
Born in 1954 in Regensburg, Germany. 1979 & 1983 Dipl. Phys. Univ. and Dr. rer.nat. (PhD equiv.) Degrees from Regensburg University, Germany since 1983 in Trinity College Dublin 1986-1991 Lecturer in the Science of Materials/Physics 1991 - 2003 Associate Professor in the Science of Materials/Physics 1998 - 2003 Head of Department of the Physics Department 2002 Awarded ScD Degree by Trinity College Dublin 2003 Personal Chair in Physics of Advanced Materials § Fellow of the Institute of Physics § Fellow of the Institute of Nanotechnology § Fellow of Trinity College Dublin § Member of the Royal Irish Academy

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Zhang,Yong Y., Blau,Werner Josef W.J., Nonlinear optics: Dipoles align inside a nanotube, Nature Nanotechnology, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Chang, C., (...), Blau, W.J., Wang, J. , Facile fabrication of wafer-scale MoS2 neat films with enhanced third-order nonlinear optical performance, Nanoscale, 7, (7), 2015, p2978-2986Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Zhang, Y., Magan, J.J., Blau, W.J. , A general strategy for hybrid thin film fabrication and transfer onto arbitrary substrates, Scientific Reports, 4, 2014, p4822-Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang, G., Zhang, S., Umran, F.A., (...), Blau, W.J., Wang, J. , Tunable effective nonlinear refractive index of graphene dispersions during the distortion of spatial self-phase modulation, Applied Physics Letters, 104, (14), 2014, p141909-Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang, K., Ju, Y., He, J., (...), Blau, W.J., Wang, J. , Nonlinear optical propagation in a tandem structure comprising nonlinear absorption and scattering materials, Applied Physics Letters, 104, (2), 2014, p021110-Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wachauer, A., Wang, J.J., Kelly, J.M., Blau, W.J. , Optical third-order nonlinearity of triangular silver nanoprisms, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Kohala Coast, HI; United States, edited by 21-26 July , 2013Conference Paper, 2013
  • Xin Cheng, Ningning Dong, Bin Li, Xiaoyan Zhang, Saifeng Zhang, Jia Jiao, Werner J. Blau, Long Zhang, and Jun Wang , Controllable broadband nonlinear optical response of graphene dispersions by tuning vacuum pressure, Optics Express, 21, (14), 2013, p16486-16493Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Murray,Aidan A. ., Blau,Werner Josef , Nonlinear properties of graphene dispersions and thin films at a wavelength of 1.2 Î"m, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 8, (1), 2013, p23-27Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Bai, T., Li, C.-Q., Sun, J., (...), Zhang, B., Chen, Y. , Covalent Modification of Graphene Oxide with Carbazole Groups for Laser Protection, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015, p4622-4627Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Caridad J.M, McCloskey D, Rossella F, Bellani V, Donegan J.F, Krsti- V, Effective Wavelength Scaling of and Damping in Plasmonic Helical Antennae, ACS Photonics, 2, (6), 2015, p675 - 679Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Wang, K., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Coleman, J.N., Blau, W.J., Ultrafast nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction of 2D layered molybdenum dichalcogenide semiconductors, CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015, CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015, San Jose; United States, 10-15 May, 2015, pp1551-Conference Paper, 2015, DOI
  • Feng Y, Dong N, Wang G, Li Y, Zhang S, Wang K, Zhang L, Blau W.J, Wang J, Saturable absorption behavior of free-standing graphene polymer composite films over broad wavelength and time ranges, Optics Express, 23, (1), 2015, p559 - 569Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Wang, K., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Coleman, J.N., Blau, W.J. , Ultrafast nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction of 2D layered molybdenum dichalcogenide semiconductors, : QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015 pp. 1551p, San Jose; United States, 2015, pp1551-Conference Paper, 2015, DOI
  • Hanlon D, Backes C, Doherty E, Cucinotta CS, Berner NC, Boland C, Lee K, Harvey A, Lynch P, Gholamvand Z, Zhang S, Wang K, Moynihan G, Pokle A, Ramasse QM, McEvoy N, Blau WJ, Wang J, Abellan G, Hauke F, Hirsch A, Sanvito S, O'Regan DD, Duesberg GS, Nicolosi V, Coleman JN, Liquid exfoliation of solvent-stabilized few-layer black phosphorus for applications beyond electronics., Nature communications, 6, 2015, p8563Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang K, SzydÅ'owska B.M, Wang G, Zhang X, Wang J.J, Magan J.J, Zhang L, Coleman J.N, Wang J, Blau W.J, Ultrafast Nonlinear Excitation Dynamics of Black Phosphorus Nanosheets from Visible to Mid-Infrared, ACS Nano, 10, (7), 2016, p6923 - 6932Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Chen Y, Bai T, Dong N, Fan F, Zhang S, Zhuang X, Sun J, Zhang B, Zhang X, Wang J, Blau W.J, Graphene and its derivatives for laser protection, Progress in Materials Science, 84, 2016, p118 - 157Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Backes C, SzydÅ'owska B.M, Harvey A, Yuan S, Vega-Mayoral V, Davies B.R, Zhao P.-L, Hanlon D, Santos E.J.G, Katsnelson M.I, Blau W.J, Gadermaier C, Coleman J.N, Production of highly monolayer enriched dispersions of liquid-exfoliated nanosheets by liquid cascade centrifugation, ACS Nano, 10, (1), 2016, p1589 - 1601Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang G, Zhang S, Zhang X, Zhang L, Cheng Y, Fox D, Zhang H, Coleman J.N, Blau W.J, Wang J, Tunable nonlinear refractive index of two-dimensional MoS<inf>2</inf>, WS<inf>2</inf>, and MoSe<inf>2</inf> nanosheet dispersions [Invited], Photonics Research, 3, (2), 2015, pA51 - A55Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Gough J.J, Siewerska K.E, Mehigan S, Hanlon D, Backes C, Gholamvand Z, Szydloska B.M, Blau W.J, McCabe E, Bradley A.L, Ag nanoparticle decorated graphene oxide: Fluorescence quenching and surface enhanced raman scattering, 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS , September, 2016, pp121 - 123Conference Paper, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • K. Siewerska, J. J. Gough, S. Mehigan, D. Hanlon, C. Backes, Z. Gholamvand, B. M Szydloska, W. J. Blau, E. McCabe, A. L. Bradley , Influence of graphene oxide/Ag nanoparticle composites on the fluorescence properies of organic dyes, EMRS Fall, Warsaw, Poland, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
  • M. Hogan, JD Magan, W Blau, JG Lunney and J. Woods, Laser photoablation of spin-on-glass and poly(ehtyl cyanoacrylate) photoresist, Applied Surface Science, 36, (1-4), 1989, p343 - 349Journal Article, 1989, DOI
  • TP O'Brien, JF Lawlor, JG Lunney and WJ Blau, The effect of laser fluence on the ablation and deposition of YBA2CU3O7, Materials Science and Engineering B , 13, (1), 1992, p9 - 13Journal Article, 1992, DOI
  • J D Magan, M P Hogan, W Blau, J G Lunney and J G Woods, Photoablative etching of poly(ethyl-cyanoacrylate) photoresist, Chemtronics, 4, (2), 1989, p74 - 77Journal Article, 1989, DOI
  • Wang, G. and Wang, K. and SzydÅ'owska, B.M. and Baker-Murray, A.A. and Wang, J.J. and Feng, Y. and Zhang, X. and Wang, J. and Blau, W.J., Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Graphene Saturable Mirror in the 2 ÎŒm Wavelength Region, Laser and Photonics Reviews, 11, (5), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Bai, Z. and Tao, G. and Li, Y. and He, J. and Wang, K. and Wang, G. and Jiang, X. and Wang, J. and Blau, W. and Zhang, L., Fabrication and near-infrared optical responses of 2D periodical Au/ITO nanocomposite arrays, Photonics Research, 5, (4), 2017, p280-286Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Zhang, X. and Selkirk, A. and Zhang, S. and Huang, J. and Li, Y. and Xie, Y. and Dong, N. and Cui, Y. and Zhang, L. and Blau, W.J. and Wang, J., MoS2/Carbon Nanotube Coreâ€"Shell Nanocomposites for Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Performance, Chemistry - A European Journal, 23, (14), 2017, p3321-3327Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Croke, D.T., Blau, W., OhUigin, C., Kelly, J.M., McConnell, D.J. , Photolysis of phosphodiester bonds in plasmid DNA by high intensity UV laser irradiation. , Photochemistry and Photobiology, 47, (4), 1988, p527 - 536Journal Article, 1988, DOI , URL
  • Croke, D.T., Blau, W., OhUigin, C., Kelly, J.M., McConnell, D.J. , Photolysis of phosphodiester bonds in plasmid DNA by high intensity UV laser irradiation. , Photochemistry and Photobiology, 47, (4), 1988, p527 - 536Journal Article, 1988, DOI , URL
  • J. M. Kelly, C. Maloney, H. Byrne, W. M. Dennis and W. Blau., Picosecond optical phase conjugation using conjugated organic molecules , Chemical Physics, 121, (1), 1988, p21 - 39Journal Article, 1988, DOI , URL
  • Blau, W.; Byrne, H.; Dennis, W. M.; Kelly, J. M., Reverse saturable absorption in tetraphenylporphyrins, Optics Communications, 56, (1), 1985, p25 - 29Journal Article, 1985, DOI , URL
  • E. Bourdin, F. Z. Henari, W. J. Blau, J. M. Kelly, Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of CdS nanoparticles in Nafion membranes, J. Telecom. Inform. Tech., 1-2, 2000, p29 - 36Journal Article, 2000, URL
  • A.M. Whelan, S. Benrezzak, M.E. Brennan, J.M. Kelly and W.J. Blau, Nonlinear optical properties of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles, Proc. SPIE, 4876, (2), 2002, p1257 - 1264Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
  • C.M. Creely, J.M. Kelly, M.M. Feeney, S. Hudson, J.C. Penedo, W.J. Blau, B. Elias, A. Kirsch- De Mesmaeker, P. Matousek, M. Towrie, A. W. Parker, J. S. Dyer, M. W. George, C.G. Coates and J.J. McGarvey, Ultrafast Transient Absorption Studies of Ruthenium and Rhenium Dipyridophenazine Complexes Bound to DNA and Polynucleotides, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , 4876, (1), 2003, p92 - 102Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
  • J. Dyer, W.J. Blau, C.G. Coates, C.M. Creely, J.D. Gavey, M.W. George, D.C. Grills, S. Hudson, J.M. Kelly, P. Matousek, J.J. McGarvey, J. McMaster, A.W. Parker, M. Towrie and J. A. Weinstein, The photophysics of fac-[Re(CO)3(dppz)(py)]+ in CH3CN: a comparative picosecond flash photolysis, transient infrared, transient resonance Raman and density functional theoretical study, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2, (5), 2003, p542 - 554Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
  • C.M. Creely, J.M. Kelly, A.M. Selmi, D.A. McGovern, W.J. Blau, P. Matousek, M. Towrie and A.W. Parker, Picosecond Transient Absorption Studies of Dipyridophenazine, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , (4991), 2003, pp482 - 489Conference Paper, 2003, DOI , URL
  • A.M. Whelan, M.E. Brennan, W.J. Blau and J.M. Kelly, Enhanced Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity of Silver Nanoparticles with a tunable Surface Plasmon Resonance, J. Nanosci. Nanotech, 4, (1-2), 2004, p66 - 68Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • J. J. Gough, K. Siewerska, S. Mehigan, D. Hanlon, C. Backes, Z. Gholamvand, B. M. Szydloska, W. J. Blau, E. McCabe and A. L. Bradley, Influence of graphene oxide/Ag nanoparticle composites on the fluorescence properties of organic dyes, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials, 17, 2017, p8946 - 8952Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Gough, J.J., Siewerska, K.E., Mehigan, S., (...), McCabe, E., Bradley, A.L. , Influence of graphene oxide/Ag nanoparticle composites on the fluorescence properties of organic dyes, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, (12), 2017, p8901-8911Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • I Mirza, D.McCloskey, W. J. Blau and J. G. Lunney, Mechanism of large optical nonlinearity in gold nanoparticle films, Optics Letters, 43, (7), 2018, p1455 - 1458Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • R. Blake, Y.K. Gun'ko, J. Coleman, M. Cadek, A. Fonseca, J.B. Nagy and W. Blau, A generic organometallic approach toward ultra-strong carbon nanotube-polymer composites, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, (33), 2004, p10226 - 10227Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • SzydÅ'owska B.M, Tywoniuk B, Blau W.J, Size-Dependent Nonlinear Optical Response of Black Phosphorus Liquid Phase Exfoliated Nanosheets in Nanosecond Regime, ACS Photonics, 5, (9), 2018, p3608 - 3612Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Wang G, Wang K, Blau W.J, Ultrafast Experimental Analysis and Comparative Performance of a Graphene Saturable Mirror at 2 ÎŒm Wavelength, 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, URL
  • Wang G, Higgins S, Wang K, Bennett D, Milosavljevic N, Magan J.J, Zhang S, Zhang X, Wang J, Blau W.J, Intensity-dependent nonlinear refraction of antimonene dispersions in the visible and near-infrared region, Applied Optics, 57, (22), 2018, pE147 - E153Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Wang G, Liang G, Baker-Murray A.A, Wang K, Wang J.J, Zhang X, Bennett D, Luo J.-T, Wang J, Fan P, Blau W.J, Nonlinear optical performance of few-layer molybdenum diselenide as a slow-saturable absorber, Photonics Research, 6, (7), 2018, p674 - 680Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Wang G, Blau W, Dependence of excited carrier dynamics of PtSe&#60;inf>2&#60;/inf> thin films on thickness, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2018, Part F98-BGPPM 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Gaozhong Wang, Aidan A. Baker-Murray, Xiaoyan Zhang, Daniel Bennett, Jing Jing Wang, Jun Wang, Kangpeng Wang, and Werner J. Blau, Broadband saturable absorption and exciton-exciton annihilation in MoSe2 composite thin films, Optical Materials Express, 9, (2), 2019, p483 - 496Journal Article, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang, G. and Wang, K. and McEvoy, N. and Bai, Z. and Cullen, C.P. and Murphy, C.N. and McManus, J.B. and Magan, J.J. and Smith, C.M. and Duesberg, G.S. and Kaminer, I. and Wang, J. and Blau, W.J., Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics and Bandgap Renormalization in Layered PtSe2, Small, (1902728), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Arpaçay, P. and Maity, P. and El-Zohry, A.M. and Meindl, A. and Akca, S. and Plunkett, S. and Senge, M.O. and Blau, W.J. and Mohammed, O.F., Controllable Charge-Transfer Mechanism at Push-Pull Porphyrin/Nanocarbon Interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, (23), 2019, p14283-14291Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang, G. and Baker-Murray, A.A. and Blau, W.J., Saturable Absorption in 2D Nanomaterials and Related Photonic Devices, Laser and Photonics Reviews, 13, (7), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Wang, K. and Zhang, X. and Kislyakov, I.M. and Dong, N. and Zhang, S. and Wang, G. and Fan, J. and Zou, X. and Du, J. and Leng, Y. and Zhao, Q. and Wu, K. and Chen, J. and Baesman, S.M. and Liao, K.-S. and Maharjan, S. and Zhang, H. and Zhang, L. and Curran, S.A. and Oremland, R.S. and Blau, W.J. and Wang, J., Bacterially synthesized tellurium nanostructures for broadband ultrafast nonlinear optical applications, Nature Communications, 10, (1), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang, G. and Bennett, D. and Zhang, C. and Ã" Coileáin, C. and Liang, M. and McEvoy, N. and Wang, J.J. and Wang, J. and Wang, K. and Nicolosi, V. and Blau, W.J., Two-Photon Absorption in Monolayer MXenes, Advanced Optical Materials, 8, (9), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Nicolosi V, Vrbanic D, Mrzel A, McCauley J, O'Flaherty S, McGuinness C, Compagnini G, Mihailovic D, Blau WJ, Coleman JN, Solubility of Mo6S4.5I4.5 nanowires in common solvents: A sedimentation study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, (15), 2005, p7124 - 7133Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • J. N Coleman, M. Cadek, V. Nicolosi, R. Blake, F. Liégeois, A. Fonseca, J. B. Nagy, Y. K. Gun'ko, W. J. Blau , High performance nanotube reinforced plastics: Understanding the mechanism of strength increase, Advanced Functional Materials, 14, (8), 2004, p791 - 798Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Jonathan N Coleman, Alexander Fleming, Stefanie Maier, Sean O'Flaherty, Andrew I Minett, Mauro S Ferreira, Stefan Hutzler and Werner J Blau, Binding Kinetics and SWNT Bundle Dissociation in Low Concentration Polymer-Nanotube Dispersions, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, (11), 2004, p3446 - 3450Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Jonathan N Coleman, Werner J Blau, Alan B Dalton, Edgar Munoz, Steve Collins, Bog G Kim, Joselito Razal, Miles Selvidge, Guillermo Vieiro, Ray H Baughman, Improving the Mechanical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Sheets by Intercalation of Polymeric Adhesives, Applied Physics Letters, 82, (11), 2003, p1682 - 1684Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Cullen P.J., Blau W. ; Vij J. K, Operation of an all-optical exclusive-OR gate and set-reset flip-flop using nonlinear interference filters, Optical Engineering, 28, (12), 1989, p1276 - 1280Journal Article, 1989
  • Kilbride B E, Coleman J N, Fraysse J, Fournet P, Cadek M, Drury A, Hutzler S, Roth S and Blau WJ, Experimental observation of scaling laws for alternating current and direct current conductivity in polymer-carbon nanotube composite thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 92, (7), 2002, p4024 - 4030Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Coleman J N, Fleming A, Maier S, O"Flaherty S, Minett A, Ferreira M S, Hutzler S and Blau WJ, Binding Kinetics and Spontaneous SWNT Bundle, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 108, (11), 2004, p3446 - 3450Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Strevens AE, Drury A, Lipson SM, Kroll M, Blau WJ, Horhold HH, Hybrid light-emitting polymer device fabricated on a metallic nanowire array , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , 86, (14), 2005, p143503Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Kobayashi T, Savatier JB, Jordan G, Blau WJ, Suzuki Y, Kaino T , Near-infrared laser emission from luminescent plastic waveguides , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 85, (2), 2004, p185 - 187Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Lipson SM, Coleman JN, Drury A, O'Brien DF, Blau WJ, Cadby AJ, Lane PA, Bradley DDC , Alternating and direct current characterization and photoinduced absorption studies of modified conjugated polymer thin films , Journal of Applied Physics, 95, (11), 2004, p6138 - 6144Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Blau WJ, Fleming AJ , Designer nanotubes by molecular self-assembly , SCIENCE, 304, (5676), 2004, p1457 - 1458Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Cadek M, Coleman JN, Ryan KP, Nicolosi V, Bister G, Fonseca A, Nagy JB, Szostak K, Beguin F, Blau WJ , Reinforcement of polymers with carbon nanotubes: The role of nanotube surface area, Nano Letters, 4, (2), 2004, p353 - 356Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Lahiff E, Ryu CY, Curran S, Minett AI, Blau WJ, Ajayan PM , Selective positioning and density control of nanotubes within a polymer thin film, NANO LETTERS, 3, (10), 2003, p1333 - 1337Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
  • O'Flaherty SM, Hold SV, Cook MJ, Torres T, Chen Y, Hanack M, Blau WJ , Molecular engineering of peripherally and axially modified phthalocyanines for optical limiting and nonlinear optics , ADVANCED MATERIALS , 15, (1), 2003, p19 - 36Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
  • Cadek M, Coleman JN, Barron V, Hedicke K, Blau WJ , Morphological and mechanical properties of carbon-nanotube-reinforced semicrystalline and amorphous polymer composites , Applied Physics Letters, 81, (27), 2002, p5123 - 5125Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Frehill F, Vos JG, Benrezzak S, Koos AA, Konya Z, Ruther MG, Blau WJ, Fonseca A, Nagy JB, Biro LP, Minett AI, Panhuis MIH, Interconnecting carbon nanotubes with an inorganic metal complex , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124, (46), 2002, p13694 - 13695Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
  • Panhuis, MIH, Salvador-Morales, C, Franklin, E, Chambers, G, Fonseca, A, Nagy, JB, Blau, WJ, Minett, AI, Characterization of an interaction between functionalized carbon nanotubes and an enzyme, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3, (3), 2003, p209 - 213Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • McDonald, A, Claffey, N, Pearson, G, Blau, W, Setchell, D, The effect of Nd : YAG radiation at nanosecond pulse duration on dentine crater depth, Biomaterials, 23, (1), 2002, p51 - 58Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • Ailbhe V. McDonald Noel M. Claffey Gavin J. Pearson Werner Blau Derrick J. Setchell, Effect of Nd:YAG radiation at millisecond pulse duration on dentine crater depth, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 27, (3), 2000, p213 - 223Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • MINETT ANDREW IAN (AU); MOULTON SIMON EDWARD (AU); BLAU WERNER J (DE); WALLACE GORDON GEORGE (AU), UNIV WOLLONGONG (AU);; TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN (IE), Nanostructure material and process for the preparation thereof, 2005, IE20050000054 20050207Patent, 2005, URL
  • MCBRIERTY VINCENT; BLAU WERNER, TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, An Apparatus and method for manufacturing lenses, 1996, IE950827Patent, 1996
  • DAVEY ANDREW P; BLAU WERNER J; CARDIN DAVID J; BYRNE HUGH J; SPARPAGLIONE MASSIMO, ENICHEM SPA (IT);; DONEGANI GUIDO IST (IT);; TRINITY COLLEGE (IE), Class of organometallic polymers having non-linear third order optical properties and process for obtaining them, 1996, IT1265683Patent, 1996
  • MCBRIERTY VINCENT; MAGAN JOHN; BLAU WERNER, TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN (IE), Laser curing of contact lens, 1991, IE900903Patent, 1991
  • Bertagnolli H, Blau WJ, Chen Y, Dini D, Feth MP, O'Flaherty SM, Hanack M, Krishnan V , Synthesis, characterization and optical limiting properties of a gallium phthalocyanine dimer , JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 15, (6), 2005, 683 - 689Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Chen Y, Araki Y, Doyle J, Strevens A, Ito O, Blau WJ , Synthesis, characterization, and optoelectronic properties of a novel polyfluorene/poly(p-phenylenevinylene) copolymer , CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 17, (7), 2005, p1661 - 1666Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Arbez-Gindre C, Steele BR, Heropoulos GA, Screttas CG, Communal JE, Blau WJ, Ledoux-Rak I , A facile organolithium route to ferrocene-based triarylmethyl dyes with substantial near IR and NLO properties , JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 690, (6), 2005, p1620 - 1626Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Ryan KP, Cadek M, Drury A, Ruether M, Blau WJ, Coleman JN , Carbon nanotube nucleated polymer crystallization , Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 13 , (Suppl. 1), 2005, p431 - 434Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Thielemans W, McAninch IM, Barron V, Blau WJ, Wool RP , Impure carbon nanotubes as reinforcements for acrylated epoxidized soy oil composites , JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE , 98, (3), 2005, p1325 - 1338Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Brennan ME, Whelan AM, Kelly JM, Blau WJ , Silver nanoparticle self-organization into dendritic fractals , Synthetic Metals, 154, (1-3), 2005, p205 - 208Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Murphy R, Nicolosi V, Hernandez Y, McCarthy D, Rickard D, Vrbanic D, Mrzel A, Mihailovic D, Blau WJ, Coleman JN , Observation of extremely low percolation threshold in Mo6S4.5I4.5 nanowire/polymer composites , Scripta Materialia, 54 , (3), 2006, p417 - 420Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Ramesh BP, Blau WJ, Tyagi PK, Misra DS, Ali N, Gracio J, Cabral G, Titus E , Thermogravimetric analysis of cobalt-filled carbon nanotubes deposited by chemical vapour deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS, 494 , (1-2), 2006, p128 - 132Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Ramesh BP, Blau WJ, Tyagi PK, Misra DS, Ali N, Gracio J, Cabral G, Titus E , Thermogravimetric analysis of cobalt-filled carbon nanotubes deposited by chemical vapour deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS, 494 , (1-2), 2006, p128 - 132Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Audoit G, Ni Mhuircheartaigh T, Lipson SM, Morris MA, Blau WJ, Holmes JD , Strain induced photoluminescence from silicon and germanium nanowire arrays , JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY , 15, (45), 2005, p4809 - 4815Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Smith RC, Carey JD, Murphy RJ, Blau WJ, Coleman JN, Silva SRP , Charge transport effects in field emission from carbon nanotube-polymer composites, Applied Physics Letters, 87, (26), 2005, p263105-Journal Article, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Frizzell CJ, in het Panhuis M, Coutinho DH, Balkus KJ, Minett AI, Blau WJ, Coleman JN , Reinforcement of macroscopic carbon nanotube structures by polymer intercalation: The role of polymer molecular weight and chain conformation , Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 72, (24), 2005, p245420-Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Fleming AJ, Coleman JN, Blau WJ , Optical absorption and photo-luminescence spectra of molecular van der Waals systems: Frenkel Exciton Resonance effects , Macromolecular Symposia, 230, 2005, p116 - 125Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Curran SA, Zhang DH, Dundigal S, Blau W , Doping properties of polydithienylmethine: A study on the correlation between polymer chain length, spectroscopy, and transport , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 110, (9), 2006, p3924 - 3929Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Ryan KP, Cadek M, Nicolosi V, Walker S, Ruether M, Fonseca A, Nagy JB, Blau WJ, Coleman JN , Multiwalled carbon nanotube nucleated crystallization and reinforcement in poly (vinyl alcohol) composites , Synthetic Metals, 156 , (2-4), 2006, p332 - 335Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Jordan G, Flammich M, Ruther M, Kobayashi T, Blau WJ, Suzuki Y, Kaino T , Light amplification at 501 nm and large nanosecond optical gain in organic dye-doped polymeric waveguides , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , 88, (16), 2006, p161114-Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Chen Y, Hanack M, Blau WJ, Dini D, Liu Y, Lin Y, Bai JR , Soluble axially substituted phthalocyanines: Synthesis and nonlinear optical response , JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 41, (8), 2006, p2169- - 2185Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Slodek A, Wohrle D, Doyle JJ, Blau W , Metal complexes of phthalocyanines in polymers as suitable materials for optical limiting , MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA , 235, 2006, p9 - 18Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Kobayashi T, Djiango M, Jordan G, Ruther M, Blau WJ, Suzuki Y, Kaino T , Laser emission at 0.8 mu m from photopumped luminescent polymer microresonators , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , 88, (18), 2006, p181119 -Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Curran SA, Zhang DH, Wondmagegn W, Blau W , Spectroscopic studies of CSA-doped poly[C-hydroxyl-(4-N-dimethylamino)phenyl]dithienylmethine and doping effects on ionic conductivity , SYNTHETIC METALS , 156 , (5-6), 2006, p482 - 487Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Emer Lahiff, Rory Leahy, Jonathan N. Coleman and Werner J. Blau, Physical properties of novel free-standing polymer-nanotube thin films , Carbon, 44, (8), 2006, p1525 - 1529Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Calaminici P, Koster AM, Jug K, Gray D, Blau W , Geometrical effect on the first hyperpolarizability of thiophene-substituted stilbene derivatives , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM , 762, (1-3), 2006, p87 - 91Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Nicolosi V, Vengust D, Mihailovic D, Blau WJ, Coleman JN , Debundling by dilution: Observation of significant populations of individual MoSI nanowires in high concentration dispersions , Chemical Physics Letters, 425, (1-3), 2006, p89 - 93Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Silvia Giordani, Shane D. Bergin, Valeria Nicolosi, Sergei Lebedkin, Manfred M. Kappes, Werner J. Blau, and Jonathan N. Coleman, Debundling of single-walled nanotubes by dilution: Observation of large populations of individual nanotubes in amide solvent dispersions , The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, (32), 2006, p15708 - 15718Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • J.J. Doyle, B. Ballesteros, G. De la Torre, D.A. McGovern, J.M. Kelly, T. Torres, and W.J. Blau, Combination of phthalocyanine and fullerene moieties for optical limiting , Chemical Physics Letters, 428 , (4-6), 2006, p307 - 311Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Kobayashi T (Kobayashi, Takeyuki), Flammich M (Flammich, Michael), Jordan G (Jordan, Grace), D'Arcy R (D'Arcy, Rebekah), Ruther M (Ruther, Manuel), Blau WJ (Blau, Werner J.), Suzuki Y (Suzuki, Yasuhiro), Kaino T (Kaino, Toshikuni) , Blue-green small-signal gain and saturation in a luminescent polymer gain medium , Applied Physics Letters, 89 , (13), 2006, p131119-Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Langford RM (Langford, R. M.), Wang TX (Wang, T-X.), Thornton M (Thornton, M.), Heidelberg A (Heidelberg, A.), Sheridan JG (Sheridan, J. G.), Blau W (Blau, W.), Leahy R (Leahy, R.) , Comparison of different methods to contact to nanowires , JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 24, (5), 2006, p2306 - 2311Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Rowan Blake, Jonathan N. Coleman, Michele T. Byrne, Joseph E. McCarthy, Tatiana S. Perova, Werner J. Blau, Antonio Fonseca, Janos B. Nagy and Yurii K. Gun'ko, Reinforcement of poly(vinyl chloride) and polystyrene using chlorinated polypropylene grafted carbon nanotubes , The Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16 , (43), 2006, p4206 - 4213Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Ni Mhuircheartaigh EM (Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Eimhin M.), Giordani S (Giordani, Silvia), Blau WJ (Blau, Werner J.) , Linear and nonlinear optical characterization of a tetraphenylporphyrin-carbon nanotube composite system , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B , 110 , (46), 2006, p23136 - 23141Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Jonathan N. Coleman, Martin Cadek, Kevin P. Ryan, Antonio Fonseca, Janos B. Nagy, Werner J. Blau, Mauro S. Ferreira, Reinforcement of polymers with carbon nanotubes. The role of an ordered polymer interfacial region. Experiment and modeling , Polymer, 47 , (26), 2006, p8556 - 8561Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • McCarthy, Denis N.; Nicolosi, Valeria; Vengust, Damjan; Mihailovic, Dragan; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Blau, Werner J.; Coleman, Jonathan N., Dispersion and purification of Mo6S3I6 nanowires in organic solvents , Journal of Applied Physics, 101, (1), 2007, p014317 - 014327Journal Article, 2007, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Chen Y (Chen, Yu), Doyle J (Doyle, James), Liu Y (Liu, Ying), Strevens A (Strevens, Adam), Lin Y (Lin, Ying), El-Khouly ME (El-Khouly, Mohamed E.), Araki Y (Araki, Yasuyuki), Blau WJ (Blau, Werner J.), Ito O (Ito, Osamu) , Optoelectronic and nonlinear optical properties of tBu(4)PcTiO/polymer composite materials , JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, 185, (2-3), 2007, p263 - 270Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • V. Nicolosi, D.N. McCarthy, D. Vengust, D. Mihailovic, W.J. Blau and J.N. Coleman, Exfoliation of Mo6SxI9-x nanowires in common solvents, European Physical Journal of Applied Physics, 37, (2), 2007, p149 - 159Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • James J. Doyle, Valeria Nicolosi, Seán M. O'Flaherty, Damjan Vengust, Anna Drury, Dragan Mihailovic, Jonathan N. Coleman and Werner J. Blau, Nonlinear optical response of Mo6S4.5I4.5 nanowires , Chemical Physics Letters, 435, (1-3), 2007, p109 - 113Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • V. Nicolosi, P. D. Nellist, S. Sanvito, E. C. Cosgriff, S. Krishnamurthy, W. J. Blau, M. L. H. Green, D. Vengust, D. Dvorsek, D. Mihailovic, G. Compagnini, J. Sloan, V. Stolojan, J. D. Carey, S. J. Pennycook, J. N. Coleman, Observation of van der Waals driven self-assembly of MoSI nanowires into a low-symmetry structure using aberration-corrected electron microscopy , Advanced Materials , 19 , (4), 2007, p543 - 547Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Grace Jordan, Takeyuki Kobayashi, and Werner J. Blau , Characterization of low-threshold polymer microring lasers using optical microscopy and spectral analysis , Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics , 24, (4), 2007, p808 - 812Journal Article, 2007, URL
  • E. Titus, Gil Cabral, J.C. Madaleno, V.F. Neto, T. Shokuhfar, W.J. Blau, P. Ramesh Babu, D.S. Misra and J. Gracio, Synthesis of highly oriented carbon nanotube thin films by nickel functionalisation, Diamond and Related Materials, 16, (4-7), 2007, p1195 - 1199Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • E. Titus, Gil Cabral, J.C. Madaleno, V.F. Neto, T. Shokuhfar, W.J. Blau, P. Ramesh Babu, D.S. Misra and J. Gracio, Synthesis of highly oriented carbon nanotube thin films by nickel functionalisation, Diamond and Related Materials, 16, (4-7), 2007, p1195 - 1199Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Kevin P. Ryan, Martin Cadek, Valeria Nicolosi, David Blond, Manuel Ruether, Gordon Armstrong, Harry Swan, Antonio Fonseca, Janos B. Nagy, Wolfgang K. Maser, Werner J. Blau and Jonathan N. Coleman, Carbon nanotubes for reinforcement of plastics? A case study with poly(vinyl alcohol) , Composites Science and Technology , 67, (7-8), 2007, p1640 - 1649Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Ying Liu, Sean M. O'Flaherty, Yu Chen, Yasuyuki Araki, Jinrui Bai, James Doyle, Werner J. Blau and Osamu Ito, Photophysical and nonlinear optical properties of ì-oxo-bridged indium and gallium phthalocyanines, Dyes and Pigments, 75, (1), 2007, p88 - 92Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Cathcart H (Cathcart, Helen), Quinn S (Quinn, Susan), Nicolosi V (Nicolosi, Valeria), Kelly JM (Kelly, John M.), Blau WJ (Blau, Werner J.), Coleman JN (Coleman, Jonathan N.) , Spontaneous debundling of single-walled carbon nanotubes in DNA-based dispersions , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 111, (1), 2007, p66 - 74Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • P. Fournet, D. F. O'Brien, J. N. Coleman, H. -H. Hörhold and W. J. Blau, A carbon nanotube composite as an electron transport layer for M3EH-PPV based light-emitting diodes , Synthetic Metals, 121, (1-3), 2001, p1683 - 1684Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Seamus A. Curran , Pulickel M. Ajayan, Werner J. Blau, David L. Carroll, Johnathan N. Coleman, Alan B. Dalton, Andrew P. Davey, Anna Drury, Brendan McCarthy, Stephanie Maier, Adam Strevens, A Composite from Poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctoxy-p-phenylenevinylene) and Carbon Nanotubes: A Novel Material for Molecular Optoelectronics, Advanced Materials, 10, (14), 1998, p1091 - 1093Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • A. B. Dalton, W. J. Blau, G. Chambers, J. N. Coleman, K. Henderson, S. Lefrant, B. McCarthy, C. Stephan and H. J. Byrne, A functional conjugated polymer to process, purify and selectively interact with single wall carbon nanotubes , Synthetic Metals, 121, (1-3), 2001, p1217 - 1218Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • B. McCarthy, J. N. Coleman, R. Czerw, A. B. Dalton, M. in het Panhuis, A. Maiti, A. Drury, P. Bernier, J. B. Nagy, B. Lahr, H. J. Byrne, D. L. Carroll, and W. J. Blau, A Microscopic and Spectroscopic Study of Interactions between Carbon Nanotubes and a Conjugated Polymer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106, (9), 2002, p2210 - 2216Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • B McCarthy, J N Coleman, R Czerw, A B Dalton, H J Byrne, D Tekleab, P Iyer, P M Ajayan, W J Blau and D L Carroll, Complex nano-assemblies of polymers and carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology, 12, 2001, p187 - 190Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • A.B. Dalton, J.N. Coleman, M.I.H. Panhuis, B. McCarthy, A. Drury and W.J. Blau et al., Controlling the optical properties of a conjugated co-polymer through variation of backbone isomerism and the introduction of carbon nanotubes, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 144, (1), 2001, p31 - 41Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Marc in het Panhuis, Robert W. Munn, Paul L. A. Popelier, Jonathan N. Coleman, Brian Foley, and Werner J. Blau, Distributed response analysis of conductive behavior in single molecules, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - Physical Sciences, 99, (suppl 2), 2002, p6514 - 6517Journal Article, 2002, URL
  • Coleman, J. N.; O'Brien, D. F.; Dalton, A. B.; McCarthy, B.; Lahr, B.; Barklie, R. C.; Blau, W. J., Electron paramagnetic resonance as a quantitative tool for the study of multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Chemical Physics, 113, 2000, p9788 - 9793Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • P. Fournet, J. N. Coleman, B. Lahr, A. Drury, and W. J. Blau, D. F. O'Brien, H.-H. Hörhold, Enhanced brightness in organic light-emitting diodes using a carbon nanotube composite as an electron-transport layer, Journal of Applied Physics, 90, (2), 2001, p969 - 975Journal Article, 2001, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • J.N. Coleman, D.F. O'Brien, M. in het Panhuis, A.B. Dalton, B. McCarthy and R.C. Barklie and W. J. Blau, High electron injection currents from a nanotube composite in an organic heterojunction, Synthetic Metals, 121, (1-3), 2001, p1227 - 1228Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • A. B. Dalton, B. Paci, K. Henderson, G. Chambers, B. McCarthy, J. N. Coleman, A. Drury, C. Fiorini, J. -M. Nunzi, W. J. Blau and H. J. Byrne, Isomerism and inter-chain effects in a semi-conjugated co-polymer, poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene, Synthetic Metals, 119, (1-3), 2001, p557 - 558Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Coleman, J.N., O'Brien, D.F., Dalton, A.B., McCarthy, B., Lahr, B., Drury, A., Barklie, R.C., Blau, W.J., Measurement of nanotube content in pyrolytically generated carbon soot, Chemical Communications, 20, 2000, p2001 - 2002Journal Article, 2000, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • MC Mc Carthy B.; Coleman J.N.; Czerw R.; Dalton A.B.; Carroll D.L.; Blau W.J., Microscopy studies of nanotube-conjugated polymer interactions , Synthetic Metals, 121, (1), 2001, p1225 - 1226Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Jonathan N. Coleman, Diarmuid F. O'Brien, Brendan McCarthy, Robert C. Barklie and Werner J. Blau, Nanotube Content in Arc Generated Carbon Powder , Monatshefte für Chemie / Chemical Monthly, 132, (1), 2001, p53 - 61Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Brennan, Margaret; Coleman, Jonathan N.; in het Panhuis, Marc; Kobayashi, Takeyuki; Blau, Werner J., Nonlinear photoluminescence in multiwall carbon nanotubes, Synthetic Metals, 119, (1-3), 2001, p641 - 642Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • B. McCarthy, J. N. Coleman, S. A. Curran, A. B. Dalton, A. P. Davey, Z. Konya, A. Fonseca, J. B. Nagy and W. J. Blau, Observation of site selective binding in a polymer nanotube composite , Journal of Materials Science Letters, 19, (24), 2001, p2239 - 2241Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • M. Cadek, R. Murphy, B. McCarthy, A. Drury, B. Lahr, R. C. Barklie, M. in het Panhuis, J. N. Coleman and W. J. Blau, Optimisation of the arc-discharge production of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 40, (6), 2002, p923 - 928Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • J. N. Coleman, S. Curran, A. B. Dalton, A. P. Davey, B. McCarthy, W. Blau, and R. C. Barklie, Percolation-dominated conductivity in a conjugated-polymer-carbon-nanotube composite, Physical Review B, 58, (12), 1998, pR7492 - R7495Journal Article, 1998, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Jonathan N. Coleman, Alan B. Dalton, Seamus Curran, Angel Rubio, Andrew P. Davey, Anna Drury, Brendan McCarthy, Bernd Lahr, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Siegmar Roth, Robert C. Barklie, and Werner J. Blau, Phase Separation of Carbon Nanotubes and Turbostratic Graphite Using a Functional Organic Polymer , Advanced Materials, 12, (3), 2000, p213 - 217Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • J. N. Coleman, D. F. O'Brien, M. in het Panhuis, A. B. Dalton, B. McCarthy, R. C. Barklie and W. J. Blau, Solubility and purity of nanotubes in arc discharge carbon powder , Synthetic Metals, 121, (1-3), 2001, p1229 - 1230Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • A. Drury, S. Maier, A. P. Davey, A. B. Dalton, J. N. Coleman, H. J. Byrne and W. J. Blau, Systematic trends in the synthesis of (meta-phenylene vinylene) copolymers , Synthetic Metals, 119, (1-3), 2001, p151 - 152Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • AB Dalton, C. Stephan, JN Coleman, B. McCarthy, PM Ajayan, S Lefrant, P Bernier, WJ Blau, HJ Byrne, Selective Interaction of a Semi-conjugated Polymer with Single Wall Nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104, (43), 2000, p10012 - 10016Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • B. McCarthy. J.N. Coleman, R Czerw, A.B. Dalton, M. in het Panhuis, A. Maiti, A.Drury, P. Bernier. J. Nagy, B. Lahr, H.J. Byrne, D.L. Carroll, W J .Blau, High-Yield, Nondestructive Purification and Quantification Method for Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106, (12), 2002, p3087 - 3091Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • AB Dalton, G Chambers, HJ Byrne, JN Coleman, B McCarthy, M in het Panhuis, WJ Blau, GS Duesberg, PM Ajayan, A Maiti, Non-destructive methods to process and purify carbon nanotubes, Recent Developments in Physical Chemistry, 6, 2002, p327 - 349Journal Article, 2002
  • Marc in het Panhuis, Amitesh Maiti, Alan B. Dalton, Albert van den Noort, Jonathan N. Coleman, Brendan McCarthy, and Werner J. Blau, Selective Interaction in a Polymer-Single- Wall Carbon Nanotube Composite, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109, (2), 2003, p478 - 482Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • A. J. Fleming. J. N. Coleman, A. B. Dalton. A. Fechtenkotter , M. D. Watson, K. Muellen, H. J. Byrne, W. J. Blau, Optical Spectroscopy of Isolated and Aggregate Hexabenzocoronene Derivatives: A Study of Self-Assembling Molecular Nanowires, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107, (1), 2002, p37 - 43Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • SO Flaherty, SV Hold, M Cadek, A Drury , JN Coleman and WJ Blau, Resonant nonlinear optical response of multiwalled carbon nanotube dispersions, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 20, (1), 2003, p49 - 58Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Sean M; O'Flaherty , Robert Murphy, Stephanie V. Hold, Martin Cadek, Jonathan N. Coleman and Werner J. Blau, Material investigation and optical limiting properties of carbon nanotube and nanoparticle dispersions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107, (4), 2003, p958 - 964Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Margaret E. Brennan, Jonathan N. Coleman, Takeyuki Kobayashi, Anna Drury , Bernd Lahr , Marc in het Panhuis and Werner J. Blau, Nonlinear photoluminescence from van Hove singularities in multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Optics Letters, 28, 2003, p266 - 266Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Kevin P Ryan, Stephen M. Lipson; Anna Drury; Martin Cadek; Manuel Ruether; Sean M. O' Flaherty; Valerie Barron; Brendan McCarthy; Hugh J. Byrne; Werner J. Blau; Jonathan N. Coleman, Carbon Nanotube Nucleated Crystallinity in a Conjugated Polymer Based Composite, Chemical Physics Letters, 391, (4-6), 2004, p329 - 333Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Valeria Nicolosi, Daniel Vrbanic, Ales Mrzel, Joe McCauley, Seán O'Flaherty, Dragan Mihailovic, Werner J. Blau and Jonathan N. Coleman, Solubility of Mo6S4.5I4.5 Nanowires, Chem. Phys. Lett., 401, (1-3), 2005, p13 - 18Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Simon E. Moulton, Andrew I. Minett, Robert Murphy, Kevin P. Ryan,Denis McCarthy, Jonathan N. Coleman, Werner J. Blau, Gordon G. Wallace, Biomolecules as selective dispersants for carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 49, (9), 2005, p1879 - 1884Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • David Blond, Valerie Barron, Manuel Ruether, Kevin P Ryan, Valeria Nicolosi, Werner J Blau and Jonathan N Coleman, Enhancement of modulus, strength, and toughness in poly(methyl methacrylate)-based composites by the incorporation of poly(methyl methacrylate)-functionalized nanotubes, Advanced Functional Materials, 16, (12), 2006, 1608 -1614Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Giordani S, Bergin S, Nicolosi V, Lebedkin S, Blau WJ, Coleman JN, Fabrication of stable dispersions containing up to 70% individual carbon nanotubes in a common organic solvent, physica status solidi (b) -Basic Solid State Physics, 243, (13), 2006, p3058 - 3062Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Chen Y (Chen, Yu), Lin Y (Lin, Ying), Liu Y (Liu, Ying), Doyle J (Doyle, James), He N (He, Nan), Zhuang XD (Zhuang, Xiaodong), Bai JR (Bai, Jinrui), Blau WJ (Blau, Werner J.) , Carbon nanotube-based functional materials for optical limiting , JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY , 7, (4-5), 2007, p1268 - 1283Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Rowan Blake, Jonathan N. Coleman, Michelle T. Byrne, Joseph McCarthy, Werner J. Blau, Antonio Fonseca, T.S. Perova, Janos B. Nagy and Yurii K. Gun'ko, Reinforcement of polyvinylchloride and polystyrene using chlorinated polypropylene grafted carbon nanotubes, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16, (43), 2006, p4206 - 4213Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • R.M. Langford, M.J. Thornton, T.X. Wang, W. Blau, B. Lassagne and B. Raquet, Magnetoresistance and spin diffusion in multi-wall carbon nanotubes, Microelectronic Engineering, 84, (5-8), 2007, p1593 - 1595Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Eleni G. A. Notaras, Marijana Fazekas, James J. Doyle, Werner J. Blau and Mathias O. Senge, A2B2-type push-pull porphyrins as reverse saturable and saturable absorber, Chemical Communications, 2007, (21), 2007, p2166 - 2168Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Yu Chen, Nan He, J.J. Doyle, Ying Liu, Xiaodong Zhuang and W.J. Blau, Enhancement of optical limiting response by embedding gallium phthalocyanine into polymer host, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 189, (2-3), 2007, p414 - 417Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • D. Barreca, W.J. Blau, G.M. Croke, F.A. Deeney, F.C. Dillon, J.D. Holmes, C. Kufazvinei, M.A. Morris, T.R. Spalding and E. Tondello, Iron oxide nanoparticle impregnated mesoporous silicas as platforms for the growth of carbon nanotubes, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 103, (1-3), 2007, p142 - 149Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Martin Djiango, Takeyuki Kobayashi, Estelle Bouron, Werner J. Blau, Yasuhiro Suzuki, and Toshikuni Kaino , Operating characteristics of near-infrared self-assembled polymer microlasers, Optics Letters, 32, (11), 2007, p1375 - 1377Journal Article, 2007, URL
  • Sharon M. King, Shweta Chaure, James Doyle, Alan Colli, Andrea C. Ferrari and Werner J. Blau, Scattering induced optical limiting in Si/SiO2 nanostructure dispersions, Optics Communications, 276, (2), 2007, p305 - 309Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Nan He, Yu Chen, James Doyle, Ying Liu and Werner J. Blau, Optical and nonlinear optical properties of an octasubstituted liquid crystalline copper phthalocyanine, Dyes and Pigments, 76, (2), 2008, p569 - 573Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Drury, A.; Chaure, S.; Kroll, M.; Nicolosi, V.; Chaure, N.; Blau, W. J., Fabrication and Characterization of Silver/Polyaniline Composite Nanowires in Porous Anodic Alumina , Chemistry of Materials, 19, (17), 2007, p4252 - 4258Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Éimhín M. Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Werner J. Blau, Maurizio Prato and Silvia Giordani, Spectroscopic changes induced by sonication of porphyrin-carbon nanotube composites in chlorinated solvents, Carbon, 45, (13), 2007, p2665 - 2671Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • M. O. Senge, M. Fazekas, E. G. A. Notaras, W. J. Blau, M. Zawadzka, O. B. Locos, E. M. Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Porphyrins, Advanced Materials, 19, (19), 2007, p2737 - 2774Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • E. M. Ní Mhuircheartaigh, W. J. Blau, M. Prato, S. Giordani, Sonication of porphyrin-nanotube composites: a cautionary tale, physica status solidi (b), 244, (11), 2007, p4227 - 4230Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Silvia Giordani, Shane D. Bergin, Anna Drury, Eimhin Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Manuel Ruther, Jonathan N. Coleman, and Werner J. Blau, Effect of solvent and dispersant on the bundle dissociation of single-walled carbon nanotube, Proceedings of SPIE, 5824, 2005, p42 - 49Journal Article, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mhuircheartaigh E. N., Giordani S. and Blau W. J., Linear and Non-linear Optical Characterization of Tetraphenylporphyrin - Carbon Nanotube Composites in Chloroform, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, (46), 2006, p23136-23141Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Giordani S., Bergin S.D., Nicolosi V., Lebedkin S., Kappes M., Blau W. J. and Coleman J. N., Debundling of Single-Wall Nanotubes by Dilution: Observation of Large Populations of Individual Nanotubes in Amide Solvent Dispersions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, (32), 2006, p15708 - 15718Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Bergin S.D., Nicolosi V., Giordani S., de Gromard A., Carpenter L., Blau W. J. and Coleman J. N. , Exfoliation in Ecstasy: Liquid Crystal Formation and Chirality Dependent Debundling for Single Walled Nanotubes in the Liquid Drug ã-butyrrolactone, Nanotechnology, 18, 2007, p455705-455715Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Mhuircheartaigh E. N., Blau W. J., Prato M. and Giordani S, Sonication of porphyrin-nanotube composites: a cautionary tale, Physica Status Solidi (b), 244, (11), 2007, p4227-4230Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Mhuircheartaigh E. N., Blau W.J., Prato M. and Giordani S. , Spectroscopic changes induced by sonication of porphyrin-carbon nanotube composites in chlorinated solvents, Carbon, 45, (13), 2007, p2665-2671Journal Article, 2007, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Ying Liu, Yu Chen, Liangzhen Cai, Jun Wang, Ying Lin, J.J. Doyle and W.J. Blau, Optical limiting properties of axially substituted indium phthalocyanines in the solid PMMA composite films, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 107, (2-3), 2008, p189 - 192Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Ying L (Liu Ying), Yu C (Chen Yu), Feng M (Feng Miao), Lin Y (Lin Ying), Doyle JJ (Doyle J. J), Blau WJ (Blau W. J.), Cat LZ (Cat Liang-Zhen) , Passive optical limiting performance of solid-state polymer-indium phthalocyanine composite materials , CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES, 28, (11), 2007, p2092 - 2095Journal Article, 2007
  • H. Cathcart, S. Quinn, V. Nicolosi, J. M. Kelly, W. J. Blau, J. N. Coleman, Spontaneous Debundling of SWNTs in DNA based Dispersions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, (1), 2007, p66 - 74Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • E. G. A. Notaras, M. Fazekas, J. J. Doyle, W. J. Blau, M. O. Senge, A2B2-type push-pull porphyrins as reverse saturable and saturable absorbers, Chemical Communications, (21), 2007, p2166 - 2168Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Coleman, J.N. , Khan, U. , Blau, W.J. , Gun'ko, Y.K., Small but strong: A review of the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube-polymer composites, Carbon , 44, (9), 2006, p1624 - 1652Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Jun Wang and Werner J. Blau , Solvent Effect on Optical Limiting Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Dispersions , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, (7), 2008, p2298 - 2303Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Martin Djiango, Takeyuki Kobayashi, Werner J. Blau, Bin Cai, Kyoji Komatsu, and Toshikuni Kaino , Near-infrared luminescent polymer waveguides and microlasers, Proceedings of SPIE, 6891, 2008, p68910Y-Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Martin Djiango, Takeyuki Kobayashi, Werner J. Blau, Bin Cai, Kyoji Komatsu, and Toshikuni Kaino , Near-infrared luminescent polymer waveguide with a 20 dB small-signal gain , Applied Physics Letters, 92, 2008, p083306-Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Doyle JJ, Wang J, O'Flaherty SM, Chen Y, Slodek A, Hegarty T, Carpenter LE, Woehrle D, Hanack M, Blau WJ , Nonlinear optical performance of chemically tailored phthalocyanine-polymer films as solid-state optical limiting devices, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 10, (7), 2008, p075101-Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Shane D. Bergin, Valeria Nicolosi, Philip V. Streich, Silvia Giordani, Zhenyu Sun, Alan H. Windle, Peter Ryan, N. Peter P. Niraj, Zhi-Tao T. Wang, Leslie Carpenter, Werner J. Blau, John J. Boland, James P. Hamilton, Jonathan N. Coleman, Towards Solutions of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Common Solvents, Advanced Materials, 20, (10), 2008, p1876 - 1881Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Wang J, Blau WJ , Nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes , APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS , 91, (3-4), 2008, p521 - 524Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Jun Wang and Werner J. Blau, Optical limiting properties of single-walled carbon nanotube dispersions in amide solvents, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6988, 2008, p69881F-Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Denise Charles, Patrick Fournet, Stephen Cunningham, Deirdre Ledwith, John M. Kelly, Werner Blau, and Margaret Brennan Fournet , A sensitivity study of the localised surface plasmon resonance of high-definition structured silver nanoparticles in solution , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7032, 2008, p70322G-Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • D. Mac Kernan and W. J. Blau, Exploring the mechanisms of carbon-nanotube dispersion aggregation in a highly polar solvent, Europhysics Letters, 83, 2008, p66009-Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Javier Arranz-Andrés and Werner J. Blau, Enhanced device performance using different carbon nanotube types in polymer photovoltaic devices , Carbon, 46, (15), 2008, p2067 - 2075Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Shane T. Kenny, Jasmina Nikodinovic Runic, Walter Kaminsky, Trevor Woods, Ramesh P. Babu, Chris M. Keely, Werner Blau, and Kevin E. O'Connor , Up-Cycling of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) to the Biodegradable Plastic PHA (Polyhydroxyalkanoate), Environmental Science and Technology, 42, (20), 2008, p7696 - 7701Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Fiona M Blighe, Werner J Blau and Jonathan N Coleman, Towards tough, yet stiff, composites by filling an elastomer with single-walled nanotubes at very high loading levels, Nanotechnology , 19, (41), 2008, p415709-Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Jun Wang and Werner J. Blau, Inorganic and Hybrid Nanostructures for Optical Limiting, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 11, (2), 2009, p024001-Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
  • Nikodinovic J, Kenny ST, Babu RP, Woods T, Blau WJ, O'Connor KE, The conversion of BTEX compounds by single and defined mixed cultures to medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate , Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 80, (4), 2008, p665 - 673Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Nikodinovic J, Kenny ST, Babu RP, Woods T, Blau WJ, O'Connor KE, The conversion of BTEX compounds by single and defined mixed cultures to medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate , Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 80, (4), 2008, p665 - 673Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Martin Djiango, Takeyuki Kobayashi, and Werner J. Blau , Cavity-enhanced stimulated emission cross section in polymer microlasers , Applied Physics Letters, 93, 2008, p143306-Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Jun Wang and Werner J. Blau, Linear and nonlinear spectroscopic studies of phthalocyanine-carbon nanotube blends, Chemical Physics Letters, 465, (4-6), 2008, p265 - 271Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • King, Sharon M, Chaure, Shweta, Krishnamurthy, Satheesh, Blau, Werner J., Colli, Alan, Ferrari, Andrea C., Optical Characterization of Oxide Encapsulated Silicon Nanowires of Various Morphologies, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, (8), 2008, p4202 - 4206Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Titus, E., Cabral, Gil, Madaleno, J. C., Coelho, M. C., Babu, P. Ramesh, Blau, W. J., Misra, D. S., Gracio, J., Hydrogen in Chemical Vapour Deposited Carbon Nanotubes: An Active Site for Functionalization , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, (8), 2008, p4017 - 4022Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Titus, E., Cabral, Gil, Madaleno, J. C., Coelho, M. C., Babu, P. Ramesh, Blau, W. J., Misra, D. S., Gracio, J., Hydrogen in Chemical Vapour Deposited Carbon Nanotubes: An Active Site for Functionalization , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, (8), 2008, p4017 - 4022Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Barreca, D., Blau, W. J., Dillon, F. C., Holmes, J. D., Kufazvinei, C. (Morris, M. A., Spalding, T. R., Tondello, E., Mesoporous Silicas Impregnated with Cobalt and Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles and the Growth of Carbon Nanotubes There from, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, (7), 2008, p3333 - 3342Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Werner J. Blau & Jun Wang, Optical Materials: Variety pays off for nanotubes, Nature Nanotechnology, 3, 2008, p705 - 706Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Kobayashi, Takeyuki, Djiango, Martin, Blau, Werner J, Cai, Bin, Komatsu, Kyoji, Kaino, Toshikuni, Luminescent polymer waveguide amplifiers operating in the near-infrared, 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics & Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference Series, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, May -09, 2008 , edited by IEEE , 1, (9), IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA , 2008, pp82 - 83Conference Paper, 2008
  • D. Rickard, S. Giordani, W.J. Blau and J.N. Coleman, Quantifying the contributions of inner-filter, re-absorption and aggregation effects in the photoluminescence of high-concentration conjugated polymer solutions, Journal of Luminescence, 128, (1), 2008, p31 - 40Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Umar Khan, Kevin Ryan, Werner J. Blau, Jonathan N. Coleman, The effect of solvent choice on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube-polymer composites, Composites Science and Technology, 67, (15-16), 2007, p3158 - 3167Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Yenny R. Hernandez, Alex Gryson, Fiona M. Blighe, Martin Cadek, Valeria Nicolosi, Werner J. Blau, Yurii K. Gun'ko and Jonathan N. Coleman, Comparison of carbon nanotubes and nanodisks as percolative fillers in electrically conductive composites, Scripta Materialia, 58, (1), 2008, p69-72Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Fiona M. Blighe, Yenny R. Hernandez, Werner J. Blau, and Jonathan N. Coleman, Observation of Percolation-like Scaling - Far from the Percolation Threshold - in High Volume Fraction, High Conductivity Nanotube Composite Films, Advanced Materials, 19, (24), 2007, p4443 - 4447Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • David Blond, Denis N. McCarthy, Werner J. Blau, and Jonathan N. Coleman, Toughening of Artificial Silk by Incorporation of Carbon Nanotubes, Biomacromolecules, 8, (12), 2007, p3973-3976Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Fiona M Blighe, Philip E Lyons, Sukanta De, Werner J Blau, Jonathan N Coleman, On the factors controlling the mechanical properties of nanotube films, Carbon, 46, (1), 2008, p41 - 47Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Bergin, S. D.; Nicolosi, V.; Cathcart, H.; Lotya, M.; Rickard, D.; Sun, Z.; Blau, W. J.; Coleman, J. N., Large Populations of Individual Nanotubes in Surfactant-Based Dispersions without the Need for Ultracentrifugation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, (4), 2008, p972 - 977Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Shane D. Bergin, Valeria Nicolosi, Philip V. Streich, Silvia Giordani, Zhenyu Sun, Alan H. Windle, Peter Ryan, N. Peter P. Niraj, Zhi-Tao T. Wang, Leslie Carpenter, Werner J. Blau, John J. Boland, James P. Hamilton, Jonathan N. Coleman, Towards Solutions of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Common Solvents, Advanced Materials, 20, (10), 2008, p1876 - 1881Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Fiona M Blighe, Werner J Blau and Jonathan Coleman, Towards tough, yet stiff, composites by filling an elastomer with single walled nanotubes at very high loading level, Nanotechnology, 19, 2008, p415709 - 415716Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • David Blond, William Walshe, Karen Young, Fiona M. Blighe, Umar Khan, Dorothée Almecija, Leslie Carpenter, Joe McCauley, Werner J. Blau, Jonathan N. Coleman, Strong, Tough, Electrospun Polymer-Nanotube Composite Membranes with Extremely Low Density, Advanced Functional Materials, 18, (17), 2008, p2618-2624Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Helen Cathcart, Valeria Nicolosi, J. Marguerite Hughes, Werner J Blau, John M Kelly, Susan J. Quinn, Jonathan N Coleman, Ordered DNA- wrapping switches on luminescence in single-walled nanotube dispersions, The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130, (38), 2008, p12734-12744Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • Yu Chen; Lili Gao, Miao Feng, Lingling Gu, Nan He, Jun Wang, Yasuyuki Araki, Werner J. Blau, Osamu Ito , Photophysical and Optical Limiting Properties of Axially Modified Phthalocyanines, MINI-REVIEWS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 6, (1), 2009, p55 - 65Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Martin Djiango, Takeyuki Kobayashi, Werner J. Blau , Cavity-enhanced stimulated emission cross section in polymer microlasers , Organic Electronics and Photonics, 1, 2008, p371-Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • A. P. Davey, E. Bourdin, F. Henari, and W. Blau, Three photon induced fluorescence from a conjugated organic polymer for infrared frequency upconversion, Applied Physics Letters, 67, (884), 1995, p884 - 885Journal Article, 1995, DOI , URL
  • Byrne, H.J., Blau, W., Jen, Kwan-Yue , Three-photon enhanced optical nonlinearity of poly(3-butylthiophene), SYNTHETIC METALS, 32, (2), 1989, p229 - 235Journal Article, 1989, DOI , URL
  • Maloney, C and Blau, W J, Third-order optical nonlinearity of chlorophenols, Physica B & C, 147, (2-3), 1988, p332 - 335Journal Article, 1988, DOI
  • MCDONALD, A, A QUALITATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF ND-YAG PULSE DURATION ON DENTIN INTERACTION, unknown, 1995, 74, ISI Web of Science, 1995, pp829 - 829Meeting Abstract, 1995
  • MCDONALD, A, A QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT ON DENTINE OF 3 DIFFERING PULSE DURATION ND:YAG LASERS., unknown, 1997, 76, ISI Web of Science, 1997, pp1083 - 1083Meeting Abstract, 1997
  • MCDONALD, A, A QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT ON DENTINE OF A PICOSECOND ND:YAG LASER, unknown, 1996, 75, ISI Web of Science, 1996, pp1159 - 1159Meeting Abstract, 1996
  • Huggard, P.G., Schneider, G., Prettl, W., Blau, W. , A simple method of producing far-infrared high-pass filters , Measurement Science and Technology, 2, (3), 1991, p203 - 206Journal Article, 1991, DOI , URL
  • Shen, GG AND Blau, W J, a versatile optical multichannel analyzer system for use with picosecond streak cameras, Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 21, 1988, p701 - 704Journal Article, 1988, DOI
  • Werner Blau, David T. Croke, John M. Kelly, David J. McConnell, Colm OhUigin and Wilehlm J. M. Van der Putten, Base-specific photocleavage of DNA induced by nanosecond U.V. pulsed laser radiation or methylene blue sensitisation, Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications , 10, 1987, p751 - 752Journal Article, 1987, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Werner Blau, David T. Croke, John M. Kelly, David J. McConnell, Colm OhUigin and Wilehlm J. M. Van der Putten, Base-specific photocleavage of DNA induced by nanosecond U.V. pulsed laser radiation or methylene blue sensitisation, Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications , 10, 1987, p751 - 752Journal Article, 1987, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Maier, S. , Drury, A. , Davey, A.P. , Byrne, H.J. , Blau, W., BULKY SIDEGROUP POLYMERS - SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERISATION, SYNTHETIC METALS, 119, (1-3), 2001, p85 - 86Journal Article, 2001, DOI , URL
  • Duesberg, G.S. , Blau, W. , Byrne, H.J. , Muster, J. , Burghard, M. , Roth, S., Chromatography of carbon nanotubes, Synthetic Metals, 103, (1-3), 1999, p2484 - 2485Journal Article, 1999, DOI , URL
  • Resel, R. , Tertinek, B. Tasch, S. , Davey, A. , Blau, W. , Hörhold, H.-H. , Rost, H. , Leising, G., Conformation studies on layers of soluble poly(para-)phenylenevinylenes, Synthetic Metals, 101, (1), 1999, p96 - 97Journal Article, 1999, DOI , URL
  • Henderson, K. , Kretsch, K.P. , Drury, A. , Maier, S. , Davey, A.P. , Blau, W. , Byrne, H.J., Correlation of molecular vibrational structure with luminescent quantum yields, Synthetic Metals, 111-112, 2000, p559 - 561Journal Article, 2000, DOI , URL
  • Westland, D.J.; Skarda, V.; Blau, W.; Costa, L., Degenerate four wave mixing in polydiacetylene waveguides, Electronics Letters, 27, (15), 1991, p1327 - 1329Journal Article, 1991, DOI , URL
  • B. Rossi, H. J. Byrne, and W. Blau, Degenerate four-wave mixing in rhodamine doped epoxy waveguides, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 58, 1991, p1712 - 1714Journal Article, 1991, DOI , URL
  • Rossi, B. Blau, W. O'Gorman, J. Konig, S. Westland, D. Skarda, V. , Diode laser waveguiding in polydiacetylene films, Electronics Letters, 26, (5), 1990, p312 - 313Journal Article, 1990, URL
  • Bourdin, E., Blau, W., Curran, S., Bloechl, G., Becker, R. , Electrical conductivity of acid doped and iodine doped polydiheteroarylenemethines, Synthetic Metals, 57, (2-3), 1993, p5052 - 5056Journal Article, 1993, DOI , URL
  • O'Brien, D.F. , Giebeler, C. , Fletcher, R.B. , Cadby, A.J. , Palilis, L.C., Lidzey, D.G., Lane, P.A. , Bradley, D.D.C. , Blau, W. , ELECTROPHOSPHORESENCE FROM A DOPED POLYMER LIGHT EMITTING DIODE, SYNTHETIC METALS, 116, (1-3), 2001, p379 - 383Journal Article, 2001, DOI , URL
  • Schneider, Gi., Blau, W., Stangl, E., Bäuerle, D., Huggard, P.G., Prettl, W., Enhancement of Josephson photoresponse of granular high‐Tc superconductor thin films by deoxygenation , Applied Physics Letters, 63, (20), 1993, p2827 - 2829Journal Article, 1993, DOI , URL
  • Curran, S. , Davey, A.P. , Coleman, J. , Dalton, A. , McCarthy, B. , Maier, S. , Drury, A. , Gray, D. , Brennan, M. , Ryder, K. , Lamy De La Chapelle, M. , Journet, C. , Bernier, P. , Byrne, H.J. , Carroll, D. , Ajayan, P.M. , Lefrant, S. , Blau, W., Evolution and Evaluation of the Polymer Nanotube Composite, Synthetic Metals, 103, (1-3), 1999, p2559 - 2562Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • J. Magan, D. Lupo, W. Praß, U. Scheunemann, P. Lemoine, W. Blau, M. Hogan, Excimer laser ablation of Langmuir-Blodgett films , Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia, 46, (1), 1991, p253 - 257Journal Article, 1991, DOI
  • Fryad Henari and Werner Blau , Excimer-laser surface treatment of metals for improved adhesion, Applied Optics, Applied Optics, 34, (3), 1995, pp581-584Conference Paper, 1995, URL
  • Magan, J.D., Lemoine, P., Byrne, H., Blau, W. , experimental-study of photoablation of polydiacetylene films, Journal of Molecular Electronics , 5, 1989, p247 - 253Journal Article, 1989
  • Prettl, W., Lengfellner, H. , Kaminski, J.P. , Schneider, Gi. , Huggard, P.G. , O'Brien, T. , Blau, W., Far infrared response of thin film Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 using a free electron laser , nternational Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 13, (10), 1992, p1659 - 1666Journal Article, 1992, DOI , URL
  • Huggard, P.G., Schneider, Gi., O'Brien, T., Lemoine, P., Blau, W., Prettl, W. , Fast nonlinear photoresponse of current biased thin-film Bi 2Sr2CaCu2O8 to pulsed far-infrared radiation , Applied Physics Letters, 58, (22), 1991, p2549 - 2551Journal Article, 1991, DOI , URL
  • T. Puig, P. G. Huggard, Gi. Schneider, T. P. O'Brien, and W. Blau M. Pont and J. S. MunÞoz, W. Prettl, Fast photoresponse from infrared-laser-induced flux motion in YBa2Cu3Ox films , 1992, -Miscellaneous, 1992, URL
  • Henari, F.; Callaghan, J.; Stiel, H.; Blau, W.; Cardin, D. J., Intensity-dependent absorption and resonant optical nonlinearity of C60 and C70 solutions, Chemical Physics Letters, 199, (1-2), 1992, p144 - 148Journal Article, 1992, DOI
  • K. Puech, F. Henari, W. Blau, D. Duff and G. Schmid, Intensity-Dependent Optical Absorption of Colloidal Solutions of Gold Nanoparticles, Europhysics Letters, 32, (2), 1995, p119 - 124Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Huggard, P.G. , Blau, W. , Schweitzer, D., Large third‐order optical nonlinearity of the organic metal α‐[bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiofulvalene] triiodide , Applied Physics Letters, 51, (26), 1987, p2183 - 2185Journal Article, 1987, DOI , URL
  • Davey, A.P., Page, H., Blau, W, Byrne, H.J., Cardin, D.J. , Linear and third order nonlinear optical properties of one-dimensional organometallic systems, SYNTHETIC METALS, 57, (1), 1993, p3980 - 3985Journal Article, 1993, DOI , URL
  • P. Horan and W. Blau, Linear and nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor particles, Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal, 24-6, (2), 1990, p605 - 639Journal Article, 1990, DOI
  • B. Rossi, H. J. Byrne, and W Blau, G. Pratesi and S. Sottini, Linear and nonlinear waveguiding in Rhodamine-doped, Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 8, (12), 1991, p2449 - 2452Journal Article, 1991, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Blau, W, Low-power optical bistability and phase conjugation in polydiacetylene, Journal de Physique et Le Radium, 49, 1988, p85 - 86Journal Article, 1988, DOI
  • Blau, W, Low-power optical bistability and phase conjugation in polydiacetylene , Optics Communications, 64, (1), 1987, p85 - 88Journal Article, 1987, DOI , URL
  • Dhote, J. , Kretsch, K.P. , Davey, A.P. , Blau, W. , Byrne, H.J., Luminescent quantum yields and vibrational spectroscopy, Synthetic Metals, 102, (1-3), 1999, p1529 - 1530Journal Article, 1999, DOI , URL
  • Schneider, Gi., Huggard, P.G., O'Brien, T.P., Blau, W., Prettl, W. , Magnetic field dependence of Josephson photoresponse in high-Tc superconductor thin films, Solid State Communications, 89, (8), 1994, p705 - 708Journal Article, 1994, DOI , URL
  • Lemoine, P., Blau, W., Drury, A., Keely, C. , Molecular weight effects on the 248-nm photoablation of polystyrene spun films, Polymer, 34, (24), 1993, p5020 - 5028Journal Article, 1993, DOI , URL
  • Maier, S. , Davey, A.P. , Drury, A. , Byrne, H.J. , Blau, W., Mono- and polycyclic aromatic polymers - synthesis and properties, Synthetic Metals, 101, (1), 1999, p31 - 32Journal Article, 1999, DOI , URL
  • H. J. Byrne and W. Blau , Multiphoton nonlinear interactions in conjugated organic polymers, Synthetic Metals, 37, (1-3), 1990, p231 - 247Journal Article, 1990, DOI
  • C. Maloney, W. Blau, and K. H. Drexhage , Near-infrared dye having a large ultrafast third-order susceptibility, Optics Letters, 11, (1), 1986, p434 - 436Journal Article, 1986, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Davey, A.P., Elliott, S., O'Connor, O., Blau, W. , New rigid backbone conjugated organic polymers with large fluorescence quantum yields, Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1995, p1433 - 1434Journal Article, 1995, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Byrne, H.J., Blau, W., Giesa, R., Schulz, R.C., Nonlinear optical studies of graded enyne oligomers, Chemical Physics Letters, 167, (5), 1990, p484 - 489Journal Article, 1990, DOI , URL
  • F. Henari and W. Blau, Nonlinear optical response of amorphous Si:H, Journal of Applied Physics, 72, (5), 1992, p1676 - 1680Journal Article, 1992, DOI , URL
  • P. Horan and W. Blau, Nonlinear optics in quantum confined semiconductor particles, Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 12, (1-4), 1989, p501 - 504Journal Article, 1989, DOI
  • S. J. Burbridge; H. Page; A. Drury; A. P. Davey; J. Callaghan; W. Blau , Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Soluble Form of Polyisothionaphthene, Journal of Modern Optics, 41, (6), 1994, p1217 - 1225Journal Article, 1994, DOI , URL
  • H. Page, W. Blau and A. P. Davey, X. Lou and D. J. Cardin , Nonlinear optical properties of some mono- and bimetallic organometallic systems , SYNTHETIC METALS, 63, (3), 1994, p179 - 182Journal Article, 1994, DOI , URL
  • A. P. Davey, H. J. Byrne, H. Page, W. Blau and D. J. Cardin, Nonlinear optical studies of group 10 transition-metal thienyl systems, Synthetic Metals, 58, (2), 1993, p161 - 172Journal Article, 1993, DOI , URL
  • Magan, J.D., Blau, W., Croke, D.T., McConnell, D.J., Kelly, J.M. , One-dimensional photoconductivity in DNA, Chemical Physics Letters, 141, (6), 1987, p489 - 492Journal Article, 1987, DOI , URL
  • Magan, J.D., Blau, W., Croke, D.T., McConnell, D.J., Kelly, J.M. , One-dimensional photoconductivity in DNA, Chemical Physics Letters, 141, (6), 1987, p489 - 492Journal Article, 1987, DOI , URL
  • Dalton, A.B., Byrne, H.J., Coleman, J.N., Curran, S., Davey, A.P., McCarthy, B., Blau, W. , Optical Absorption and Fluorescence of a Multi-walled Nanotube-Polymer Composite, Synthetic Metals, 102, (1-3), 1999, p1176 - 1177Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Paul Horan & Werner Blau, Optical nonlinearity near the bandgap in semiconductors, by Blau, W , Contemporary Physics, 28, (1), 1987Review, 1987, DOI
  • Horan, P., Blau, W. , Optical nonlinearity of a proposed quantum‐confined semiconductor colloid , Journal of Chemical Physics, 92, (7), 1990, p4139 - 4144Journal Article, 1990, DOI
  • Dennis, W.M., Blau, W., Bradley, D.J. , OPTICAL-PHASE Optical Phase Conjugation In A Soluble Polymer, Optical Engineering, 25, (4), 1986, p538 - 540Journal Article, 1986, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • P.G. Huggard, W. Blau, Optically pumped pulsed FIR laser using a Q-switched CO2 laser pump, Infrared Physics, 31, (3), 1991, p265 - 269Journal Article, 1991, DOI
  • Blau, W, Organic materials for nonlinear optical devices, Physics in Technology, 18, (6), 1987, p250 - 257 +268Journal Article, 1987, DOI , URL
  • Lane, P.A., Palilis, L.C., O'Brien, D.F., Giebeler, C., Cadby, A.J., Lidzey, D.G., Campbell, A.J., Blau, W., Bradley, D.D.C., ORIGIN OF ELECTROPHOSPHORESCENCE FROM A DOPED POLYMER LIGHT EMITTING DIODE, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 63, (23), 2001, p2352061-2352068Journal Article, 2001, DOI , URL
  • E. Giorgetti, P. Lambkin, Qu Li, L. Palchetti, S. Sottini, D. Grando, and W. Blau , Phase-matched gratings for enhanced forward degenerate four-wave mixing, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 12, (1), 1995, p58 - 66Journal Article, 1995, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Lemoine, P., Blau, W. , Photoablation of polymers, Applied Surface Science, 54, (1), 1992, p240 - 243Journal Article, 1992, DOI , URL
  • Magan, J.D., Lemoine, P., Blau, W., Hogan, M. , Photoablative etching of Langmuir-Blodgett films, Thin Solid Films, 191, (2), 1990, p349 - 359Journal Article, 1990, DOI , URL
  • Lemoine, P., Magan, J.D., Blau, W. , Photoablative etching of polymers for integrated optoelectronic devices, Microelectronic Engineering, 13, (1-4), 1991, p447 - 450Journal Article, 1991, DOI
  • Curran, S., Roth, S., Davey, A.P., Drury, A., Blau, W. , Photoconduction and photovoltaic effects from a conjugated polymer poly-tert-butyl-isothionaphthalene, Synthetic Metals, 83, (3), 1997, p239 - 243Journal Article, 1997, DOI , URL
  • Horan, P., Blau, W., Photodarkening effect and the optical nonlinearity in a quantum-confined, semiconductor-doped glass, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 7, (3), 1990, p304 - 308Journal Article, 1990, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • David T. Choke, Werner Blau, Colm Ohuigin, John M. Kelly, David J. Mcconnell , Photolysis of phosphodiester bonds in plasmid DNA by high intensity UV laser irradiation., Photochemistry and Photobiology, 47, (4), 1988, p527 - 536Journal Article, 1988, DOI , URL
  • David T. Choke, Werner Blau, Colm Ohuigin, John M. Kelly, David J. Mcconnell , Photolysis of phosphodiester bonds in plasmid DNA by high intensity UV laser irradiation., Photochemistry and Photobiology, 47, (4), 1988, p527 - 536Journal Article, 1988, DOI , URL
  • Coleman, J.N., Curran, S., Dalton, A.B., Davey, A.P., Mc Carthy, B., Blau, W., Barklie, R.C. , Physical Doping of a Conjugated Polymer with Carbon Nanotubes , Synthetic Metals, 102, (1-3), 1999, p1174 - 1175Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Seamus Curran, David L. Carroll, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Philipp Redlich, Siegmar Roth, Manfred Rühle , Werner Blau , Picking Needles from Nano-Haystacks, Advanced Materials, 10, (4), 1998, p311 - 313Journal Article, 1998, DOI , URL
  • W. M. Dennis, W. Blau, and D. J. Bradley, Picosecond degenerate four‐wave mixing in soluble polydiacetylenes , Applied Physics Letters, 47, (3), 1985, p200 - 202Journal Article, 1985, DOI
  • Puech, K; Blau, W; Grund, A; Bubeck, C; Cardenas, G , icosecond degenerate four-wave mixing in colloidal solutions of gold nanoparticles at high repetition rates., Optics Letters, 20, (15), 1995, p1613 - 1615Journal Article, 1995, DOI
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  • Emer Lahiff, Trevor Woods, Werner Blau, Gordon G. Wallace, Dermot Diamond, Synthesis and characterisation of controllably functionalised polyaniline nanofibres, Synthetic Metals, 159, (7-8), 2009, p741 - 748Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
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  • E. Titus, M.K. Singh, Gil Cabral, Ramesh P. Babu, W.J. Blau, J. Gracio, Fabrication and field emission property studies of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes grown by double plasma chemical vapour deposition technique, Diamond and Related Materials, 18, (5-8), 2009, p967 - 971Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
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  • Monika Zawadzka, Jun Wang, Werner J. Blau and Mathias O. Senge, Correlation studies on structurally diverse porphyrin monomers, dimers and trimers and their nonlinear optical responses, Chemical Physics Letters, 447, (4-6), 2009, p330 - 335Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Evelyn Doherty, Sukanta De, Philip E Lyons, Aleksey Shmeliov, Peter N. Nirmalraj, Vittorio Scardaci, Jerome Joimel, Werner J Blau, John J Boland, Jonathan N Coleman, The spatial uniformity and electromechanical stability of transparent, conductive films of single walled nanotubes, Carbon, 47, (10), 2009, p2466 - 2473Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • The examination of the Book of Kells using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Susan Bioletti, Rory Leahy, John Fields, Bernard Meehan and Werner Blau , Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 40, (8), 2009, p1043 - 1049Journal Article, 2009, DOI
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  • Jasmina Nikodinovic-Runic, Leona B. Martin, Ramesh Babu, Werner Blau, Kevin E. O'Connor, Characterization of melanin-overproducing transposon mutants of Pseudomonas putida F6, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 298, (2), 2009, p174 - 183Journal Article, 2009
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  • Gordon Armstrong, Manuel Ruether, Fiona Blighe, Werner Blau, Functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes for epoxy nanocomposites with improved performance, Polymer International, 58, (9), 2009, p1002 - 1009Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
  • Mulloy, M.P., Blau, W.J., Lunney, J.G., Pulsed laser deposition of magnetic semiconductor EuS, EuSe, and EuTe thin films , Journal of Applied Physics, 73, (8), 1993, p4104-4106Journal Article, 1993, DOI
  • Nan He, Yu Chen, Jinrui Bai, Jun Wang, Werner J. Blau and Jinhui Zhu , Preparation and Optical Limiting Properties of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with ð-Conjugated Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Moieties, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, (30), 2009, p13029 - 13035Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Sukanta De, Thomas M. Higgins, Philip E. Lyons, Evelyn M. Doherty, Peter N. Nirmalraj, Werner J. Blau, John J. Boland and Jonathan N. Coleman , Silver Nanowire Networks as Flexible, Transparent, Conducting Films: Extremely High DC to Optical Conductivity Ratios, ACS Nano, 3, (7), 2009, p1767 - 1774Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Bin Zhang, Yu Chen, Jun Wang, Werner J. Blau, Xiaodong Zhuang, Nan He, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes covalently functionalized with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes for optical limiting , Carbon, 48, (6), 2010, p1738 - 1742Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • J. McCarthy and E. Ni Mhuircheartaigh, K. Lyutovich and M. Oehme, T. S. Perova, R. A. Moore, and W. Blau, Spectroscopical analyis of strained silicon quantum wells, SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering., Opto-Ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and Nanophotonics , Dublin, Ireland , edited by Werner J. Blau, David Kennedy, John Colreavy , 5824, SPIE, 2005, pp174Poster, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Denise E. Charles, Damian Aherne, Deirdre M. Ledwith, Yurii K. Gun'ko, John M. Kelly, Werner J. Blau, Margaret E. Brennan-Fournet, Versatile solution phase triangular silver nanoplates for highly sensitive plasmon resonance sensing, ACS Nano, 4, (1), 2010, p55 - 64Journal Article, 2010, DOI
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  • Lemoine, P., Cazzini, K., McGovern, I.T., Blau, W.J., Bätz, P., Ziegler, C., Göpel, W., X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of KrF laser-irradiated polycarbonate films , Chemical Physics Letters , 220, (3-5), 1994, p177-180Journal Article, 1994, DOI
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  • Kang-Shyang Liao, Jun Wang, Daniel Früchtl, Nigel J. Alley, Enrico Andreoli, Eoghan P. Dillon, Andrew R. Barron, Hansoo Kim, Hugh J. Byrne, Werner J. Blau and Seamus A. Curran, Optical limiting study of double wall carbon nanotube-Fullerene hybrids, Chemical Physics Letters, 489, (4-6), 2010, p207-211Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Caroline McClory, Tony McNally, Mark Baxendale, Petra Pötschke, Werner Blau, Manuel Ruether, Electrical and rheological percolation of PMMA/MWCNT nanocomposites as a function of CNT geometry and functionality, European Polymer Journal, 45, (5), 2010, p854 - 868Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Jun Wang, Daniel Frchtl, Zhenyu Sun, Jonathan N. Coleman and Werner J. Blau, Control of Optical Limiting of Carbon Nanotube Dispersions by Changing Solvent Parameters , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, (13), 2010, p6148-6156Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Peipei Li, Lijuan Niu, Yu Chen, Jun Wang, Ying Liu, Jinjuan Zhang and Werner J Blau, In situ synthesis and optical limiting response of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology, 22, (1, 015204), 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Jinhui Zhu, Yongxi Li, Yu Chen, Jun Wang, Bin Zhang, Jinjuan Zhang, Werner J. Blau, Graphene oxide covalently functionalized with zinc phthalocyanine for broadband optical limiting, Carbon, 49, (6), 2011, p1900-1905Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Ghatak, S, Chakraborty, G, Meikap, AK, Woods, T, Babu, R, Blau, WJ, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline/Carbon Nanotube Composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119, (2), 2011, p1016-1025Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Ghatak, S, Chakraborty, G, Meikap, AK, Woods, T, Babu, R, Blau, WJ, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline/Carbon Nanotube Composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119, (2), 2011, p1016-1025Journal Article, 2011, DOI
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  • G. Chakraborty, A.K. Meikap, R. Babu, W.J. Blau, Activation behaviour and dielectric relaxation in polyvinyl alcohol and multiwall carbon nanotube composite films, Solid State Communications, 151, (10), 2011, p754-758Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
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  • Dr. Fryad Z. Henari, Shane MacNamara, Orla Stevenson, Joseph Callaghan, Declan Weldon, Prof. Werner J. Blau, Low power nonlinear optical response of C60 and C70 fullerene solutions, Advanced Materials, 5, (12), 1993, p930-934Journal Article, 1993, DOI
  • Henari, FZ, Callaghan, J, Blau, WJ, Haisch, P, Hanack, M, One-photon resonant optical nonlinearity of soluble substituted group IV metallophthalocyanines, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 6, 1997, p741Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • Holzer, W, Penzkofer, A, Gong, SH, Davey, AP, Blau, WJ, Laser performance studies of para-(phenylene-ethynylene) polymers in organic solvents, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 29, (7), 1997, p713-724Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • Hockemeyer, J, Castel, A, Riviere, P, Satge, J, Ryder, KG, Drury, A, Davey, AP, Blau, WJ, Synthesis and optical properties of group 14 element thienyl polymers, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 11, (6), 1997, p513-521Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • Milgrom, LR, Yahioglu, G, Bruce, DW, Morrone, S, Henari, FZ, Blau, WJ, Mesogenic zinc(II) complexes of 5,10,15,20-tetraarylethynyl-substituted porphyrins, Advanced Materials, 9, (4), 1997, p313Journal Article, 1997, DOI
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  • K. Puech, F.Z. Henari, W.J. Blau, D. Duff, G. Schmid, Investigation of the ultrafast dephasing time of gold nanoparticles using incoherent light, Chemical Physics Letters, 247, (1-2), 1995, p13-17Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Petti, L, Mormile, P, Ren, Y, Abbate, M, Musto, P, Ragosta, G, Blau, WJ, Optical switching property from a laser beam propagating in a polymer dispersed liquid crystal film, Liquid Crystals, 28, (12), 2001, p1831-1837Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Lane, PA, Palilis, LC, O'Brien, DF, Giebeler, C, Cadby, AJ, Lidzey, DG, Campbell, AJ, Blau, W, Bradley, DDC, Origin of electrophosphorescence from a doped polymer light emitting diode, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 63, (23), 2001, p235206 -Journal Article, 2001, DOI , TARA - Full Text
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  • Callaghan, J.; Blau, W. J.; Henari, F. Z., Picosecond Reverse Saturable Absorption and Optical Limiting in Fullerenes and Their Metal Derivatives, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 9, (4), 2000, p505-521Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • Belton, C, O'Brien, DF, Blau, WJ, Cadby, AJ, Lane, PA, Bradley, DDC, Byrne, HJ, Stockmann, R, Horhold, HH, Excited-state quenching of a highly luminescent conjugated polymer, Applied Physics Letters, 78, (8), 2001, p1059 - 1061Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Lipson, SM, Cadby, AJ, Lane, PA, O'Brien, DF, Drury, A, Bradley, DDC, Blau, WJ, The photophysics of thin polymer films of poly-(meta-phenylene-co-2,5-dioctoxy-para-phenylenevinylene), Monatshefte für Chemie / Chemical Monthly, 132, (1), 2001, p151-158Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Lane, PA, Cadby, AJ, Mellor, H, Martin, SJ, Lidzey, DG, Bradley, DDC, Lipson, SM, O'Brien, DF, Blau, WJ, Photophysics of a poly(phenylenevinylene) with alternating meta-phenylene and para-phenylene rings, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 62, 2000, p15718-15723Journal Article, 2000, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mormile, P, Petti, L, Gillo, M, Laurienzo, P, Malinconico, M, Roviello, A, Lipson, S, Blau, WJ, Optical properties of a novel alkoxy-substituted poly (p-phenylene 1,3,4-oxadiazoles) for electro-optical devices, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 77, (3), 2003, p945-951Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Chen, Y, Subramanian, LR, Fujitsuka, M, Ito, O, O'Flaherty, S, Blau, WJ, Schneider, T, Dini, D, Hanack, M, Synthesis and optical limiting properties of axially bridged phthalocyanines: [(tBu(4)PcGa)(2)O] and [(tBu(4)PcIn)(2)O], CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 8, (18), 2002, p4248-4254Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • Munoz, E, Dalton, AB, Collins, S, Zakhidov, AA, Baughman, RH, Zhou, WL, He, J, O'Connor, CJ, McCarthy, B, Blau, WJ, Synthesis of SiC nanorods from sheets of single-walled carbon nanotubes, Chemical Physics Letters, 359, (5-6), 2002, p397-402Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • Czerw, R, Terrones, M, Charlier, JC, Blase, X, Foley, B, Kamalakaran, R, Grobert, N, Terrones, H, Tekleab, D, Ajayan, PM, Blau, W, Ruhle, M, Carroll, DL, Identification of electron donor states in N-doped carbon nanotubes, Nano Letters, 1, (9), 2001, p457-460Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Puech, K, Blau, WJ, Ultrafast relaxation dynamics of the optical nonlinearity in nanometric gold particles, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 3, (1), 2001, p13-21Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Kobayashi, T, Blau, WJ, Laser emission from conjugated polymer in fibre waveguide structure, Electronics Letters, 38, (2), 2002, p67 - 68Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • Mc Carthy, B, Dalton, AB, Coleman, JN, Byrne, HJ, Bernier, P, Blau, WJ, Spectroscopic investigation of conjugated polymer/single-walled carbon nanotube interactions, Chemical Physics Letters, 350, (1-2), 2001, 27-32Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Kobayashi, T, Blau, WJ, Tillmann, H, Horhold, HH, Blue amplified spontaneous emission from a stilbenoid-compound-doped polymer optical fiber, Optics Letters, 26, (24), 2001, p1952-1955Journal Article, 2001, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Sterligov, VA, Cheyssac, P, Blau, W, Kroll, M, Scattering and reflective properties of a hexagonal lattice of nanorods, Optics Communications, 226, (1-6), 2003, p125-134Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Jordan, G, Kobayashi, T, Blau, WJ, Pfeiffer, S, Horhold, HH, Frequency upconversion of 800 nm ultrashort pulses by two-photon absorption in a stilbenoid compound-doped polymer optical fiber, Advanced Functional Materials, 13, (10), 2003, p751-754Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Chen, Y, O'Flaherty, SM, Hanack, M, Blau, WJ, New axially aryloxy substituted gallium phthalocyanines for nonlinear optics, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13, 2003, p2405-2408Journal Article, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • de la Torre, G, Blau, W, Torres, T, A survey on the functionalization of single-walled nanotubes. The chemical attachment of phthalocyanine moieties, Nanotechnology, 14, (7), 2003, p746Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Manaa, H, Henari, FZ, Al-Saie, A, Maier, S, Blau, WJ, The optical gain and effective stimulated emission cross-section for dimethoxy-PmPV and dimethyl-PmPV-ONV copolymers in toluene solution, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 5, (4), 2003, p341Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Gallani, JL, Bonomme, L, Drury, A, Blau, WJ, Photosensitive magnetism of radicals coupled with carbon nanotubes, Organic Electronics, 4, (1), 2003, p15-20Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Chen, Y, Fujitsuka, M, O'Flaherty, SM, Hanack, M, Ito, O, Blau, WJ, Strong optical limiting of soluble axially substituted gallium and indium phthalocyanines, Advanced Materials, 15, 2003, p899-902Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Chen, Y, Hanack, M, O'Flaherty, S, Bernd, G, Zeug, A, Roeder, B, Blau, WJ, An axially grafted charm bracelet type indium phthalocyanine copolymer, Macromolecules, 36, (11), 2003, p3786-3788Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Kobayashi, T, Blau, WJ, Tillmann, H, Horhold, HH, Light amplification and lasing in a stilbenoid compound-doped glass-clad polymer optical fiber, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 39, (5), 2003, p664 - 672Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Auger, A, Blau, WJ, Burnham, PM, Chambrier, I, Cook, MJ, Isare, B, Nekelson, F, O'Flaherty, SM, Nonlinear absorption properties of some 1,4,8,11,15,18,22,25-octaalkylphthalocyanines and their metallated derivatives, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 13, 2003, p1042-1047Journal Article, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Garcia-Frutos, EM, O'Flaherty, SM, Maya, EM, de la Torre, G, Blau, W, Vazquez, P, Torres, TS, Alkynyl substituted phthalocyanine derivatives as targets for optical limiting, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 13, 2003, p749-753Journal Article, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Drury, A, Maier, S, Ruther, M, Blau, WJ, Investigation of different synthetic routes to and structure-property relationships of poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene), Journal of Materials Chemistry, 13, 2003, p485-490Journal Article, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Manaa, H, Henari, FZ, Al-Saie, A, Drury, A, Kobayashi, T, Blau, WJ, Light amplification and lasing in a (meta-phenylene vinylene) copolymer, Journal of Applied Physics, 93, (4), 2003, p1971Journal Article, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Petti, L, Mormile, P, Blau, WJ, Fast electro-optical switching and high contrast ratio in epoxy-based polymer dispersed liquid crystals, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 39, (3), 2003, p369-377Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Chen, Y, O'Flaherty, S, Fujitsuka, M, Hanack, M, Subramanian, LR, Ito, O, Blau, WJ, Synthesis, characterization, and optical-limiting properties of axially substituted gallium(III) naphthalocyanines, Chemistry of Materials, 14, (12), 2002, p5163-5168Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • O'Flaherty, SM, Doyle, JJ, Blau, WJ, Numerical approach for optically limited pulse transmission in polymer-phthalocyanine composite systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, (45), 2004, p17313-17319Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Chen, Y, Araki, Y, Fujitsuka, M, Hanack, M, Ito, O, O'Flaherty, SM, Blau, WJ, Photophysical studies on axially substituted indium and gallium phthalocyanines upon UV-Vis laser irradiation, Solid State Communications, 131, (12), 2004, p773-778Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Manaa, H, Henari, FZ, Al-Saie, A, Maier, S, Blau, WJ, Effective stimulated emission cross-sections of poly(phenylene vinylene) copolymers in toluene solution, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 36, (9), 2004, p819-826Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Ruther, MG, Frehill, F, O'Brien, JE, Minett, AI, Blau, WJ, Vos, JG, Panhuis, MIH, Characterization of covalent functionalized carbon nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, 2004, p9665-9668Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Sandler, JKW, Pegel, S, Cadek, M, Gojny, F, van Es, M, Lohmar, J, Blau, WJ, Schulte, K, Windle, AH, Shaffer, MSP, A comparative study of melt spun polyamide-12 fibres reinforced with carbon nanotubes and nanofibres, Polymer, 45, (6), 2004, p2001-2015Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Nitschke, C, O'Flaherty, SM, Kroll, M, Blau, WJ, Material investigations and optical properties of phthalocyanine nanoparticles, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, (4), 2004, p1287-1295Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Nitschke, C, O'Flaherty, SM, Kroll, M, Doyle, JJ, Blau, WJ, Optical properties of zinc phthalocyanine nanoparticle dispersions, Chemical Physics Letters, 383, (5-6), 2004, p555-560Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • King, SM, Chaure, S, Doyle, J, Colli, A, Ferrari, AC, Blau, WJ, Scattering indued optical limiting in Si/SiO2 nanostructure dispersions, Optics Communications, 276, (2), 2007, p305-309Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Davey, AP, Howard, RG, Lahr, B, Blau, WJ, Byrne, HJ, Measurement of Degree of Order in Mixed Polarised Fluorescent Polymer Liquid Crystal Films, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 325, (1), 1998, p79-90Journal Article, 1998, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Drury, A, Burbridge, S, Davey, AP, Blau, WJ, Poly(5-tert-butyl)benzothiophene: a soluble form of polyisothianaphthene with a large nonlinear optical response, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 8, 1998, p2353-2355Journal Article, 1998, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Knechtel, WH, Dusberg, GS, Blau, WJ, Hernandez, E, Rubio, A, Reversible bending of carbon nanotubes using a transmission electron microscope, Applied Physics Letters, 73, (14), 1998, p1961-1964Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • Holzer, W, Penzkofer, A, Gong, SH, Bradley, DDC, Long, X, Blau, WJ, Davey, AP, Excitation intensity-dependent fluorescence behaviour of some luminescent polymers, Polymer, 39, (16), 1998, 3651-3656Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • Qureshi, FM, Martin, SJ, Long, X, Bradley, DDC, Henari, FZ, Blau, WJ, Smith, EC, Wang, CH, Kar, AK, Anderson, HL, Optical limiting properties of a zinc porphyrin polymer and its dimer and monomer model compounds, Chemical Physics, 231, (1), 1998, p87-94Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • Holzer, W, Penzkofer, A, Gong, SH, Blau, WJ, Davey, AP, Effective stimulated emission and excited-state absorption cross-section spectra of para-phenylene-ethynylene polymers, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 30, (1), 1998, p1-14Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • Holzer, W, Penzkofer, A, Pichlmaier, M, Bradley, DDC, Blau, WJ, Photodegradation of some luminescent polymers, Chemical Physics, 248, (2-3), 1999, p273-284Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Kretsch, KP, Belton, C, Lipson, S, Blau, WJ, Henari, FZ, Rost, H, Pfeiffer, S, Teuschel, A, Tillmann, H, Horhold, HH, Amplified spontaneous emission and optical gain spectra from stilbenoid and phenylene vinylene derivative model compounds, Journal of Applied Physics, 86, (11), 1999, p6155-6160Journal Article, 1999, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Duesberg, GS, Blau, WJ, Byrne, HJ, Muster, J, Burghard, M, Roth, S, Experimental observation of individual single-wall nanotube species by Raman microscopy, Chemical Physics Letters, 310, (1-2), 1999, p8-14Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Holzer, W, Pichlmaier, M, Penzkofer, A, Bradley, DDC, Blau, WJ, Fluorescence spectroscopic behaviour of neat and blended conjugated polymer thin films, Chemical Physics, 246, (1-3), 1999, p445-462Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Henari, FZ, Manaa, H, Kretsch, KP, Blau, WJ, Rost, H, Pfeiffer, S, Teuschel, A, Tillmann, H, Horhold, HH, Effective stimulated emission and excited state absorption measurements in the phenylene-vinylene oligomer (1,4-bis-(alpha-cyanostyryl)-2,5-dimethoxybenzene)), Chemical Physics Letters, 307, (3-4), 1999, 163-166Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Holzer, W, Pichlmaier, M, Drotleff, E, Penzkofer, A, Bradley, DDC, Blau, WJ, Optical constants measurement of luminescent polymer films, Optics Communications, 163, (1-3), 1999, p24-28Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Mhuircheartaigh E. M., Giordani S., MacKernan D., King S.M., Rickard D., Val Verde L.M., Senge M.O. and Blau W., Molecular Engineering of Nonplanar Porphyrin and Carbon Nanotube Assemblies- a Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopic and Modeling Study, Journal of Nanotechnology, 2011, (745202), 2011, p12Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Aoife Ryan, Brian Tuffy, Sabine Horn, Werner J. Blau, Mathias O. Senge, Carbazole-linked porphyrin dimers for organic light emitting diodes: Synthesis and initial photophysical studies, Tetrahedron, 57, (43), 2011, p8248-8254Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • G. Chakraborty, K. Gupta, A.K. Meikap, R. Babub, W.J. Blau, Synthesis, electrical and magnetotransport properties of polypyrrole-MWCNT nanocomposite, Solid State Communications, 152, (1), 2012, p13-18Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • G. Chakraborty, K. Gupta, A.K. Meikap, R. Babub, W.J. Blau, Synthesis, electrical and magnetotransport properties of polypyrrole-MWCNT nanocomposite, Solid State Communications, 152, (1), 2012, p13-18Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Niall McEvoy, Nikolaos Peltekis, Shishir Kumar, Ehsan Rezvani, Hugo Nolan, Gareth P. Keeley, Werner J. Blau, Georg S. Duesberg, Synthesis and Analysis of Thin Conducting Pyrolytic Carbon Films, Carbon, 50, (3), 2012, p1216-1226Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Senge, M. O.; Fazekas, M.; Pintea, M.; Zawadzka, M.; Blau, W. J. , Synthesis of Unsymmetrical meso-Substituted Porphyrins, 1. 5,15-A2B2- and 5,15-A2BC-Type Porphyrins with Donor and Acceptor Groups for Use in Nonlinear Optics and Photodynamic Therapy, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011, 2011, p5797-5816Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
  • Blau Werner; Ji Wei, Feature issue introduction: nanocarbon for photonics and optoelectronics, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS , 2, (6), 2012, p891 - 892Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Nonlinear Optical Properties of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Composites in, editor(s)Siva Yellampalli , Carbon Nanotubes - Synthesis, Characterization, Applications, Rijeka, Croatia, InTech Europe, 2011, pp397 - 424, [Jun Wang, Yu Chen, Rihong Li, Hongxing Dong, Long Zhang, Mustafa Lotya, Jonathan N. Coleman and Werner J. Blau]Book Chapter, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Charles, D.E., Gara, M., Aherne, D., Ledwith, D.M., Kelly, J.M., Blau, W.J., Brennan-Fournet, M.E., Scaling of Surface Plasmon Resonances in Triangular Silver Nanoplate Sols for Enhanced Refractive Index Sensing, Plasmonics, 6, (2), 2011, p351-362Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Zawadzka M, Wang J, Blau WJ, Senge MO, Modeling of nonlinear absorption of 5,10-a(2)b(2) porphyrins in the nanosecond regime., The journal of physical chemistry. A, 117, (1), 2013, p15-26Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Zhang, L., Fan, J.T., Wang, J.H., Hu, J.M., Lotya, M., Wang, G.Z., Li, R.H., (...), Feng, Y., Graphene incorporated Q-switching of a polarizationmaintaining Yb-doped fiber laser, Laser Physics Letters, 9, (12), 2012, p888-892Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Gu, H., Li, S., Wang, J., Blau, W.J., Chen, Y., Indium(III) and Gallium(III) phthalocyanines-based nanohybrid materials for optical limiting, Materials Chemistry and Physics , 137, (1), 2012, p188-193Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Verma, Navin K.; Moore, Edward; Blau, Werner; et al., Cytotoxicity evaluation of nanoclays inhuman epithelial cell line A549 using high content screening and real-time impedance analysis., Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14, (9), 2012, p1137Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Verma, Navin K.; Moore, Edward; Blau, Werner; et al., Cytotoxicity evaluation of nanoclays inhuman epithelial cell line A549 using high content screening and real-time impedance analysis., Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14, (9), 2012, p1137Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Mooney, Emma; Mackle, Joseph N.; Blond, David J. -P.; et al., The electrical stimulation of carbon nanotubes to provide a cardiomimetic cue to MSCs , Biomaterials, 33, (26), 2012, p6132-6139Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Zawadzka M, Wang J, Blau WJ, Senge MO, Nonlinear absorption properties of 5,10-A2B2 porphyrins - correlation of molecular structure with the nonlinear responses., Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 12, 2013, p996-1007Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Wang, J., Liao, K.-S., Früchtl, D., Tian, Y., Gilchrist, A., Alley, N.J., Andreoli, E., (...), Curran, S.A., Nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotube hybrids in polymer dispersions, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 133, (2-3), 2012, p992-997Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Reyes-Reyes, M., Carroll, D.L., Blau, W., López-Sandoval, R., Materials and devices for organic electronics , Journal of Nanotechnology, 2011, 2011, p589241-Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Woods, T.W., Blau, W.J., O'Connor, K., Babu, R.P., Mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of polylactide/ polyhydroxybutyrate nanoclay blends, Proceedings of GPEC 2011, Society of Plastics Engineers - Global Plastics Environmental Conference 2011, Atlanta, GA; United States, American Chemistry Council, Plastics Div.,Amway,Battelle,Denton Plastics,Eco Research Institute, 2011, pp34Conference Paper, 2011
  • Woods, T.W., Blau, W.J., O'Connor, K., Babu, R.P., Mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of polylactide/ polyhydroxybutyrate nanoclay blends, Proceedings of GPEC 2011, Society of Plastics Engineers - Global Plastics Environmental Conference 2011, Atlanta, GA; United States, American Chemistry Council, Plastics Div.,Amway,Battelle,Denton Plastics,Eco Research Institute, 2011, pp34Conference Paper, 2011
  • Wang, J., Chen, Y., Li, R., Dong, H., Ju, Y., He, J., Fan, J., (...), Blau, W.J., Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites for Laser Protection, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 21, (4), 2011, p736-746Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Senge, M.O., Fazekas, M., Pintea, M., Zawadzka, M., Blau, W.J., 5,15-A 2B 2- and 5,15-A 2BC-type porphyrins with donor and acceptor groups for use in nonlinear optics and photodynamic therapy, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 29, 2011, p5797-5816Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Mackle, J.N., Blond, D.J.-P., Mooney, E., Mcdonnell, C., Blau, W.J., Shaw, G., Barry, F.P., (...), Barron, V., In vitro Characterization of an Electroactive Carbon-Nanotube-Based Nanofiber Scaffold for Tissue Engineering, Macromolecular Bioscience, 11, (9), 2011, p1272-1282Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Charles, D.E., Aherne, D., Ledwith, D.M., Gun'ko, Y.K., Kelly, J.M., Blau, W.J., Brennan-Fournet, M.E., Key role of aspect ratio in optimizing local surface plasmon sensitivities of solution phase triangular silver nanoplates, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA; United States, 30 Nov - 4 Dec, 1208, 2010, 7-12Conference Paper, 2010
  • Wang, J., Lotya, M., Hernandez, Y., Coleman, J.N., Blau, W.J., Nonlinear transmission, scattering and optical limiting studies of graphene dispersions, Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, San Jose, CA; United States, 16-21 May, 2010, pp5500046-Conference Paper, 2010
  • Gao, L., Chen, Y., He, N., Liu, Y., Wang, J., Blau, W.J., Studies on the nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties of perfluorinated titanium (IV) phthalocyanines, Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, 30, (4), 2010, p1122-1129Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Brennan Fournet, M.E., Ledwith, D., Voisin, M., Cunningham, S., Fournet, P., Charles, D., Aherne, D., (...), Kelly, J.M., High surface plasmon resonant sensitive silver nanoplates for detection of C-reactive protein, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, 9th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE NANO 2009, Genoa; Italy, 26-30 July, 2009, pp866-869Conference Paper, 2009
  • Nitschke, C., O'Flaherty, S.M., Doyle, J.J., Kroell, M., Blau, W.J., Material investigation and nonlinear optical properties of phthalocyanine nanoparticles, Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, 34 , ((1-4 SPEC. ISS.)), 2005, p261-264Journal Article, 2005, URL
  • Jordan, G., Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Tillman, H., Pfeiffer, S., Hörhold, H.-H., Samoc, M., Luther-Davies, B., Two-photon absorption and up-converted emission in blue-emitting stilbene dye, Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, 34 , (1-4 SPEC. ISS), 2005, p199-202Journal Article, 2005
  • Kobayashi, T., Jordan, G., Blau, W.J., Suzuki, Y., Kaino, T., Gain spectroscopy and lasing in doped polymer waveguides and microstrucures, Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, 34, (1-4 SPEC. ISS), 2005, p209-212Journal Article, 2005
  • Djiango, M., Kobayashi, T., Jordan, G., Blau, W.J., Suzuki, Y., Kaino, T., Near-infrared optical gain and lasing in luminescent polymeric microrings, Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, 34, (1-4 SPEC. ISS), 2005, p251-254Journal Article, 2005
  • Kobayashi, T., Djiango, M., Jordan, G., Rüther, M., Blau, W.J., Suzuki, Y., Kaino, T., Near-infrared laser emission from high-Q polymer cavities, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Integrated Optics: Theory and Application, Warsaw; Poland, 31Aug-2 Sept, edited by Pustelny T.,Lambeck P.V.,Gorecki C. , 5956, SPIE, 2005, pp1-7Conference Paper, 2005, DOI
  • Djiango, M., Jordan, G., Rüther, M., Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Suzuki, Y., Kaino, T., Near infrared lasing in dye-doped polymeric microrings, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Lasers and Application, Warsaw; Poland, 28 Aug - 2 Sept, edited by Abramski K.M.,Lapucci A.,Plinski E.F. , 5958, 2005, pp1-6Conference Paper, 2005, DOI
  • Kufazvinei, C., Leahy, R.W., Lipson, S.M., Blau, W.J., Dillon, F.C., Spalding, T.R., Morris, M.A., (...), Patterson, J., Growth of carbon nano-structures in ceramic materials, NSTI Nanotech 2005 Technical Proceedings, NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Anaheim, CA; United States, 8-12 May, edited by Laudon M.,Romanowicz B. , 2005, 2005, pp221-224Conference Paper, 2005
  • Leahy, R.W., Lahiff, E., Minett, A.I., Blau, W.J., Controlled growth of arrays of straight and branched carbon nanotubes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and Nanophotonics, Dublin, 5-6 April, edited by Blau W.J.,Kennedy D.,Colreavy J. , 5824, APIE, 2005, pp62-70Conference Paper, 2005
  • Kufazvinei, C., Leahy, R.W., Lipson, S.M., Blau, W.J., Dillon, F.C., Spalding, T.R., Morris, M.A., (...), Patterson, J., Growth of carbon nano-structures in ceramic materials, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and Nanophotonics, Dublin, 5-6 April, edited by Blau W.J.,Kennedy D.,Colreavy J. , 5824, SPIE, 2005, pp149-156Conference Paper, 2005, DOI
  • Nicolosi, V., Vengust, D., Mrzeł, A., Mihailovic, D., Blau, W.J., Coleman, J.N., Mo6S4.5i4.5 Nanowires: Dispersion studies and electron microscopy characterization of the bundles, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and Nanophotonics, Dublin, 5-6 April, edited by Blau W.J.,Kennedy D.,Colreavy J. , 5824, SPIE, 2005, pp102-113Conference Paper, 2005, DOI
  • Hodson, R.P., Strevens, A.E., Drury, A., Hörhold, H.H., Blau, W.J., Nanostructured metal filled porous alumina as an anode in polymer light-emitting diodes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Opto-Ireland 2005: Nanotechnology and Nanophotonics, Dublin, 5-6 April, edited by Blau W.J.,Kennedy D.,Colreavy J. , 5824, SPIE, 2005, pp114-122Conference Paper, 2005, DOI
  • Bergin, S.D., Giordani, S., Mac Kernan, D., Minett, A., Coleman, J.N., Blau, W.J., Characterisation of single-walled carbon nanotube bundle dissociation in amide solvents, AIP Conference Proceedings, ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF NOVEL NANOSTRUCTURES: XIX International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, Tirol; Austria, 12-19 March, 786, AIP, 2005, pp240-243Conference Paper, 2005, DOI
  • Giordani, S., Bergin, S.D., Drury, A., Mhuircheartaigh, E.N., Coleman, J.N., Blau, W.J., Effect of solvents and dispersants on the bundle dissociation of single-walled carbon nanotube, AIP Conference Proceedings, ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF NOVEL NANOSTRUCTURES: XIX International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, Tirol; Austria, 12-19 March, 786 , 2005, pp232-235Conference Paper, 2005, DOI
  • Doyle, J.J., O'Flaherty, S.M., Chen, Y., Hegarty, T., Hanack, M., Blau, W.J., Polymer-phthalocyanine composite systems as solid-state passive optical limiters, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Organic Optoelectronics and Photonics, Strasbourg; France, 28-30 April, Heremans P.L.,Muccini M.,Hofstraat H. , 5464, 2004, pp269-279Conference Paper, 2004, DOI
  • Shaffer, M.S.P., Sandler, J.K.W., Pegel, S., Windle, A.H., Gojny, F., Schulte, K., Cadek, M., (...), Van Es, M., Carbon nanotube- and nanofibre-reinforced polymer fibres, 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2004, NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2004, Boston, MA; United States, 7-11 March, edited by Laudon M.,Romanowicz B. , 3, 2004, pp280-283Conference Paper, 2004
  • Kobayashi, T., Savatier, J.-B., Jordan, G., Blau, W.J., Suzuki, Y., Kaino, T., Near-infrared optical gain and stimulated emission in organic compound-doped polymer waveguides, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices V, San Jose, CA; United States, 27-29 Jan, edited by Grote J.G.,Kaino T. , 5351 , SPIE, 2004, pp210-216Conference Paper, 2004, DOI
  • Stankiewicz, J., Luis, F., Camón, A., Kröll, M., Bartolomé, J., Blau, W., Magnetization switching of Fe nanowires at very low temperatures, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, (III), 2004, 1637-1639Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Sorop, T.G., Nielsch, K., Göring, P., Kröll, M., Blau, W., Wehrspohn, R.B., Gösele, U., De Jongh, L.J., Study of the magnetic hysteresis in arrays of ferromagnetic Fe nanowires as a function of the template filling fraction, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 2004, p1656-1657Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Youssef, T.E., O'Flaherty, S., Blau, W., Hanack, M., Phthalocyaninatoindium(III) Acetylacetonates for Nonlinear Optics, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003, p101-108Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Shaffer, M.S.P., Sandler, J.K.W., Pegel, S., Windle, A.H., Gojny, F., Schulte, K., Cadek, M., (...), Van Es, M., Carbon nanotube and nanofibre reinforced polyamide-12 fibres, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials and Nanocomposite, Boston, MA.; United State, 1-5 Dec, edited by Ovid'ko I.,Pande C.S.,Krishnamoorti R.,Lavernia E.,Skandan G. , 791, 2003, pp347-352Conference Paper, 2003
  • Nitschke, C., O'Flaherty, S.M., Kroell, M., Strevens, A., Maier, S., Rüther, M.G., Blau, W.J., Preparation and nonlinear optical properties of phthalocyanine nanocrystals, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices V, San Jose, 27-30 Jan, edited by Grote J.G.,Kaino T. , 4991, SPIE, 2003, pp124-132Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
  • O'Flaherty, S.M., Hold, S.V., Chen, Y., Hanack, M., Blau, W.J., Reverse saturable absorption based optical limiting properties of Indium and Gallium phthalocyanines and naphthalocyanines, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Organic Photonic Materials and Devices V, San Jose, CA; United States, 27-30 Jan, edited by Grote J.G.,Kaino T. , 4991, 2003, pp183-193Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
  • Lahiff, E., Minett, A.I., Curran, S., Ryu, C.Y., Blau, W.J., Ajayan, P.M., Controlling the position and morphology of nanotubes within a polymer thin film, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Micro- and Nanosystems, Boston, MA; United State, 1-3 dec, edited by LaFan D.A.,Ayon A.A.,Madou M.J.,McNie M.E. , 782, 2003, pp153-158Conference Paper, 2003
  • Fleming, A.J., Coleman, J.N., Fechtenkötter, A., Müllen, K., Blau, W.J., Intermolecular Vibronic Coupling in Self-Assembling Molecular Nanowires of Hexabenzocoronene Derivatives, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Organic Photonic Materials and Devices V, San Jose, CA; United States, 27-30 Jan, edited by Grote J.G.,Kaino T. , 4991, SPIE, 2003, pp460-466Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
  • Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Tillmann, H., Hörhold, H.-H., Luminescent polymer optical fibers: Gain spectroscopy and lasing, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices V, San Jose, CA; United States, 27-30 Jan, edited by Grote J.G.,Kaino T. , 4991, SPIE, 2003, pp293-304Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
  • Jordan, G., Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Tillmann, H., Hörhold, H.-H., Frequency up-conversion of 800 nm femtosecond pulses by two-photon absorption in doped PMMA fibers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications II, San Diego, CA, 27-28 Jan, edited by Schepler K.L.,Lowenthal D.D.,Pierce J.W. , 4972, SPIE, 2003, pp122-130Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
  • Yang, C., Wohlgenannt, M., Vardeny, Z.V., Blau, W.J., Dalton, A.B., Baughman, R., Zakhidov, A.A., Photoinduced charge transfer in poly(p-phenylene vinylene) derivatives and carbon nanotube/C60 composites, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 338, (1-4), 2003, p366-369Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Mechanical properties of hybrid polymer nanotube systems, Coleman, J.N., Cadek, M., Dalton, A.B., Munoz, E., Razal, J., Baughman, R.H., Blau, W.J., Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Nonatechnology, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria; Spain, 19-21 MAy, 5118, 2003, pp271-279Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
  • García-Frutos, E.M., O'Flaherty, S.M., Hold, S.V., De la Torre, G., Maier, S., Vázquez, P., Blau, W., Torres, T., Non-linear absorption of alkylsulfonyl metallophthalocyanines, Synthetic Metals, ICSM 2002 , Shanghai; China, 29Jun-5Jul, Wu C.Q.,Cao Y,Sun X,Zhu D.B. , 137, (1-3), 2003, pp1479-1480Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
  • O'Flaherty, S.M., Hold, S.V., Cadek, M., Drury, A., Coleman, J.N., Blau, W.J., Nanosecond nonlinear optical extinction in dispersed multi walled carbon nanotubes excited at 532 nm, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), 2002, pp750-757Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Tillmann, H., Hörhold, H.-H., Light amplification and lasing in doped polymer optical fibers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Application, Galway, 5-6 Sept, Glynn T.J. , 4876, (1), 2002, pp330-337Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Fournet, P., Coleman, J.N., O'Brien, D.F., Lahr, B., Drury, A., McNeill, C.R., Dastoor, P.C., (...), Blau, W.J., Carbon nanotube composites as efficient charge transport media in organic optoelectronic devices, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Application, Galway, 5-6 Sept, Glynn T.J. , 4876, (1), 2002, 338-349Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Drury, A., Maier, S., Rüther, M., Blau, W.J., Property-structure relationships of some derivatives of poly (m-phenylene vinylene), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp740-749Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Leahy, R., Vijayamohanan, K., Ajayan, P.M., Ramanath, G., Blau, W., Gas desorption in single wall carbon nanotube mats during vacuum annealing, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp783-787Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Benrezzak, S., Frehill, F., Rüther, M.G., Fonseca, A., Nagy, J., Minett, A.I., Blau, W.J., (...), In het Panhuis, M.., Covalent attachment of a Ruthenium complex to multi wall carbon nanotubes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp770-774Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Kobayashi, T., Jordan, G., Blau, W.J., Tillmann, H., Hörhold, H.-H., Luminescent polymer optical fibers: Linear and nonlinear spectroscopy and lasing, Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 15th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, Glasgow, 10-14 Nov, 1, 2002, pp265-266Conference Paper, 2002
  • Petti, L., Abbate, G., Blau, W.J., Mancarella, D., Mormile, P., Enhancement of the thermo-optical properties in dye-doped PDLCs, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystal, Proceedings of the IX International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, OLC 2001, Sorrento; Italy, 1-6 Oct, edited by Abbate G.,Marrucci L. , 375, 2002, pp785-799Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Fleming, A.J., Coleman, J.N., Dalton, A.B., Fechtenkötter, A., Watson, M.D., Müllen, K., Byrne, H.J., Blau, W.J., Optical spectroscopy of single molecule and aggregate hexabenzocoronene derivatives, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp685-695Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Belton, C., Toussaere, E., Hörhold, H.-H., Stockmann, R., Blau, W.J.., Design and fabrication of a waveguiding organic double hetero-structure light emitting device - A milestone in the development of an electrically pumped polymer laser, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (1), SPIE, 2002, pp377-386Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Cadek, M., Coleman, J.N., Barron, V., Hedicke, K., Blau, W.J., Mechanical and thermal properties of carbon nanotube reinforced polymer composites, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp676-684Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Lipson, S.M., Cadby, A.J., Coleman, J.N., Lane, P.A., Drury, A., O'Brien, D.F., Bradley, D.D.C., Blau, W.J., Optical and electrical studies of modified conjugated polymer films, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (1), SPIE, 2002, pp350-360Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Kröll, M., O'Flaherty, S.M., Blau, W.J., Optical properties of silver nanowires in nanoporous alumina membranes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp641-648Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Strevens, A.E., Lipson, S.M., Drury, A., Kröell, M., Hörhold, H.H., Blau, W.J., Nanowire array electrode structure for organic light emitting diodes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (1), SPIE, 2002, pp168-175Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Kiernan, G., Barron, V., Blond, D., Drury, A., Coleman, J., Murphy, R., Cadek, M., Blau, W., Characterisation of nanotube based artificial muscles materials, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp775-782Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Brennan, M.E., Samoc, M.J., Kobayashi, T., Coleman, J.N., Luther-Davies, B., Blau, W.J., Third order nonlinear optical response and nonlinear photoluminescence in multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp649-658Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Ryan, K.P., Lipson, S.M., O'Flaherty, S.M., Barron, V., Cadek, M., Drury, A., Byrne, H.J., (...), Coleman, J.N., Photoluminescence quenching and degradation studies to determine the effect of nanotube inclusions on polymer morphology in conjugated polymer-carbon nanotube composites, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), SPIE, 2002, pp361-368Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Murphy, R., Coleman, J.N., O'Flaherty, S.M., Cadek, M., McCarthy, B., Drury, A., Barklie, R.C., Blau, W.J., Comparative study of two polymer carbon nanotube composites using electron paramagnetic resonance and transmission electron microscopy, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications, Galway, 5-6 Sept, edited by Glynn T.J. , 4876, (2), 2002, pp659-666Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Kröll, M., Blau, W.J, Grandjean, D., Benfield, R.E, Luis, F., Paulus, P.M, De Jongh, L.J, Magnetic properties of ferromagnetic nanowires embedded in nanoporous alumina membranes, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, International Workshop on Magnetic Wires 2001, San Sebastian; Spain, 20-22 June, edited by Gonzalez J.,Vasquez M. , 249, (1-2), 2002, pp241-245Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • Fournet, P., Coleman, J.N., O'Brien, D.F., Lahr, B., Drury, A., Hörhold, H.-H., Blau, W.J., Enhanced brightness in organic light-emitting diodes using a carbon nanotube composite as an electron-transport layer, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices V, San Diego, 30 Jul - 1 Aug, edited by Kafafi Z.H. , 4464, 2002, pp239-247Conference Paper, 2002, DOI
  • In Het Panhuis, M., Coleman, J.N., Popelier, P.A., Foley, B., Munn, R.W., Blau, W.J., Design and quantification of a nanoscale field effect transistor: Distributed response analysis for investigating conductive behaviour, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Making Functional Materials with Nanotubes, Boston, MA.; United States, 26-29 Nov, 706 , 2002, 365-370Conference Paper, 2002
  • Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Tillmann, H., Hörhold, H.-H., Luminescent polymer fibers for light amplification and lasing, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Polymers and Oligomers , San Francisco, CA; United States;, 17-21 Apr, 665, 2001, pp307-312Conference Paper, 2001
  • Boyle, A.J., Blau, W.J., Polymeric waveguides for ultra-high speed optical signal processing devices, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest 2, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Chiba; Japan, 15-19 July, 2001, II650-II651Conference Paper, 2001
  • Dalton, A.B., McCarthy, B., Coleman, J.N., Panhuis, M., Carroll, D.L., Czerw, R., Blau, W.J., Byrne, H.J., Physical interactions of carbon nanotubes and conjugated polymers, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Nanotubes, Fullerenes, Nanostructured and Disordered Carbon, San Francisco, CA, 17-21 Apr, edited by Robertson J,Friedmann T,Geohegan D,Luzzi D,Ruoff R , 675, 2001, ppW4.5.1-W4.5.6Conference Paper, 2001
  • Brennan, M.E., Coleman, J.N., Panhuis, M.I.H., Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Nonlinear photoluminescence from multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Organic Materials, San Diego, CA, 1-2 Aug, edited by Eich M.,Kuzyk M.G. , 4461, 2001, pp56-64Conference Paper, 2001, DOI
  • Fournet, P., McCarthy, B., Dalton, A.B., Coleman, J.N., Murphy, R., Stephan, C., Lefrant, S., (...), Blau, W.J.., Purification and processing of carbon nanotubes using self-assembly and selective interaction with a semi-conjugated polymer, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Engineering Thin Films with Ion Beams, Nanoscale Diagnostics, and Molecular Manufacturing, San Diego, CA, 30-31 July, Knystautas E.J.,Kirk W.P.,Browning V. , 4468, 2001, pp112-123Conference Paper, 2001, DOI
  • In het Panhuis, M., Coleman, J.N., Blau, W.J..., Solubility of carbon nanotubes, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Nanotubes and Related Materials, Boston, MA, 27-30 Nov 2000, Knystautas E.J.,Kirk W.P.,Browning V. , 633, 2001, ppA531-A535Conference Paper, 2001
  • Coleman, J.N., Dalton, A.B., McCarthy, B., Barklie, R.C., Blau, W.J...., Purity and solubility of nanotubes in arc discharge carbon powder, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Nanotubes and Related Materials, Boston, MA, 27-30 Nov 2000, edited by Rao A , 633, 2001, ppA1361-A1365Conference Paper, 2001
  • Petti, L., Mormile, P., Blau, W.J., Experimental results on optical effects induced in epoxy resin based PDLC, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, VIII International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals (OLC'99), Humacao; Puerto Ric, 27 Sep - 1 Oct 99, Aliev F.M. , 359 , 2001, pp53-65Conference Paper, 2001
  • In Het Panhuis, M., Munn, R.W., Blau, W.J., Optimal polymer characteristics for nanotube solubility, Synthetic Metals, 121, (1-3), 2001, p1187-1188Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Benoit, J.-M., Corraze, B., Lefrant, S., Blau, W.J., Bernier, P., Chauvet, O., Transport properties of PMMA-carbon nanotubes composites, Synthetic Metals, 121, (1-3), 2001, p1215-1216Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Belton, C., O'Brien, D., Cadby, A., Lane, P., Byrne, H.J., Stockmann, R., Hörhold, H.-H., (...), Blau, W.J., Excited state inhibition of luminescence in DPOP-PPV, Synthetic Metals, 119, (1-3), 2001, p567-568Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Lane, P.A., Lipson, S.M., Cadby, A.J., O'Brien, D.F., Mellor, H., Martin, S.J., Blau, W.J., Bradley, D.D.C., Studies of a poly(phenylenevinylene) without C2h symmetry, Synthetic Metals, 119, (1-3), 2001, p661-662Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • O'Brien, D.F., Lipson, S.M., Cadby, A.J., Lane, P.A., Bradley, D.D.C., Blau, W.J., Investigation of photoluminescence efficiency in thin polymer films of poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene), Synthetic Metals, 121, (1-3), 2001, p1405-1406Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Kobayashi, T., Blau, W.J., Tillmann, H., Hörhold, H.-H., Polymer optical fibers for lasing and light amplification, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe , Baltimore, MD; United States, 6-11 May, 2001, pp294-295Conference Paper, 2001
  • Brennan, M., Kobayashi, T., Coleman, J.N., In het Panhuis, M., Blau, W.J., Byrne, H.J., Multiphoton absorption induced photoluminescence from multiwall carbon nanotubes, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe , Baltimore, MD; United States, 6-11 May, 2001, pp454Conference Paper, 2001
  • Fournet, P., Kobayashi, T., Coleman, J.N., O'Brien, D.F., Lahr, B., Drury, A., Blau, W.J., Hörhold, H.-H., A carbon nanotube composite as an electron-transport layer in organic light-emitting diodes, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe , Baltimore, MD; United States, 6-11 May, 2001, pp34-35Conference Paper, 2001
  • McCarthy, B., Czerw, R., Strevens, A., Davey, A.P., Carroll, D.L., Blau, W.J., Substrate mediated ordering in PmPV thin films, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid-State Materials V, Boston, MA, USA, 29 Nov - 1 Dec, 598, Materials Research Society,Warrendale, PA, United States, 2000, ppBB11.34.1-BB11.34.6Conference Paper, 2000
  • Woo, H.S., Czerw, R., Webster, S., Carroll, D.L., Ballato, J., Strevens, A.E., O'Brien, D., Blau, W.J., Hole blocking in carbon nanotube-polymer composite organic light-emitting diodes based on poly (m-phenylene vinylene-co-2, 5-dioctoxy-p-phenylene vinylene), Applied Physics Letters, 77, (9), 2000, p1393-1395Journal Article, 2000, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Blau, W., Maloney, C., Dennis, W.M., Bradley, D.J., Optical phase conjugation with picosecond pulses in , IEE Colloquium (Digest), 06, 1985, p1-6Journal Article, 1985
  • Prettl, W., Huggard, P.G., Lengfellner, H., Kaminski, J.P., Schneider, Gi., O'Brien, T.P., Blau, W., Far infrared response of thin film Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 using the UCSB free electron laser, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 17th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Pasadena, CA, USA, 17 Dec, 1929, 1992, pp18-19Conference Paper, 1992
  • O'Brien, T.P., McConnell, M.L., Huggard, P.G., Schneider, Gi., Blau, W.J., Measurements of the far infra red laser transmission of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-δ thin films, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 18th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves; Colchester, Eng, Colchester, England, 2104, 1993, pp570Conference Paper, 1993
  • Giorgetti, E., Lambkin, P., Li, Qu, Sottini, S., Grando, D., Blau, W., Phase matched gratings for enhanced forward degenerate four wave mixing, Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, 28 Aug - 2 Sept, IEEE,Piscataway, NJ, United States, 1994, pp407Conference Paper, 1994
  • Howard, R.G., Davey, A.P., Blau, W., Calculation of static hyperpolarisabilities of donor-acceptor systems using a desktop molecular modelling package, Molecular Engineering, 5, (4), 1995, p363-370Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Callaghan, J., White, N.T., Weldon, D.N., Beddard, G.S., Blau, Werner, Excited-state dynamics of C60 and n2-C60Pd(PPh3)2, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Fullerenes and Photonics II, San Diego, CA, USA, 10-11 July, Kafafi Zakya H. , 2530, 1995, pp154-156Conference Paper, 1995
  • Large, M.C.J., Croke, D.T., Blau, W.J., McWilliam, P., Kajzar, F., EFISH in electrolyte and polyelectrolyte systems, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section B: Nonlinear Optics, 12, (3), 1995, p225-238Journal Article, 1995
  • Drury, A., Davey, A.P., Burbridge, S., Page, H., Blau, W., Synthesis of the narrow-gap, nonlinear, organic polymer poly(tertbutylisothianaphthene), Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section B: Nonlinear Optics, 10, (1-4), 1995, p167-172Journal Article, 1995
  • Burbridge, S.J., Page, H., Drury, A., Davey, A.P., Callaghan, J., Blau, W., Third order nonlinear optical response of a soluble form of polyisothionaphthene, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section B: Nonlinear Optics, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, ICONO'1, Val Thorens, Fr, 9-13 Jan, 1995, pp139-146Conference Paper, 1995
  • Weldon, D.N., Blau, W.J., Zandbergen, H.W., A high resolution electron microscopy investigation of curvature in carbon nanotubes, Chemical Physics Letters, 241, (4), 1995, p365-372Journal Article, 1995
  • Henari, Fryad.Z., Cazzini, K., El Akkari, F., Blau, W.J., Beam waist changes in lithium niobate during Z-scan measurement, Journal of Applied Physics, 78, (2), 1995, p1373-1375Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Henari, F.Z., Morgenstern, K., Blau, W.J., Karavanskii, V.A., Dneprovskii, V.S., Third-order optical nonlinearity and all-optical switching in porous silicon, Applied Physics Letters67, 1995, p323Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Pender, W.A., Boyle, A.J., Lambkin, P., Blau, W.J., Mazaheri, K., Westland, D.J., Skarda, V., Sparpaglione, M., Nonlinear absorption in polydiacetylene waveguides, Applied Physics Letters, 66, (7), 1995, p786Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Large, Maryanne C.J., Blau, Werner J., Croke, David T., McWilliam, Peter, Kajzar, Francois, Applications of nonlinear optical techniques to the study of biological molecules, Proceedings of the 1995 2nd International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, ICONO'2; , Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section B: Nonlinear Optics, Kusatsu, Jpn, 23-26 July, 151-4, (1-4), 1996, pp463-466Conference Paper, 1996
  • Large, Maryanne C., Blau, Werner J., Croke, David T., McWilliam, Peter, Kajzar, Francois, Molecular length dependent polarizability, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials IX , Denver, CO, USA, 7-9 Aug, edited by Moehlmann Gustaaf R. , 2852, 1996, pp32-39Conference Paper, 1996
  • Bourdin, E., Davey, A., Blau, W., Determination of the second hyperpolarizability γ of poly(arylene ethynylenes) using the Z-scan technique, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section B: Nonlinear Optics, 19, (2), 1998, p93-104Journal Article, 1998
  • Penzkofer, A., Holzer, W., Gong, S.-H., Bradley, D.D.C., Long, X., Bleyer, A., Blau, W.J., Davey, A.P., Effective stimulated emission and excited-state absorption cross-section spectra of luminescent polymers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1998 International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology, ICAPT, Ottawa, Canada, 29-31 July, 3491, 1998, pp762-766Conference Paper, 1998
  • Davey, A.P., Drury, A., Maier, S., Byrne, H.J., Blau, W.J., Synthesis and optical properties of phenylene-vinylene copolymers, Synthetic Metals, 103, (1-3), 1999, 2478-2479Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • König, S., Blau, W., Giorgetti, E., Nonlinear optical behaviour of polydiacetylene coated glass waveguides, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 44, (3-4), 1999, 197-223Journal Article, 1999
  • Mormile, P., Petti, L., Abbate, M., Musto, P., Ragosta, G., Blau, W.J., Electro-optical properties of an epoxy-based polymer dispersed liquid crystals, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1999 Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Photonic Devices, Singapore, 30 Nov - 3 Dec, 3896, SPIE, 1999, pp705-711Conference Paper, 1999
  • Davey, A.P., Howard, R.G., Blau, W.J., Byrne, H.J., Polarized photoluminescence and measurement of degree of order in mixed oriented polymer liquid crystal films, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 44, (3-4), 1999, 241-258Journal Article, 1999
  • Davey, A.P., Bourdin, E., Delysse, S., Blau, W., Nunzi, J.-M., Nonlinear optical response of poly(aryleneethynylenes) and studies of excited state properties, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section B: Nonlinear Optics, The 8th IKETANI Conference , Chitose, Jpn, 12-15 Oct, 22, (1-4), 1999, pp485-490Conference Paper, 1999
  • Dumarcher, Vincent, Rocha, Licinio, Denis, Christine, Fiorini, Celine, Nunzi, Jean-Michel, Sobel, Frank, Sahraoui, Bouchta, (...), Le Moigne, Jacque, Spectral characteristics of DFB polymer lasers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices II, San Jose, CA, USA, 24-26 Jan, 3939, 2000, pp2-11Conference Paper, 2000
  • Petti, L., Mormile, P., Abbate, M., Musto, P., Ragosta, G., Blau, W.J., Experimental observation of self-transparency in an epoxy-based polymer dispersed liquid crystal, Journal of Modern Optics, 47, (4), 2000, p581-585Journal Article, 2000
  • Kretsch, K.P., Blau, W.J., Dumarcher, V., Rocha, L., Fiorini, C., Nunzi, J.-M., Pfeiffer, S., (...), Hörhold, H.-H. , Distributed feedback laser action from polymeric waveguides doped with oligo phenylene vinylene model compounds, Applied Physics Letters, 76, (16), 2000, p2149-2151Journal Article, 2000, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Manaa, H., Henari, F.Z., Kretsch, K.P., Blau, W.J., Rost, H., Pfeiffer, S., Teuschel, A., (...), Hörhold, H.H., Laser gain and excited-state absorption measurements in phenylene-vinylene oligomer (1,4-bis-(alpha-cyanostyryl)-2,5-dimethoxybenzene), Journal of Luminescence, 87, 2000, p754-756Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • Lipson, S.M., O'Brien, D.F., Byrne, H.J., Davey, A.P., Blau, W.J., Investigation of efficiency and photostability in polymer films, Synthetic Metals, 2nd International Conference on Electroluminescence of Molecular Materials and Related Phenomena (ICEL-2), Sheffield, UK, 15-18 May 1999, 111, 2000, pp553-557Conference Paper, 2000, DOI
  • Kretsch, K.P., Belton, C., Lipson, S., Blau, W.J., Henari, F.Z., Pfeiffer, S., Tillmann, H., Hörhold, H.-H., Optical gain spectra from doped polymeric waveguides, Synthetic Metals, 2nd International Conference on Electroluminescence of Molecular Materials and Related Phenomena (ICEL-2), Sheffield, UK, 15-18 May 1999, 111, 2000, 567-570Conference Paper, 2000, DOI
  • Lipson, S.M. , O'Brien, D.F., Byrne, H.J., Davey, A.P., Blau, W.J. , Improvement of luminescence efficiency and photostability in polymer thin films, Thin Solid Films, 370, (1), 2000, p262-267Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • Zawadzka, M.; Wang, J.; Blau, W. J.; Senge, M. O., Solvent effect on the nonlinear absorption of 5,10-A2B2 meso substituted porphyrins, Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 12, 2013, p1811-1823Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Monika Zawadzka, Jun Wang, Werner J Blau, Mathias O Senge, Laser induced protonation of free base porphyrin in chloroform results in the enhancement of positive nonlinear absorption due to conformational distortion, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 17, (11), 2013, p1129 - 1133Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Kumar, S., McEvoy, N., Lutz, T., Keeley, G.P., Nicolosi, V., Murray, C.P., Blau, W.J., Duesberg, G.S., Gas phase controlled deposition of high quality large-area graphene films, Chemical Communications, 46, (9), 2010, p1422-1424Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Y. Zhang, J. J. Wang, K. E. Ballantine, P. R. Eastham and W. J. Blau, Hybrid plasmonic nanostructures with unconventional nonlinear optical properties, Advanced Optical Materials, 2, 2014, p331-Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Cheng X, Dong N, Li B, Zhang X, Zhang S, Jiao J, Blau WJ, Zhang L, Wang J, Controllable broadband nonlinear optical response of graphene dispersions by tuning vacuum pressure., Optics express, 21, (14), 2013, p16486-93Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
  • Wang,Kangpeng K., Feng,Yanyan Y., Chang,Chunxia C., Zhan,Jingxin J., Wang,Chengwei C., Zhao,Quanzhong Q., Coleman,Jonathan N. J.N., Zhang,Long L., Blau,Werner Josef W.J., Wang,Jun J., Broadband ultrafast nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction of layered molybdenum dichalcogenide semiconductors, Nanoscale, 6, (18), 2014, p10530-10535Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Zhang, Yi, Charles, Denise E., Ledwith, Deirdre M., Aherne, Damian, Cunningham, Stephen E., Voisin ,Muriel M., Blau, Werner Josef., Gun'Ko,Yurii K., Kelly, John M., Brennan-Fournet, Margaret E. , Wash-free highly sensitive detection of C-reactive protein using gold derivatised triangular silver nanoplates, RSC Advances, 4, (55), 2014, p29022-29031Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise

Prof. Werner Blau is Director of the interdisciplinary Materials Ireland Polymer Research Centre in Trinity College Dublin, which encompasses researchers from the fields of physics, chemistry, engineering, and computer simulation with a substantial track record in technology transfer and collaboration with Irish industry. He is also Research Director of TCD's HEA PRTLI project in Advanced Materials, based in the new Sami Nasr Institute for Advanced Materials. His research interests concentrate on molecular engineering of advanced materials, properties and applications of responsive molecular and polymeric materials for electronics, optoelectronics, and bio/medical applications and basic materials, processes and devices for molecular nanoelectronics and bio-nanotechnology. Published over 340 peer-reviewed papers to-date, edited three books and is coauthor of 13 patents/ patent applications. Supervised over 80 postgraduate students and postdoctoral research fellows and numerous undergraduate and summer student projects.


  • Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
  • Member of the Royal Irish Academy
  • Member of the Optical Society of America
  • Fellow of the Institute of Nanotechnology
  • Fellow of Institute of Physics
  • Member of the Materials Research Society