PS12300 Personality and Individual Differences
This module will introduce students to the key themes, concepts, theories, and applications of major psychological processes and individual differences. The goal of this course is to provide you with a clear picture of psychological processes and the individual psychological differences that contribute to the complexities of human nature. We will cover what personality is, 'abnormal' or deviant personality traits, how personality and ability can best be measured, individual differences in intelligence, genetic underpinnings of individual differences, and how these differences impact people across their lifespan. In addition to an academic understanding, it is hoped that students will gain personal insight and be aware of the application of these theories in society.
Semester: Hilary Term
Student Workload: 22 Lectures, 103hrs Independent Study
Module Coordinator: Dr. Kristin Hadfield
Weighting: 5 ECTS
Module Prerequisites: None
View the full module description here: PSU12300 Personality and Individual Differences