Our Services
The scope of the PMO is for Capital Projects with a minimum value of €50k.
There are many significant benefits anticipated from the PMO and the processes being implemented:
- Improved definition of project Business Cases so that College resources and funds are committed to the areas of highest priority and return for the College and better alignment of the Business Case with deliverables;
- Assistance with identification of resource requirements, particularly in critical front-end project stages
- Clearer decision-making processes and, consequently, timely decision-making during the lifecycle of each project, leading to better control of timescale and budget
- Better identification of the necessary organisational change activities needed so that projects provide the required return on effort and investment;
- Improved management of risks associated with programmes and projects;
- Improved verification of timelines and budgets for planned projects through standard reporting processes
- Development of an improved project management culture, formal change controls and risk management strategies
- Standardised reporting and monitoring leading to improved management information and support of College Strategy
- Providing a single source of capital projects portfolio information and effective coordination between projects
- Improved visibility of project performance, capital spend, project costs, benefits and key resource impacts; greater control of costs and risks
- Improved project approval and prioritisation process
- Improved College project delivery, higher levels of skill among project managers from use of a common approach and ongoing competency training
- Standardisation of the College Capital Project Governance
- Sponsors may request advisory support from the PMO in completing the documentation outlined within the governance process, or to provide advice on how best to progress through the Capital Project Governance Process
- In summary, the PMO has responsibility for establishing and monitoring the management processes for projects reporting through it and will incorporate a set of defined policies, procedures, templates, management processes, tools, and services