Dr. Elizabeth Nixon

Dr. Elizabeth Nixon

Associate Professor, Psychology

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Elizabeth Nixon is a Lecturer in Developmental Psychology based in the School of Psychology and a Senior Research Fellow at the Children's Research Centre. Elizabeth received a BA and MLitt Degree in Psychology from UCD and a PhD in Psychology and Post-graduate Diploma in Statistics from TCD. Her doctoral research explored how parenting practices and family relationships are negotiated and experienced by children and their mothers within lone-mother households and was carried out at the Children's Research Centre. Prior to taking up her lectureship in psychology in October 2006, Elizabeth worked as a Research Fellow at the Children's Research Centre where she was involved in the First National Study of Intercountry Adoption in Ireland, funded by the Adoption Board (published in 2007). Her research focuses onparenting and family as a context for children's development.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Byrne, S., Swords, L. & Nixon, E., Mental Health Literacy and Help-Giving Responses in Irish Adolescents, Journal of Adolescent Research, 30, (4), 2015, p477 - 500Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Parenting and Children's Development in Ireland: Lessons from Psychology in, editor(s)C. O'Doherty & A. Jackson , Learning on the Job: Parenting in Modern Ireland, Cork, Oak Tress Press, 2015, pp119-134. - [Nixon, E.]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Blended Families, Shehan, C.L., Encyclopedia of Family Studies , 2016, [Nixon, E. & Hadfield, K. ]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2016, DOI
  • Non-Custodial Parents, Shehan, C.L., Encyclopedia of Family Studies, 2016, [Nixon, E.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2016, DOI
  • Nixon, E., Greene, S., Hogan, D., "It's What's Normal for Me": Children's Experiences of Growing Up in a Continuously Single-Parent Household, Journal of Family Issues, 36, (8), 2015, p1043-1061Journal Article, 2015
  • Lydon, D.M., Nixon, E., Facial mimicry interference affects reaction time but not accuracy on an emotion recognition task in children, adolescents and adults, Irish Journal of Psychology, 35, (2-3), 2014, p106-120Journal Article, 2014
  • Hadfield, K. & Nixon, E., "He's Had Enough Fathers": Mothers' and Children's Approaches to Mothers' Romantic Relationships Following the Dissolution of Previous Partnerships, Journal of Family Issues, 39, (1), 2018, p271 - 295Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Is Family Structure a Source of Inequality in Children 's Lives? in, editor(s)Williams, J., Nixon, E., Smyth, E. & Watson, D. , Cherishing all the Children Equally?, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 2016, pp58 - 79, [Nixon, E. & Swords, L. ]Book Chapter, 2016
  • Parental Investment and Child Development in, editor(s)Williams, J., Nixon, E., Smyth, E. & Watson, D. , Cherishing all the Children Equally?, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 2016, pp80 - 106, [Quigley, J. & Nixon, E.]Book Chapter, 2016
  • (ed.), Bullying and healthcare utilisation in 9 year old children: A cross sectional study, Dublin Castle, 185, 2015, 2015Proceedings of a Conference, 2015
  • Hadfield, K. & Nixon, E. , Benefits of and barriers to romantic relationships among mothers in Ireland. , Family Relations, 66, (3), 2017, p383 - 398Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Lawler, M., Heary, C. & Nixon, E., Variations in adolescents' motivational characteristics across gender and physical activity patterns: A latent class analysis approach. , BMC Public Health, 17, 2017, p661 - 674Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Hadfield, K., Ungar, M. & Nixon, E., Rethinking discourses of family instability, Journal of Family Social Work, 21, (2), 2018, p172 - 187Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • McCarthy-Jones, S., Bulfin, A., Nixon, E., O'Keane, V., Bacik, I. & McElvaney, R., Associations Between Forced and "Persuaded" First Intercourse and Later Health Outcomes in Women, Violence Against Women, 25, (5), 2019, p528 - 548Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Nixon, E. & Hadfield, K., Construction of Single Mothers' Roles as Gatekeepers Between Children and Nonresident Fathers, Journal of Family Issues, 39, (14), 2018, p3732 - 3752Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Greene, S & Nixon, E, Children as Agents in their Worlds: A Psychological-Relational Perspective, Oxon, UK, Routledge, 2020, 1 - 238ppBook, 2020
  • Williams, J. Nixon, E., Smyth, E. & Watson, D. , Cherishing all the Children Equally? Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising, Cork, Oak Tree Press, 2016Book, 2016, TARA - Full Text
  • Framing Research in Community Settings in, editor(s)Guerin, S., Hayes, N. & McNally, S. , Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings, London, Routledge, 2018, pp11 - 26, [Nixon, E. & Palamaro-Munsell, E.]Book Chapter, 2018
  • Hayes, C., Kelly, C., Taut, C., Nixon, E., Zgaga, L., Williams, J., O'Dowd, T. & Reulbach, U. , Health care utilisation by bullying victims: a cross-sectional study of a 9-year-old cohort in Ireland, Healthcare, 6, (1), 2018, p19 - 21Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Lawler, M., Nixon, E., & Heary, C. , Exploring psychological influences on adolescents' participation in organised sport: A self-determination theory perspective., 9th Annual Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology & British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology, , Northern Ireland. , Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
  • Lawler, M., Nixon, E., & Heary, C. , Examining social and psychological predictors of continued participation in team sport during adolescence. , 22nd Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Edmonton, Canada, 2012Poster, 2012
  • Lawler, M., Nixon, E., & Heary, C. , Patterns of physical activity among Irish adolescents: A latent class analysis approach. , - Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium , 2013Poster, 2013
  • Lawler, M., Nixon, E., & Heary, C. , The relationship between physical activity behavioural patterns, BMI and body image among adolescents in Ireland. , Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, USA, 2015Poster, 2015
  • Nixon, E., Greene, S., Coyne, I., Lawler, M., Doyle, E., & Nugent, K. , Mother infant co-sleeping practices as a window into parental ethnotheories among Irish, Polish and Nigerian mothers in Ireland. , Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial meeting., Montreal, Canada , 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
  • Quigley, J. & Nixon, E., Infant language predicts Fathers' vocabulary in Infant Directed Speech, Journal of Child Language, 47, (1 Special Issue), 2020, p146 - 158Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Quigley, J., Nixon, E. & Lawson, S., Exploring the association of infant receptive language and pitch variability in fathers' infant directed speech, Journal of Child Language, 46, (4), 2019, p800 - 811Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Lawler, M., Hickey, A., Hevey, D., Doyle, F., Nixon, E., Darker, C., Barry, M., & Field, C. , Effects of a peer-led motivational interviewing intervention on physical activity levels of adolescents in low SES communities, Psychology Health and Medicine Conference 2019, Maynooth University , 22nd March, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
  • Nixon, E., Layte, R. & Thornton, M. , Growing up in Ireland: The effects of economic recessionand family stress on the adjustment of 3-year olds in Ireland. , Dublin, Department of Health and Children, 2019, p1 - 83Report, 2019, URL
  • O'Leary, N., Jairaj, C., Molloy, E.J., McAuliffe, F.M., Nixon, E. & O'Keane, V., Antenatal depression and the impact on infant cognitive, language and motor development at six and twelve months postpartum, Early Human Development, 134, 2019, p41 - 46Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Lawler, M., Hickey, A., Doyle, F., Nixon, E., Darker, C., Barry, M., Field, C., & Hevey, D., Effectiveness of a peer-led motivational interviewing intervention for increasing physical activity among at-risk adolescents, 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychological Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3 - 7 September 2019, 2019Published Abstract, 2019, URL
  • Hickey, A., Lawler, M., Doyle, F., Nixon, E., Darker, C., Barry, M., Field, C., & Hevey, D. , The effects of training low-SES adolescents in Motivational Interviewing for health behaviour change among peers., 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychological Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3 - 7 September 2019, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
  • Lawler, M., Heary,C. & Nixon, E, Peer Support and Role Modelling Predict Physical Activity Change among Adolescents over Twelve Months, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, (7), 2020, p1503 - 1516Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Conica, M., Nixon, E., & Quigley, J. , Fathers' but not Mothers' Repetition of Children's Utterances at Age Two is Associated with Child Vocabulary at Age Four. , Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 191, 2020, pdoi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2019.10Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • O'Brien, J., Creaner, M., & Nixon, E. , Experiences of fatherhood among men who were sexually abused in childhood, Child Abuse & Neglect, 98, 2019, p104177-Journal Article, 2019
  • McElvaney, R. & Nixon, E., Parents' experiences of their child's disclosure of child sexual abuse. , Family Process, 59, (4), 2020, p1773 - 1788Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Sellers, R., Smith, A., Leve, L.D., Nixon, E., Cane, T.C., Cassell, J. & Harold, G., Utilising genetically informed research designs to better understand family processes and child development: Implications for adoption and foster care focused interventions., Adoption and Fostering, 43, (3), 2019, p351 - 371Journal Article, 2019
  • Abbott, P., D'Ambruoso, L. & Nixon, E, Ireland Case Study: Promoting integrated delivery of early childhood education and care services , Traing and Research Support Centre, November, 2019Report, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Lawler, M., Heary, C. & Nixon, E., Irish adolescents' perspectives on the factors influencing motivation in team sport, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13, (6), 2021, p1503 - 1516Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Nandy, A, Nixon, E., & Quigley, J. , Parental toy play and toddlers' socio-emotional development: The moderating role of coparenting dynamics., Infant Behaviour & Development , 60, 2020, p101465 -Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Molloy, EJ, Daly, M, Ryan, P, Corcoran, P, Bokde, A, Quigley, J, Nixon, E, Brennan, S, Devane, D, Watson, M, Corcoran, B, Murray, D, O'Farrell, F, Keogh, S, Ni Bhraonain, E, Boylan, G., Parental Involvement in a Multidisciplinary PhD programme in Neonatal Brain Injury, HRB Open Research, 3, 2020, p40-Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Del Rosario, C., Slevin, M., Molloy, E., Quigley, J. & Nixon, E., How to use the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development., Archives of Disease in Childhood - Education and Practice., 106, (2), 2021, p108 - 112Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Nandy, A. Nixon, E. & Quigley, J., Communicative functions of parents' child directed speech across dyadic and triadic contexts., Journal of Child Language, 48, (6), 2021, p1281 - 1294Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Loewenson, R., D'Ambruoso, L., Duc, D.M., Hjermann, R., Lichuma, W., Mason, E., Nixon, E., Rudolph, N. & Villar, E., Equitable recovery from COVID-19: bring global commitments to community level, BMJ Global Health, 6, (1), 2021, pe004757-Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Scully, M., Swords, L. & Nixon, E., Social comparisons on social media: Online appearance-related activity and body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls., Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 40, 2023, p31 - 42Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Nandy, A, Nixon, E., & Quigley, J. , Observed and reported coparenting and toddlers' adaptive functioning., Infant & Child Development, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Nix, L., Nixon, E., Quigley, J., Keane, V., Perinatal depression and children's developmental outcomes at 2 years postpartum, Early Human Development, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Lawler, M., Heary, C., Shorter, G., .& Nixon, E., Peer and parental processes predict distinct patterns of physical activity participation among adolescent girls and boys, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, (2), 2021, p497 - 514Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • O'Leary, N., Jairaj, C., Nixon, E., Quigley, J. & Keane, V. , Antenatal depression and maternal infant directed speech during the first postnatal year. , Infant Behaviour & Development. , 64, 2021, p101465 -Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Quigley, J. & Nixon, E. , Parent child directed speech in dyadic and triadic interaction: Associations with coparenting dynamics and child language outcomes. , Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 58, 2022, p125 - 135Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Keegan, M., Nixon, E. & Creaner, M., Becoming a birth mother in the context of a planned same-sex family: "As amazing as it is, it's kind of a tough road to navigate"., Journal of Family Studies, 29, 2023, p807 - 823Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Kelly, L. Nixon, E. & Quigley, J., It's your turn: The dynamics of conversational turn-taking in father-child and mother-child interaction., Language Development Research, 2, (1), 2022, p37 - 68Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Fearghal O'Brien, Elizabeth Nixon, Kristin Hadfield, Effects of preterm birth and parent"child relationships on socioemotional difficulties, verbal ability, and numerical ability among older children and young adolescents, Developmental Psychology, 59, (4), 2023, p745 - 757Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Del Rosario, C., Nixon, E., Quigley, J., Whitehouse, A. & Mayberry, M., Parent-child interaction and developmental outcomes in children with typical and elevated likelihood of autism., Infant Behaviour & Development. , 71, (101830), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Conica, M., Kelly, L., Nixon, E., Quigley, J., Father and Toddler Language During Shared Book Reading with Text"Based and Wordless Picture Books, Reading Research Quarterly, 58, (4), 2023, p655 - 667Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Conica, M., Nixon, E. & Quigley, J., Interparental Relationship Satisfaction from Nine Months to Nine Years and Children"s Socioemotional Competencies at Nine Years, Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Conica, M., Nixon, E., & Quigley, J. , Talk outside the box: Parents" decontextualised language during preschool years relates to child numeracy and literacy skills in middle childhood., Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 236, (105746), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Coughlan, S., Quigley, J., & Nixon, E, Preterm Birth and Expressive Language Development across the First 5 Years of Life: A Nationally-Representative Longitudinal Path Analysis. , Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 2023, p417 - 427Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Quigley, J. & Nixon, E., Parent-toddler play talk: Toddler speech is differentially associated with paternal and maternal speech in interaction., First Language, 44, (1), 2024, p23-43Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Coughlan, S., Quigley, J., & Nixon, E., Parent-infant conversations are differentially associated with the development of Preterm- and Term-born infants, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 239, (105809), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Coughlan, S., Quigley, J., & Nixon, E., The synergistic effects of preterm birth and parent gender on the linguistic and interactive features of parent-infant conversations., Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Sarah Coughlan, Jean Quigley, Elizabeth Nixon, The Synergistic Effects of Preterm Birth and Parent Gender on the Linguistic and Interactive Features of Parent"Infant Conversations, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2024, p1-14Journal Article, 2024
  • Georgina Heffernan, Elizabeth Nixon, Experiences of Hearing Children of Deaf Parents in Ireland, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 28, (4), 2023, p399-407Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Anna McInerney, Mary Creaner, Elizabeth Nixon, The Motherhood Experiences of Non-Birth Mothers in Same-Sex Parent Families, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 45, (3), 2021, p279--293Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Sellers, R., Smith, A., Leve, L.D., Nixon, E., Cassell, J., Harold, G., Utilising genetically informed research designs to better understand family processes and child development: implications for adoption and foster care focused interventions, Adoption and Fostering, 43, (3), 2019, p351-371Journal Article, 2019
  • O'Donovan, A., Nixon, E., "Weathering the storm:" Mothers" and fathers" experiences of parenting a preterm infant, Infant Mental Health Journal, 40, (4), 2019, p573-587Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Hadfield, K., Nixon, E., "He"s Had Enough Fathers": Mothers" and Children"s Approaches to Mothers" Romantic Relationships Following the Dissolution of Previous Partnerships, Journal of Family Issues, 39, (1), 2018, p271-295Journal Article, 2018
  • Elizabeth Nixon, Noncustodial Parents, Encyclopedia of Family Studies, 2016, p1-4Journal Article, 2016
  • Ataman-Devrim, Merve, Quigley, Jean, Nixon, Elizabeth, Preterm toddlers" joint attention characteristics during dyadic interactions with their mothers and fathers compared to full-term toddlers at age 2 years, Infant Behavior and Development, 74, 2024, p101915Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Conica, Mirela, Nixon, Elizabeth, Quigley, Jean, Domain-specific and cross-domain effects of the home literacy and numeracy environment at 3 years on children's academic competencies at 5 and 9 years., Developmental Psychology, 59, (6), 2023, p1045-1058Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Casey, Anne-Marie, Nolan, Maeve, Nixon, Elizabeth, `You Lose Confidence in Being a Human Being, Never Mind Being a Parent": The Lived Experience of Mothers With Spinal Cord Injury, Qualitative Health Research, 32, (11), 2022, p1657-1671Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Ataman-Devrim, Merve, Nixon, Elizabeth, Quigley, Jean, Joint attention episodes during interactions with fathers but not mothers at age 2 years is associated with expressive language at 3 years, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 226, 2023, p105569Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Ataman Devrim, Nixon, E., Quigley, J., Neonatal risk and coordinated joint attention episodes with mothers and fathers relate to language skills of preterm children aged 2-4 years, Cognitive Development, 70, (101456), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Teresa Sordé-Martí, Adnan Abdul Ghani, Bilal Almobarak, Tiziana Chiappelli, Ainhoa Flecha, Mina Hristova, Anna Krasteva, Fredrika Kjellberg, Katie McQuillan, Elizabeth Nixon, Misbah Qasemi, Olga Serradell, Emilia Aiello, Lorraine Swords, Hend Talal Abdulrahman, The REFUGE-ED Dialogic Co-Creation Process: working with and for REFUGE-ED children and minors, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10, (1), 2023, p1-10Journal Article, 2023
  • Maiorano, N., McQuillan, K., Swords, L., Vallières, F. and Nixon, E., Barriers and Facilitators to Co-Creating Interventions with Refugee and Migrant Youth: A Process Evaluation with Implementors, Global Implementation Research and Applications, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • SJ Byrne, L Swords, E Nixon, Depression Literacy and Self-Reported Help-Giving Behaviour in Adolescents in Ireland, Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Coughlan, S., Quigley, J., & Nixon, E., Assessing the Language Abilities of Preterm-Born Infants: An Examination of Standardised Testing and Language Sample Analysis., American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Nixon, E., Growing up in Ireland: Social Emotional and behavioural outcomes in early adolescence., Government of Ireland., 2021, 123Report, 2021, URL
  • Brennan MM, Cavallaro M, Mongan D, Doyle A, Millar SR, Zgaga L, Smyth BP, Nixon E, Ivers JH, Galvin B, Walsh C, McCrory C, McCarthy ND., Factors Associated With Cocaine Use at 17 and 20 Years Old: A Longitudinal Analysis of a Nationally Representative Cohort., The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2025, pS1054-139X(24)00551-2Journal Article, 2025, DOI
  • Byrne, Sadhbh J., Nixon, Elizabeth, Swords, Lorraine, Depression Literacy in Parents of Adolescents in Ireland: Exploring Associations with Gender, Age of Adolescent, and Empathy, Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2025Journal Article, 2025, DOI
  • Blacam, Catherine de, Geoghegan, Bridget, Nixon, Elizabeth, Nolan, Anne, Lives of Irish Adolescents Who Were Born With a Cleft (LIA-Cleft), The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 2025Journal Article, 2025, DOI
  • Nixon, E., Greene, S., Hogan, D., "It"s What"s Normal for Me": Children"s Experiences of Growing Up in a Continuously Single-Parent Household, Journal of Family Issues, 36, (8), 2015, p1043-1061Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Nixon, E. Greene, S., Hogan, D., Concepts of family among children and young people in Ireland, Irish Journal of Psychology, 27, 2006, p79 - 87Journal Article, 2006
  • Cleary, A, Nixon, E. & Fitzgerald, M., Psychological health and well-being among young Irish adults, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 24, (4), 2007, p139 - 144Journal Article, 2007, URL
  • Nixon, E., The social competence of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A review of the literature, Child & Adolescent Mental Health [previously Child Psychology & Psychiatry Review], 6, (4), 2001, p172 - 180Journal Article, 2001
  • Greene, S., Kelly, R., Nixon, E., Kelly, G., Borska, Z., Murphy, S. Daly, A., Children's recovery after early adversity: lessons from intercountry adoption, Child Care in Practice, 14, 2008, p75 - 81Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Lawler, M. & Nixon, E., Body Dissatisfaction Among Adolescent Boys and Girls: The Effects of Body Mass, Peer Appearance Culture and Internalization of Appearance Ideals, Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 40, (1), 2011, p59 - 71Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Fitzgerald, A., Heary, C., Nixon, E. & Kelly, C., Factors influencing the food choices of Irish children and adolescents: A qualitative investigation, Health Promotion International, 25, (3), 2010, p289 - 298Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Williams, J., Greene, S., Doyle, E., Harris, E., Layte, R., McCoy, S., McCrory, C., Murray, A., Nixon, E., O'Dowd, T., O'Moore, M., Quail, A., Smyth, E., Swords, L., Thornton, M., Growing up in Ireland: The lives of 9 year olds, Dublin, The Stationery Office, 2009, 161Report, 2009, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Nixon, E. & Halpenny, A.M., Children's Perspectives on Parenting Styles & Discipline: A Developmental Approach, Dublin, Government of Ireland, June, 2010, 85Report, 2010, URL
  • Halpenny, A.M., Nixon, E. & Watson, D., Parents' Perspectives on Parenting Styles & Discipline, Dublin, Government of Ireland, June, 2010, 111Report, 2010, URL
  • Nixon, E., Whyte, P., Buggy, J. & Greene, S. , Sexual responsibility, fatherhood & discourses of masculinity among socially and economically disadvantaged young men in Ireland, Dublin, Crisis Pregnancy Agency, June , 2010, p1 - 200Report, 2010, URL
  • Understanding Bullying in, editor(s)V. O'Donnell, V. Lam & R. Gillibrand , Developmental Psychology: Fundamental and Critical Issues in Developmental Psychology., Pearson, 2011, pp418 - 450, [Nixon, E. & Guerin, S. ]Book Chapter, 2011
  • Theoretical & Methodological Considerations in Assessing Body Image among Children & Adolescents. in, editor(s)S.B. Greene , Body Image: Perceptions, Interpretations and Attitudes. , Nova Publishers, 2011, pp227 - 244, [Lawler, M. & Nixon, E.]Book Chapter, 2011
  • Cleary, A. & Nixon, E., Early adult outcomes for Irish children with behavioural difficulties, International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58, 2012, p643 - 651Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Nixon, E., Greene, S. & Hogan, D., Negotiating relationships in single-mother households: Perspectives of children and mothers, Family Relations, 61, (1), 2012, p142 - 156Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Nixon, E., Greene, S. & Hogan, D., "Like an uncle but more, but less than a father"-Irish children's relationships with nonresident fathers., Journal of Family Psychology, 26, (3), 2012, p381 - 390Journal Article, 2012
  • Ethics of Oral Interviews with Children in, editor(s)L. Hogan, M. Junker-Kelly & C. Russell , Ethics for Graduate Researchers: A Cross-Discipline Approach., Elsevier, 2012, pp183 - 199, [Nixon, E.]Book Chapter, 2012
  • Fitzgerald, A., Heary, C., Kelly, C., Nixon, E. & Shevlin, M., Self-efficacy for healthy eating and peer support for unhealthy eating are associated with adolescents' food intake patterns, Appetite, 63, 2013, p48 - 58Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Nixon, E., Growing up in Ireland: How families matter for social and emotional outcomes of 9-year-old children., Dublin, Department of Health and Children, 2012, 66Report, 2012, URL
  • Hadfield, K. & Nixon, E., Comparison of relationship dynamics within stepmother and stepfather families in Ireland., Irish Journal of Psychology, 33, 2012, p100 - 106Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Family Policy in Ireland in, editor(s)Robila, M. , Handbook of Family Policies across the Globe, New York, Springer, 2013, pp125 - 136, [Fahey, T. & Nixon, E.]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Hadfield, K. & Nixon, E., Including those that exclude themselves: Comparisons of self-identifying and non self-identifying stepfamilies., Journal of Family Studies, 19, (2), 2013, p209 - 218Journal Article, 2013
  • Reulbach, U., Ladewig, E.L., Nixon, E., O'Moore, M., Williams, J. & O'Dowd, T.C., Weight, body image and bullying in 9-year-old children., Journal of Pediatrics & Child Health, 49, (4), 2013, pE288 - E293Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Nixon, E., Swords, L. & Murray, A., Growing up in Ireland: Parenting and Infant Development, Dublin, Department of Health and Children, 2013, 64Report, 2013
  • Greene, S., Kelly, R., Nixon, E., Kelly, G., Borska, Z., Murphy, S., Daly, A., Whyte, J., Murphy, C., A Study of Intercountry Adoption Outcomes in Ireland , Dublin, The Adoption Board, 2007, 361Report, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Byrne, T., Nixon, E., Mayock, P., Whyte, J., Research Briefing - Free Time and Leisure Needs of Young People Living in Disadvantaged Communities. , Dublin, Children's Research Centre, TCD., 2006Report, URL
  • Halpenny,Ann Marie; Nixon,Elizabeth; Watson,Dorothy, Parents' Perspectives on Parenting Styles and Disciplining Children, Dublin, Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, October, 2010Report
  • Cleary, A., Fitzgerald, M. & Nixon, E., From child to adult: A longitudinal study of Irish children and their families., Dublin, Department of Social & Family Affairs, 2004, 96Report, URL

Research Expertise

  • Title
    Transitions in Physical Activity among Irish youth
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council for Humanities & Social Sciences (€16,000 per annum)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Discourses of Masculinity, Sexual Responsibility and Fatherhood among Disadvantaged Young Men in Ireland
    Principal Investigator
    Funding Agency
    Crisis Pregnancy Agency (€90,000)
    Date From
    October 2007
    Date To
    September 2009
  • Title
    Psychological Factors in Children's Food Choices
    Co-Investigator with Dr. Caroline Heary (PI) and Dr. Colette Kelly (Co-Investigator), both from National University of Ireland, Galway.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Heart Foundation (€9,000)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Children's Perspectives on Parenting Styles & Discipline: A Developmental Perspective
    Principal Investigator
    Funding Agency
    Office of the Minister for Children (€17,000)
    Date From
    December 2006
    Date To
    October 2007
  • Title
    A National Study of the Outcomes of International Adoption in Ireland
    Funding Agency
    Adoption Board Ireland
    Date From
    December 2005
    Date To
    April 2007
  • Title
    National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland - Growing up in Ireland
    Member of the Management Team of the Study. The study is being conducted by a consortium led by the Economic and Social Research Institute (Principal Investigator Prof. James Williams) and the Children's Research Centre (Lead Co-Investigator, Prof. Sheila Greene).
    Funding Agency
    Office of the Minister for Children
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    A National Survey of Parenting Styles in Ireland
    Co-investigator with Dr. Ann Marie Halpenny (PI) from School of Social Sciences, Dublin Institute of Technology
    Funding Agency
    Office of the Minister for Children (€125,000)
    Date From
    June 2007
    Date To
    June 2009
  • Title
    Parental Ethnotheories among Immigrant and Irish Parents of Infants in Ireland
    Principal Investigator. Co-investigators: Prof. Sheila Greene, Children's Research Centre, TCD; Prof. Imelda Coyne, School of Nursing, TCD & Prof. Kevin Nugent, University of Massachusettes at Amherst, USA.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council for Humanities & Social Sciences (€99,970)
    Date From
    December 2008
    Date To
    March 2011

Psychology and cognitive sciences,


  • British Psychological Society Annual Conference Poster Prize (2008) - I was awarded the Prize for Best Poster Presentation at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference (out of approximately 250 poster presentations). 2008
  • Best Research Article Finalist (2012) - One of my papers: Nixon, E. Greene, S. & Hogan, D.M. (2012, June). "Like an uncle but more, but less than a father"-Irish children's relationships with nonresident fathers. Journal of Family Psychology, 26(3), 381-390 was selected by the United States National Council of Family Relations Men in Families Group as a finalist for the 2012 "Best Research Article by a New Professional" award for research advancing scholarship on men in families. The Men in Families awards committee considered 30 articles from 2012 and this paper was judged to be one of the top three. 2012
  • Member of the United States National Council for Family Relations
  • Member of the British Psychological Society
  • Member of the Society for Research in Child Development
  • Member of the Psychological Society of Ireland
  • Member of the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • Member of the Board of Professional Conduct, Psychological Society of Ireland 2008
  • Member of the Governing Council of the Psychological Society of Ireland 2008