PSU12160 Language
Psycholinguistics is the scientific study of the psychology of language. Language dominates our cognitive and social activities and psycholinguistics examines the relationship between language and the human mind, It is one of the most important areas of cognitive psychology and studies how we acquire, understand, and use language, and how these presses are affected by ageing and brain damage. Modern psycholinguistics research makes use of biology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and information theory to study how the brain processes language and to evaluate the psychological reality and underpinnings of linguistic rules and processes. The objective of this module is to introduce students to some of the main principles, methods and findings in the study of language within psychology.
Semester: Michaelmas Term
Student Workload: 22 Lectures, 103hrs Independent Study
Weighting: 5 ECTS
Module Prerequisites: Cognate introductory level modules
View the full module description here: PSU12160 Language