Location: CRANN building 2.39
The Nano-Biological laboratory managed by Dr. Nigel Carroll is purpose built and is dedicated to interdisciplinary research at the interface between the physical and life sciences.
The research activities include investigation of cellular interactions using novel biophysical tools such as in vitro pulsed magnetic stimulation (TMS) of neuron networks and bio-magnetic detection using advanced magnetoresistive sensors for applications such as detecting magnetically-labeled biomarkers and magnetic flow cytometery
The research activities include investigation of cellular interactions using novel biophysical tools such as in vitro pulsed magnetic stimulation (TMS) of neuron networks and bio-magnetic detection using advanced magnetoresistive sensors for applications such as detecting magnetically-labeled biomarkers and magnetic flow cytometery.
Equipment |
Cell culture flow hood |
Telstar Bio-II-A/G Bio-flow hood |
C02 Incubator |
Thermo Electron Corporation C02 Incubator |
Centrifuge |
Universal 320: Centrifuge |
Sterilizer Autoclave |
Tomy: SX-700E High pressure steam Sterilizer |
Refrigerator & freezer |
ULTF80 Deep fridge MyBio Dairei |
Ice maker |
pH Meter |
Water bath |
Gant |
Microscope |
Camera |
QIMAGING: Camera type: 01-QIClick-R-F-M-12 |
Cell culture vessels |
Cell culture vessels
• Flasks, Petri dishes, roller bottles, multiwell plates)
• Pipettes and pipettors
• Syringes and needles
• Waste containers
• Media, sera, and reagents
Laboratory platform equipment
Equipment | Type |
Manipulators | • Sutter Instrument Company: MP-225 manipulator controller • Sutter Instrument Company: MP-225 manipulator controller • Wentworth laboratories: Manipulator type: SPM195 Qty:2 |
TMS test bead | Transcranial magnetic stimulator |
T&M equipment | • Stanford research Type: SR560 Low noise pre-amplifier • Glassman: High voltage supply ER series 10 kV 30 mA • Kepco: Bipolar operational supply 50 V 2 A |
Permanent magnets | • 1 T Magnetic solutions diameter 19 cm • 88 mT Magnetic solutions diameter 22 cm • 49 mT Magnetic solutions diameter 23 cm |
Gauss meter |
Magnetoresistive detection platform for biological applications
Bio-magnetic detection using advanced magnetoresistive sensors for applications such as detecting magnetically-labeled biomarkers and magnetic flow cytometery
Pulse magnetic stimulator platform for biological applications
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of the nervous system has been an important tool in neuroscience for over twenty years. More recently many clinical applications have also been developed for diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. The aims for this work is to elucidate the physical and biochemical mechanisms involved the in vitro magnetic stimulation of neuron and to measure TMS effects on neuronal development and neurotransmitter release