Postgraduate Programme

The School of Physics (SoP) in Trinity provides both postgraduate (PG) degrees in research and taught Master Degrees.

Completing an MSc or a PhD by research requires that the candidate makes an original contribution to knowledge. This makes a research degree a highly individual experience. However, we also aim to provide a structured pathway leading to either an MSc or a PhD by research. Each research student registered in the SoP participates in taught PG modules that are designed to enhance the candidate’s breadth and depth of knowledge, both in their research area, and in
related fields. In addition, other programmes (e.g. seminar series) are included to provide experience in scientific presentation and public speaking.

We offer two Master Taught degrees in Energy Science and Quantum Science & Technology. For the details of these taught programmes, please refer to the course websites.

The School of Physics offers a number of postgraduate module for PhD students. An updated list of those available for 24/25 are available by emailing  

SoP PG Handbook 2023-2024