Dr. Stefan Hutzler
Associate Professor, Physics
Email Stefan.Hutzler@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1676www.tcd.ie/Physics/FoamsPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Whyte, David S. , Murtagh, Robert P., Weaire, Denis L., Hutzler, Stefan, Applications and extensions of the Z-cone model for the energy of a foam, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 473, 2015, p115 - 122Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Bergin, S.D., Hutzler, S., Weaire, D. , The drop heard round the world, Physics World, 27, (5), 2014, p26-29Journal Article, 2014
- Foams and analogous cellular systems in, E. Terentiev , The Oxford Handbook of Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2015, pp147 - 166, [Denis Weaire and Stefan Hutzler]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
- AJ Meagher, F Garcia-Moreno, J Banhart, A Mughal and S Hutzler, An experimental study of columnar crystals using monodisperse microbubbles,, Colloids and Surfaces : Physicochem. Eng. Aspects}, 473, 2015, p55 - 59Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
- AJ Meagher, D Whyte, J. Banhart, S. Hutzler and F Garcıa-Moreno, Slow crystallisation of a monodisperse foam stabilised against coarsening, Soft Matter, 11, 2015, p4710 - 4716Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Foams in, editor(s)N.J. Higham , Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2015, pp737 - 740, [D. Weaire and S. Hutzler]Book Chapter, 2015
- D Whyte, D Weaire, W Drenckhan and S Hutzler, The relative energy of fcc and hcp foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 95, 2015, p319 - 323Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Drenckhan, W., Hutzler, S., Structure and energy of liquid foams, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 224, 2015, p1 - 16Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- R Murtagh, D Whyte, D Weaire and S Hutzler, Adaptation of the Z-cone model to the estimation of the energy of a bcc foam, Philosophical Magazine, 95, 2015, p4023 - 4034Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Hutzler, C. Sommer and P. Richmond, On the relationship between income, fertility rates and the state of democracy in society, Physica A, 452, 2016, p9 - 18Journal Article, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Emilie Forel, Emmanuelle Rio, Maxime Schneider, Sebastien Beguin, Denis Weaire, Stefan Hutzler and Wiebke Drenckhan, The surface tells it all: relationship between volume and surface fraction of liquid dispersions, Soft Matter, 12, 2016, p8025 - 8029Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Haffner, B., Dunne, F.F., Burke, S.R., Hutzler, S., Ageing of fibre-laden aqueous foams, Cellulose, 24, (1), 2017, p231-239Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- F. F. Dunne and F. Bolton and D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Statistics and topological changes in 2D foam from the dry to the wet limit, Philosophical Magazine, 97, (21), 2017, p1768 - 1781Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- J. Winkelmann, B. Haffner, D. Weaire, A. Mughal, and S. Hutzler, Simulation and observation of line-slip structures in columnar structures of soft spheres, Physical Review E, 96, 2017, p012610-1 - 012610-6Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D Weaire, R Hoehler and S Hutzler, Bubble-bubble interactions in a 2D foam, close to the wet limit, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 247, 2017, p491 - 495Journal Article, 2017, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler S, Moebius M, Tcholakova S and Elias F(ed.), Eufoam 2016, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Trinity College Dublin, 534, July 3-6, 2016, Elsevier, 2017, 1-138 pProceedings of a Conference, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- J Winkelmann, FF Dunne, VJ Langlois, ME Moebius, D Weaire, S Hutzler, 2D foams above the jamming transition: Deformation matters, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 534, 2017, p52 - 57Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- VJ Langlois and S Hutzler, Dynamics of a flexible fibre in a sheared two-dimensional foam: numerical simulations, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 534, 2017, p105 - 111Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D Whyte, B Haffner, A Tanaka, T Hjelt, and S Hutzler, Interactions of fibres with simple arrangements of soap films, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 534, 2017, p112 - 119Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Benjamin Haffner, Jonathan Lalieu, Peter Richmond and Stefan Hutzler, Can soap films be used as models for mortality studies?, Physica A, 508, 2018, p461 - 470Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler, S. and Ryan-Purcell, J.C.F. and Dunne, F.F. and Weaire, D., A simple formula for the estimation of surface tension from two length measurements for a sessile or pendant drop, Philosophical Magazine Letters, (98), 2018, p9 - 16Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Cox, S. J. and Kraynik, A. M. and Weaire, D. and Hutzler, S., Ideal wet two-dimensional foams and emulsions with finite contact angle, Soft Matter, 14, 2018, p5922 - 5929Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Chapter 16: The structure of liquid foams in, editor(s)D Exerowa, G Gochev, D Platikanov, L Liggieri, R Miller , Foam Film and Foams: Fundamentals and Applications, Boca Raton, London, New York, CRC Press, 2018, pp295 - 308, [S. Hutzler and W Drenckhan]Book Chapter, 2018, URL , TARA - Full Text
- A. Mughal, J. Winkelmann, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Columnar structures of soft spheres: Metastability and hysteresis, Physical Review E, 98, 2018, p043303 - (6 pages)Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- David Whyte, Nick Didkovsky, Stefan Hutzler, Zero Waste: Mapping the Evolution of the Iterative Sight-Reading of a Piano Score, Music Theory Spectrum, 40, (2), 2018, p302 - 313Journal Article, 2018, URL
- A. Mughal, S.J. Cox, D. Weaire, S.R. Burke and S. Hutzler, Demonstration and interpretation of 'scutoid' cells formed in a quasi-2D soap froth, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 98, 2018, p358 - 364Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Burke, S.R., Möbius, M.E., Hjelt T and Hutzler S , Properties of lightweight fibrous structures made by a novel foam forming technique, Cellulose, 26, 2019, p2529 - 2539Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- J Winkelmann, A Mughal, DB Williams, D Weaire and S Hutzler, Theory of rotational columnar structures of soft spheres, Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), 99, 2019, p020602-Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- F.F. Dunne , J. Winkelmann, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Implementation of Morse-Witten theory for a polydisperse wet 2D foam simulation, Philosophical Magazine, 99, (18), 2019, p2303 - 2320Journal Article, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
- A Bois, E Garcia-Roger, E Hong, S Hutzler, A Irannezhad, A Mannioui, P Richmond, B. Roehner, and S Tronche, Infant mortality across species. A global probe of congenital abnormalities, Physica A, 535, 2019, p122308 - (20 pages)Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- A Bois, E Garcia-Roger, E Hong, S Hutzler, A Irannezhad, A Mannioui, P Richmond, B. Roehner, and S Tronche, Congenital anomalies from a physics perspective. The key role of ``manufacturing'' volatility, Physica A, 537, 2020, p122742 - (22 pages)Journal Article, 2020, URL
- J Winkelmann, A Mughal, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Equilibrium configurations of hard spheres in a cylindrical harmonic potential., EPL Europhysics Letters, 127, 2019, p44002 - (7 pages)Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Denis Weaire, Ali Irannezhad, Adil Mughal and Stefan Hutzler, A simple experimental system to illustrate the nonlinear properties of a linear chain under compression., American Journal of Physics, 88, (5), 2020, p347 - 352Journal Article, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Stefan Hutzler, Adil Mughal, John Ryan-Purcell, Ali Irannezhad, and Denis Weaire, Buckling of a linear chain of hard spheres in a harmonic confining potential: Numerical and analytical results for low and high compression, Physical Review E, 102, 2020, p022905-Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler S, Dunne FF, Kraynik AM and Weaire D, The energy of fcc and hcp foams, Soft Matter, 16, 2020, p8262 - 8271Journal Article, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Alex Bois, Eduardo M. García-Roger, Elim Hong, Stefan Hutzler, Ali Irannezhad, Abdelkrim Mannioui, Peter Richmond, Bertrand M. Roehner and Stéphane Tronche, Physical models of infant mortality: implications for defects in biological systems, Journal of Biological Physics, 46, 2020, p371 - 394Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- P Richmond, BM Roehner, A Irannezhad and S Hutzler, Mortality: a physics perspective, Physica A, 566, 2021, p125660-Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- SR Burke, M. Moebius, J Ketoja, T Hjelt and S Hutzler,, Analysis of the foam-forming of non-woven lightweight fibrous materials using X-ray tomography, SN Applied Sciences, 3, 2021, p192-Journal Article, 2021, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Jing Z, Feng C, Cox S and Hutzler S, Variation of average coordination number with liquid fraction for two-dimensional foams with finite contact angle, Philosophical Magazine, 101, 2021, p1048 - 1060Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- D. Weaire, S Hutzler, Froth: A Cosmic Connection?, Irish Astronomy Journal, 22, (1), 1995, p39Journal Article, 1995, URL
- D. Weaire, W Drenckhan, S Hutzler, Foam physics; the simplest example of soft condensed matter, AIP Conference Proceedings, First International Conference on Modern Trends in Physics Research, 748, (1), 2004, pp22-28Conference Paper, 2004, DOI
- Jonathan N Coleman, Alexander Fleming, Stefanie Maier, Sean O'Flaherty, Andrew I Minett, Mauro S Ferreira, Stefan Hutzler and Werner J Blau, Binding Kinetics and SWNT Bundle Dissociation in Low Concentration Polymer-Nanotube Dispersions, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, (11), 2004, p3446 - 3450Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- A. Mughal, D. Weaire and S Hutzler, Peierls-Nabarro potential for a confined chain of hard spheres under compression, epl (Europhysics Letters), 135, 2021, p26002-Journal Article, 2021, URL
- D. Weaire, A. Mughal, J. Ryan-Purcell and S. Hutzler, Description of the buckling of a chain of hard spheres in terms of Jacobi functions, Physica D, 433, 2022, p133177-Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Weaire D, Hutzler S and Pittet N, Cylindrical Packings of Foam Cells, Forma, 7, (3), 1992, p259 - 263Journal Article, 1992, URL
- Weaire D, Pittet N, Hutzler S. and Pardal D, Steady-State Drainage of an Aqueous Foam, Physical Review Letters, 71, (16), 1993, p2670 - 2673Journal Article, 1993, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler S, Weaire D and Bolton F, The effects of Plateau borders in the two-dimensional soap froth, III. Further results, Philosophical Magazine B, 71, (3), 1995, p277 - 289Journal Article, 1995, DOI
- Hutzler S, Verbist G, Weaire D and Van der Steen J A, Measurement of Foam Density Profiles Using AC Capacitance, Europhysics Letters, 31, (8), 1995, p497 - 502Journal Article, 1995, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler S and Weaire D, The osmotic pressure of a two-dimensional disordered foam, Journal of Physics.: Condensed Matter, 7, 1995, pL657 - L662Journal Article, 1995, DOI
- Mc Murry S, Weaire D, Lunney J and Hutzler S, Response to "Importance of boundary reflections in the theory of diffusive light scattering", Optical Engineering, 34, (11), 1995, 3345 - 3346Journal Article, 1995
- Hutzler S, Weaire D and Crawford R, Moving boundaries in ordered cylindrical foam structures, Philosophical Magazine B, 75, (6), 1997, p845 - 857Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- Hutzler S and Weaire D, Buckling properties of 2D regular elastomeric honeycombs, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 9, 1997, pL323 - L329Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- Hutzler S, Weaire D and Crawford R, Convective instability in foam drainage, Europhysics Letters, 41, 1998, p461 - 465Journal Article, 1998, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- In het Panhuis M, Hutzler S, Weaire D and Phelan R, New variations on the soap film experiments of Plateau:I. Experiments under forced drainage , Philosophical Magazine B, 78, (1), 1998, p1 - 12Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Weaire D and Hutzler S, Nonlinear phenomena in soap froth, Physica A, 257, (1), 1998, p264 - 274Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Hutzler S, Weaire D and Shah S, Bubble sorting under forced drainage, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 80, (1), 2000, p41 - 48Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- Hutzler S and Weaire D, Foam coarsening under forced drainage, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 80, 2000, p419 - 425Journal Article, 2000
- Cox S J, Weaire D, Hutzler S, Murphy J, Phelan R and Verbist G, Applications and generalisations of the foam drainage equation, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 456, (20002), 2000, p2441 - 2464Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- Cox SJ, Bradley G, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Vertex corrections in the theory of foam drainage, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13, 2001, p4863 - 4869Journal Article, 2001
- Weaire D, Cox SJ, Hutzler S and Bradley G, Foams in microgravity, Journal de Physique IV France, 11, 2001, pPr6-213 - Pr6-220Journal Article, 2001, DOI
- Hutzler S, Weaire D, Elias F, Janiaud E, Juggling with bubbles in cylindrical ferrofluid foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 82, 2002, p297 - 301Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Kilbride B E, Coleman J N, Fraysse J, Fournet P, Cadek M, Drury A, Hutzler S, Roth S and Blau WJ, Experimental observation of scaling laws for alternating current and direct current conductivity in polymer-carbon nanotube composite thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 92, (7), 2002, p4024 - 4030Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Weaire D and Hutzler S, Dilatancy in liquid foams, Philosophical Magazine, 83, (23), 2003, p2747 - 2760Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Coleman J N, Fleming A, Maier S, O"Flaherty S, Minett A, Ferreira M S, Hutzler S and Blau WJ, Binding Kinetics and Spontaneous SWNT Bundle, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 108, (11), 2004, p3446 - 3450Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Sun Q and Hutzler S, Lattice gas simulations of two-dimensional liquid foams, Rheologica Acta, 43, (5), 2004, p567 - 574Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Kern N, Weaire D, Martin A, Hutzler S and Cox SJ, The two-dimensional viscous froth model for foam dynamics, Physical Review E, 70, 2004, p041411 - (13 pages)Journal Article, 2004, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler S, Delaney G, Weaire D and McLeod F, Rocking Newton"s Cradle, American Journal of Physics, 72, (12), 2004, p1508 - 1516Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Rioual F, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Elastic dilatancy in wet foams: A simple model, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263, (1-3), 2005, p117 - 120Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Sun Q and Hutzler S, Studying localized bubble rearrangements in 2D liquid foams using a hybrid lattice gas model , Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263, (1-3), 2005, p27 - 32Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Hutzler S, Cox S J and Wang G, Foam drainage in two dimensions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263, (1-3), 2005, p178 - 183Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Delaney G, Weaire D, Hutzler S and Murphy S, Random packing of elliptical disks, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 85, (2), 2005, p89 - 96Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Repetowicz P, Hutzler S and Richmond P, Dynamics of money and income distributions, Physica A, 356, 2005, p641 - 654Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Physics in a small bedroom in, editor(s)M.Emmer, M. Abate , Imagine Math 8, Springer, 2022, [D Weaire, S Hutzler, A Irannezhad and K Cox]Book Chapter, 2022, DOI , URL
- A Irannezhad, D Weaire, A Mughal, J Ryan-Purcell, S Hutzler, Buckling of a tilted line of confined hard spheres, Philosophical Magazine, 102, 2022, p2506 - 2524Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- A Mughal, S Hutzler and D Weaire, Equilibrium states of confined ions in two dimensions, Philosophicl Magazine, 103, 2023, p595 - 609Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Mughal A, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Coulomb Calligraphy, Forma, 38, 2023, p1 - 5Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- A. Mughal, J. Winkelmann, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Stability maps for columnar structures, Philosophical Magazine, 103, (14), 2023, p1328 - 1344Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- S. Hutzler, J. Ryan-Purcell, A. Mughal and D. Weaire, A continuum description of the buckling of a line of spheres in a transverse harmonic confining potential, Royal Society Open Science, 10, (7), 2023, p230293-Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Irannezhad A, Baragry A, Weaire D, Mughal A and Hutzler S, Packing soft spheres: experimental demonstrations with hydrogels, European Journal of Physics, 44, 2023, p065501-Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jing, Z, Chen F, Ryan-Purcell J and Hutzler S, Equilibrium shape of a bubble in a liquid-filled horizontal capillary, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 172, 2024, p104729-Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Mc Murry S, Weaire D, Lunney J and Hutzler S, Theory of diffusivelight scattering from disordered materials, Optical Engineering, 33, (12), 1994, p3849 - 3852Journal Article, 1994, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- de Lima, PDS, Lyons, A, Irannezhad, A, de Araujo, JM, Hutzler, S and Ferreira, MS, Self-assembled clusters of magnetically tilted dipoles, Physical Review E, 110, (6), 2024, p064134-Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler S, The Physics of Foams, Trinity College Dublin, published by Verlag MIT Tiedemann, Bremen, ISBN 3-9805748-4-9 , 1997Thesis, 1997
- Hutzler S., Experimente, Theorie und Simulationen zur Physik der Schaeume, Universitaet Regensburg, 1993Thesis, 1993
- Cox SJ, Alonso MD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Drainage induced convection rolls in foams I: Convective bubble motion in a tilted tube, European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter, 19, 2006, p17 - 22Journal Article, 2006, URL
- D. Weaire, S. Hutzler, S. Cox, N. Kern, M.D. Alonso, and W. Drenckhan, The Fluid Dynamics of Foams, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, 2003, pS65-S73Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Delaney G W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Onset of rigidity for stretched string networks, europhysics letters, 72, 2005, p990 - 996Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- Elias F, Bacri J-C, Flament C, Janiaud E, Talbot D, Drenckhan W, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Magnetic Soap Films and Magnetic Soap Foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263, (1-3), 2005, p65 - 75Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- S. Hutzler, N. Peron, D. Weaire, W. Drenckhan , The Foam/Emulsion Analogy in Structure and Drainage, European Journal of Physics E, 14, (4), 2004, p381 - 386Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- W. Drenckhan, F. Elias, S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, E. Janiaud, J.-C. Bacri , Bubble size control and measurement in the generation of ferrofluid foams, Journal of Applied Physics, 93, (12), 2003, p10078 - 10083Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- A. van der Net, W. Drenckhan, D. Weaire, S. Hutzler , The Crystal Structure of Bubbles in the Wet Foam Limit, Soft Matter, 2, (2), 2006, p129 - 134Journal Article, 2006, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Weaire D, Janiaud E and Hutzler S, Two-dimensional foam rheology with viscous drag, Physical Review Letters, 97, 2006, p038302-Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Richmond P, Repetowicz P, Hutzler S and Coelho R, Comments on recent studies of the dynamics and distribution of money, Physica A, 370, 2006, p43 - 48Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Coelho R, Hutzler S, Repetowicz P and Richmond R, Sector analysis for a FTSE portfolio of stocks, Physica A, 373, 2007, p615 - 626Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Coelho R, Gilmore CG, Lucey B, Richmond P and Hutzler S, The evolution of interdependence in world equity markets - Evidence from minimum spanning trees, Physica A, 376, 2007, p455 - 466Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, S. J. Cox, A. van der Net and E. Janiaud, Pre-empting Plateau: The nature of topological transitions in foam, Europhysics Letters, 77, 2007, p28002-p1 - 28002-p5Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Clancy RJ, Janiaud E, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The response of 2d foams to continuous applied shear in a Couette rheometer, European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter, 21, 2006, p123 - 132Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- N. Péron, S.J. Cox, S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, Steady drainage in emulsions: corrections for surface Plateau borders and a model for high aqueous volume fraction, European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter, 22, 2007, p341 - 351Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- F. Elias, S. Hutzler and M.S. Ferreira , Visualisation of sound waves using regularly spaced soap films, European Journal of Physics, 28, 2007, p755 - 765Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Hutzler S, Drainage induced convection rolls in foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p33 - 37Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Carrier V, Hutzler S and Weaire, Drainage of bamboo foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p13 - 19Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Sun Q and Hutzler S, Light scattering through 2d Plateau borders and foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p182 - 188Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- van der Net A, Delaney GW, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Crystalline arrangements of microbubbles in monodisperse foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p117 - 124Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Janiaud E, Weaire D and Hutzler, A simple continuum model for the dynamcis of a a quasi two-dimensional foam, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p125 - 131Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Carrier V, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Drainage of foams with regularly spaced parallel soap films, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p13 - 19Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Coelho R, Richmond P, Barry J and Hutzler S, Double power laws in income and wealth distributions, Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2008, 3851Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Hutzler S, Saadatfar M, van der Net A, Weaire D and Cox SJ, The dynamics of a topological change in a system of soap films, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 323, 2008, p123 - 131Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Barrett D, Daly EJ, Dolan M, Kelly S, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Taking Plateau into micro-gravity: the formation of an eight-fold vertex in a system of soap films, Microgravity - Science and Technology, 20, 2008, p17 - 22Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Weaire D, Hutzler S, Langlois VJ and Clancy RJ, Velocity dependence of shear localisation in a 2D foam, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 2008, p387 - 396Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Langlois VJ, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Rheological properties of the soft disk model of 2D foams, Physical Review E, 78, 2008, p021401 - 021408Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Carrier V, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Observations of a variety of drainage patterns in bamboo foams, Europhysics Letters, 83, 2008, p54005 - (5 pages)Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Drenckhan W, Dollet B, Hutzler S, Elias F, Soap films under large amplitude oscillations, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 2008, p669 - 677Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Saadatfar M, Barry J, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Ordered cylindrical foam structures with internal bubbles, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 2008, p661 - 668Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Delaney G W, Hutzler S and Aste T , Relation between grain shape and fractal properties in random Apollonian packing with grain rotation, Physical Review Letters, 101, 2008, p120602-Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Coehlo, R, Hutzler, R , Richmond, P and B Lucey, A Random Matrix Theory Based Analysis of stocks of markets from different countries, Advances in Complex systems, 11, (5), 2008, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Van der Net A, Weaire D and Hutzler, Rearrangement and elimination of ordered surface layers of crystalline bubble structures due to gas diffusion, Soft Matter, 5, 2009, p318 - 324Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Weaire D, Clancy RJ and Hutzler S, A simple analytical theory of localisation in 2D foam rheology, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 89, (4), 2009, p294 - 299Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Hutzler S, Barry J, Grasland-Mongrain P, Smyth D and Weaire D, Ordered packings of bubbles in columns of square cross-section, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 344, 2009, p37 - 41Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Saadatfar M, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Sheppard AP, Knackstedt MA, Banhart J and Weaire, Imaging of metallic foams using X-ray micro-CT, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 344, 2009, p107 - 112Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Hardiman SJ, P. Richmond and Hutzler S, Calculating Statistics of Complex Networks through Random Walks with an application to the on-line social network Bebo, European Physical Journal B, 71, 2009, p611 - 622Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Denis Weaire and Stefan Hutzler, Foam as a complex system, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 2009, p474227 - 474231Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Weaire D, Barry JD and Hutzler S, The continuum theory of shear localization in two-dimensional foam, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 2010, p193101 - (22pp)Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Barry JD, Weaire D and Hutzler, Shear localisation with 2D Viscous Froth and its relation to the Continuum Model, Rheologica Acta, 49, 2010, p687 - 698Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, The mechanics of liquid foams: history and new developments, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 382, (1-3), 2011, p3 - 7Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Hardiman SJ, Richmond P and Hutzler S, Long-range correlations in an online betting exchange for a football tournament, New Journal of Physics , 12, 2010, p105001 - (14 pp)Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- S.T. Tobin, J.D. Barry, A.J. Meagher, B. Bulfin, C.E. O'Rathaille and S. Hutzler, Ordered polyhedral foams in tubes with circular, triangular and square cross-section, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects, 382, (1-3), 2011, p24 - 31Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Hutzler S, Loesch D, Carey E, Weaire D, Hloucha M and Stubenrauch C, Evaluation of a steady-state test of foam stability, Philosophical Magazine, 91, (4), 2011, p537 - 552Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Hardiman SJ, Tobin ST, Richmond P and Hutzler S, Distributions of certain market observables in an on-line betting exchange, Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems, 2, 2011, p121 - 137Journal Article, 2011, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Barry JD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Nonlocal effects in the continuum theory of shear localisation in 2d foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 91, (6), 2011, p432 - 440Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Tobin S.T., Meagher A.J., Bulfin B., Moebius M. and Hutzler S., A public study of the lifetime distribution of soap films, American Journal of Physics, 79, (8), 2011, p819 - 824Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- A.J. Meagher, M. Mukherjee, D. Weaire, S.Hutzler, J. Banhart and F. Garcia-Moreno, `Analysis of the internal structure of a monodisperse liquid foam by X-ray tomography, Soft Matter, 7, 2011, p9881 - 9885Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- M.B. Sexton, M.E. Moebius and S. Hutzler, Bubble dynamics and rheology in sheared two-dimensional foams, Soft Matter, 7, 2011, p11252 - 11258Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- N Vandewalle, H Caps, G Delon, A Saint-Jalmes , E Rio , L Saulnier, M Adler, A L Biance, O Pitois, S Cohen Addad, R Hohler, D Weaire, S Hutzler, D Langevin, Foam Stability in Microgravity, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space, Bonn, Germany, July 11-15, 2011, edited by Andreas Meyer and Ivan Egry , 327, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2011, pp012024-Conference Paper, 2011, DOI
- R. Gabbrielli, A.J. Meagher, D. Weaire, K.A. Brakke and S. Hutzler, An experimental realisation of the Weaire-Phelan structure in monodisperse liquid foam, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 92, 2012, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Foam Morphology in, editor(s)Paul Stevenson , Foam Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley, 2012, pp7 - 26, [D. Weaire, S.T. Tobin, A.J. Meagher and S. Hutzler]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- M. Saadatfar, M. Mukherjee, M. Madadi, G.E. Schroeder-Turk, F. Garcia-Moreno. F.M. Schaller, S. Hutzler, A.P. Sheppard, J. Banhart and U. Ramamurty, Structural and finite element analysis of tomographic data for closed cell aluminum foam subject to uniaxial compression, Acta Materialia, 60, 2012, p3604 - 3615Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Adil Mughal, Ho-Kei Chan, Denis Weaire & Stefan Hutzler, Dense packings of spheres in cylinders: Simulations, Physical Review E, 85, (5), 2012, p051305-1 - 051305-17Journal Article, 2012, URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Hutzler, S. T. Tobin, A. J. Meagher, A. Marguerite and D. Weaire, A model system for foam fractionation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 469, 2013, p20120727 - (15 pages)Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Saadatfar, M., Mukherjee, M., Madadi, M., Schröder-Turk, G.E., Garcia-Moreno, F., Schaller, F.M., Hutzler, S., (...), Ramamurty, U. , Erratum: Structure and deformation correlation of closed-cell aluminium foam subject to uniaxial compression (Acta Materialia (2012) 60 (3604-3615)), 2012, - 5944Miscellaneous, 2012
- Saadatfar, M., Mukherjee, M., Madadi, M., Schröder-Turk, G.E., Garcia-Moreno, F., Schaller, F.M., Hutzler, S., (...), Ramamurty, U., Corrigendum to "Structure and deformation correlation of closed-cell aluminium foam subject to uniaxial compression" [Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 3604-3615] (DOI:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.02.029), Acta Materialia, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Sexton MB, Hardiman SJ, Moebius ME and Hutzler S , Sheared disk packings as a model system for complex dynamics, Physica A, 394, 2014, p312 - 319Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Richmond P, Mimkes J, Hutzler S., Econophysics and Physical Economics, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2013, 1-257ppBook, 2013, URL
- A.J. Meagher, S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, Building the pyramids: perfect bubble crystals, Philosophical Magazine, 93, 2013, p4138 - 4150Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- S. Hutzler(ed.), International Workshop on Packing Problems, Philosophical Magazine, Trinity College Dublin, 93, (31-33), September 2-5, 2012, Taylor & Francis, 2013, 3939-4173 pProceedings of a Conference, 2013, URL
- S.T. Tobin, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Theoretical analysis of the performance of a foam fractionation column, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 470, 2014, p20130625 - (18 pages)Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
- P Richmond, MB Sexton, SJ Hardiman and S. Hutzler, Generalised Diffusion Model of Asset Price Fluctuations, The European Physical Journal B, 87, 2014, p63 - 68Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- S. Hutzler , R.P. Murtagh, D. Whyte, S.T. Tobin, D. Weaire, Z-Cone model for the energy of an ordered foam, Soft Matter, 10, 2014, p7103 - 7108Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
- F Garcia-Moreno, ST Tobin, M Mukherjee, C Jimenez, E Solorzano, GS Vinod Kumar, S Hutzler and J Banhart , Analysis of liquid metal foams through X-ray radioscopy and microgravity experiments, Soft Matter, 10, 2014, p6955 - 6962Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
- S Hutzler, F Elias, M Moebius, S Tcholakova, Foreword, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 534, 2017, p1 - 1Journal Article, DOI
- Weaire D and Hutzler S, Froth: A cosmic connection?, Irish Astronomical Journal, 22, 1995, p39 - 42Journal Article
- Weaire D, Hutzler S, Banhart J, Phelan R and Verbist G, Foams in microgravity, Annals of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 22, 1998, p20 - 26Journal Article
- Hutzler S, Findlay S, Weaire D and Verbist G, Watch your head: new experiments and theory on foam drainage, Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the European Brewery Convention Foam Subgroup, Zouterwoude, The Netherlands, 1997, pp41 - 52Conference Paper
- Hutzler S, Weaire D and Bolton F, Model simulations of two-dimensional liquid and solid foam, 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin, edited by A Sydow , 3, 1997, pp277 - 282Conference Paper
- Weaire D, Hutzler S, Findlay S and Phelan R, Foam drainage, measurement and theory, Scientific Works, Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industries (HIFFI), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, XLIII, (3), 1998, pp145 - 150Conference Paper
- Weaire D, Hutzler S and Verbist G, Preface: The many facets of foams, Foams, emulsions and their applications, Delft, The Netherlands, 4-8 June 2000, edited by Z Pacelli, J Banhart and G Verbist , Verlag MIT, Bremen, 2000, pp3 - 4Conference Paper
- Cox SJ, Weaire D, Hutzler S and Verbist G, Drainage phenomena in uniform and non-uniform foams, Foams, emulsions and their applications, Verlag MIT, Bremen, Pacelli, J Banhart and G Verbist , 2000, pp266 - 273Conference Paper
- Hutzler S, Cox SJ, Weaire D and Wilde PJ, New developments in foam drainage, Foams, emulsions and their applications, Verlag MIT, Bremen, edited by J Banhart and G Verbist , 2000, pp5 - 12Conference Paper
- Cox SJ, Alonso MD, Hutzler S and Weaire D, The Stokes experiment in a foam, Foams, emulsions and their applications, Verlag MIT, Bremen, edited by Z Pacelli, J Banhart and G Verbist , 2000, pp282 - 289Conference Paper
- Weaire D, Verbist G, Cox SJ and Hutzler S, Frontiers of the Physics of Foams, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microgravity Research & Applications in Physical Sciences & Biotechnology, First International Symposium on Microgravity Research & Applications in Physical Sciences & Biotechnology, Sorrento, Italy, 10-15 Sept, 2000, ESA SP-454, (January 2001), European Space Agency, 2001, pp103 - 108Conference Paper
- Hutzler S, Review of Food Emulsions and Foams, by E. Dickinson , J Sci Food Agric, 79, 1999, p1317-1318Review
- Weaire D, Hutzler S and Verbist G, De schone schijn van schuim, Chemisch2Weekblad, 9, 2000, p12 - 13Journal Article
- Hutzler S, Research Seminar, University of Warwick, UK, Department of Engineering, May, 2004Invited Talk
- Hutzler S, Fruehjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Germany, March, 2004Invited Talk
- Hutzler S, Research Seminar at Department of Experimental Physics, Department of Experimental Physics, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, February, 2004Invited Talk
- Hutzler S, Research Seminar, University of Ulm, Germany, July, 2003Invited Talk
- Hutzler S, 3rd Euroconference on Foams, Emulsions and Applications, Eurofoam 2000, Delft, The Netherlands, June 4-8, 2000Invited Talk
- Hutzler S, Meeting of the UK/Irish Food Colloids group, Fermoy, Ireland, March 24-25, 1999Invited Talk
- Hutzler S, The General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European PhysicalSociety, Grenoble, France, Aug. 25-29, 1998Invited Talk
- Hutzler S, Physics Students Society, Dublin Institute of Technology,Ireland, Feb. 10, 1998Invited Talk
- Dynamics of Money and Income Distributions II in, editor(s)A. Chatterjee, S. Yarlagadda and B.K. Chakrabarti , Econophysics of Wealth Distributions, Econophys-Kolkata I, Milan, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp120 - 125, [Richmond P, Repetowicz P and Hutzler S]Book Chapter, URL
- Agent based approaches to income distributions and the impact of memory in, editor(s)Ausloos M and Dirickx M , The Logistic Map: Map and the Route to Chaos: From the Beginning to Modern Applications, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp259 - 272, [Repetowicz P, Hutzler S, Richmond P and Ni Dunn E]Book Chapter, URL
- A review of foam drainage in, editor(s)Ilya Prigogine and Stuart A. Rice , Advances in Chemical Physics, vol. 102, Wiley, 1997, pp315 - 374, [Weaire D, Hutzler S, Verbist G and Peters E A J F]Book Chapter
- Hutzler S, Weaire D, Saugey A, Cox S and Peron N, The physics of foam drainage, 52nd SEPAWA Congress including the European Detergent Conference, Wuerzburg, Germany, Oct. 12 - 14, 2005, edited by K. Henning , ISBN 3-9810074-1-7, Vereinigung der Seifen, Parfuem und Waschmittelfachleute e.V., 2005, pp191 - 206Conference Paper
- Hutzler S, Soap films, Science Spin, Autumn 05, (13), 2005, p18 - 20Journal Article
- Soap Films in, editor(s)Margaret Franklin and Tom Kennedy , COLOUR, What we see and the science behind sight, Cloonlara, Co Mayo, Ireland, Albertine Kennedy Publishing, 2005, pp32 - 35, [S Hutzler]Book Chapter
- W. Drenckhan, S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, "Foam Physics: the simplest example of soft condensed matter, AIP Conference Procedings, Modern Trends of Physics Research 2004, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 748, Melville, New York, 2005, pp22 - 28Conference Paper, DOI , URL
- van der Net A, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The Crystal Structure of Bubbles in the Wet Foam Limit (Amendment), Soft Matter, 2, 2006, p523 - 523Journal Article, URL , TARA - Full Text
- A Review of Empirical Studies and Models of Income Distributions in Society in, editor(s)Chakrabarti BK, Chakraborti A and Chatterjee A , Econophysics and Sociophysics: Trends and Perspectives, Berlin, Wiley-VCH Berlin, 2006, pp131 - 159, [Richmond P, Hutzler S, Coelho R and Repetowicz P]Book Chapter, URL
- S. Hutzler, Bubbles, Physics Review, 16, (4), 2007, p16 - 17Journal Article
- D. Weaire, S. Hutzler, W. Drenckhan, A. Saugey and S. J. Cox, The Rheology of Foams, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 133, 2006, p100 - 105Journal Article, DOI
- Aref H, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Toying with physics, europhysics news, 38, (3), 2007, p23 - 26Journal Article, DOI , URL
- Foam as granular matter in, editor(s)Aste T, Di Matteo T and Tordesillas A , Granular and complex materials, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, New Jersey, World Scientific Publishing, 2007, pp1 - 26, [Weaire D, Langlois V, Saadatfar M and Hutzler S]Book Chapter, URL
- Banhart J, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Langevin D, Liggieri L, Miller R, Saint-Jalmes A and Weaire D, Foams and emulsions in space, Europhysics News, 39, 2008, p26 - 28Journal Article, DOI
- Weaire D, Hutzler S and Langlois VJ, Foam rheology in two dimensions, The XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterrey, USA, American Institute of Physics, 2008, pp833 - 835Conference Paper, DOI , URL
- Saadatfar M, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Foams, Trinity College Dublin: interconnect, Scientific Computing and Visualisation Newsletter, (2), 2008, p8 - 9Journal Article
- Andersson M, Banhart J, Caps H, Durian D, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Kronberg B, Langevin D, Pitois O, Saadatfar M, Saint-Jalmes A, Vandewalle N, Vignes-Adler M, Weaire D, Foam Research in Microgravity, Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 25, 2008, p241 - 244Journal Article, URL
- Hutzler S, Fractal Ireland, Science Spin, 58, (May/June), 2013, p19-20Journal Article
- Hutzler S., Preface (for Proceedings of International Workshop on Packing Problems), Philosophical Magazine, 93, 2013, p3939 - 3939Journal Article, DOI
- S. Hutzler, Foams -- Think bubbles, Chemistry&Industry, December 2013, 2013, p49 - 49Journal Article, URL
- F Newell, R Murtagh, S Hutzler, A role for Gestalt principles of organisation in shaping preferences for non-natural spatial and dynamic patterns, Perception, European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany, 25-29 August 2013, 42 , (ECVP Abstract Suppl.), 2013, pp113 - 113Meeting Abstract, URL
- Bergin SD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The Drop heard round the World, Physics World, May 2014, 2014, p26 - 29Journal Article
Research Expertise
AREA OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY: Physics. Computational and Statistical Physics, in particular physics of foams and granular materials, sociophysics. DOMAIN OF SPECIALIZATION: My research is in the area of soft condensed matter, granular matter, and econo- and sociophysics. In collaboration with Professor Denis Weaire, I have contributed to a better understanding of liquid foams, which constitute a model system of soft matter, through both experiments and simulations (e.g. discovery and monitoring of a solitary wave in foam drainage, avalanches of bubble rearrangements in foams under shear and convective bubble motion in foams under forced drainage). The book "The Physics of Foams" co-written together with D. Weaire (OUP 1999, paperback 2001) and featuring a large amount of original work, has received excellent reviews in the scientific press and has turned into a standard reference in research papers on the physics of foams. Present research interests A further theme of my research are analogies of foams and granular matter concerning packing problems and dilatancy (expansion of a packing of grains under shear). My contribution to econophysics concerns a study of wealth distributions in societies. An agent based model reproduces the long power law tails (Pareto tails) that are typical for such distributions.
TitleDevelopment of advanced foams in microgravitySummary(member of team)Funding AgencyESA/ESTEC (Euroepan Space Agency)Date From2003Date To2006
TitleBubble and droplet structure: from the micro to the nano scaleSummaryFunding AgencySFIDate From01-09-2008Date To31-08-2011
TitleIrish funding for my MSc studentSummaryFunding AgencyIRCSET Embark InitiativeDate From2002Date To2004
TitleAvalanches and 1/f noiseSummaryCoordinatorFunding AgencyEnterprise Ireland Basic Research GrantDate From2000Date To2003
TitleHydrodynamics of wet foamsSummary(member of team)Funding AgencyESA/ESTEC (European Space Agency)Date From2004Date To2007
TitleApplication of statistical physics to risk analysis in finance and sociologySummaryFunding AgencySFIDate From2004Date To2006
TitleResearch into foams and emulsions in fluidic networksSummary(member of team)Funding AgencyEnterprise Ireland Basic Research GrantDate From2002Date To2006
TitleDevelopment of advanced foams in microgravitySummaryFunding AgencyEuropean Space AgencyDate From01-05-2010Date To30-04-2013
- Chartered Physicist, Member of the Institute of Physics PRESENT