Magnetism & Spin Electronics Outreach

Energy Explorers- from lightning lemons to superconductors
13th April 2018
Members of the group; Jane, Katarzyna and Stephan as part of Trinity Week 2018, which this year had the theme of energy. Preformed magnetic demonstrations at the Hamilton’s Science Pop-up Shop. Open to all, the purpose of the event was to encourage interest in energy research. Visitors learnt how we can create clean electricity using chemistry, floating trains with superconducting materials (YBCO) and new types of super batteries that we could print in our homes. Behind the scenes tours of the labs and talks from Trinity scientists were organised.
Outreach 2017
New SFI research centre Launch, Dublin Castle
7th September 2017
An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, T.D., together with the Tánaiste and Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Frances Fitzgerald, T.D., and the Minister for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development, John Halligan, T.D., today announced four new world-class Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres. The new SFI Research Centres represent an investment of €74 million from the Government over the next six years, with a further investment of €40 million from industry. The investment will support cutting-edge basic and applied research with strong industry engagement, driving economic benefits and positive societal impact.
Among those present at the event where those Showcasing Irish research funded by science foundation Ireland. Below one can see members of the Spintronics and Magnetism group performing magnetic materials and phenomena demonstrations at the event.
Prof. Coey on MOOC
Sound Check Opening Night
P. Stamenov, with the help of students from TRANSPIRE, gave a set of demonstrations within the Science Gallery’s ‘Sound Check’ event 10/2017, to a general public audience of 150. This opening Night focused on understanding the Basics behind waves and oscillations. From sound plates and violin bows, ripple tanks and base guitars visitors development an understanding the Basics behind waves and oscillations.