The Semiconductor Photonics Group is highly committed with the society by participating in many outreach programmes for schools and the general public which will stimulate discussion on future new technologies and materials and the role of science in defining the way we live. A list of the latest outreach activities carried out by members of the group are listed below:
Name of event | Details | Audience Type | Date |
Social Media Demonstration (Additive Manufacturing Laboratory) | Demonstration of 3D printing | Social media, general public | 18-Apr-2019 |
PubhD | 3D printing technology talk | General public | 3-Oct-2018 |
Development of a Project-Oriented Photonic Education Course | Group member's advice to develop a course of Photonics for high school students | High school students | 7-14-Aug-2018 |
Native Scientist | Science talk | General public | 22-Sep-2018 |
Science Career Day | Talk to Gort Community School | Transion year students | 26-Apr-2018 |
TY Week | TY programme | Transition year students | 18-Apr-2018 |
Cafe Curie-Probe talk | Researchers' night | General public | 29-Sep-2018 |