Magnetic & Electrical
Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS, Quantum Design)
Our PPMS is our main workhorse for characterisation of magnetic and electrical properties of devices and materials.
- Interchangeable units for VSM and I/V measurements
- Superconducting magnet with applied field of up to 14T
- Liquid He cooling allows temperature range of 4-300K
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) / Alternating Gradient Force Magnetometer (AGFM), Princeton Corp. Model 2900 MicroMag
This device is equipped with an electromagnet rather than a superconducting magnet like our PPMS. While the applied field therefore has a lower maximum value, it can be swept at a much greater rate, which allows for an interesting diversity of measurement modes.
- Interchangeable units for AGFM and VSM measurements
- Different probes available for measurement of magnetisation along x-axis and z-axis
- Maximum applied field of 1T
- Cryostat attachment allows cooling with liquid nitrogen
- Measurement modes include:
- Conventional M-H loops
- First-order reversal curves (FORCs)
- Remanence Magnetisation
- Time dependence measurements of magnetisation
Closed cycle refrigerator setup (CCR)
For basic electrical measurements such as I/V curves, sheet resistance and resistive switching experiments we operate a closed cycle refrigerator setup, with a water cooled magnet. The temperature range is limited to 4-300 K and the field to 850 mT, but the system is easier to use and does not require liquid Helium.
- Water cooled magnet (850mT)
- Temperature range of 4-320K
- Multiple measure modes: Hall effect and resistance in van der Pauw geometry, Lock-In amplifier for AC measurements
High temperature resistance setup
The system, designed in the group, is used for resistance vs. temperature measurements from 300-750K in a controlled gas atmosphere (Vacuum, O2, N2) allowing for resistance monitoring during post annealing. We can also introduce temperature gradients for simple Seebeck measurements.
- Resistance setup in bell jar (1-1000 mbar)
- 4 point linear probe geometry for I/V and Resistance measurements
- 2 point probes for Seebeck measurements