Deposition Systems
Deposition Systems
We have a flexible range of state of the art systems for deposition of metals and metal oxides.
Molecular Beam Epitaxy System (DCA M600)
- Load-lock chamber
- Deposition chamber
- Large volume cryopanel
- Residual gas analyser
- Single opcket e-beam evaporator
- Multi-hearth e-beam evaporator
- Three effusion cells
- Substrate manipulator
- Deposition rate monitors
- Oxygen plasma source
Magnetron Sputtering System
- Load-lock chamber
- Growth chamber
- Three 2" magnetron guns
- 1.5" magnetron gun
- Oxygen compatible sample heater to 900 K
- DC and RF power supplies
- Multiple gas lines (Ar, O2, etc.) with MFC controller
Atomic Terrace Low Angle Deposition (ATLAS) System
We have three UHV systems designed for fabrication of ordered arrays of nanowire and nanoparticles via shallow angle deposition onto step-bunched templates. The main feature that differentiates these chambers from other deposition systems is that their sample stages can be rotated to precisely specify the incident angle of the deposition flux.
- Load-lock chamber
- Deposition chamber
- Six-pocket e-beam evaporator
- Sample stage which can be rotated to within 0.1° w.r.t. deposition flux
- Quartz crystal monitor
- O2 leak valve
Spray pyrolysis setup
In particular for fast material and dopant screening we use an inexpensive spray pyrolysis system, where precursor solutions are sprayed on a hot sample to chemically synthesise oxides or sulfides.
- Custom built steel chamber for 10-1000 mbar pressure
- Air blast nozzle
- Peristaltic pump
- Gas mixing O2, air, N2 via MFCs
- Oxygen partial pressure monitor
- 300-800K fast acting ceramic heater (PID controlled)
- Fully automated setup
Molecular Beam epitaxy