18, (12), 2008, p2735-47Journal Article, 2008
- Uddin LQ, Kelly AM, Biswal BB, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Functional connectivity of default mode network components: correlation, anticorrelation, and causality., Human brain mapping, 30, (2), 2009, p625-37Journal Article, 2009
- Uddin LQ, Kelly AM, Biswal BB, Margulies DS, Shehzad Z, Shaw D, Ghaffari M, Rotrosen J, Adler LA, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Network homogeneity reveals decreased integrity of default-mode network in ADHD., Journal of neuroscience methods, 169, (1), 2008, p249-54Journal Article, 2008
- Kelly AM, Uddin LQ, Biswal BB, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Competition between functional brain networks mediates behavioral variability., NeuroImage, 39, (1), 2008, p527-37Journal Article, 2008
- Castellanos FX, Margulies DS, Kelly C, Uddin LQ, Ghaffari M, Kirsch A, Shaw D, Shehzad Z, Di Martino A, Biswal B, Sonuga-Barke EJ, Rotrosen J, Adler LA, Milham MP, Cingulate-precuneus interactions: a new locus of dysfunction in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Biological psychiatry, 63, (3), 2008, p332-7Journal Article, 2008
- Margulies DS, Kelly AM, Uddin LQ, Biswal BB, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Mapping the functional connectivity of anterior cingulate cortex., NeuroImage, 37, (2), 2007, p579-88Journal Article, 2007
- Jacobson McEwen SC, Connolly CG, Kelly AM, Kelleher I, O'Hanlon E, Clarke M, Blanchard M, McNamara S, Connor D, Sheehan E, Donohoe G, Cannon M, Garavan H, Resting-state connectivity deficits associated with impaired inhibitory control in non-treatment-seeking adolescents with psychotic symptoms., Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 129, (2), 2014, p134-42Journal Article, 2014
- Kelly C, Foxe JJ, Garavan H, Patterns of normal human brain plasticity after practice and their implications for neurorehabilitation., Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 87, (12 Suppl 2), 2006, pS20-9Journal Article, 2006
- Garavan H, Hester R, Murphy K, Fassbender C, Kelly C, Individual differences in the functional neuroanatomy of inhibitory control., Brain research, 1105, (1), 2006, p130-42Journal Article, 2006
- Kelly AM, Hester R, Foxe JJ, Shpaner M, Garavan H, Flexible cognitive control: effects of individual differences and brief practice on a complex cognitive task., NeuroImage, 31, (2), 2006, p866-86Journal Article, 2006
- Kelly AM, Garavan H, Human functional neuroimaging of brain changes associated with practice., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 15, (8), 2005, p1089-102Journal Article, 2005
- Kelly AM, Hester R, Murphy K, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ, Garavan H, Prefrontal-subcortical dissociations underlying inhibitory control revealed by event-related fMRI., The European journal of neuroscience, 19, (11), 2004, p3105-12Journal Article, 2004
- Hogan MJ, Kelly CA, Verrier D, Newell J, Hasher L, Robertson IH, Optimal time-of-day and consolidation of learning in younger and older adults., Experimental aging research, 35, (1), 2009, p107-28Journal Article, 2009
- Kelly C, Castellanos FX, Strengthening connections: functional connectivity and brain plasticity., Neuropsychology review, 24, (1), 2014, p63-76Journal Article, 2014
- Vanderwal T, Kelly C, Castellanos FX, Of bandwagons and bathwater: the value of resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging for child psychiatric research., Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, (6), 2013, p562-5Journal Article, 2013
- Hogan MJ, Kelly CA, Craik FI, The effects of attention switching on encoding and retrieval of words in younger and older adults., Experimental aging research, 32, (2), 2006, p153-83Journal Article, 2006
- Chen H, Kelly C, Xavier Castellanos F, Hed Y, Zuo XN, Reiss PT, Quantile rank maps: A new tool for understanding individual brain development., NeuroImage, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Kelly AM, Margulies DS, Castellanos FX, Recent advances in structural and functional brain imaging studies of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Current psychiatry reports, 9, (5), 2007, p401-7Journal Article, 2007
- Alonso-Solís A, Corripio I, de Castro-Manglano P, Duran-Sindreu S, Garcia-Garcia M, Proal E, Nuñez-Marín F, Soutullo C, Alvarez E, Gómez-Ansón B, Kelly C, Castellanos FX, Altered default network resting state functional connectivity in patients with a first episode of psychosis., Schizophrenia research, 139, (1-3), 2012, p13-8Journal Article, 2012
- Cox CL, Gotimer K, Roy AK, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Kelly C, Your resting brain CAREs about your risky behavior., PloS one, 5, (8), 2010, pe12296Journal Article, 2010
- Di Martino A, Kelly C, Grzadzinski R, Zuo XN, Mennes M, Mairena MA, Lord C, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Aberrant striatal functional connectivity in children with autism., Biological psychiatry, 69, (9), 2011, p847-56Journal Article, 2011
- Mennes M, Vega Potler N, Kelly C, Di Martino A, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Resting state functional connectivity correlates of inhibitory control in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Frontiers in psychiatry, 2, 2011, p83Journal Article, 2011
- Zuo XN, Kelly C, Di Martino A, Mennes M, Margulies DS, Bangaru S, Grzadzinski R, Evans AC, Zang YF, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Growing together and growing apart: regional and sex differences in the lifespan developmental trajectories of functional homotopy., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30, (45), 2010, p15034-43Journal Article, 2010
- Mennes M, Zuo XN, Kelly C, Di Martino A, Zang YF, Biswal B, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Linking inter-individual differences in neural activation and behavior to intrinsic brain dynamics., NeuroImage, 54, (4), 2011, p2950-9Journal Article, 2011
- Margulies DS, Böttger J, Long X, Lv Y, Kelly C, Schäfer A, Goldhahn D, Abbushi A, Milham MP, Lohmann G, Villringer A, Resting developments: a review of fMRI post-processing methodologies for spontaneous brain activity., Magma (New York, N.Y.), 23, (5-6), 2010, p289-307Journal Article, 2010
- Dickstein DP, Gorrostieta C, Ombao H, Goldberg LD, Brazel AC, Gable CJ, Kelly C, Gee DG, Zuo XN, Castellanos FX, Milham MP, Fronto-temporal spontaneous resting state functional connectivity in pediatric bipolar disorder., Biological psychiatry, 68, (9), 2010, p839-46Journal Article, 2010
Research Expertise
- The role of human psychology and the structures and systems we have created in climate action and inaction. - Pedagogical approaches to transformative sustainability education. - Developing, validating, and applying reproducible brain imaging approaches to map typical and atypical development of the brain's functional architectures, so that we can understand where, when, and how development can go awry. - Understanding brain-behaviour relationships - how interindividual differences in brain function produce interindividual differences in behaviour. - Understanding the impact of early life experience on brain function, behaviour, and long-term mental health outcomes.
TitleSex matters: Identifying the neurodevelopmental origins of sex differences in depressionSummaryThis project aims to transform our understanding of why women are more vulnerable to stress-linked illness by examining sex differences in how stress disrupts brain development in a rodent model. In a series of longitudinal studies spanning pre-puberty to adulthood, we will delineate the impact of sex on when and where chronic psychosocial stress alters typical brain development.Funding AgencySFI
- Editor's Choice Award, NeuroImage: Anatomy and Physiology Section. Awarded for the paper: Kelly, Toro, Di Martino, Cox, Castellanos, Milham (2012). Convergent functional architecture of the insula emerges across imaging modalities. NeuroImage 31(4); 1129-1142 June 2012
- Editor's Choice Award, NeuroImage: Anatomy and Physiology Section. Awarded for the paper: Mennes, Kelly, Zuo, Di Martino, Biswal, Castellanos & Milham (2010). Inter-Individual Differences in Resting State Functional Connectivity Predict Task-Induced BOLD Activity. NeuroImage. 50(4):1690-701 June 2010
- Trinity Scholar April 2000
- NeuroImage: One of the Top Ten Cited Articles of 2008. Awarded for the paper: Kelly, Uddin, Biswal, Castellanos & Milham (2008). Competition between functional brain networks mediates behavioral variability. NeuroImage. 39:527-537 June 2010
- Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Travel Fellow June 2007
- Organization for Human Brain Mapping
- Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2012
- Society for Neuroscience
- Ad-hoc manuscript reviewer for Neuron; The Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; American Journal of Psychiatry; JAMA Psychiatry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; European Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; Journal of Affective Disorders; PLoS ONE; Neuroscience Letters; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2005-present
- Ad-hoc manuscript reviewer for Neuron; The Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; American Journal of Psychiatry; JAMA Psychiatry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; European Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; Journal of Affective Disorders; PLoS ONE; Neuroscience Letters; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2005-present
- Ad-hoc manuscript reviewer for Neuron; The Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; American Journal of Psychiatry; JAMA Psychiatry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; European Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; Journal of Affective Disorders; PLoS ONE; Neuroscience Letters; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2005-present
- Ad-hoc manuscript reviewer for Neuron; The Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; American Journal of Psychiatry; JAMA Psychiatry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; European Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; Journal of Affective Disorders; PLoS ONE; Neuroscience Letters; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2005-present
- Ad-hoc manuscript reviewer for Neuron; The Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; American Journal of Psychiatry; JAMA Psychiatry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; European Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; Journal of Affective Disorders; PLoS ONE; Neuroscience Letters; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2005-present
- Ad-hoc manuscript reviewer for Neuron; The Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; American Journal of Psychiatry; JAMA Psychiatry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; European Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines; Journal of Affective Disorders; PLoS ONE; Neuroscience Letters; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2005-present