Professor David Hevey
Professor in Clinical Health Psychology, Psychology
Email heveydt@tcd.ie Phone3531896 http://people.tcd.ie/heveydtBiography
After his undergraduate (B.A. [Hons] Psychology) and masters (M.A. Applied Psychology) in UCD, David Hevey completed his PhD in Trinity College Dublin in 2000. He subsequently worked as a Lecturer in Psychology in the Department of Psychology (RCSI) and research psychologist in the Department of Cardiology in Beaumont Hospital, before taking up his current post as Lecturer in Psychology in the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin. He has published on a wide variety of issues in health psychology and has represented health psychology on both national and international professional committees.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Crowe C, Coen RF, Kidd N, Hevey D, Cooney J, Harbison J, A qualitative study of the experience of psychological distress post-stroke., Journal of health psychology, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Galligan, N., Hevey, D., Coen, R.F., Harbison, J. , Clarifying the Associations Between Anxiety, Depression and Fatigue following Stroke., Journal of Health Psychology, 21, (12), 2016, p2863 - 2871Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Hevey, D., Hand, K., MacLachlan, M., Happiness in texting times, Frontiers in Psychology, 6, (1436), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Murphy, P. Hevey, D., O'Shea, S., Ni Rathaille, N., & Mulcahy, F., Optimism, community attachment and serostatus disclosure among HIV-positive men who have sex with men, AIDS Care, 27, 2015, p431 - 435Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Hevey, D., & Wilczkiewicz, E., & Horgan ,J.H, Changes in language use mediate expressive writings benefits on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) following Myocardial Infarction, Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine, 2, (1), 2014, p1053 - 1066Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kingston, T, Collier, S., Hevey, D., Cooney, J., O'Dwyer, A-M, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Psycho-Oncology Patients: An Exploratory Study, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, , 32, (3), 2015, p265 - 274Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Langbecker, Danette H., Diaz, Abbey, Chan, Raymond, Marquart, Louise, Hevey, D, & Hamilton, Janelle , Educational programmes for primary prevention of skin cancer (Protocol), The Cochrane Library, 4, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- McCarthy, O., Hevey, D., Brogan, A., Kelly, B.D., Effectiveness of a cognitive behavioural group therapy (CBGT) for social anxiety disorder: Immediate and long-term benefits, The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 6, (4), 2013, pe5-18Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Maddock, A., Hevey, D., & Eidenmueller, K., Mindfulness Training as a Clinical Intervention with Homeless Adults: a Pilot Study, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 15, (3), 2017, p529 - 544Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Sheill, G., Guinan, E., O Neill L, Hevey, D., & Hussey, J., Physical activity and advanced cancer: the views of chartered physiotherapists in Ireland , Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 34, (7), 2018, p534 - 541Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Murphy PJ, Hevey D, O'Dea S, Ní Rathaille N, Mulcahy F. , Serostatus Disclosure, Stigma Resistance, and Identity Management Among HIV-Positive Gay Men in Ireland, Qual Health Res, 26, (11), 2016, p1459 - 1472Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Higgins A, Hevey D, Gibbons P, O'Connor C, Boyd F, McBennett P., & Monaghan M, A participatory approach to the development of a co-produced and co-delivered information programme for users of services and family members: the EOLAS programme (paper 1). , Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 34, (1), 2017, p19 - 27Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Higgins A, Hevey D, Gibbons P, O'Connor C, Boyd F, McBennett P., & Monaghan M, Impact of co-facilitated information programmes on outcomes for service users and family members: the EOLAS programmes (Paper 2) , Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 34, (1), 2017, p29 - 37Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- McMahon A., & Hevey D., It has taken me a long time to get to this point of quiet confidence": What contributes to therapeutic confidence for clinical psychologists? , Clinical Psychologist, 21, 2017, p195 - 205Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Skin Cancer and Sunscreen Use: Psychological Factors. in, editor(s)S Henry Sharp , Sun Protection: Behaviors, Impacts and Recommendations, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2021, [Hevey D. & Cruz J]Book Chapter, 2021
- Gibbons P, Higgins A, Hevey D, Monaghan M, O' Connor C, An evaluation of the EOLAS psychoeducation programme for service users: An innovative approach to collaboration between clinicians and 'experts by experience', 24th European Congress of Psychiatry European Psychiatry, 10th April 2016, 2016, ppS565Published Abstract, 2016, DOI
- Sheill G, Guinan E, O Neill L., Hevey D., Hussey J. , Physical Activity and Advanced Cancer: The views of Oncology and Palliative Care Physicians in Ireland. , Irish Journal of Medical Science, 187, (2), 2018, p337 - 343Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Cuppage J, Baird K, Gibson J, Booth R, Hevey D , Compassion focused therapy: Exploring the effectiveness with a transdiagnostic group and potential processes of change, British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, (2), 2018, p240 - 254Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Higgins A, Hevey D, Gibbons P, O'Connor C, Boyd F, McBennett P., & Monaghan M, Outcomes of a co-facilitation skills training programme for mental health service users, family members and clinicians: the EOLAS project., International Journal of Mental Health, 27, (2), 2018, p911 - 921Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Sheill, G., Guinan, E., Hevey, D., & Hussey, J, The Views of Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer towards Physical Activity: A Qualitative Exploration, Supportive Care in Cancer, 26, (6), 2018, p1747 - 1754Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Hevey, D., Thomas, K., Laureano-Schelten, S., Looney,K., & Booth, R, Clinical depression and punishment sensitivity on the BART, Frontiers in Psychology, 8, (670), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Woods, L., Hevey, D., Ryall, N., & O'Keeffe, F, The Relationships between sexual functioning, body image, mood and anxiety in persons with a lower limb amputation, Disability and Rehabilitation, 40, (14), 2018, p1663 - 1670Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Hevey, D, Radon risk and remediation, Frontiers in Public Health, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Murphy, P.J., Hevey, D., O'Dea, S., Ni Rathaille, N., & Mulcahy, F., Serostatus disclosure and identity management among HIV-positive gay men in Ireland, European Health Psychology Society, Innsbruck, Austria, August 2014, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014, URL
- Murphy, P.J., Hevey, D., O'Dea, S., Ni Rathaille, N., & Mulcahy, F., Serostatus disclosure and identity management among HIV-positive gay men in Ireland, Psychology, Health & Medicine , Limerick, Ireland, May 2014 , 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- Murphy, P. J. & Hevey, D., The relationship between internalised HIV-related stigma and posttraumatic growth., Psychology, Health and Medicine, Dublin, Ireland, May, 2013, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- McDonnell, E., Hevey, D., McCauley, M., & Ducray, K.N., Exploration of Associations Between Early Maladaptive Schemas, Impaired Emotional Regulation, Coping Strategies and Resilience in Opioid Dependent Poly-Drug Users, Substance Use & Misuse, 53, (14), 2018, p2320 - 2329Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Murphy, P.J., Garrido-Hernansaiz, H, Mulcahy, F., & Hevey, D., HIV-related stigma and optimism as predictors of anxiety and depression among HIV-positive men who have sex with men in the United Kingdom and Ireland, AIDS Care, 30, (9), 2018, p1173 - 1179Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Timulak, L., Keogh, D., Chigwedere, C., Wilson, C., Ward, F., Hevey, D. , Griffin, P., Jacobs, L., Irwin, B., A comparison of emotion-focused therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy in the treatment of generalised anxiety disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Trials, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Founta O, Adamzik K, Tobin AM, Kirby B, Hevey D, Psychological Distress, Alexithymia and Alcohol Misuse in Patients with Psoriasis: A Cross-Sectional Study., Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 26, (2), 2019, p220 - 219Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Sheil G, Brady L, Guinan EM,Hussey J, Hevey D, Vlanjic T, Casey O, Lifestyle and health related quality of life in men with metastatic prostate cancer, Cancer Research, 78, 2018, ppA059 - A059Conference Paper, 2018
- Lawler, M., Hickey, A., Hevey, D., Doyle, F., Nixon, E., Darker, C., Barry, M., & Field, C. , Effects of a peer-led motivational interviewing intervention on physical activity levels of adolescents in low SES communities, Psychology Health and Medicine Conference 2019, Maynooth University , 22nd March, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Moylett S, Hevey D , Testing threat-to-efficacy ratios in health communications about cardiovascular disease among an older population, Health Promotion International, 2, (35), 2020, p255 - 266Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Fogarty, C., Hevey D, McCarthy O, Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Group Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder: Long-Term Benefits and Aftercare, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 47, (5), 2019, p501 - 513Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Lambe K, Hevey D, & Kelly B, Short and long guided reflection interventions for diagnostic error show no effectiveness for senior medical students, Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Hevey D. , Network analysis: a tutorial., Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 6, (1), 2018, p301 - 328Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Hevey D, Wilson O'Raghallaigh, J, O Doherty, V, Lonergan K and the members of the CDSMP Ireland Research Group, Pre-post effectiveness evaluation of Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) participation on Health, Well-Being and Health Service Utilization. , Chronic Illness, 2020, p146 - 158Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Lennon J., Hevey D., Kinsella,L. , Gender Role Conflict, Emotional Approach Coping, Self-Compassion and Distress in Prostate Cancer Patients: A Model of Direct and Moderating Effects, Psycho-oncology, 27, (8), 2018, p2009 - 2015Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Lawler, M., Hickey, A., Doyle, F., Nixon, E., Darker, C., Barry, M., Field, C., & Hevey, D., Effectiveness of a peer-led motivational interviewing intervention for increasing physical activity among at-risk adolescents, 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychological Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3 - 7 September 2019, 2019Published Abstract, 2019, URL
- Hickey, A., Lawler, M., Doyle, F., Nixon, E., Darker, C., Barry, M., Field, C., & Hevey, D. , The effects of training low-SES adolescents in Motivational Interviewing for health behaviour change among peers., 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychological Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3 - 7 September 2019, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Higgins A, Hevey D, Downes C, Boyd F, Cusack N, Monahan M, Gibbons P, Family members' perspectives on the acceptability and impact of a co-facilitated information programme: the EOLAS mental health programme, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Sheill G, Guinan E, Brady L, Hevey D, Hussey J., Exercise interventions for patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review of recruitment, attrition, and exercise adherence rates., Palliative and Supportive Care, 17, (6), 2019, p686 - 696Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Maddock A., Hevey D., D'Alton P., Kirby B., Testing a Moderated Mediation Model of MBCT"s Effects for Psoriasis Patients, Mindfulness, 10, (12), 2019, p2673 - 2681Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Maddock A., Hevey D., D'Alton P., Kirby B., A Randomized Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy with Psoriasis Patients, Mindfulness, 10, (12), 2019, p2606 - 2619Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Bouder F. , Perko T. , Lofstedt R. , Renn O., Rossmann C., Hevey D., Siegrist M., Ringer W., Pölzl-Viol C., Dowdall A., Fojtíková I., Barazza F., Hoffmann , Lutz A.,Hurst S., & Reifenhäuser C, The Potsdam Radon Communication Manifesto, Journal of Risk Research, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., Wilson, C., Brinkley, A., O'Malley, G., Murphy, S., A network analysis of the causal attributions for obesity in children and adolescents and their parents, Psychology, Health & Medicine, 24, (9), 2019, p1063 - 1074Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Higgins, A., Murphy, R., Barry, J., Eustace-Cook, J., Monahan, M., Kroll, T., Hevey, D., Doyle, L., & Gibbons, P. , Scoping review of factors influencing the implementation of group psychoeducational initiatives for people experiencing mental health difficulties and their families, Journal of mental health , 2020, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Keary E., Hevey D., Tobin A.M., A qualitative analysis of psychological distress in hidradenitis suppurativa, British Journal of Dermatology, 182, (2), 2020, p342 - 347Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Moylett, S., Hevey, D, Examining the Extended Parallel Process Model for communicating about cardiovascular disease to an at-risk population utilising a think aloud methodology, HRB Open, 2, 2019, p12Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- McDarby, V. and Hevey, D. and Cody, D., An Overview of the Role of Social Network Sites in the Treatment of Adolescent Diabetes, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 17, (4), 2015, p291-294Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Besani, C. and Hevey, D. and Mangaoang, M. and Lucey, J.V., ECT: An investigation of lay attitudes and experiences in an Irish sample, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 28, (1), 2011, p32-34Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Network Meta-Analysis in, editor(s)Bruce B. Frey , The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design (2nd Edition), CA, USA, Sage, 2021, ppIN PRESS , [David Hevey]Book Chapter, 2021
- Network Analysis in, editor(s)Bruce B. Frey , The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Desig (2nd edition), CA; USA, Sage, 2021, ppIN PRESS , [David Hevey]Book Chapter, 2021
- Exploratory Data Analysis in, editor(s)Bruce B. Frey , The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd Ed, CA; USA, Sage, 2021, ppIN PRESS , [David Hevey]Book Chapter, 2021
- Think Aloud Methods in, editor(s)Bruce B. Frey , The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd Ed, CA; USA, Sage, 2021, ppIN PRESS , [David Hevey]Book Chapter, 2021
- Radon Risk and Remediation: A Psychological Perspective in, editor(s)R C Tiwari , Radon: Detection, Exposure and Control , New York; USA, Nova Science Publishers, 2020, pp200 - 220, [David Hevey]Book Chapter, 2020
- Managing and Motivating: Pragmatic Solutions to the Brain Drain in, editor(s)Stefane M. Kabene , Human Resources in Healthcare, Health Informatics and Healthcare Systems, IGI Global, 2011, pp79 - 95, [11. Mc Auliffe, E., Manafa, O., Bowie, C., Makoae, L., Maseko, F., Moleli, M., & Hevey, D]Book Chapter, 2011, DOI
- Butler, E. , Hevey, D., Collier, S., Boland, M., Hanhauser, Y., Connolly, E., Self-Concept and Health Anxiety Relate to Psychological Outcomes for BRCA1/2 Carriers, Psycho-oncology, 2021, pIN PRESSJournal Article, 2021
- Rickard, E., Hevey, D. & Wilson. C, The impact of seating arrangement and therapy task on therapeutic alliance formation, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 2021, pIN PRESSJournal Article, 2021
- Ghaffari, M., Tezval,J., Rakhshanderou, S., Hevey,D., JHarooni, J. & Armoon, B. , Skin cancer preventive behaviours among rural Illam farmers, western Iran: applying protection motivation theory, Rural Society, 2020, pIN PRESSJournal Article, 2020, DOI
- Maddock A, Hevey D, Dalton P, Kirby B, Examining Individual Differences in Wellbeing, Anxiety and Depression in Psoriasis Using a Clinically Modified Buddhist Psychological Model. , Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 2019, pIN PRESSJournal Article, 2019, DOI
- Higgins A, Downes, C., Monaghan M, Hevey D, Boyd F, Cusak, N, & Gibbons P , Evaluation of a co-facilitated information and learning programme for service users: the EOLAS programme, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, p89 - 98Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Hevey, D., Di Blasi, Z., Hall, S., Absetz, P., CREATE - a postgraduate student initiative to promote further training and support for early career health psychologists, European Psychologist, 5, 2000, p169 - 170Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- Murphy, P., & Hevey,D , The HIV Revelation Model: Predicting the disclosure of HIV seropositivity in the context of casual sex between men., Irish Psychologist, Psychological Society of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 2015, 11, 2015, pp16-Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Murphy, P., & Hevey,D, The HIV Revelation Model: Predicting the disclosure of HIV seropositivity in the context of casual sex between men., Irish Psychologist, Psychology, Health and Medicine, Cork, Ireland, May, (5), 2016, pp4-Meeting Abstract, 2016
- Murphy, P., & Hevey,D, Ireland in the Age of AIDS: Unpersons, Stigma, Politics, Queering Ireland, Dublin, August, 2015Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Akkol-Solakoglu, S & Hevey, D, Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention Protocol With Primary Carer Access For Psychological Distress In Women With Breast Cancer, European Society for Research on Internet Interventions, Copenhagen, September, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Hevey, D., Lennon J, Kinsella L, Gender role conflict, emotional approach coping, self‐compassion and distress in prostate cancer patients A modelof direct and moderating effects, Psychooncology, World Congress of Psycho Oncology , Hong Kong, November, 27, (S3), Wiley, 2018, pp185 - 186Published Abstract, 2018
- Hevey, D & Mahon, C., A qualitative investigation of social media's influence on body-related health behaviours in Irish adolescents, European Health Psychology Society, Croatia, September, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Maddock A, Hevey D,, Individual differences in psychological well-being, anxiety and depression in psoriasis patients., European Health Psychology Society, Croatia, September, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Hevey, D., Capturing complexity: a network approach to understanding child and parent causal attributions in childhood obesity, European Health Psychology Society, Italy, 2017, 2017, pp122 - 123Published Abstract, 2017
- Moylett S, Hevey D, Testing EPPM propositions among an at-risk population for cardiovascular disease: a think aloud study, European Health Psychology Society, Italy, September, 2017Published Abstract, 2017
- Brogan, A & Hevey, D, A network approach to understanding child and parent causal attributions in childhood obesity, European Health Psychology Society, Cyprus, August, 2015Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Lambe, K.A., Hevey, D.T., Kelly, B.D, Voluntary use of guided reflection for diagnostic reasoning in psychiatry: A think-aloud protocol with junior doctors, Diagnostic Error in Medicine, Berne, Switzerland, August, 2018Meeting Abstract, 2018
- Mahon, C and Hevey D, Social comparisons influence body image perceptions in youths, Appearance Matters, Bath, Uk, July, 2018Meeting Abstract, 2018
- Hevey D, & Mahon C, A feasibility and acceptability randomised control trial of a Compassionate Mind Training intervention to improve body image following social media use in adolescents, International Compassion Focused Therapy Conference, Edinburgh, UK, October, 2019Meeting Abstract, 2019
- Hevey, D., Review of Public Information Programmes to Enhance Home Radon Screening Uptake and Home Remediation, Report, 170, Dublin, EPA, 2016, p1 - 36Report, 2016, URL
- Sheill, G., Guinan, E., Hevey, D., & Hussey, J, Physical activity and patients with advanced cancer: A qualitative exploration, Psycho-oncology , World Congress of Psycho‐oncology, Dublin, October, 25, (S3), 2016, pp108-109Published Abstract, 2016
- Sheill G, Guinan E, Neill LO, Hevey D, Hussey J, Exercise interventions for patients with metastatic cancer: Recruitment, Attrition and Exercise adherence, Psycho-oncology, World Congress of Psycho‐oncology, Dublin, 26, (S3), 2016, pp92-93Published Abstract, 2016
- Hevey, D, "Winning by not losing: risk aversion and depression, International Convention of Psychological Science , Amsterdam, March, 2015Published Abstract, 2015
- Sheill G, Guinan E, Neill LO, Hevey D, Hussey J, Lifestyle and health-related quality of life in men with metastatic prostate cancer., CANCER RESEARCH , AACR Special Conference on Prostate Cancer - Advances in Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research, Florida, USA, 78, (16), 2018, pp56 - 57Published Abstract, 2018
- Maddock, A., Hevey, D., Effects of mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on self-reported psoriasis and psychological symptoms, ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA, World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 98, (219), 2018, pp51 - 52Published Abstract, 2018
- Maddock A, Hevey D,, Mixed methods study exploring the impact of mindfulness on Psoriasis, Anxiety, Depression and QoL. , ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA, World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 98, (219), 2018, pp52 - 53Published Abstract, 2018
- Keary. E, Hevey D, AM Tobin , Hiding scars: coping with the physical and emotional impact of hidradenitis suppurativa, BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY , British-Association-of-Dermatologists , Liverpool, UK, 17, (S1), 2017, pp209 - 209Published Abstract, 2017
- Brogan A. Hevey D, Making sense of childhood Obesity, ACTA PAEDIATRICA, European Childhood Obesity Group, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6‐8 October, 106, 2016, pp32 - 32Published Abstract, 2016
- Galligan NG, Hevey D, Coen RF, Harbison JA. , Anxiety and depression are associated with poststroke fatigue (PSF), International Journal of Stroke, World Stroke Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 9, (S1), 2014, pp224 - 224Published Abstract, 2014
- Founta, O, & Hevey, D, Targeted cognitive behavioural therapy is effective in reducing alcohol misuse in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis, BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, British-Association-of-Dermatologists, Liverpool, UK, 169, (S1), 2014, pp55 - 56Published Abstract, 2014
- Crowe C, Coen RF, Kidd N, Hevey D, Cooney J, Harbison J, Experiences of Psychological Distress amongst Stroke Survivors, 35, European Stroke Conference, London, May, 3, 2012, pp765 - 765Poster, 2012
- Pertl, M. M., Hevey, D., & Quigley, J, 'I'm not complaining because I'm alive': Barriers to the emergence of a discourse of cancer-related fatigue., ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY , World Congress of Psycho‐oncology, Brisbane. Australia, 8, (S1), 2012, pp264 - 264Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Schirmer-Wilczkiewicz, E.; Hevey, D., ocial sharing among cardiac patients: the impact of emotion expression on psychological and physiological functioning - a randomised controlled trial, Psychology & Health, European Health Psychology Society, Cluj, Romania, August, 25, 2010, pp367 - 368Published Abstract, 2010
- McGee, HM; Hevey, D; Johnston, M; , Does MI have a greater impact on women than men? Effects of gender role models & responsibilities, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY , 35, 2009, pp15 - 15Published Abstract, 2009
- Hevey, D, Current Issues in Academic Publishing: Plan S, NORF and Open Access, Irish Psychologist, 45, (3), 2019, p66 - 68Journal Article, 2019
- Bouder F. , Perko T. , Lofstedt R. , Renn O., Rossmann C., Hevey D., Siegrist M., Ringer W., Pölzl-Viol C., Dowdall A., Fojtíková I., Barazza F., Hoffmann , Lutz A.,Hurst S., & Reifenhäuser C, Radon Risk Communication Guidelines, Journal of the European Radon Association, 2021, pIN PRESSJournal Article, 2021
- Higgins, A., Murphy, R., Downes, C., Barry, J., Monahan, M., Hevey, D., Kroll, T., Doyle, L. & Gibbons, P., Factors impacting the implemenation of a psychoeducation intervention within the mental health system: a multisite studyusing the consolidation framework for implementation research. , BMC Health Services Research, 20, (1023), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Darker CD, Mullin M, Doyle L, Tanner M, McGrath D, Doherty L, Dreyer-Gibney K, Barrett EM, Flynn D, Murphy P, Ivers JH, Burke E, Ryan M, McCarron M, Murphy P, Sheils O, Hevey D, Leen A, Keogh L, Walls B, Bennett AE, Petersen F, Nolan A, Barry JM., Developing a health promoting university in Trinity College Dublin-overview and outline process evaluation, Health Promotion International, 38, (4), 2023, p1 - 14, p1-14Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Niamh Allen, David Hevey, Simone Carton, Fiadhnait O"Keeffe, Life is about "constant evolution": the experience of living with an acquired brain injury in individuals who report higher or lower posttraumatic growth, Disability and Rehabilitation, 2021, p1--14Journal Article, 2021
- de Lenne, Orpha and Mahon, Ciara and Eggermont, Steven and Smits, Tim and Hevey, David and Vandenbosch, Laura, Intercultural insights on the impact of different non-idealized models on men's body image and advertising perceptions, Journal of health psychology, 2023, p13591053231152012Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- O'Connor, Sarah and Hevey, David and Burke, Tom and Rafee, Shameer and Pender, Niall and O'Keeffe, Fiadhnait, A Systematic Review of Cognition in Cervical Dystonia, Neuropsychology review, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Akkol-Solakoglu, Selin and Hevey, David, Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety in breast cancer survivors: Results from a randomised controlled trial, Psycho-oncology, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Lowry, D and Hevey, D and Wilson, C and Doherty, V O' and Sullivan, S O' and Finnerty, C and Pender, N and D'Alton, P and Mulhern, S, Wellbeing and mental health outcomes amongst hospital healthcare workers during COVID-19, Irish journal of psychological medicine, 2023, p1â"9Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Allen, Niamh and Hevey, David and Cogley, Clodagh and O'Keeffe, Fiadhnait, A meta-analysis of the association between event-related rumination and posttraumatic growth: The Event-Related Rumination Inventory and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, Journal of traumatic stress, 35, (6), 2022, p1575â"1585Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- O'Connor, Sarah and Hevey, David and O'Keeffe, Fiadhnait, Illness Perceptions, Coping, Health-Related Quality of Life and Psychological Outcomes in Cervical Dystonia, Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Timulak, Ladislav and Keogh, Daragh and Chigwedere, Craig and Wilson, Charlotte and Ward, Fiona and Hevey, David and Griffin, Patrick and Jacobs, Louise and Hughes, Suzanne and Vaughan, Christina and Beckham, Kea and Mahon, Shona, A comparison of emotion-focused therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: Results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial, Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), 59, (1), 2022, p84â"95Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Twomey, Deirdre M and Allen, Niamh and Agan, Maria L F and Hayes, Aoife M and Higgins, Andrea and Carton, Simone and Roche, Richard and Hevey, David and Bramham, Jessica and Brady, Nuala and O'Keeffe, Fiadhnait, Self-reported outcomes and patterns of service engagement after an acquired brain injury: a long-term follow-up study, Brain injury, 35, (14), 2021, p1649â"1657Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Mahon, Ciara and Hevey, David, Pilot trial of a self-compassion intervention to address adolescents' social media-related body image concerns, Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 28, (1), 2023, p307â"322Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Campbell, Dónal and Wilson O'Raghallaigh, Jennifer and O'Doherty, Veronica and Lunt, Victoria and Lowry, Damien and Mulhern, Sinead and Lonergan, Katie and McSharry, Kathy and Lynnott, Jackie and Forry, Mary and Evans, David and Pardoe, Peter and Ward, Harry and Hevey, David, Investigating the impact of a chronic disease self-management programme on depression and quality of life scores in an Irish sample, Psychology, health & medicine, 27, (7), 2022, p1609â"1617Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Gilmartin, Michael and Collins, Jack and Mason, Sabina and Horgan, Anna and Cuadrado, Elena and Ryberg, Melanie and McDermott, Garret and Baily-Scanlan, Maria and Hevey, David and Donnelly, Maria and O'Doherty, Veronica and Kelly, Yvelynne P, Post-Intensive Care COVID Survivorship Clinic: A Single-Center Experience, Critical care explorations, 4, (5), 2022, pe0700Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Maher, Michelle and O' Keeffe, AedÃn and Phelan, Niamh and Behan, Lucy Ann and Collier, Sonya and Hevey, David and Owens, Lisa, Female Reproductive Health Disturbance Experienced During the COVID-19 Pandemic Correlates With Mental Health Disturbance and Sleep Quality, Frontiers in endocrinology, 13, 2022, p838886Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Mahon, Ciara and Hevey, David, Processing Body Image on Social Media: Gender Differences in Adolescent Boys' and Girls' Agency and Active Coping, Frontiers in psychology, 12, 2021, p626763Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Hevey David, McGee Hannah M, Horgan John H, Responsiveness of Health-Related Quality of Life Outcome Measures, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, (6), 2004, p1175 - 1180Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Hevey D, Brown AS, A Cahill, Newton H, Kierns M, Horgan JH, 4-week cardiac rehabilitation produces similar improvements in exercise capacity and quality of life to a 10-week programme , Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 23, (1), 2003, p17 - 21Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Hevey D, McGee, Cahill A, Newton H, Horgan, JH. , Training cardiac rehabilitation co-ordinators, Coronary Health Care, 4, 2000, p142 - 145Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- King S, David S, Newton, H, Hevey D, Rafferty F, Horgan, JH , The effect of dietary modification on the training outcome and body composition in patients undergoing a cardiac rehabilitation programme, Coronary Health Care, 4, 2000, p76 - 81Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D., Defining and quantifying coping after stroke., Ir J Med Sci, IGS, Dublin, Sept 2005, 174, (Suppl 2), 2005, pp59-Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D, Defining and quantifying coping strategies after stroke: a review, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 77, (11), 2006, p1208 - 1218Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- Keogh KM, White P, Hevey D, McGilloway S, Smith SM, Family based interventions to improve outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (Protocol) , Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, 2007Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D , Personal Factors as determinants of activity and participation following stroke, Conference proceedings , 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming healthcare through research, education and technology, University of Dublin, Trinity College , 7th -9th November, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Hevey, D. McGee, HM, Horgan, J., Relationship of initial level of distress to changes in HRQOL during CR or usual care, Psychosomatic Medicine, 69, (8), 2007, p793 - 797Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Adherence to Health Recommendations in, editor(s)J. Perk, P. Mathes, H. Gohlke, C. Monpère, .I Hellemans, H. McGee, P. Sellier & H. Saner , European Textbook on Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation., London, Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp293 - 300, [Hevey, D. ]Book Chapter, 2007
- French, DP & Hevey, D , What do people think about when answering questionnaires to assess unrealistic optimism about skin cancer? A think aloud study, Psychology, Health & Medicine, , 13, 2008, p63 - 74Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- French, D.P., Hevey, D., Sutton, S., Kinmonth, A.L., & Marteau, T.M., Personal and social comparison information about health risk: Reaction to information and information search, Journal of Health Psychology, 11, (3), 2006, p497 - 510Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Hevey, D, Contextual, Cognitive and Emotional Influences on Risk Perception for Illness, Irish Journal of Psychology, 26, 2006, p39 - 51Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Lavin, D., Hevey, D., McGee, H.M., De La Harpe, D., Kiernan, M., Shelley, E, Cardiac rehabilitation services in Ireland: the impact of a co-ordinated national development strategy., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 174, (4), 2005, p35 - 40Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Hevey D, Mc Guone D, Mc Gee HM, Horgan JH. , Secondary prevention behaviour among cardiac patients is predicted by comparative optimism., Health Psychology Review , 21st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Maastricht, 1, (2), 2007, pp298Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Delaney, M., McGee HM, Slack K, , Hevey D, Horgan JH., Illness perceptions in cardiac rehabilitation patients: relationship to depressive outcomes, Health Psychology Review, 21st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Maastricht, 15-18 August, 1, (2), 2007Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Pertl, M., Hevey D, Menzes, G,, Psychosocial variables associated with willingness to donate to tissue banks, Health Psychology Review, 21st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Maastricht, 15-18 August, 1, (2), 2007, pp157Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Tobin, C., Hevey, D., Horgan, NF., Coen, RF. & Cunningham, CJ , Health-Related Quality of Life Of Stroke Survivors Attending the Volunteer Stroke Scheme, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 177, (1), 2008, p43 - 47Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Tehee, E., Honan, R., Hevey, D. , Factors Contributing to Stress in Parents of Individuals With Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Difficulties , 22, (1), 2009, p34 - 42Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Tobin, C., Hevey, D., Horgan, NF., Coen, RF. & Cunningham, CJ ., Social Participation and Health Service Use among Stroke Survivors attending The Volunteer Stroke Scheme (VSS) in Dublin, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Study Day, Dublin, 176, (Supplment 6), 2007, ppS248Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D. , Personal factors as Determinants of Activity and Participation after Stroke, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Study Day, Dublin, 176, (Supplement 6), 2007Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Hevey D, Mc Guone D, Mc Gee HM, Horgan JH, Comparative optimism and secondary prevention behaviour among cardiac rehabilitation participants, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 2007, ppS96Meeting Abstract, 2007
- McGee HM, Delaney, M., , Slack K, O Sullivan S., O'Rourke S, , Hevey D, Horgan JH, Illness perceptions in cardiac rehabilitation patients: relationship to depressive outcomes. , Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 14, (Supplement 1), 2007, ppS103Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Hevey, D., Colley, R., French, D.: , Evidence for optimism and for severity in addition to likelihood for negative health outcomes, Psychology & Health, 21, (Supplement 1), 2006, ppS103Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D , Adaptive strategies in acute stroke, Psychology & Health, 21, (Supplement 1), 2006, pp42Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Hevey D, Kiernan M, McGee HM, Flynn R, Adoption of the cardiac rehabilitation information system as a national audit mechanism for Ireland, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 13, (supplement 1), 2006, ppS84Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Slack K, McGee HM, Hevey D, Horgan JH, Illness perceptions in cardiac patients attending a cardiac rehabilitation programme, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil, 13, (Supplement 1), 2006, ppS84Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Dodd D, McGee HM, Hevey D, Horgan JH, Exercise capacity following Phase III cardiac rehabilitation: are improvements influenced by age or gender?, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 13, (Supplement 1), 2006Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D., , Adaptive strategies in the acute phase following stroke., Cerebrovascular Diseases , 21, 2006, pp20Meeting Abstract, 2006
- White P, Smith S, Hevey D, O'Dowd T. , Including family members in type 2 diabetes research: A qualitative and quantitative approach, Psychology & Health , 20, 2005, pp290Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D, Coping with stroke: a review of measurement. , Cerebrovascular Diseases , 19, (Supplement 2), 2005Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Hevey D, McGee HM, Horgan, J, Changes in psychological states during cardiac rehabilitation: Does initial level of distress matter? , Psychology & Health , 20, (Supplement 1), 2005, pp114Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Donnellan, C. Hickey, A, O'Neill, D., Hevey, D. , Stroke and well-being: Implications of initial stroke severity and strategies of adaptation., Psychology & Health , 20, (Supplement 1), 2005, pp69Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Hevey D, French DP, Sutton S, Kinmoth AL, Marteau T, Effects of assessment procedure on levels of optimistic bias, Psychology & Health , 19 , (Supplement 1), 2004, pp78Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Lavin D, Hevey D, Mc Gee HM, De La Harpe D, Kiernan M, Shelly E, Cardiac rehabilitation information systems: Irish developments in a European context., Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 11, (Supplement 1), 2004, pp26Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Hevey D, Mc Guone D, Mc Gee HM, Horgan JH, Unrealistic optimism in cardiac patients - a cause for concern?, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 11, (Supplement 1), 2004, pp73Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Tam P-Y, Hevey D, Mc Gee HM, Horgan JH, Cardiac rehabilitation attendance: a 10-year comparison of uptake by age and gender. , Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil , 11, (Supplement 1), 2004, pp80Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Lavin D, Hevey D, Mc Gee HM, De la Harpe D, Kiernan M, Shelly E, Cardiac rehabilitation service in Ireland: the impact of a coordinated national development strategy, Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil, 11, (Supplement 1), 2004, pp88Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Brown AS, Ho E, Hevey D, Dodds D, Horgan JH, The improvements in exercise tolerance post enhanced external counter in patients with refractory angina are related to diastolic augmentation, Heart , 83, (Supplement I), 2000, pp41Meeting Abstract, 2000
- Brown AS, Dodds D, Hevey D, Horgan JH, Enhanced external counter pulsation reduces angina frequency and improves exercise tolerance in patients with refractory angina, Heart, 83, (Supplement I), 2000, pp2Meeting Abstract, 2000
- Hevey D, Brown AS, A Cahill, Newton H, Kierns M, Horgan JH, 4-week cardiac rehabilitation produces similar improvements in exercise capacity and quality of life to a 10-week programme, Heart , 83, (Supplement I), 2000, pp52Meeting Abstract, 2000
- M. Pertl, L. Maher, A. Craig, J. Cunningham, K. Thomas, D.Hevey, Prostate cancer and screening: knowledge and attitudes of men at risk, BPS Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837, Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, 2007Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., & Yoder, R, Obese Patients' Causal Attribution Belief Network. , Proceedings of British Psychological Society ISSN 1754-8837, Northern Ireland Branch Annual Conference, 2007Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., & Yoder, R., The Structure of Causal Attributions in Obesity: A Network Analysis. , The Irish Psychologist, 33, (9), 2007, pp218Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Hevey D, McGee HM, Fitzgerald D & Horgan JH , Acute psychological stress decreases tPA and tPA/PAI-1 complexes in cardiac patients, European Heart Journal, 20, 1999, pp120Meeting Abstract, 1999
- Hevey D. , A health psychology strategy for health, The Irish Psychologist, 11, 2002, pp48Meeting Abstract, 2002
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D , Personal factors as predictors of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and depression after stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 17th European Stroke Conference, Nice, France, May 13-16, 2008, 25, (suppl 2), Karger, 2008, pp11-Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D, Personal factors and predictors of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and depression after stroke, J Nutrition Health Ageing, European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Copenhagen, 3-6 Oct 2008, 12, (8), 2008, pp551Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Think aloud methods in, editor(s)N. J. Salkind , Encyclopedia of Research Design, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2010, pp1504 - 1506, [David Hevey]Book Chapter, 2010
- Brogan, A., & Hevey, D. , The Structure of the Causal Attribution Belief Network of Patients with Obesity., British Journal of Health Psychology, 14, (Pt 1), 2009, p35 - 48Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., The structure of the causal attribution belief network of patients with obesity, International Journal of Psychology, 43, 2008, pp265Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., & Yoder, R, Obese Patients' Causal Attribution Belief Network, British Psychological Society Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837, Annual General Conference, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Hevey, D, Brogan A, & Mohan, A. , Community placement planning for a long stay in-hospital population, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , 26, 2009, p44 - 46Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Hevey, D. , Research into practice, European Psychologist, 2, 1997, p61 - 63Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- McAuliffe, E, Bowie, C, Manafa, O, Maseko, F, Maclachlan, M, Hevey, D, Normand, C, Chirwa, M, Measuring and managing the work environment of the mid-level provider - the neglected human resource., Human Resources for Health, 7, (1), 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Donnellan C, Hevey D, Hickey A, O'Neill D, Personal factors as predictors of health-related quality of life and depression after stroke, Psychology and Health, 22nd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bath, UK, 9th-12th September, 23, (Suppl 1), 2008, pp108-Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D, Effect of acute depression and anxiety on stroke recovery, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, (Suppl 6), 2009, pp42 - 42Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Hevey, D, Acute psychological stress decreases tPA and tPA/PAI-1 complexes in cardiac patients, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 83, 2000, p344 - 348Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- 101. Murphy, M., Mabruk, M.J., Lenane, P., Liew, A., McCann, P., Buckley, A., O'Flatharta, C., Hevey, D., Billet, P., Robertson, W., Javed, S., Leader, M., Kay, E., & Murphy, G.M. , Comparison of the expression of p53, p21, Bax and the induction of apoptosis between patients with basal cell carcinoma and normal controls in response to ultraviolet irradiation., Journal of Clinical Pathology, 55, 2002, p829 - 833Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- McGee, HM, Johnston M, Pollard B, Hevey D, Does MI have a greater impact on women than men? Testing hypothesis about the effects of gender role models and responsibilities, European Review of Applied Social Psychology, 50, (3), 2000, p333 - 340Journal Article, 2000
- Hevey, D., McGee, HM, & Horgan, JH, Psychosocial outcome assessments for use in cardiac rehabilitation service evaluation: A 10-year systematic review, Social Science & Medicine, 48, 1999, p1373 - 1393Journal Article, 1999, DOI
- Hevey, D., Slack, K., Cahill, A., Newton, H., & Horgan, J.H. , Rates of smoking in the households of cardiac patients, Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 9, (5), 2002, p271 - 274Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- White P, Smith SM, Hevey D, O'Dowd T, Understanding type 2 diabetes: including the family member's perspective., The Diabetes educator, 35, (5), 2009, p810 - 817Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Hevey, D, Pertl, M, Thomas, K, Maher, L, Craig, A, Chuinneagain, SN, Consideration of future consequences scale: Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Personality and Individual Differences, 48, (5), 2010, p654 - 657Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Hevey, D, French, DP, Marteau, TM, Sutton, S, Assessing Unrealistic Optimism Impact of Different Approaches to Measuring Susceptibility to Diabetes, Journal of Health Psychology, 14, (3), 2009, p372 - 377Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Hevey, D, Pertl, M, Thomas, K, Maher, L, Chuinneagain, SN, Craig, A, The relationship between prostate cancer knowledge and beliefs and intentions to attend PSA screening among at-risk men, Patient Education and Counselling, 74, (2), 2009, p244 - 249Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Daly; M., Hevey, D., & Regan, C, The role of perceived risk in general practitioners' decisions to inform partners of HIV-infected patients, British Journal of Health Psychology, 16, (2), 2011, p273 - 287Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Pertl, M., Hevey, D., Thomas, K., Maher, L., Craig, A., & Ni Chuinneagain, S, Differential effects of self-efficacy and perceived behavioural control on intention to perform skin cancer risk behaviours, Health Education Research, 25, (5), 2010, p769 - 779Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- McKenna, G., Hevey, D., & Martin, E., Patients' and Providers' Perspectives on Bibliotherapy in Primary Care , Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. , 17, (6), 2010, p497 - 509Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Hevey, D., Pertl, M., Thomas, K., Maher,L., Craig, A, Ní Chuinneagáin, S, Body consciousness moderates the effect of message framing on intentions to use sunscreen, Journal of Health Psychology, 15, (4), 2010, p553 - 559Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Laureano-Schelten, S., Hevey, D., & Thomas, K. , Psychological distress and individual differences influence performance on decision-making related tasks., Learning & Perception, 2, 2010, pp18-Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Cussen, S., D'Alton, P. & Hevey, D., The relationships between a mindfulness based cognitive therapy programme and quality of life, coping strategies, levels of stress, and individual social comparisons in cancer patients, Irish Psychologist, 2009, 35, 2009, pp414-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- McKiernan ,D., Hevey, D., Bates, U. & Waldron, N. , Quality Care for Day Hospice Patients: a pilot study. Screening for Distress in Palliative Cancer Patients; Referral and Care Pathways, Irish Psychologist, 35, 2009, pp422-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- O'Farrell, J., Hevey, D. & Power, C. , Catastrophising and experiences of injustice in chronic pain patients: an outpatient sample., Irish Psychologist, 35, 2009, pp426-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Creedon, M., Hevey D., & Hession, N, Screening for psychological distress in an Irish Radiation oncology hospital., Irish Psychologist, 35, 2009, pp412-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., Yoder, R. & O'Shea, D, , Impaired Decision Making Processes among Morbidly Obese Adults, Irish Psychologist, 35, 2009, pp410-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Pertl, M & Hevey, D , Cancer-related Fatigue: A Role for Illness Perceptions? , Irish Psychologist, 35, 2009, pp427-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Hevey, D., & Egan, G. , Influence of prevalence and severity on affective processing of health risk information: A think-aloud study. , Psychology & Health , 24, 2009, pp204-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Pertl M., Thomas K., Hevey D., Craig A., Ni Chuinneagain S., Maher L., Differential effects of self-efficacy and perceived behavioural control on skin cancer risk behaviours., Psychology & Health, 24, 2009, pp311-Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Brogan A.,& Hevey D, The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and affective decision making in obesity, Psychology & Health, 24, 2009, pp112 - 113Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Hevey, D. & Dolan, M. , Approach-inhibition disposition moderates the effects of framing skin cancer information on affective responses, Psychol & Health, 23, 2008, pp141-Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Cosgrove, K., Hevey, D., Gaffney, P., A psychometric evaluation of the Bar-On EQ-i:YV measure of trait emotional intelligence in an Irish adolescent sample, BPS Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Thompson S, Lawlor E, Hevey D, O Callaghan E , The effect of a social skills training programme versus discussion group on social functioning in outpatients with a psychosis, BPS Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837,, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Besani C, Hevey D, Mangaoang M, Lucy J , An investigation of attitudes towards ECT amongst psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, and lay people in Ireland and an examination of patients' experiences. , BPS Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
- McKenna G, Hevey D, Martin E , Bibliotherapy: A review of its use and efficacy in clinical settings, BPS Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Crawley L, Hevey D, Kelville R, Investigating the impact of a mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programme on mindfulness skills, self-compassion and quality of life of clinical psychologists, BPS Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Tobin C, Hevey D , Relationship of social comparison strategies to physical and mental functioning among stroke support group attendees, BPS Conference Proceedings ISSN 1754-8837, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Hevey, D. , Pertl, M., Thomas, K., Maher,L., Ní Chuinneagáin, S., Craig, A, Body consciousness moderates the effect of message framing on intentions to use sunscreen., International Journal of Psychology, 43, 2008, pp100-Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Pertl, M, Hevey, D. Thomas, K., Maher,L., Ní Chuinneagáin, S., Craig, A. , Differential effects of self-efficacy and perceived behavioural control on skin cancer risk behaviours, International Journal of Psychology, 2008, pp802-Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Besani, C., Hevey, D. Mangaoang, M., Lucey, J.V., , Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): Attitudes, knowledge and experience of patients, International Journal of Psychology, , 43, 2008, pp264-Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Brogan A, Hevey D, Pignatti R, Anorexia, bulimia, and obesity: Shared decision making deficits on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT)., Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 16, 2010, p711-715Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Exploratory data analysis in, editor(s)N. J. Salkind , Encyclopedia of Research Design, Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE, 2010, pp455 - 458, [Hevey, D. & Pertl, M. ]Book Chapter, 2010
- Network analysis in, editor(s)N.J. Salkind , Encyclopedia of Research Design, Thousand Oaks; CA, Sage, 2010, pp895 - 897, [Hevey, D & Brogan, A. ]Book Chapter, 2010
- Marsa, F., O'Reilly, G., Carr, A., Murphy, P., O'Sullivan, M., Cotter, A., Hevey, D., Attachment styles and psychological profiles of child sex offenders in Ireland, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19, (2), 2004, p228 - 251Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- McGee, H.M., Hevey, D., Horgan, J.H., Cardiac rehabilitation service provision in Ireland: the Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation survey, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 170, (3), 2001, p159 - 162Journal Article, 2001, DOI
- Hevey, D., Health, coping, and well-being. Perspectives from social comparison theory, Psychology & Health, 14, (5), 1999, p959 - 961Journal Article, 1999, DOI
- Thomas, K., Hevey, D. , Pertl, M., Ní Chuinneagáin, S., Craig, A., & Maher, L. , Appearance matters: The frame and focus of health messages influences beliefs about skin cancer, British Journal of Health Psychology, 16, (2), 2011, p273 - 287Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Murphy, A., Bates, U., & Hevey, D., Screening For Distress In Breast Cancer Patients. , Support Care Cancer , 14, 2006, pp670 - 670Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Pertl, M., Hevey, D., Collier, S. , Assessing Patients' Representations of Cancer-Related Fatigue: Implications for Practice., Psycho-Oncology, 19, (2), 2010, pp144 - 144Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Hevey, D. McGee, H. M., The effect size statistic: Useful in health outcomes research?, Journal of Health Psychology, 3, (2), 1998, p163 - 170Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Hevey, D., Smith, M., McGee, H. M., Self-efficacy and health behaviour: A review, Irish Journal of Psychology, 19, (2-3), 1998, p248 - 273Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Donnellan C, Hickey A, Hevey D, O'Neill D, Effect of mood symptoms on recovery one year after stroke., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 25, (12), 2010, p1288 - 1295Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Donnellan, C., Hevey, D., Hickey, A., & O'Neill, D., Adaptation to stroke using a model of successful aging., Neuropsychology, development, and cognition, 19, (4), 2012, p530 - 547Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Hevey, D., Pertl, M, Thomas, K., Maher, L., Craig, A., & Chuinneagain, S.N., Need for cognition and method effects, International Journal of Psychological and Educational Measurement, 12, (1), 2012, p20 - 33Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Hevey, D. & French, D.P., Comparative optimism for severity of negative health outcomes, Psychology, Health & Medicine , 17, (4), 2012, p417 - 426Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., O'Callaghan, G., Yoder, R., & O'Shea D., Impaired decision making among morbidly obese adults, Journal of Psychosomatic Research , 70, (2), 2011, p189 - 196Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Hevey, D., Pertl, M, Thomas, K., Laureano-Schelten, S, Psychological distress and individual differences influence performance on decision-making related tasks, Learning and Perception, 1, (2), 2012, p165 - 182Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McSherry, P., O'Connor, C., Hevey, D. & Gibbons, P, Service user experience of adapted dialectical behaviour therapy in a community adult mental health setting. , Journal of Mental Health, 21, (6), 2012, p539 - 547Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Hevey, D., Wilczkiewicz, E., & Horgan , J.H., Type D moderates the effects of expressive writing on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) following Myocardial Infarction (MI), Irish Journal of Psychology, 33, (2-3), 2012, p107 - 114Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Pertl, M., Hevey, D., Collier, S. & Donohoe, G, Assessing patients' beliefs about their cancer-related fatigue: validation of an adapted version of the illness perception questionnaire. , Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 19, (3), 2012, p293 - 307Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- A Review of Affective and Cognitive Approaches to Assessing Decision Making in Overweight and Obesity in, editor(s)K. O. Moore & N. P. Gonzalez , Handbook on Psychology of Decision-Making: New Research, New York, Nova, 2012, pp63 - 87, [Brogan, A. & Hevey, D]Book Chapter, 2012
- Hevey, D, Maladaptive coping moderates the relationship between concerns about implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and HRQOL, Psychology and Health, 26, 2011, pp282Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Pertl M, Hevey D, & Collier S , A longitudinal investigation of the correlates of cancer-related fatigue in patients treated with chemotherapy, Psychology and Health, 26, 2011, pp272-Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Pertl M, Hevey D, Collier S, & Donohoe G , Cancer patients' experience of fatigue and its management: A qualitative study., Psychology and Health, 26, 2011, pp192-Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Olivia Murphy, David Hevey & Valerie Twomey, Stigma and its importance in understanding young adolescent males' willingness to use mental health services: A proposed research model and intervention, Irish Psychologist, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Aisling McMahon & David Hevey, Psychologists practising psychotherapy: What makes a confident therapist?, Irish Psychologist, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Kevin O' Hanrahan, David Hevey & Caroline O' Connor, Evaluating a cognitively oriented service (group and individual) for individuals with psychosis attending community adult mental health services, Irish Psychologist, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Eva Schirmer-Wilczkiewicz & Hevey, D., Social sharing in CHD patients: impact of emotion expression intervention on psychological and physiological functioning - a Randomised Controlled Trial, The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease (5th Conference), , Tilburg, the Netherlands, October 23-25, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Brogan, A., Hevey, D., Yoder, R., Rhynehart, A., Kelly, D., & Knox, S, A food diary assessment of the relationships between self-reported eating style and eating behaviour in obese individuals, Psychology and Health, 25, 2010, pp21-Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Pertl, M.,Hevey, D., & Collier, S.;, Assessing patients' representations of cancer-related fatigue, Psychology and Health, European Health Psychology Society, Cluj, Romania, (25), 2010, pp70-Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Clifford, S., Hevey, D., & Menezes, G., An investigation into the knowledge and attitudes towards radon testing among residents in a high radon area., Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 32, (4), 2012, pN141 - N147Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Richards, D., Timulak, L., & Hevey, D. , A comparison of two online cognitive-behavioural interventions for symptoms of depression in a student population: the role of therapist responsiveness., Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. , 13, (3), 2013, p184 - 193Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Higgins, A., Sharek, D., Hevey, D., Breen, M., Boyd, F., Hogan, P., O'Brien, A., Lakes, D., McFeely, S., O'Connor, C., Gibbons, P., Gregan, L., Brassil, D., and McBennett, P. , Design, development and evaluation of a collaborative peer and clinician led educational programme for service users and family members: Findings from the EOLAS programme, Horatio: 2nd European Festival of Psychiatric Nursing, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-23 September, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
- Pertl, M.M., Hevey, D., Boyle, N.T., Hughes, M.M., Collier, S., O'Dwyer, A.M., Harkin, A., Kennedy, M.J., & Connor, T.J., C-reactive prtoein predicts fatigue independently of depression in breast cancer patients prior to chemotherapy, Brain Behaviour and Immunity, 34, 2013, p108 - 119Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Hevey, D. & Dolan, M., Approach/avoidance motivation, message framing and skin cancer prevention: a test of the congruency hypothesis, Journal of Health Psychology, 19, (8), 2014, p1003 - 1012Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Hevey, D. McGee, H.M., & Horgan, J.H. , Comparative optimism among patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) is associated with fewer adverse clinical events 12 months later, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37, (2), 2014, p300 - 307Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Pertl, M., Hevey, D., Collier, S., Lambe, K., & O'Dwyer, A.M., Predictors of fatigue in cancer patients before and after chemotherapy, Journal of Health Psychology, 19, (6), 2014, p699 - 710Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Pertl, M. M., Hevey, D., & Quigley, J., 'I'm not complaining because I'm alive': Barriers to the emergence of a discourse of cancer-related fatigue, Psychology & Health, 29, (2), 2014, p141 - 161Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- McIlroy, S. & Hevey, D. , Relationship between adverse early experiences, stressors, psychosocial resources and wellbeing, Child Abuse and Neglect, 38, (1), 2014, p65 - 75Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Balfe, M., Doyle, F., Smith, D., Sreenan, S., Brugha, R., Hevey, D., & Conroy, R., What's distressing about having Type 1 diabetes? A qualitative study of young adults' perspectives, BMC Endocrine Disorders, 13, (25), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hevey, D. & Hickey, A., Health psychology in Ireland: A healthy prognosis?, Irish Journal of Psychology, 34, (3-4), 2013, p147 - 155Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Murphy, P.J. & Hevey D., The relationship between internalised HIV-related stigma and posttraumatic growth, AIDS and Behavior, 17, (5), 2013, p1809 - 1818Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Brogan, A. & Hevey, D., Eating styles in the morbidly obese: Restraint eating, but not emotional and external eating, predicts dietary behaviour, Psychology & Health, 28, (6), 2013, p714 - 725Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Hevey, D., Collins, A., & Brogan, A., Network analysis, The Psychologist, 26, 2013, p430 - 431Journal Article, 2013, URL
- McGee, H., Lavin, D., & Hevey, D., Cardiac Rehabilitation Audit Standards, August, 2004Report, 2004
- D. Hevey, Network Analysis, Psychological Society of Ireland's Annual Conference, Sligo, November, 2013Meeting Abstract, 2013
- D. Hevey, Mediators and Moderators of Expressive Writing in Cardiac Patients, Psychological Society of Ireland's Annual Conference, Sligo, November, 2013Meeting Abstract, 2013
- Boyd, F., Breen, M., Sherak, D., McBennett, P., Hevey, D., Gibbons, P., O' Connor, C., McFeely, S. & Higgins, A ., Service user involvement in a collaborative research project: Insights and challenges, 31st Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research & Education Conference, "Nursing and Midwifery Practice in a Global Community: Collaborating and Networking for the Future", Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, 22-23 February, 2012Meeting Abstract, 2012
- M. Pertl, D Hevey, & S. Collier, Psychological distress predicts maintenance of cancer-related fatigue in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, International Psycho-Oncology Society Congress, Brisbane, Australia, November, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
- M. Pertl, D Hevey, & J. Quigley, "I'm not complaining because I'm alive": constructing a discourse of cancer-related fatigue that can inform clinical practice, International Psycho-Oncology Society Congress, Brisbane, Australia, November, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
- Wilczkiewicz, E. & Hevey, D., Social sharing in CHD patients: Impact of emotion expression intervention on psychological and physiological indices, Psychology & Health, 27, 2012, pp319Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Boyd, F., Breen, M., Hevey, D. & Higgins, A., Developing a Peer & Clinician-led Information Programme: Opportunities & Challenges, Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing Annual Conference, Dublin, June 2nd, 2011Poster, 2011
- Leavy, C; O'Shea, M; Hevey, D; M; Monahan, M; McBennett, P; Higgins, A., Pre and post-test outcome of four day facilitation training programme on participant's knowledge, skills and confidence, The Fifth Symposium of the Irish Institute of Mental health Nursing: 'Recovery and clinical risk management: An oxymoron, Trinity College Dublin, 10th April 2014, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- O'Shea, M; Monahan, M; McBennett, P; Leavy. C; Hevey, D; Higgins, A , Impact of a four day facilitation training programme on participants knowledge, skills and confidence: qualitative findings, The Fifth Symposium of the Irish Institute of Mental health Nursing: 'Recovery and clinical risk management: An oxymoron', Trinity College Dublin, 10th April 2014, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- Hevey, D., Wilson, C, & McCauley, M., Review and recommendations regarding Critical Incident Stress Management systems in the Irish Fire Service. , Dublin, National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management, 2016Report
- Hevey, D, Evaluation of the SuperTroopers programme in Ireland, 2017Report
- Hevey, D., Invited Keynote Address: The psychology of Radon Risk Perception, European Radon Association, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2017Invited Talk
- Hevey, D., Invited Opening Address: Digital Mental Health: from potential promise to practical programmes, European Society for Research on Internet Intervention (ESRII) , Dublin, 2018Invited Talk
- Hevey, D., Invited Keynote Address: Radon risk education, perception and action, British Nuclear Medicine Association and Irish Nuclear Medicine Association, Dublin, 2018Invited Talk
- Hevey, D., Invited Keynote Address: Research methods in Health Psychology: A healthy prognosis?, Psychology, Health and Medicine, Cork, Ireland, 2020Invited Talk
- Hevey, D., Invited Keynote Address: Depression and CHD: the silent risk factor?, Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabiitation, Dublin, 2010Invited Talk
- Hevey, D., Invited Keynote Address: Managing the psychological burden of COPD, Respiratory nurse specialists conference, Galway, 2017Invited Talk
- Hevey, D., Invited Keynote Address: Challenges in radon risk communication, UK Radon Association Conference, Bath, Uk, 2018Invited Talk
- Hevey, D, The use of models in health psychology: from theory to intervention, Health Psychology Update, 10, 2001, p52 - 54Review Article
- Hevey, D, Stages of change: Rhetoric or reality? , Health Psychology Update, 6, 1998, p31 - 34Review Article
- Hevey, D, Middling models & meddling muddles, Health Psychology Update, (5), 1997, p9 - 11Review Article
- Hevey, D, Report on the Erasmus course in Health Psychology, Health Psychology Update, 5, 1997, p19 - 20Review Article
- Hevey, D, Report on the Erasmus course in Health Psychology, Health Psychology Update, 4, 1996, p18 - 19Review Article
- Hevey, D, Report on the first BPS Health Psychology Division Conference, Irish Psychologist, 9, 1998, p14 - 15Review Article
- Hevey, D, Invited Research Seminar: " Winning by not Losing. Risk aversion and depression", Invited Research Seminar, University of Sheffield, 2018Invited Talk
- Hevey, D, Invited Keynote Address: Quality of Life Assessment in Cardiac Rehabilitation, Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabiitation, Dublin, Ireland, 2006Invited Talk
- Hevey D, Cradock K, Kingston C, Fallon N, Horgan JH., Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation guidelines (2nd edition), Dublin, IACR, October, 2007Report
- Lavin, D., Hevey, D., McGee,H., De La Harpe, D., Kiernan, M. & Shelley, E., CRIS: Cardiac Rehabilitation information system. Data standards for cardiac rehabilitation in Ireland , Dublin, RCSI, 2005Report
- Barry J, Hevey D, Hogan G, Murray E, O'Sullivan N, Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation guidelines., Dublin, IACR, 2000Report
Research Expertise
My internationally recognised research programme focuses on applying psychological science to answer two main research questions: 1) How can we best meet the psychosocial needs of patients living with long-term physical and mental health conditions? 2) How can we communicate health risks (arising from behaviours and environmental threats) to keep people healthy? I make important theoretical, methodological and practical contributions in these areas. My highly-cited innovative research on how people with eating disorders seek reward and avoid punishment in experimental conditions produced novel insights into impaired decision-making processes that negatively impact on health. My research on stress and coping among parents of children with autism has over 300 citations and is the 5th most cited article in the Journal's history. My applications of novel statistical approaches (e.g., network analysis; sensitivity of psychological measures) have been highly cited; I was invited to write an open access tutorial paper on network analysis. My research has real-world impact. For example, my current MCRG-HRB grant examines how we can train adolescents in socio-economically marginalised communities to deliver health behaviour change interventions to their peers. My research for EPA Ireland informs the national radon awareness programme policy in terms of content and process of delivery. I have published or in press 110 peer reviewed journal articles; I frequently publish in journals ranked in the top 20% in the Clarivate journal rankings; one of my most recent Senior Author publications was in the British Journal of Dermatology (IF=7, top 5% ranking). My Google Scholar h index is 32, with i10-index of 62. My citation count is 4,870. I have given invited research seminars at leading research-intensive Russell Group universities (e.g., Kings College London, University of St. Andrews). Based on my research impact, I have been invited to give keynote talks at national and international scientific conferences.
TitleThe development of a Mental Health Information and Support Programme both for people with severe and enduring mental health difficulties and also their carersSummaryAn RCT examining the effects of a peer and clinician-led intervention psychoeducation programme for people with severe mental health difficulties in comparison to treatment as usual.Funding AgencyGENIO TRUST, 173,428Date From2010Date To2011
TitleCausal Attributions for Eating DisordersSummaryNetwork analyses of the structure of causal attribution networks among participants with eating disorders.Date From2010Date To2012
TitleAffective and cognitive influences on decision making in morbid obesitySummaryExamination of decision-making by obese and healthy weight control participants. Decision-making assessed using standard computer tasks (e.g., IGT, GDT, variant IGT) and psychological questionnaires. In addition a food diary study completed based on psychological theories of overeating.Funding AgencyIRCHSSDate From2007Date To2010
TitleSocial sharing among cardiac patientsSummaryAn RCT examining the effects of a social sharing intervention on psychological, behavioral and physiological functioning among cardiac patients.Date From2008Date To2012
TitleDeveloping an audit tool for cardiac rehabilitationSummaryThe project aimed to develop a national audit tool for use in cardiac rehabilitation services. Focus groups with key stakeholders and extenisive piloting testing were completed before launching the the audit system.Funding AgencyDepartment of Health Cardiovascular Strategy /Health Research Board: 118,000Date From2002Date To2004
TitleThe influence of cognition and emotion on decision-makingSummaryA series of studies examining decision-making among healthy and clinically depressed participants. Studies involve standard computer-based decision making tasks (e.g., IGT, BART, Ultimatum Game), psychological questionnaires, and counterfactual scenarios.Funding AgencyIRCHSS; 97,200Date From2009Date To2011
TitleMechanisms underlying a psychological intervention for cancer-related fatigueSummaryAn RCT examining the effects of a psychological intervention for cancer-related fatigue.Funding AgencyIrish Cancer Society/IRCSETDate From2009Date To2012
Psychology and cognitive sciences,
- European Health Psychology Society Best poster prize at annual conference (380 posters presented at the conference) September 2019
- Psychological Society of Irleand Annual Scientific Conference, best poster winner (1st of 80 posters) November, 2017
- Winner of the Sheppard Trust prize, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland for best postgraduate poster and oral summary presentation (1st of 10) March 1999
- Winner of European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology Diploma for best poster presentation ( Rated 1st of 60 posters) at annual conference August 2009
- Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing Annual Conference, best conference poster prize (1st of 40 posters) Spetember 2011
- Winner of the Sheppard prize, Beaumont Hospital for best non-medical postgraduate research (1st of 25) June 1999
- Tallaght University Hospital 2018 Clinical audit and quality improvement symposium best poster (1st of 40 posters) August 2018
- European Health Psychology Society to-date
- American Psychological Association to-date
- Psychological Society of Ireland to-date
- British Psychological Society 2017
- Association for Psychological Science to-date
- I was a committee member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) Special Interest Group in Health Psychology (March 1999 - March 2004). I served as secretary for 2003-2004. I was elected by the members to be the inaugural Chair of the Division of Health Psychology (DHP) and served on the committee until 2016 1999-
- I was elected by the membership (n = 1000) to the European Health Psychology Society Executive Committee. In addition to the general duties on the committee, I was a member of the publications committee, which oversaw the emergence of the journal Health Psychology Review (One of the highest impact factor journals in the discipline). Furthermore I was the Education and training officer and developed the advisory document on establishing minimal standards for European Health Psychology training programmes. 2006
- Conference organising committee March
- Member of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) working group that developed the HeartQOL self-report measure for assessing Quality of Life among cardiac patients internationally. 2010
- Conference organizing committee for the PSI Division for Teachers, Academics and Researchers in Psychology Annual Scientific Conference.
- External examiner for 10 PhDs (University of Ulster, Derry, 2007; Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford 2010; Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2010; Edinburgh University 2014; Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 2015; University of Bath 2016; NUI Galway 2017; Sheffield University 2019; Queens University Belfast 2019; University College Cork 2019). Various
- European Health Psychology Society (Organising Committee) September
- I was a founding member of the PSI Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology (2007) and have served as its Chair and I am still a member of the committee. 2007
- I was invited to be on the Advisory Committee for the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations' (EFPA) Congress on Psychology for Health, which formulates recommendations for European healthcare policies. 2016
- External examiner to the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland. 2007
- External examiner on DCU University Accreditation Panel for a MSc in Psychology 2018
- Journal reviewer: Psychosomatic Medicine; Psychology and Health; the British Journal of Health Psychology; the Journal of Health Psychology; Psychology, Health and Medicine; the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Journal of Behavioral Medicine; Health Psychology; Clinical Psychology Review; Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine; International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology; Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 2002
- Editorial Board member for international peer reviewed journal Coronary Health Care 1999
- Conference organizing committee for the Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation (IACR) Annual Scientific Conference 1999
- I was a member of Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) Accreditation Quality Assurance Group (2004-2010), which developing guidelines for the accreditation of postgraduate training programmes in psychology. I am on the PSI Health Psychology Accreditation group: I led the development of the initial national Guidelines (2008) for postgraduate training in health psychology, and was a member of the committee that developed the most recent version of the national Guidelines. (2018). I was both a member (2006) and the Chair (2012) of the Accreditation Panel review for the NUIG Health Psychology programme. 2004
- Expert consultant to COPD Ireland for the development of their patient handbook (COPD and Me Information Booklet - Chapter 8: Mental Health & Wellbeing) 2017
- Editorial board member of the international peer reviewed journal European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (Q1 ranking for Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems) 2009
- Elected Council member of the Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation (IACR).I served as secretary, treasurer and editor of IACR Newsletter. I was part of the expert panel responsible for publishing the first IACR National Standards and Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation (2000) and I Chaired the expert panel that developed the 2nd edition of the Guidleines. I have been involved in organizing the scientific programme of the national IACR annual general conferences. 1998
- I was a member of a working group that led the establishment of the new Psychological Society of Ireland PSI Science & Public Policy group (2017), which I am currently a member of. The group provides national leadership on applications of psychological science and practice to public policy. 2017
- I am on the PSI Expert Validation Committee (EVC; 2008-to date);I am responsible for examining applications for eligibility to be placed on the PSI register of professional psychologists and to determine eligibility to work in the HSE. 2008
- Associate Editor of the international peer reviewed journal British Journal of Health Psychology (rank Q1 Health Psychology journals) 2014
- Associate Editor of international peer reviewed journal Psychology & Health (rank Q1 Health Psychology journals) 2016
- External examiner to the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme, Bath University, United Kingdom 2013-20
- External examiner to the BA Psychology degrees in the School of Psychology, NUIG 2018
- SPHeRE Academic Panel Member overseeing HRB funded Sphere PhD scholar progress. SPHeRE is an all-Ireland cross-university initiative to produce high-level students to lead health services research nationally. I was responsible for reviewing the students' progress documents, attending presentations and providing feedback and guidance to ensure successful submission of PhD. 2015
- Grant reviewer: Health Research Board; UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); Wellcome Trust UK; Various