Postgraduate Programme by Research
The School has a variety of research activities spanning a diverse range of areas. The School is prominently associated with five research groups in the College: the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, the Children’s Research Centre, the Trinity College Centre for Global Health, the Trinity College Research Centre for Psychological Health and the Trinity College Centre for Innovative Human Systems.

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Within the three years, the course provides an intensive and systematic programme of training, equipping each student to meet the challenges facing clinical psychology and to make a unique contribution to the Irish Health Services.

Doctorate in Counselling Psychology
This intensive full-time course provides professional training in Counselling Psychology and is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland. Admission is on a yearly basis for approximately 12 to 14 students.

Online Master., Postgraduate Diploma, or Postgraduate Certificate Managing Risk and System Change
These online courses are relevant to safety critical industries across the globe and focuses on people already in work, who have responsibility for managing: risk; change; safety; quality; planning; system design. A master degree (takes 2-3 years part-time), a postgraduate Diploma (takes 1-2 years part-time) or a postgraduate Certificate (takes 1 year part-time).

M.Sc /P. Grad. Dip Applied Psychology
The course is designed to provide students with a thorough appreciation of issues in applied psychology, knowledge of the skills required to apply psychology effectively, and a detailed understanding of their chosen focus of application.

Master in Global Mental Health
The MSc in Global Mental Health is an exciting new programme granting students the knowledge and skills to pursue global mental health careers that bridge governmental, non-governmental, humanitarian work, and academia.

M.Phil. / P.Grad.Dip Psychoanalytic Studies
The Masters of Philosophy in Psychoanalytic Studies offers graduates a thorough introduction to the history, theory and applications in clinical work and in the wider culture of psychoanalysis from Freud to modern writers in this broad field.

M.Sc / P. Grad. Dip Applied Behaviour Analysis
This is an intensive full time course which aims to ensure that students become efficient in the practical application of the principles of applied behaviour analysis, with particular regard to persons with autism and other developmental disabilities and/or children and adolescents in care or special programmes, and/or those clients presenting learning and/or behavioural challenges in school.

Psychology Conversion Course (HDip)
The purpose of the course is to provide a pre-professional qualification in psychology, which confers eligibility for graduate membership of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and allows a student to proceed to postgraduate training, including higher degrees by research, and to specialise in an area of professional psychology.