Dr. John O'Connor

Dr. John O'Connor

Asst Prof in Clinical Psychology, Psychology

3531896 3904http://people.tcd.ie/joconno8

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • McEvoy, B., O'Connor, J. & McCarthy, O, Behind the mask: A psychodynamic exploration of the experiences of individuals diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. , Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 44, (4), 2016, p541 - 565Journal Article, 2016
  • Rodgers, R., O'Connor, J., What's in a name? A psychoanalytic exploration of self and identity in transgender individuals who were assigned female at birth , Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 31, 2017, p140 - 159Journal Article, 2017, URL
  • Fingleton, L., O'Connor, J. & Stynes, G., Going backstage: A psychoanalytically-informed study with amateur musicians in adult mental health services, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2018, p4 - 18Journal Article, 2018, URL
  • Losty, M. & O'Connor, Falling outside of the 'nice little binary box': a psychoanalytic exploration of the non-binary gender identity, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2017Journal Article, 2017, URL
  • McDonald, M. & O'Connor, J. , 'What are you looking for?': A psychoanalytically oriented qualitative study of men's compulsive use of internet pornography, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
  • Philpott, L. & O'Connor, J., An unthinkable and unbearable injury: psychoanalytically-oriented qualitative research with men who have experienced intimate partner violence, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 34, (4), 2020, p293 - 308Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • Clancy, J., O'Connor, J., & Ni Mhaolain, C. , Gripped by the chaos: A psychoanalytically-informed qualitative exploration of adolescent ADHD, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 34, (3), 2020, p228 - 245Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • Blackburn, B., O'Connor, J., & Parsons, H. , Becoming needless: A psychoanalytically informed qualitative study exploring the interpersonal and intrapsychic experiences of longstanding anorexia nervosa, International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2020Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • Byrne, A., O'Connor, J., Wilson O'Raghallaigh, J. & MacHale, S. , Something torn or burst or unbearable: a psychoanalytically-informed exploration of the experience of somatic symptoms., Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 33, (1), 2019, p5 - 19Journal Article, 2019, URL
  • O'Connor, J. , From repeated impingement to cumulative trauma: A psychodynamic approach to the development of obsessional thinking-in some cases. , International Journal of Psychotherapy, 23, (2), 2019, p6 - 20Journal Article, 2019
  • Hesse Tyson, C., O'Connor, J., & Sheehan, J.D. , No space for mother's mind: A psychoanalytically oriented qualitative study of the experiences of women with a diagnosis of postnatal depression., International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2020Journal Article, 2020, URL
  • Meehan, S., O'Connor, J., & Keogh, K. , Beauty and the beast: A psychoanalytically oriented qualitative study detailing mothers' experience of perinatal obsessive"compulsive disorder. , International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 19, (1), 2021, p158 - 176Journal Article, 2021
  • O'Connor, J. , Type A, Type B and the Kleinian Positions, Psychoanalytic Psychology, 19, (1), 2002, p95 - 117Journal Article, 2002
  • O'Connor, J., Homelessness and the problem of containment, European Journal of Counselling, Psychotherapy and Health, 6, (2), 2003, p111 - 128Journal Article, 2003
  • Mulhall, K., O'Connor, J., & Timulakova, K. , Managing the monster in the mind: A psychoanalytically informed qualitative study exploring the experiences of people diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 33, (2), 2019, p117 - 132Journal Article, 2019
  • O' Connor, J. , To hold on or to let go?: Loss and substitution in the process of hoarding , European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 16, (2), 2014, p101 - 113Journal Article, 2014
  • O' Connor, J., Fell, M. & Fuller, R. , Escaping, forgetting and revisiting the scene: The post-traumatic compulsion to repeat in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 23, 2010, p55 - 66Journal Article, 2010
  • O' Connor, J. , The dynamics of protection and exposure in obsessive-compulsive disorder, Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2007, p464 - 474Journal Article, 2007
  • O' Connor, J. , Between the street and the consulting room: The role of therapeutic frame in working with homeless clients, European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health, 7, 2005, p217 - 233Journal Article, 2005
  • O' Connor, J., Fuller, R. & Fell, M., Interpersonal disturbance in OCD and its place in the professional consultation, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 21, 2004, p104 - 109Journal Article, 2004
  • Barrett, C, O' Connor, J., Carroll, S., Edworthy, Z., Cox, D. & Healy, F. , Living in the shadow: Exploring the Experiences of Adolescents Living with Cystic Fibrosis using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, National Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Killarney, January, 2014, 2014Poster

Research Expertise

Over the last twenty years, I have been involved in a number of projects that have looked at the experiences of people diagnosed with OCD. This has involved collaboration with various clinical settings, and the work of psychologists in clinical training. A number of different populations here:: a general adult population; a population of people with longstanding diagnoses; a population of women peri-natal and post-natal presentations. In recent years, this work has related strongly to the role of trauma in a wide sense in the development of these thoughts, as also the part that transgenerational transmission of anxiety may play here. I have been involved in supervising a range of research projects on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology relating to binge eating, gambling, pornography use, self-harm (including cutting of the skin). This has reflected my own clinical interest in the area of compulsions, partly connected to my work on obsessive-compulsive disorder, but also related to ritualization in groups, organizations and society more generally. I have an ingoing interest in practice-based evidence, and I am committed to bringing the experiences of people who practice clinically into a more public sphere. I am concerned that this kind of learning is left at an individual level or as a part of small groups of professionals, in the relatively-protected, even closed, context of the clinician-only conference. I am also interested in the meeting place between distress and creativity, and I have supported and continue to support students and trainees engaged in work in this area (Music, Sport, Art). Among these are projects exploring elite athletes" experience of retirement, musicians" experiences of performance anxiety, and the process of art therapy in a group context. I am passionately committed to the use of qualitative research with multiple interviews as a way of highlighting ... and of tr... I have an ongoing interest in the dynamics of clinical interactions, including in psychotherapy and supervision relationships.

Education, Law & Human rights, Social Justice, Social Justice, Law & Human rights, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Mental Health (including Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology), Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Mental Health (including Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology), Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Education, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences,


  • Irish Council for Psychotherapy Present
  • External examiner for Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy Studies at University College Dublin.