Postgraduate Programme by Research


The School has a variety of research activities spanning a diverse range of areas. The School is prominently associated with five research groups in the College: the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS), the Centre for Global Health, the Centre for Psychological Health and the Centre for Innovative Human Systems. The School is equipped with a computer laboratory, multi-media facilities, EEG and behavioural neuroscience laboratories, video-observation suites, sound attenuated experimental testing suites and fMRI analysis capability. There are ongoing innovative collaborations with hospitals and medical services. Members of the School consistently publish in high-impact international scientific journals and receive significant research funding from national and international sources.
Our Postgraduate Programme develops high calibre psychologists who advance psychological science and practice. Leading international experts provide excellent training in research methodology and foster academic excellence in a range of research areas on our M.Sc. and structured Ph.D. programmes. The School encourages active participation in national and international collaborations, and attracts many visiting academics and international graduate students.