College Park was full of action for the Provost’s staff vs students cricket match. It is the first time in 20 years that this particular fixture has been played and both teams were eager to get stuck in.

It was also the first time in Trinity’s 200 years+ of cricket that the Provost has inaugurated the match. Linda met with each team and had a short talk on the important role that sports play in Trinity. After declaring “let the best team win!” she tossed the coin to start the match - giving the first advantage to the students, who chose to bowl.

After a fantastic game, the students came out on top with a winning score of 98!

Below, Linda tosses the coin with Student Skipper, David Vincent, and Staff Skipper, Anil Kokaram.

Photo of Linda with Anil Kokaram and David Vincent about to do the coin toss. They are all looking down at a coin, which Anil is passing to Linda.