The School of Psychology is exceptionally proud of our recent awardees of Irish Research Council funding - PhD studentships and Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Gabriel Byczynski received a PhD fellowship for his project with Prof Sven Vanneste “Using Peripheral Nerve Stimulation to Improve Motor Task Learning Outcome”

Áine Dineen also received a PhD fellowship working with Prof Rhodri Cusack on “Deep Learning for Motion Robust Infant fMRI”

Eike Buabang received postdoctoral funding for his project with Prof Claire Gillan “Understanding the mechanisms of habits and compulsivity: A neural decoding approach”

Vanessa Teckentrup also received a postdoctoral fellowship through the scheme, working with Prof Claire Gillan on a project with the smartphone app Neureka “From correlation to causation – Using digital health technology to uncover the temporal dynamics of mental health”

For more details, please see the Twitter post and the list of funded projects.