M.Sc. / P. Grad. Dip in Applied Psychology

Postgraduate Study

The course is designed to provide students with a thorough appreciation of issues in applied psychology, knowledge of the skills required to apply psychology effectively, and a detailed understanding of their chosen focus of application.

  • Course Director:
    • Dr. Tim Trimble
  • Course Office Contact Details:
  • International Student Course Queries:
    • Erin Paullin, Global Officer
    • Telephone: +353-1-896-1015
    • Email: erin.paullin@tcd.ie
  • Course Duration:1 year, full-time
  • Closing date for Applications:
    • 31st March 2025
    • The online applications’ site is open from November annually.
  • ECTS Credits:
    • 90 ECTS

Course Overview

The Master’s course in Applied Psychology is designed to provide students with a general awareness of the problems of applying psychology, a knowledge of skills required to apply it effectively and a detailed understanding of their chosen focus of application. The themes of analysis, intervention and evaluation are central to the structure and philosophy of the course. The core modules provide training in research methods and professional issues. Optional modules enable the further development of these competencies and knowledge while enabling students to consider their application in specified content areas through the study of applied modules and an extended piece of empirical research.

The course provides a preparatory training for those intending to apply for other more specialised postgraduate professional courses in psychology and for those intending to pursue a career in which psychological expertise of a high level is necessary or beneficial.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to hold at least a minimum of an upper second-class honours degree (2.1) in Psychology or its equivalent from a recognised university course, which confers eligibility for graduate registration with the Psychological Society of Ireland, the British Psychology Society, or equivalent professional body in the case of overseas applicants.