Felix C. Binder

Assistant Professor | School of Physics

+353 (1) 896 1675

Office: 2.21, SNIAM building

Research interests

Recent publications & preprints

Full list of publications here on arXiv, and here on Google Scholar.

Magdalini Zonnios, Alec Boyd, Felix C. Binder, "Memory-minimal quantum generators of stochastic processes: spectral invariants of quantum hidden Markov models". arXiv 2412.12812. read

Ivan Medina, Oisín Culhane, Felix C. Binder, Gabriel T. Landi, John Goold, "Anomalous discharging of quantum batteries: the ergotropic Mpemba effect". arXiv 2412.13259. read

Philip Taranto, Faraj Bakhshinezhad, Andreas Bluhm, Ralph Silva, Nicolai Friis, Maximilian P.E. Lock, Giuseppe Vitagliano, Felix C Binder, Tiago Debarba, Emanuel Schwarzhans, Fabien Clivaz, Marcus Huber, "Landauer versus Nernst: What is the true cost of cooling a quantum system?", PRX Quantum 4 (1), 010332. read

Marco Radaelli, Gabriel T. Landi, Felix C. Binder, "Gillespie algorithm for quantum jump trajectories", Phys. Rev. A 110 (6), 062212. read

Saulo V. Moreira, Marco Radaelli, Alessandro Candeloro, Felix C. Binder, Mark T. Mitchison "Precision bounds for multiple currents in open quantum systems". arXiv 2411.09088. read

Alexander B. Boyd, James P. Crutchfield, Mile Gu, Felix C. Binder. "Thermodynamic Overfitting and Generalization: Energetic Limits on Predictive Complexity". arXiv 2402.16995. read

Marco Radaelli, Joseph A. Smiga, Gabriel T. Landi, Felix C. Binder. "Parameter estimation for quantum jump unraveling". arXiv 2402.06556. read

Pharnam Bakhshinezhad, Beniamin R. Jablonski, Felix C. Binder, Nicolai Friis. "Trade-offs between precision and fluctuations in charging finite-dimensional quantum batteries". Phys. Rev. E 109, 014131. read

Abhisek Panda, Felix C. Binder, Sai Vinjanampathy. "Nonideal measurement heat engines". Phys. Rev. A 108, 062214. read

Joseph A. Smiga, Marco Radaelli, Felix C. Binder, Gabriel T. Landi "Stochastic metrology and the empirical distribution". Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 033150. read

Dominik Šafránek, Dario Rosa, Felix Binder. "Work extraction from unknown quantum sources". Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 210401. read

Marco Radaelli, Gabriel T. Landi, Kavan Modi, Felix C. Binder. "Fisher information of correlated stochastic processes". New J. Phys. 25, 053037. read

Emanuel Schwarzhans, Felix C. Binder, Marcus Huber, Maximilian P. E. Lock. "Quantum measurement and equilibration: the emergence of objective reality via entropy maximisation". arXiv 2302.11253. read