MANIAC (2019-2022)
MANIAC is a collaborative project jointly funded by Science Foundation Ireland and the National Research Council of China. Participants are TCD (Plamen Stamenov), Beihang University (Liu Zhiqi), the Institute of Physics, Beijing (Yu Guoqiiang) and the Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Xia Zhengcai) . The joint research plan covers novel functional and harvesting and advanced spintronics materials for autonomous low-power communications.
MagGrow Project (2019 – 2021)
A project supported jointly by AMBER and Maggrow, an award-winning innovative Irish small company concerned with agricultural spraying aimed at establishing the physical basis to the use of magnets in boom sprayers.
MaMi (Magnetics and Microhydrodynamics) Innovative Training Network (2018 - 2022)
The MAMI Innovative Training Network (ITN) combines expertise in the field of magnetism with knowledge of bio-inspired local flow control, in order to create novel concepts and technological solutions that could revolutionize the field of microfluidics. The MAMI network consists of six research teams from France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Slovenia, and Spain and engages world-recognized leaders in the fields of magnetism and fluidics in a research and training program with companies in France and Slovenia, and a group of four other non-academic partner organizations working in the fields of magnetism and microfluidics, and IP management.
ZEMS (Zero-moment spin electronics) SFI (2018 -2021)
The overarching aim of ZEMS is to develop new spintronic materials that will advance communication rates from GHz to THz, and demonstrates the functionality required for generating terrahertz radiation electrically in ambient conditions. The research is based on a new class of magnetic materials, the zero-moment half metals (ZHMs), which we have pioneered.
TRANSPIRE (Terahertz RAdio communication using high ANistropy SPIn-torque REsonators)
‘TRANSPIRE’, funded by the European Commission through the FET-OPEN scheme, will run for four years. The project aims to develop new chip-based spin-torque nano-oscillators that will advance electronics into the previously inaccessible terahertz frequency domain, thereby sustaining the big data revolution for another 25 years. The project is a collaboration between TCD and two German groups (A. Deac and M. Gensch of the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden), a theory group in Norway (A. Brataas, NTNU, Trondheim) and a Swiss industrial partner (Swissto12, Lausanne).
Centre-to-Centre (US-Ireland-Northern Ireland)
The magnetism group is working in tandem with researchers in TANMS (USA) and QUB (N. Ireland) to investigate possible materials and heterostructures for low energy data storage. Funded as a joint call between SFI-NSF-DfE, the project is looking at interfacial interactions between ferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic and ferroelectric thin films, as well as novel multiferroic materials and micromechanical devices. The work led by Prof Stamenov focuses on interface physics between ferroelectric materials, such as BaTiO3, and the zero-moment hhalf metal Mn2RuxGa developed by the group.
Commercialisation Fund granted by Enterprise Ireland (2013-2018)
€ 113 K. Start date 1/9/13. One year project in collaboration with industry partners to improve the electropolishing process of medical devices.
Starting Investigator Research Grant (SIRG) (SFI) 2012-2017 (€ 500 K)
A project to research high-end Andreev reflection.
Replacement and Original Magnet Engineering Options (ROMEO) 2012 - 2015 (€ 540 K)
EU-Sponsored FP7 contract to develop rare-earth free permanent magnet materials.
Interfacing Oxides (IFOX)
2010 - 2014 (€ 658 K)
An FP7 project to research oxide thin films for potential industrial applications, and explore new oxide thin-film device structures. Led by Georg Schmidt.
Nanoscale Interfaces and Spin Electronics (NISE) 2011 - 2013
A project which builds on the skills and equipment base established during the successful SFI-funded CINSE (2001-2006) and MANSE (2006-2010) programmes. NISE involves materials development, investigation of new nanoscale phenomena, device conception and evaluation, and interdisciplinary initiatives associating nanoscale magnetism with electrochemistry and biochemistry.
Magnetoelectrochemistry (SFI-RFP)
2009 - 2013 (€ 189 K) A project to investigate the use of the nanostructured magnetic field gradient electrode, and its potential application to fuel cells.
Magnetic Nanostructures and Spin Electronics (MANSE)
2006 - 2010 (€ 4.1 M) A major programme on spin electronics, successor to CINSE. The contract supports staff, students and a wide-ranging program in materials, devices, magneto electrochemistry and biological applications.
2010 - 2013 (€520 K) A very large consortium of academic and industrial partners to develop new nanoscience based techniques for advanced diagnostics and therapeutics. Co-PI in a project led by Yuri Volkov (TCD).
M2EMS (Magnetic Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) (EU FP7) 2003-2006
The aim of this project is the development of new permanent magnet film based devices which could be used in micro-motors, micro-generators, sensors and read heads and help to significantly reduce the size, weight, and cost of these devices. The proposal focuses first on the development of nanostructured magnetic materials with low temperature processes compatible with microelectronics environment.
Magnetic Logic (SFI)
2010 (€ 42 K) Collaboration with the Magnetism Laboratory of the Institute of Physics, Peking. The project is based on perpendicular anisotropy devices magnetic logic in ring-shaped tunnel junction structures.
Dilute Magnetic Oxides (EU-FONCICYT)
2009 - 2011 (€ 35 K) A Mexico/Spain/Ireland/France project on dilute ferromagnetic oxides.
Spincurrents (EI - ESF)
2006 - 2010 (€ 289 K) An EI funded research cooperation between five European research centres, with a focus on domain wall motion and ferromagnetic semiconductors, to develop new concepts for nanoelectronics, led by Chris Marrows (Leeds).
Biomagsens (EU, FP6)
2005 - 2008 (€ 335 K) A project to investigate the use of the nanostructured magnetic field gradient electrode, and its potential application to fuel cells.
Conception and Implementation of Nanoscale Spin Electronics (CINSE) 2001 - 2006 (€6.3M)
A major program on Spin Electronics, CINSE is focused on spin polarised electron transport in magnetic nanostructures. CINSE covers investment in a new nanoscience facility, support for staff students and a wide ranging scientific program.
Oxide Spin Electronics Network (OXSEN) 1996 – 2001 (€ 278,000)
A TCD-co-ordinated network for training and mobility of researchers associating eight European laboratories working together on development of concepts, materials and devices for oxide spin electronics. Work of four EU PhDs in TCD was supported by OXSEN.
Noise in Spin Electronic Devices (MAGNOISE)
2000 - 2002 (€ 205,000) This project, in the EU Information and Communications Technologies program, includes six academic and industrial partners who aim to quantify and understand noise sources of magnetic and electronic origin in spin electronic devices and SQUIDS used as field sensors.