Magnetic & Electrical

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We have a variety of instruments for the characterisation of the magnetic and electronic properties of materials.

Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS, Quantum Design)

Our PPMS is our main workhorse for characterisation of magnetic and electrical properties of devices and materials.

  • Interchangeable units for VSM and I/V measurements
  • Superconducting magnet with applied field of up to 14T
  • Liquid He cooling allows temperature range of 4-300K

Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) / Alternating Gradient Force Magnetometer (AGFM), Princeton Corp. Model 2900 MicroMag

This device is equipped with an electromagnet rather than a superconducting magnet like our PPMS. While the applied field therefore has a lower maximum value, it can be swept at a much greater rate, which allows for an interesting diversity of measurement modes.

  • Interchangeable units for AGFM and VSM measurements
  • Different probes available for measurement of magnetisation along x-axis and z-axis
  • Maximum applied field of 1T
  • Cryostat attachment allows cooling with liquid nitrogen
  • Measurement modes include:
    • Conventional M-H loops
    • First-order reversal curves (FORCs)
    • Remanence Magnetisation
    • Time dependence measurements of magnetisation

Closed cycle refrigerator setup (CCR)

For basic electrical measurements such as I/V curves, sheet resistance and resistive switching experiments we operate a closed cycle refrigerator setup, with a water cooled magnet. The temperature range is limited to 4-300 K and the field to 850 mT, but the system is easier to use and does not require liquid Helium.

  • Water cooled magnet (850mT)
  • Temperature range of 4-320K
  • Multiple measure modes: Hall effect and resistance in van der Pauw geometry, Lock-In amplifier for AC measurements

High temperature resistance setup

The system, designed in the group, is used for resistance vs. temperature measurements from 300-750K in a controlled gas atmosphere (Vacuum, O2, N2) allowing for resistance monitoring during post annealing. We can also introduce temperature gradients for simple Seebeck measurements.

  • Resistance setup in bell jar (1-1000 mbar)
  • 4 point linear probe geometry for I/V and Resistance measurements
  • 2 point probes for Seebeck measurements