The group specializes in advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) techniques, particularly Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM), and excels in producing high-quality lamellae for atomic-scale characterization. During the visit, Shvets toured the state-of-the-art research facilities, which are pivotal for investigating novel materials and nanoscale structures.

Discussions focused on the recent preliminary results obtained through the visualization of antiphase boundaries and defects in oxides using STEM. These findings hold significant potential for understanding nanoscale phenomena in complex materials. Additionally, several promising future research directions were identified, emphasizing further exploration of metal oxides and defect engineering in novel nanomaterials. The collaboration is expected to strengthen through joint efforts in pushing the boundaries of materials science using cutting-edge electron microscopy techniques.

Igor Shvets and César Magén Domínguez next to TEM at the University of Zaragoza