Professor James Lunney

Professor James Lunney

Fellow Emeritus, Physics


Born 23rd of June 1953, in Fermanagh, in Northern Ireland.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Darcy, R.T., Lunney, J.G., Donegan, J.F., Internal conical diffraction of a top-hat beam, Proceedings of CLEO_QELS 2015, CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015, San Jose; United States, 10 -15 May 2015 , 2015, pp1551-Conference Paper, 2015
  • Dorneles, L.S. and Venkatesan, M. and Moliner M. and Lunney, J.G. and Coey, J.M.D., Magnetism in thin films of CaB6 and SrB6, Applied Physics Letters, 85, (26), 2004, p6377 - 6379Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Cullen R.J, Jayasundara D.R, Baker R.J, O'Connell G, Donnelly T, Ballantine K.E, Lunney J.G, Colavita P.E, Laser-driven rapid functionalization of carbon surfaces and its application to the fabrication of fluorinated adsorbers, RSC Advances, 6, (86), 2016, p82924 - 82932Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Creel J.R, Donnelly T, Lunney J.G, Heating and compression of a laser produced plasma in a pulsed magnetic field, Applied Physics Letters, 109, (7), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • S McMurry, Importance of boundary reflections in the theory of diffusive light-scattering-response, 1995, -Miscellaneous, 1995
  • P. Choi, H. Chuaqui, JG Lunney, R. Rechle, AJ Davies and JG Lunney, Plasma formation in a pseudospark discharge, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 17, (5), 1989, p770 - 774Journal Article, 1989, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • X.Z. Wang, K Donnelly, M McGloughlin, JG Lunney and JMD Coey, Superconducting YBA2CU3O7 prepared by arc melting and laser melting, Physics c-superconductivity and its applications, 153-155, (part 1), 1988, p405 - 406Journal Article, 1988, DOI
  • PG. Middleton, K.P. O'Connell, C. Trager-Cowan, D. Cole, M. Cazzanelli and JG Lunney, The emission spectrum of pulsed laser deposition GAN and its powder precursor, Materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology, 59, (1-3), 1999, p133 - 136Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • S. McMurry, D. Weaire, JG lunney and IW Boyd, Theory of diffusive light-scattering from disordered materials, Optical Engineering, 33, 1994, p3849 - 3852Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • NF Mitchell, R. Novak and JG Lunney, Ablation of gallstoned using excimer laser-pulses, 1989, -Miscellaneous, 1989
  • HJ Masterson, JG Lunney and JMD Coey, An investigation of the low-temperature faraday rotation spectrum of BAFE12O19, Journal of Physics-condensed matter, 9, (22), 1997, p4761 - 4768Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • VN Tokarev, JG Lunney, W Marine and M. Sentis, Analytical thermal-model of untraviolet-laser ablation with single-photon absorption in the plume, Journal of Applied Physics, 78, (2), 1995, p1241 - 1246Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • TN Hansen, J. Schou and JG Lunney, Angle-resolved energy distributions of laser ablated silver ions in vacuum, Applied Physics Letters, 72, (15), 1998, p1829 - 1831Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • B. Toftmann, J. Schou, TN Hansen and JG Lunney, Angular Distribution of electron temperature and density in a laser-ablation plume, Physical Review Letters, 84, (17), 2000, p3998 - 4001Journal Article, 2000, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • TN Hansen, J. Schou and JG Lunney, Angular distributions of silver ions and neutrals emitted in vacuum by laser ablation, Europhysics Letters, 40, (4), 1997, p441 - 446Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • M Enrech, R. Skomski, JMD Coey and JG Lunney, Characterization, transport, and magnetic-properties of CO/PD multilayers produced by pulsed-laser deposition, Journal of Applied Physics, 73, (10), 1993, p6421 - 6423Journal Article, 1993, DOI
  • HJM Masterson and JG Lunney, Comparision of epitaxial-films of ZN1-XMNXTE ON (111)GAAS and (100)GAAS produced by pulsed-laser deposition, Applied Surface Science, 86, (1-4), 1995, p154 - 159Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • JG Lunney, Density-dependent SI-XII dielectronic satellite spectra, 1983, -Miscellaneous, 1983
  • JF Seely, JG Lunney, Digital enhancement of the argon dielectronic satellite spectrum from a laser-imploded micro-balloon, Optics Communications, 41, (1), 1982, p43 - 46Journal Article, 1982, DOI
  • TN Hansen, I. Kirsch, P. Choi, J. Larour, JG Lunney, J. Castro, A. Engel, A. Guilbert and J. Rous , Dynamics of the EUV radiation in a fast micro-capillary plasma discharge source, Journal de Physique IV, 11, 2001, p417 - 420Journal Article, 2001
  • JV Armstrong, JMD Coey, JG Lunney, R. Reichle, AJ Davies and K. Mittag, Enhanced corrision-resistance in ND15FE77B8 by laser surface amorphization, Hyperfine Interactions, 46, (1-4), 1989, p467 - 471Journal Article, 1989, DOI
  • B. Toftmann, J. Schou, T.N. Hansen and JG Lunney, Evolution of the plasma parameters in the expanding laser ablation plume of silver, Applied Surface Science, 186, (1-4), 2002, p293 - 297Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • JG Lunney, R.R. O'Neill and Schulmeaiter, Excimer laser etching of transparent conducting oxides, Applied Physics Letters, 59, (6), 1991, p647 - 649Journal Article, 1991, DOI
  • IV Shvets, Ferromagnetic-films of MNSB prepared by laser ablation deposition, unknown, 1993, 73, ISI Web of Science, 1993, pp6845 - 6845Meeting Abstract, 1993
  • N Mitchell, Fragmentation of gall-stones using pulsed laser-light, unknown, 1988, 29, ISI Web of Science, 1988, ppA1453 - A1454Meeting Abstract, 1988
  • D. Cole and JG Lunney, GAN thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation in nitrogen and ammonia reactive atmospheres, Materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology, 50, (1-3), 1997, p20 - 24Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • D Cole, JG Lunney, FP Logue, JF Donegan and JMD Coey, GAN thin films produced by pulsed laser deposition, Materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology, 48, (3), 1997, p239 - 243Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • TN Hansen, J. Castro, A. Guilbert, I. Krisch, A. Engel, J. Larour, P. Choi and JG Lunney, High-brillance source of soft x-ray photons produced by microcapillary discharge, Journal de Physique IV France, 11, (PR7), 2001, p31 - 32Journal Article, 2001
  • PM Dodd, JG Lunney and JV Armstrong, In-situ monitoring of metal multilayer growth by optical reflectometry, Optical Engineering, 33, 1994, p3969 - 3973Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • R. Jordan, M. McConnell and JG Lunney, In-situ optical monitoring of pulsed-laser deposition of YBA2CU3OX, Superconductor Science & Technology, 8, (7), 1995, p504 - 506Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • JG Lunney, JF Seely, Inner-shell excitation of argon dielectronic satellite spectral-lines in imploded micro-balloon plasmas, 1982, -Miscellaneous, 1982
  • F. Girard, JG Lunney, J. Larour and R. Dussart, Interpretation of capillary discharge EUV pinhole images using a ray-tracing code, Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 35, (11), 2002, p1164 - 1170Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • HJ Masterson, JG Lunney and JMD Coey, Investigation into the magnetic properties of Zn1-xMnxTe thin films by the faraday effect, Journal of Applied Physics, 81, (2), 1997, p799 - 805Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • R Jordan and JG Lunney, Investigation of excimer laser ablation of iron, Applied Surface Science, 127-129, 1998, p968 - 972Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • JG Lunney, JF Lawlor and R. Aratari, Ion emission studies of pulsed-laser evaporation of YBA2CU3O7, 1993, -Miscellaneous, 1993
  • TN. Hansen, J. Schou and JG Lunney, Ion time-of-flight study of laser ablation of silver in low pressure gases, Applied Surface Science, 138-139, 1999, p184 - 187Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • JG Lunney, Ion-implanted target for soft-x-ray laser investigations, Optics Communications, 50, (6), 1984, p367 - 372Journal Article, 1984, DOI
  • TN Hansen, J. Schou and JG Lunney, Langmuir probe study of plasma expansion in pulsed laser ablation, Applied physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 69, (7), 1999, pS601 - S604Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • K. Schulmeister, JG Lunney and B. Buckley, Laser chemical vapor-deposition of cobalt thin-films, Journal of Applied Physics, 72, (8), 1992, p3480 - 3484Journal Article, 1992, DOI
  • M Hogan and JG Lunney, Laser photoablation of spin-on-glass, Applied Physics Letters, 53, (10), 1988, p831 - 833Journal Article, 1988, DOI
  • M. Hogan, JD Magan, W Blau, JG Lunney and J. Woods, Laser photoablation of spin-on-glass and poly(ehtyl cyanoacrylate) photoresist, Applied Surface Science, 36, (1-4), 1989, p343 - 349Journal Article, 1989, DOI
  • M. Cazzanelli, C. Vinegoni, D. Cole, JG Lunney, PG Middleton, C. Trager-Cowan, KP O'Donnell and L. Pavesi, Luminescent properties of GAN thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology, 59, (1-3), 1999, p137 - 140Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • RP Borges, W. Guichard, JG Lunney, JMD Coey and F. Ott, Magnetic and electric "Dead" Layers in (LA0.7SR0.3)MNO3 thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 89, (7), 2001, p3868 - 3873Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • HJ Masterson, JG Lunney, D. Ravinder and JMD Coey, Magnetic-properties of (111) LI0.5FE2.5O4 films, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 140, (part 3), 1995, p2081 - 2082Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Jf Lawlor, JG Lunney and JMD Coey, Magneto-optic Faraday-effect in (LA1-XCAX)MNO3 films, Applied Physics Letters, 65, (23), 1994, p3017 - 3018Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • JG Lunney, Measurement of electron-temperature and state of ionization in laser-produced plasmas by use of dielectronic satellite lines, 1989, -Miscellaneous, 1989
  • C. Vinegoni, M. Cazzanelli, A. Trivelli, G. Mariotto, J. Castro, JG Lunney and J. Levy, Morphological and optical characterization of GAN prepared by pulsed laser deposition, Surface and Coatings Technology, 124, (2-3), 2000, p272 - 277Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • JG Lunney, One-ne-photon 2-electron dielectronic satellite transitions in the x-ray-spectra of laser-produced plasmas, 1983, -Miscellaneous, 1983
  • JV Armstrong, M Enrech, C Decrouez, JG Lunney and JMD Coey, Perpendicular magnetic-anisotropy in iron films produced by laser chemical vapor-deposition of FE(CO)5, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 26, (5), 1990, p1629 - 1631Journal Article, 1990, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • M. Cazzanelli, D. Cole, J.F. Donegan, JG Lunney, PG Middleton, KP O'Donnell, C. Vinegoni and L. Pavesi, Photoluminescence of localised excitons in pulsed laser-deposited GAN, Applied Physics Letters, 73, (23), 1998, p3390 - 3392Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • I Weaver, C.L.S. Lewis, A.G. MacPhee, P.J. Warwick, R. Jordan and JG Lunney, Pld fabrication of a soft x-ray multi layer mirror and LPP reflectance test, Aplied Surface Science, 127-129, 1998, p915 - 921Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • M Enrech, JG Lunney, R.Skomski and JMD Coey, Preparation of Co/Pd multilayer films by laser-ablation depotition, Materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology, 23, (1), 1994, p25 - 28Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • JG Lunney and R. Jordan, Pulsed laser ablation of metals, Applied Surface Science, 127-129, 1998, p941 - 946Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • D. Cole, R. Jordan, JG Lunney and JMD Coey, Pulsed laser deposition of FE thin films in UHV, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 165, (1-3), 1997, p246 - 249Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • M. Cazzanelli, D. Cole, J. Versluijs, JF Donegan and JG Lunney , Pulsed laser deposition of GAN thin films, Materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology, 59, (1-3), 1999, p98 - 103Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • R Jordan, D. Cole and JG Lunney, Pulsed laser deposition of particulate-free thin films using a curved magnetic filter, Applied Surface Science, 109-110, 1997, p403 - 407Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • JF Lawlor, JMD Coey, JG Lunney and V. Skumryev, Pulsed laser deposition of thin films of (LA1-XCAX)MNO3, Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 8, (49), 1996, p10737 - 10752Journal Article, 1996, DOI
  • R. Jordan, D. Cole, JG Lunney, K. Mackey and D. Givord, Pulsed-laser ablation of copper, Applied Suface Science, 86, (1-4), 1995, p24 - 28Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • MP Molloy, WJ Blau and JG Lunney, Pulsed-laser deposition of magnetic semiconductor EuS, EuSe, AND EuTe thin-films, 1993, -Miscellaneous, 1993
  • JG Lunney, Pulsed-laser deposition of metal and metal multilayer films, Applied Surface Science, 86, 1995, p79 - 85Journal Article, 1995
  • F. Ott, Barberan, JG Lunney, JMD Coey, P. Berthet, AM de Leon-Guevara and A. Revcolevschii , Quantized conductance in a contact between metallic oxide crystals, Physical Reviews B, 58, (8), 1998, p4656 - 4659Journal Article, 1998, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • JG Lunney, Soft-x-ray laser action using resonant photo-excitation of autoionising states of lithium-like ions, Optics Communications, 53, (4), 1985, p235 - 237Journal Article, 1985, DOI
  • M Viret, JF Lawlor and JG Lunney, Synthesis of bisrcacuo thin-films by in-situ and ex-situ pulsed-laser deposition, Superconductor Science & Technology, 6, (7), 1993, p490 - 496Journal Article, 1993, DOI
  • TP O'Brien, JF Lawlor, JG Lunney and WJ Blau, The effect of laser fluence on the ablation and deposition of YBA2CU3O7, Materials Science and Engineering B , 13, (1), 1992, p9 - 13Journal Article, 1992, DOI
  • JV Armstrong, M. McGloughlin, JG Lunney and JMD Coey, Thermal-diffusivity and laser melting of YBA2CU3O7 superconductor, Superconductor Science and Technology, 4, (3), 1991, p89 - 92Journal Article, 1991, DOI
  • HJ Masterson, JG Lunney, JMD Coey, R. Atkinson, IW Salter and Papakonstantinou, Thin-films of barium ferrite with perpendicular magnetic-anisotropy produced by laser ablation deposition, Journal of Applied Physics, 73, (8), 1993, p3917 - 3921Journal Article, 1993, DOI
  • P. Loiseleur, T. Hansen, J. Larour and JG Lunney , Time-resolved EUV Spectroscopy in the Early Stage of Laser Ablation of Carbon, Applied Surface Science, 197-198, 2002, p164 - 168Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • V. Tokarev, W.Marine, JG Lunney, Time-resolved measurements of plume shielding during ArF laser-ablation of silicon, Thin Solid Films, 241, (1-2), 1994, p129 - 133Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • JG Lunney, PJ Dobson, JD Hares, SD Tabatabei and RW Eason, Time-resolved x-ray-diffraction from silicon during pulsed laser annealing, Optics Communications, 58, (4), 1986, p269 - 272Journal Article, 1986, DOI
  • JF Lawlor, JG Lunney and JM Coey, Tunnelling like behaviour in trilayer heterostructures of YBA2CU3O7-DELTA/LA1-XCAXMNO3/YBA2CU3O7-DELTA, Physics C - superconductivity and its applications, 235, 1994, p737 - 738Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • JG Lunney, Wave-guiding in soft-x-ray laser experiments, Applied Physics Letters, 48, (14), 1986, p891 - 893Journal Article, 1986, DOI
  • NF Mitchell, R. Novak, M. McGloughlin and JG Lunney, Wavelength dependence of laser fragmentation of gallstones, Lasers in Medical Science, 7, (4), 1992, p427 - 432Journal Article, 1992
  • M H Key, M J Lamb, and C L S Lewis, J G Lunney and A K Roy, 'Studies of the feasibility of VUV laser action in adiabatically cooling laser-produced plasmas, Optics Communications, 18, 1976, p156-Journal Article, 1976
  • M H Key, C L S Lewis, J G Lunney, A. Moore, T A Hall and R G Evans, 'Pulsed X-ray shadowgraphy of dense, cool, laser-imploded plasma, Physics Review Letters, 41, (21), 1978, p1467-1470Journal Article, 1978, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • M H Key, J G Lunney, R G Evans, and J M Ward, Plasma parameters in laser-imploded targets from source resolved X-ray spectroscopy, Journal of Physics B, 12, (6), 1979, L213-L218Journal Article, 1979, DOI
  • J D Hares, J D Kilkenny, M H Key and J G Lunney, Measurement of fast-electron energy spectra and preheating in laser-irradiated targets, Physics Review Letters, 42, (18), 1979, p1216-1219Journal Article, 1979, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • J D Kilkenny, R W Lee, M H Key and J G Lunney, The X-ray spectroscopic diagnosis of laser-produced plasmas, with emphasis on line broadening, Physics Review A, 22, (6), 1980, p2746-2760Journal Article, 1980, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • C S L Lewis, L Cooke, J G Lunney, A Moore, J M Ward, R G Evans, M H Key and T A Hall, Studies of laser driven implosions by time resolved shadowgraphy, Proceedings 9th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Oxford, 1979Journal Article, 1979
  • J D Kilkenny, D J Bond, D R Gray, J D Hares, R G Evans, M H Key, W Toner and J G Lunney, Energy transport from 1.06 micron and 0.53 micron laser plasma interactions at 1O, 15 W cm, -2, Proc. 9th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Oxford, 1979Journal Article, 1979
  • J G Lunney, C L S Lewis, A Moore, M H Key, J D Kilkenny and R W Lee, X-ray spectrometry of laser compressed microballoons, Proc. 9th Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Oxford, 1979Journal Article, 1979
  • M H Key, C L S Lewis, J G Lunney, A. Moore, J M Ward, and R K Thareja, Time-resolved X-ray spectroscopy of laser produced plasmas, Physics Review Letters, 44, (25), 1980, p1669-1672Journal Article, 1980, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • M H Key, J G Lunney, J D Kilkenny, and R W Lee, Experimental evidence of hydrodynamic instabilities in laser driven implosions, Applied Physics Letters, 36, (4), 1980, p269-270Journal Article, 1980, DOI
  • D Kilkenny, D J Bond, A J Cole, D Everett, T J Goldsack, J D Hares, R W Lee, J Murdoch, S J Veats, L Cooke, M J Lamb, C L S Lewis, J G Lunney, A Moore, M J Ward, R G Evans, M H Key, P T Rumbsy, A Raven,W Toner, T A Hall, T Pugatschew, S M S Sim and O Willi, Recent progress in laser interaction and ablative compression experiments at the Rutherford Laboratory, Proceedings 5th Workshop on Laser interaction with Matter, 1980Journal Article, 1980
  • C L S Lewis, L Cooke, J G Lunney, A Moore, J M Ward, R G Evans, M H Key, P T Rumbsy and T A Hall, Time-resolved X-ray shadowgraphy of laser driven ablative implosions, Proceedings 4th National Quantum Electronics Conf., 1980Journal Article, 1980
  • J D Hares, J D Kilkenny, M H Key and J G Lunney, A parametric study of fast electron preheat in laser interactions, Proceedings 4th National Quantum Electronics Conf., 1980Journal Article, 1980
  • J G Lunney and J F Seeley, Silicon satellite spectra from laser imploded microballoons, Physics Review Letters, 46, (5), 1981, p342-345Journal Article, 1981, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • R W Eason, D K Bradley, J D Hares, A J Rankin, S D Tabatabei, J G Lunney, P C Cheng, R Feder, A G Michette, R Rosser, F O'Neill, Y Owadano, P Rumbsy and M Shaw, Recent applications of laser-produced plasma X-ray sources, Proceedings of S.P.I.E Conference on High Intensity Laser Processes, 664, 1986, p161 - 171Conference Paper, 1986
  • J.V. Armstrong, J.M.D. Coey and J.G. Lunney, Laser surface treatment of amorphous and crystalline Fe40Ni38Mo4B18, Proceedings of the Symposium on Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Metals, 1987, p309 - 311Journal Article, 1987
  • J G Lunney, J V Armstrong, J M D Coey, and M E G Lyons, Enhanced corrosion resistance Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 and Nd15Fe77B8 by laser glazing, Proceedings of Congress on Optical Science and Engineering, Hamburg, W. Germany SPIE , 1022, 1988, p216 - 223Journal Article, 1988
  • J D Magan, M P Hogan, W Blau, J G Lunney and J G Woods, Photoablative etching of poly(ethyl-cyanoacrylate) photoresist, Chemtronics, 4, (2), 1989, p74 - 77Journal Article, 1989, DOI
  • J. F. Lawler, T. P. O'Brien, J. G. Lunney and J. M. D. Coey, In situ laser ablation deposition of thin film superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox, High Tc Superconductor Thin Films, 1992, p475 - 480Journal Article, 1992
  • H. J. Masterson, J. G. Lunney, J. M. D. Coey and A. Moukarika, Iron oxide thin films produced by laser ablation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 115, (2-3), 1992, p155 - 162Journal Article, 1992, DOI
  • D.O'Mahony, C.Smith, C.Budtz-Jorgensen, M.Venkatesan, J.G.Lunney, J.F.McGilp, J.M.D.Coey, Optical and magnetic properties of europium sulphide thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, Thin Solid Films, Volume 488, (1-2), 2005, p200-203Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • T. M. Khan, M. A, Mujawar, K. E. Siewerska, A. Pokle, T. Donnelly, N. McEvoy, G. S. Duesberg and J. G. Lunney, Atmospheric pulsed laser deposition and thermal annealing of plasmonic silver nanoparticle films, Nanotechnology, 28, 2017, p445601-1 - 445601-11Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • J. R. Creel and J. G. Lunney, Compression and heating of a laser-produced plasma using single and double induction coils, Applied Physics Letters, 124, 2018, p124 - 131Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • K. W. Mah, J.-P. Mosnier, E. McGlynn, M. O. Henry, D.O'Mahony and J. G. Lunney, Study of photoluminescence at 3.310 eV and 3.368 eV in GaN/sapphire (0001) and Gan/GaAs(001) grown by liquid-target pulsed laser deposition, Applied Physics Letters , 80, (18), 2002, p3301 - 3303Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • B. Thestrup, B. Toftmann, J. Schou, B. Doggett and J.G.Lunney, Ion dynamics in laser ablation plumes from selected metals at 355 nm, Applied Surface Science, 197-198, 2002, p175 - 180Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • B.Toftmann, J.Schou and J.G.Lunney, Dynamics of the plume produced by nanosecond ultraviolet laser ablation of metals, Physical Review B , 67, 2003, p104101-1 - 104101-5Journal Article, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • B. Thestrup, B. Toftmann, J. Schou, B. Doggett and J. G. Lunney, A comparison of the laser plume from Cu and YBCO studied with ion probes, Applied Surface Science , 208-209, (1), 2003, p33 - 38Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • E. de Posada, G. Tobin, E. McGlynn and J. G. Lunney, Pulsed laser deposition of ZnO and Mn-doped ZnO thin films, Applied Surface Science , 208-209, 2003, p589 - 593Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • C. Roy, S. Byrne, E. McGlynn, J.-P. Mosnier, E. de Posada, D. O'Mahony, J.G.Lunney, M. O. Henry, B. Ryan and A.A. Cafolla, Correlation of Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements of annealed pulsed laser deposition ZnO thin films, Thin Solid Films, 436, (2), 2003, p273 - 276Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • D. O'Mahony, J. G. Lunney, G. Tobin and E. McGlynn, Pulsed laser deposition of manganese doped GaN thin films, Solid-State Electronics , 47, (3), 2003, p533 - 537Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Alan Shaw, John F. Donegan, James G. Lunney, and Louise Bradley , Optical design of GaN resonant cavity LEDs emitting at 510 nm for use in plastic optical fibre applications, Conference Title: Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications , Galway, Ireland , 05 September 2002 , edited by Thomas J. Glynn , 4876, (1), 2003, pp184-195Conference Paper, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • D. O'Mahony,E. de Posada, J.G.Lunney J.-P. Mosnier, and E. McGlynn, Pulsed laser deposition of wide bandgap semiconductor thin films, Proceedings of SPIE, 4876, (1), 2003, p508 - 516Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • G. Tobin, E. McGlynn, M. O. Henry, J. P. Mosnier, J. G. Lunney, D. O'Mahony and E. de Posada, Ultraviolet stimulated emission from bulk and polycrystalline ZnO thin films with varying grain sizes, Physica B, 340-342, 2003, p245 - 249Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • E. McGlynn, J. Fryar, M. O. Henry, J.-P. Mosnier, J. G. Lunney, D. O' Mahony and E. de Posada, Exciton-polariton behaviour in bulk and polycrystalline ZnO, Physica B, 340-342, 2003, p230 - 234Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • E. McGlynn, J. Fryar, G.Tobin, M. O. Henry, J.-P. Mosnier, E. de Posada and J. G. Lunney, Effect of polycrystallinity on the optical properties of highly oriented ZnO grown by pulsed laser deposition, Thin Solid Films, 458, (1-2), 2004, p330 - 335Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • A. Shaw, A.L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan and J. G. Lunney, GaN resonant cavity light-emitting diodes for plastic optical fibre applications, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16, (9), 2004, p2006 - 2008Journal Article, 2004, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • M. Venkatesan, C. B. Fitzgerald, J. G. Lunney and J. M. D. Coey, Anisotropic ferromagnetism in substituted zinc oxide, Physical Review Letters , 93, (17), 2004, p177206-1-177206-4Journal Article, 2004, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • D.O'Mahony, F. McGee, M Venkatesan, J.G. Lunney and J. M. D. Coey, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in (Ga, Mn)N thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, Superlattices and Microstructures , 36, (4-6), 2004, p403 - 408Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • L.S.Dorneles, M Venkatesan, M. Moliner, J.G. Lunney and J. M. D. Coey, Magnetism in thin films of CaB6 and SrB6, Applied Physics Letters , 85, (26), 2004, p6377 - 6379Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • I Mirza, D.McCloskey, W. J. Blau and J. G. Lunney, Mechanism of large optical nonlinearity in gold nanoparticle films, Optics Letters, 43, (7), 2018, p1455 - 1458Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • J.M.D. Coey, M. Venkatesan, C.B. Fitzgerald, L.S. Dorneles, P. Stamenov and J.G. Lunney, Anisotropy of the magnetization of a dilute magnetic oxide, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291, (2), 2005, p1405 - 1407Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Khan, T.M. and Pokle, A. and Lunney, J.G., Atmospheric pulsed laser deposition of plasmonic nanoparticle films of silver with flowing gas and flowing atmospheric plasma, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 124, (4), 2018, p336-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Jadwiszczak, J. and Li, G. and Cullen, C.P. and Wang, J.J. and Maguire, P. and Duesberg, G.S. and Lunney, J.G. and Zhang, H., Photoresponsivity enhancement in monolayer MoS2 by rapid O2:Ar plasma treatment, Applied Physics Letters, 114, (9), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • J. Jadwiszczak, G. Li, C. P. Cullen, J. J. Wang, P. Maguire, G. S. Duesberg J. G. Lunney and H. Zhang, Photoresponsivity enhancement in monolayer MoS2 by rapid O2:Ar plasma treatment, Applied Physics Letters, 114, (09), 2019, p091103-1 - 091103-5Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • T. M. Khan, J. G. Lunney, D. O'Rourke, M.-C. Meyer, J. R. Creel and K. E. Siewierska, Various pulsed laser deposition methods for preparation of silver-sensitised glass and paper substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Applied Physics A, 125, 2019, p659-1 - 659-7Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • J. R. Creel, T. Donnelly and J. G. Lunney, Device for inductive heating and focusing of laser produced plasma, Review of Scientific Instruments, 90, (09), 2019, p093506-1 - 093506-8Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Fanning, Eoin and Donnelly, Tony and Lunney, James G. and Murray, Darina B. and Persoons, Tim, Application of gaseous laser-induced fluorescence in low-temperature convective heat transfer research, Experiments in Fluids, 61, (5), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Tony Donnelly, Gearoid O'Connell, James G. Lunney, Metal Nanoparticle Film Deposition by Femtosecond Laser Ablation at Atmospheric Pressure, Nanomaterials, 10, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
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  • Govindassamy, G.A. and Prentice, J.J. and Lunney, J.G. and Eason, R.W. and Mackenzie, J.I., Effect of laser repetition rate on the growth of Sc2O3 via pulsed laser deposition, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 128, (7), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
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  • Weiming Su, James G. Lunney, Rocco Lupoi, Atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma sintering of solvent-free silver lines made by laser ablation dry aerosol printing, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 71, (1), 2023, p153 - 156Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Mc Murry S, Weaire D, Lunney J and Hutzler S, Theory of diffusivelight scattering from disordered materials, Optical Engineering, 33, (12), 1994, p3849 - 3852Journal Article, 1994, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Fitzgerald CB, Venkantesan M, Lunney JG, Dorneles LS, Coey JMD, Cobalt-doped ZnO - a room temperature dilute magnetic semiconductor, Applied Surface Science, 247 , (1-4), 2005, p493 - 496Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • B. Doggett, C. Budtz-Joergenson, J.G. Lunney, P. Sheerin, M.M. Turner, Behaviour of a planar Langmuir probe in a Laser ablation plasma, Applied Surface Science, 247, (1-4), 2005, p134-138Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Dorneles LS, O'Mahony D, Fitzgerald CB, McGee F, Venkatesan M, Stanca I, Lunney JG, Coey JMD, Structural and compositional analysis of transition-metal-doped ZnO and GaNPLD thin films, Applied Surface Science, 248, (1-4), 2005, 406-410Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Casper V Budtz-Jorgensen, Michael M Mond, Brendan Doggett and James G Lunney, 123 Model for Laser ablation plume expansion in gas, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, (12), 2005, p1892-1898Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • K.K Vamsi, Yu. P. Rakovich, A.L Bradley, J.F Donegan, B. Doggett, T. Donnelly, J. G Lunney, N. Gaponik and A. Susha, Interaction of Surface Plasmons with CdTe quantum dot excitons, 5955, , (5955OL-1 ), 2005, pp1-6Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • JG Lunney, One-photon two-electron dielectronic satellite spectra, Journal of Physics B, 16, (21), 1983, pL631-L634Journal Article, 1983, DOI
  • G. Tobin, E. McGlynn. M.O. Henry, J.-P. Mosnier, Posada and J. G. Lunney, Effects of excitonic diffusion on stimulated emission in nanocrystalline ZnO, Applied Physics Letters, 88, (7), 2006, p071919-1 - 071919-3Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • A. Shaw, T. McCormack, A.L. Bradley, J.G. Lunney, J.F. Donegan, Modelling of Extraction Efficiency of GaN-Based Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diodes Emitting at 510 nm, Physica Status Solidi (a), 192, (1), 2002, p103 - 109Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • S. Krishnamurthy, C. McGuinness, L. S. Dorneles, M. Venkatesan, J. M. D. Coey, J. G. Lunney, C. H. Patterson, K. E. Smith, T. Learmonth, P.A. Glans, T. Schmitt, J.-H. Guo, Soft x-ray spectroscopic investigation of ferromagnetic Co-doped ZnO, Journal of Applied Physics, 99, (08M111), 2006, p1 - 3Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Optical Properties of Nanocrystalline ZnO Thin Films Grown Using Pulsed Laser Deposition in, editor(s)John V. Chang, pp. 103-128 , New Developments in Condensed Matter Physics, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006, pp103 - 128, [E. McGlynn, J.Fryar, G. Tobin, C. Roy, S. Byrne, J.-P. Mosnier, E. de Posada, D. O'Mahony, J.G. Lunney, M.O. Henry]Book Chapter, 2006
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  • James G. Lunney and Denis Weaire, The ins and outs of conical refraction, Europhysics News, 37, (3), 2006, p26 - 29Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Tony Donnelly, Brendan Doggett, James G. Lunney, Pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured Ag films, Applied Surface Science, 252, (13 SPEC. ISS., 30), 2006, p4445 - 4448Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • I. V. Shvets, O. Cugat, J. G. Lunney, and J. M. D. Coey, Ferromagnetic films of MnSb prepared by laser ablation deposition, 1993, 73, (6845 ), APS, 1993, pp6845 - 6845Meeting Abstract, 1993, DOI
  • Vamsi, K.K.; Rakovich, Yu.P.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Doggett, B.; Donnelly, T.; Lunney, J.G.; Gaponik, N.; Susha, A, Interaction of surface plasmons with CdTe quantum dot excitons, Proceedings of SPIE, Metamaterials , Warsaw, Poland, 30 August, edited by Tomasz Szoplik, Ekmel Özbay, Costas M. Soukoulis, Nikolay I. Zheludev , 5955, SPIE, 2005, pp1 - 6Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • S. Amoruso, J. Schou and J. G. Lunney, Multiple-scattering effects in laser ablation plume expansion in gases, Europhysics Letters, 76, (3), 2006, p436 - 442Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Group III Nitride Growth in, editor(s)R. Eason , Pulsed laser Deposition of Thin Films, Hoboken, New Jersey, Wiley-Interscience, 2007, pp291 - 312, [D. O'Mahony and J. G. Lunney]Book Chapter, 2007
  • James G. Lunney, Brendan Doggett and Yitzhak Kaufman, Langmuir probe diagnosis of laser ablation plasmas, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Eighth International Conference on Laser Ablation (Cola '05), Banff, Canada, 11-16 September 2005, 59, (1), Institute of Physics, 2007, pp470 - 474Conference Paper, 2007, DOI
  • P T Mannion, S Favre, C Mullan, D S Ivanov, G M O'Connor, T J Glynn, B Doggett and J G Lunney, Langmuir probe investigation of plasma expansion in femto-and picosecond laser ablation of selected metals, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Eighth International Conference on Laser Ablation (Cola '05), Banff, Canada, 11-16 September 2005, 59, (1), Institute of Physics, 2007, pp753 - 757Conference Paper, 2007, DOI
  • L.S. Dorneles, M. Venkatesan, R. Gunning, P. Stamenov, J. Alaria, M. Rooney, J.G. Lunney, J.M.D. Coey, Magnetic and Structural properties of Co-doped ZnO thin films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Magnetism, The International Conference on Magnetism , 310, (Issue 2 SUPPL. Pt 3), Elsevier B.V., 2007, pp2087 - 2088Conference Paper, 2007, DOI
  • T. Donnelly, S. Krishnamurthy, K. Carney, N. McEvoy, J.G Lunney, Pulsed laser deposition of nanoparticle films of Au, Applied Surface Science, 254, (4), 2007, p1303 - 1306Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Donagh O'Mahony, James G Lunney, Thomas Dumont, Stela Canulescu, Thomas Lippert, alexander Wokaun, Laser-produced plasma ion characteristics in laser ablation of lithium manganate, Applied Surface Science, 254, (4), 2007, p811 - 815Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • M.S.B. Darby, T.C. May Smith, R.W. Eason, T. Donnelly, J.G. Lunney, K.D. Rogers, A comparative study of gadolinium gallium garnet growth by femtosecond and nanosecond pulsed laser deposition, Applied Surface Science, 254, (11), 2008, p3364 - 3369Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • S K Karkari, B Doggett, C Gaman, T Donnelly, D O'Farrell, A R Ellingboe, J G Lunney, Measurement of electron density in a laser produced plasma using a hairpin resonance probe, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 17, (3), 2008, p1 - 4Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • E. Sterling, C. Pagano, J.G. Lunney, Influence of fast eletrical discharge on expansion of laser produced plasma, Applied Physics A - Materials Science and Processing, 92, (4), 2008, p1031 - 1035Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • T. Donnelly, J.G. Lunney, Optical absorption in early stage low temperature laser produced plasma, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 92, (4), 2008, p951 - 955Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Salvatore Amoruso, Jørgen Schou, James G. Lunney, Influence of the atomic mass of the background gas on laser ablation plume propagation, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 92, (4), 2008, p907 - 911Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Gunning, R.D., Rode, K., Sofin, S.R.G., Venkatesan, M., Coey, J.M.D., Shvets, I.V., Lunney, J.G., Thin films of semiconducting lithium ferrite produced by pulsed laser deposition , Applied Surface Science, 255, (10), 2009, p5245-5247Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Doggett, B., Lunney, J.G., Langmuir probe characterization of laser ablation plasmas , Journal of Applied Physics, 105, (3), 2009, part. no. 033306Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • O'Dwyer, D., Phelan, C., Rakovich, Y., Cizmar, T., Dholakia, K., Donegan, J.F., Lunney, J.G., Polarisation distribution for internal conical diffraction and the superposition of zero and first order bessel beams , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7062, 2008, p70620WJournal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Rode, K., Gunning, R.D., Sofin, R.G.S., Venkatesan, M., Lunney, J.G., Coey, J.M.D., Shvets, I.V., Magnetic anisotropy in ilmenite-hematite solid solution thin films grown by pulsed laser ablation , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 320, (23), 2008, p3238-3241Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Krishnamurthy, S., Donnelly, T., McEvoy, N., Blau, W., Lunney, J.G., Teh, A.S., Teo, K.B.K.T., Milne, W.I., Growth of carbon nanotubes on Si substrate using Fe catalyst produced by pulsed laser deposition , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , 8, (11), 2008, p5748-5752Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Schaaf, P., Serna, R., Lunney, J.G., Fogarassy, E., Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials , Applied Surface Science , 254, (4), 2007, p789Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • B. Arnold, S. Krishnamurthy, B. Kennedy, D. Cockburn, D. McNally, J. G. Lunney, R. Gunning, M. Venkatesan, J Alaria, J. M. D. Coey and C. McGuinness, Growth and characterisation of Al1-xCrxN thin fims by RF plasma assisted pulsed laser deposition., e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, The 14th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces , April 4, 7, 2009, pp497-502Conference Paper, 2009, DOI
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  • Lunney, J.G., Doggett, B., Langmuir probe study of laser ablation plume dynamics , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, High-Power Laser Ablation VI , Taos, NM, USA , Sunday 7 May 2006 , 6261 I, SPIE, 2006, pparticle no 62610BConference Paper, 2006, DOI
  • McGee, F., O'Mahony, D., Dorneles, L.S., Lunney, J.G., Venkatesan, M., Coey, J.M.D., Epitaxial growth of ferromagnetic Ga1-xMnxN , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4825, 2005, p335-347Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • K. W. Mah E.McGlynn , J-P. Mosnier , M.O. Henry, J. Castro, D. O'Mahony and J. G.Lunney, Photoluminescence study of GaN grown by pulsed laser deposition in nitrogen atmosphere, Materials Science and Engineering, B82, (1-3), 2001, p1128-1130Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Hansen, T.N., Castro, J., Gilbert, A., Krisch, I., Engel, A., Larour, J., Choi, P., Lunney, J.G. , Source de photons X mous àhaute brillance par décharge microcapillaire, Journal De Physique. IV , JP 11, (7455), 2001, pPr7-31-Pr7-32Journal Article, 2001
  • Hansen, T.N., Lunney, J.G., Choi, P., Larourt, J. , Characterisation of a fast microcapillary discharge plasma using a compact multi-deflector Thomson parabola ion analyser , IEE Colloquium (Digest) , 156, 2001, p83-86Journal Article, 2001, URL
  • Mah, K.W., McGlynn, E., Castro, J., Lunney, J.G., Mosnier, J.-P., O'Mahony, D., Henry, M.O. , Defect luminescence of GaN grown by pulsed laser deposition , Journal of Crystal Growth, 222, (3), 2001, p497-502Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • R. P. Borges, M. A. Bari, J. J. Versluijs, J. G. Lunney, J. M. D. Coey, M. Besse and J-P Contour, Thin films of Sr2FeMoO6 deposited by pulsed laser deposition, Proceedings of International Conference on Thin Film Deposition of Oxide Multilayers, Industrial Scale Processing, Vilnius, 2000, pp33-36Conference Paper, 2000
  • A. Engel, M. Sadowski, E. Skladnik, J. Larour, P. Choi, C.Dumitrescu, J. G. Lunney, T. N. Hansen, A. Guilbert and J. Rous, Fast microcapillary discharge as a point-like source of pulsed ion beams, Journal of Technical Physics, 40, 1999, p501-504Journal Article, 1999
  • A. Engel, T. N. Hansen, P. Choi, C.Dumitrescu, J. G. Lunney, I. Krisch, J Larour and J. Rous, A high brillance VUV/soft X-ray microcapillary radiation source powered by a 1013 A/s compact driver, Journal of Technical Physics, 40, 1999, p497-500Journal Article, 1999
  • F. Ott and J.G. Lunney, Quantum conduction: a step-by-step guide,, Europhysics News, 29, 1998, p13-16Journal Article, 1998
  • G. C. Tyrell, T. York, N. Cherief, D. Givord, J. Lawler, J. G. Lunney, M. Buckley and I. W. Boyd, Kinetic energy and mass distributions of ablated species formed during pulsed laser deposition, Microelectronic Engineering, 25, (2-4), 1994, p247-252Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • S. J. Burbridge, K. H. Cazzini, W. J. Blau, J. G. Lunney and I. T. McGovern, A comparative study of the physical and chemical effects of near and mid-infrared laser irradiation of dentine, Lasers in the Life Sciences, 6, 1994, p197-215Journal Article, 1994
  • T. Asatsuma, P. Dodd, J. F. Donegan, J. G. Lunney and J. Hegarty, Er3+-doped silicon prepared by laser doping, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 301, 1993, p67 - 72Journal Article, 1993
  • T. Donnelly, J. G. Lunney, S. Amoruso, R. Bruzzese, X. Wang and X. Ni, Double pulse ultrafast laser ablation of nickel in vacuum, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 2009, p013304-1 - 5Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • C. Pagano, S Hafeez and J. G. Lunney, Influence of transverse magnetic field on expansion and spectral emission of laser produced plasma, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42, 2009, p155205-1 - 7Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • C.F. Phelan, D. P. O'Dwyer, Y. P. Rakovich, J. F. Donegan and J. G. Lunney, Conical diffraction and Bessel beam formation with a high optical quality biaxial crystal, Optics Express, 17, (15), 2009, p12891 - 12898Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
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  • Mulloy, M.P., Blau, W.J., Lunney, J.G., Pulsed laser deposition of magnetic semiconductor EuS, EuSe, and EuTe thin films , Journal of Applied Physics, 73, (8), 1993, p4104-4106Journal Article, 1993, DOI
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  • Landheer, D., Sibbett, W., Key, M.H., Lamb, M.J., Lewis, C.L.S., Lunney, J., Picosecond X-Ray Chronoscopy, 12th Int Congr on High Speed Photogr (Photonics),, 97, 1977, p207-210Journal Article, 1977
  • M Viret, K Donnelly, J G Lunney and J M D Coey, Hall effect in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O thin films, Journal of Appied Physics, 69, (4), 1991, p2423-2425Journal Article, 1991, DOI
  • In situ laser ablation deposition of thin film superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox in, editor(s)L Correra , High TC Superconductor Thin Films, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1992, pp475-480 , [J F Lawler, T P O'Brien, J G Lunney and J M D Coey]Book Chapter, 1992
  • H J Masterson, J G Lunney and J M D Coey, Iron oxide thin films produced by laser ablation deposition, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Ferrites (ICF 6), Sixth International Conference on Ferrites (ICF 6), Tokyo and Kyoto,, 1992, pp397-399Conference Paper, 1992
  • Katherine A. Sloyan, Timothy C. May-Smith, Robert W. Eason, James G. Lunney, The effect of relative plasma plume delay on the properties of complex oxide films grown by multi-laser, multi-target combinatorial pulsed laser deposition, Applied Surface Science, 255, (22), 2009, p9066-9070Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • M. Esposito, T. Lippert, C. W. Schneider, A Wokaun, T. Donnelly, J. G. Lunney, H. Tellez, J. M. Vadillo and J.J. Laserna, Pulsed laser ablation of silver: ion dynamics in plasma plume , Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12, (3), 2010, pp677 - 680Conference Paper, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • D. O'Dwyer, C. Phelan, Y. Rakovich, P. R. Eastham, J. G. Lunney and J. F. Donegan, Generation of continuously tuneable fractional optical orbital angular momentum using internal conical diffraction, Optics Express, 18, (16), 2010, p16480 - 16485Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Donnelly, J. G. Lunney, S. Amoruso, R. Bruzzese and X. Wang, Plume dynamics in femtosecond laser ablation of metals, Proceedings of High-Powered Laser Ablation Conference , International High-Powered Laser Ablation Conference , 12-22 April, AIP, 2010, pp643-655Conference Paper, 2010, URL
  • E. Sterling and J. G. Lunney, Z-pinch discharge in laser produced plasma, Proceedings of HPLA, HPLA, AIP, 2010, pp567-575Conference Paper, 2010, URL
  • E. Sterling, I. Tobin, J. G. Lunney, Z-pinch Discharge in Laser Produced Plasma, Proceedings of 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology Dublin City University, 21 - 25 June , 2010, pp1-4Conference Paper, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • C. Pagano and J. G. Lunney, Lateral confinement of laser ablation plasma in magnetic field, Journal of Physics D, 43, (30), 2010, p305202-1 - 7Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Donnelly, T, Lunney, JG, Amoruso, S, Bruzzese, R, Wang, X, Ni, X, Dynamics of the plumes produced by ultrafast laser ablation of metals, Journal of Applied Physics, 108, (4), 2010, p043309Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Donnelly, T., Lunney, J.G., Amoruso, S., Bruzzese, R., Wang, X., Ni, X., Angular distributions of plume components in ultrafast laser ablation of metal targets , Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 100, (2), 2010, p569-574Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Amoruso, S., Schou, J., Lunney, J.G., Energy balance of a laser ablation plume expanding in a background gas, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 101, (1), 2010, p209-214Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • V.E. Kaydashev, J.G. Lunney, Dynamics of ZnO laser produced plasma in high pressure argon, Applied Surface Science, 275, (12), 2011, p5163-5167Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • S. Amoruso, R. Bruzzese, X. Wang, G. O'Connell, and J. G. Lunney, Multidiagnostic analysis of ultrafast laser ablation of metals with pulse pair, Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 2010, p113302-Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
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  • D. O'Dwyer, C. F. Phelan, K. E. Ballantine, Y. Rakovich, J. G. Lunney and J. F. Donegan, Conical diffraction of linearly polarised light controls the angular position of a microscopic object, Optics Express, 18, (26), 2010, p27319 - 27326Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • D. O'Dwyer, C. F. Phelan, Y. Rakovich, P. R. Easthan, J. G. Lunney and J. F. Donegan, The creation and annihilation of optical vortices using cascade conical diffraction, Optics Express, 19, (3), 2011, p2580 - 2588Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • O'Dwyer, DP, Phelan, CF, Ballantine, KE, Rakovich, YP, Lunney, JG, Donegan, JF, Conical diffraction of linearly polarised light controls the angular position of a microscopic object, Optics Express, 18, (26), 2010, p27319-27326Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • O'Dwyer, DP, Phelan, CF, Rakovich, YP, Eastham, PR, Lunney, JG, Donegan, JF, Generation of continuously tunable fractional optical orbital angular momentum using internal conical diffraction, Optics Express, 18, (16), 2010, p16480-16485Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Phelan, C.F., Winfield, R.J., O'Dwyer, D.P., Rakovich, Y.P., Donegan, J.F., Lunney, J.G., Two-photon polymerisation of novel shapes using a conically diffracted femtosecond laser beam, Optics Communications, 284, (14), 2011, p3571-3574Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Krishnamurthy, S., Kennedy, B., Mcgee, F., Venkatesan, M., Coey, J.M.D., Lunney, J.G., Learmonth, T., (...), Mcguinness, C., Resonant soft X-ray emission and X-ray absorption studies on Ga1-xMnxN grown by pulsed laser deposition, Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 8, (5), 2011, p1608-1610Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • De Posada, E., Arronte, M.A., Ponce, L., Rodríguez, E., Flores, T., Lunney, J.G., On the use of shockwave models in laser produced plasma expansion, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 17th Reunion Iberoamericana de Optica, RIAO and 10th Encuentro de Optica, Laseres y Aplicaciones, OPTILAS;, Lima, 20-24 Sept 2010, 274, (1), 2011, pp012078Conference Paper, 2011, DOI
  • De Posada, E., Lunney, J.G., Arronte, M.A., Ponce, L., Rodríguez, E., Flores, T., Self-absorption influence on the optical spectroscopy of zinc oxide laser produced plasma, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 17th Reunion Iberoamericana de Optica, RIAO and 10th Encuentro de Optica, Laseres y Aplicaciones, OPTILAS; Lima; 20 , Lima, 20-24 Sept 2010, 274, (1), 2011, pp012079Conference Paper, 2011, DOI
  • Doggett, B, Lunney, JG, Expansion dynamics of laser produced plasma, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, (9), 2011, p093304Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • C. F. Phelan, J. F. Donegan, and J. G. Lunney, Generation of a radially polarized light beam using internal conical diffraction, Optics Express, 19, (22), 2011, p21793-21802Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Borges RR, Lhostis S, Bari MA, Versluijs JJ, Lunney JG, Coey JMD, Besse M, Contour JP, Thin films of the double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 deposited by pulsed laser deposition, Thin Solid Films, 429, (1-2), 2003, p5 - 12Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • CA Smyth, I Mirza, JG Lunney and EM McCabe, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) using Ag nanoparticle films produced by Pulsed Laser deposition (PLD), Journal of Surface Science, 264, 2013, 31-35Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • O'Dwyer, DP, Ballantine, KE, Phelan, CF, Lunney, JG, Donegan, JF, Optical trapping using cascade conical refraction of light, Optics Express, 20, 2012, p21119-21125Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Phelan, CF, Ballantine, KE, Eastham, PR, Donegan, JF, Lunney, JG, Conical diffraction of a Gaussian beam with a two crystal cascade, Optics Express, 20, (12), 2012, p13201-13207Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • G. O'Connell, I. Tobin and J. G. Lunney, Early stage optical emission in nanosecond laser ablation, Applied Physics A, 110, 2013, p731 - 734Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • [B. Toftmann, B. Doggett, C. Budtz-Jorgensen, J. Schou and J. G. Lunney, Femtosecond ultraviolet laser ablation of silver and comparison with nanosecond ablation, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 2013, p083304 -1-7Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • C. Pagano, A. A. Goncharov and J. G. Lunney, Compression and focussing a laser produced plasma using a plasma optical system, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, (2), 2012, p02B701-1 - 3Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Smyth, C.A., Mirza, I., Lunney, J.G., McCabe, E.M., Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of pterins, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE , 8234, 2012, p82341GJournal Article, 2012, DOI
  • O'Dwyer, D.P., Phelan, C.F., Ballantine, K.E., Rakovich, Y.P., Lunney, J.G., Donegan, J.F., An optical trap based on conical refraction of light, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation VII, San Diego, CA, 21-25 August, 8097, SPIE, 2011, pp80971IConference Paper, 2011, DOI
  • I. Tobin, L. Juschkin, Y. Sidelnikov, F. O'Reilly, P. Sheridan, E. Sokell, and J. G. Lunney, Laser triggered Z-pinch broadband extreme ultraviolet source for metrology, Applied Physics Letters, 102, (20), 2013, p203504Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • R. T. Darcy, D. McCloskey, K. E. Ballantine, B. D. Jennings, J. G. Lunney, P. R. Eastham and J. F. Donegan, White light conical diffraction, Optics Express, 21, 2013, p20394-Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Donnelly, T., Lunney, J.G., Confined laser ablation for single-shot nanoparticle deposition of silver, Applied Surface Science, 282, 2013, p133-137Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • De Posada, E., Moreira, L., Pérez De La Cruz, J., Arronte, M., Ponce, L.V., Flores, T., Lunney, J.G., Oxidation of ZnO thin films during pulsed laser deposition process, Bulletin of Materials Science , 36, (3), 2013, p385-388Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • R. T. Darcy, D. McCloskey, K. E. Ballantine, J. G. Lunney, P. R. Eastham and J. F. Donegan, Conical diffraction intensity profiles generated using a top-hat input beam, Optics Express, 22, (9), 2014, p11290-Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Darcy, RT, McCloskey, D, Ballantine, KE, Lunney, JG, Eastham, PR, Donegan, JF, Conical diffraction intensity profiles generated using a top-hat input beam, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22, (9), 2014, p11290-11300Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Yim, CY, O'Brien, M, McEvoy, N, Winters, S, Mirza, I, Lunney, JG, Duesberg, GS, Investigation of the optical properties of MoS2 thin films using spectroscopic ellipsometry, Applied Physics Letters, 104, (10), 2014, p103114-Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mirza,Inam I., O'Connell,Gearoid G., Wang,J. J. J.J., Lunney,James G. J.G., Comparison of nanosecond and femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of silver nanoparticle films, Nanotechnology, 25, (26), 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Chen,Jikun J., Lunney,James G. J.G., Lippert,Thomas K M T.K.M., Ojeda-G-P,Alejandro A., Stender,Dieter D., Schneider,Christof W. C.W., Wokaun,Alexander A., Langmuir probe measurements and mass spectrometry of plasma plumes generated by laser ablation of La0.4Ca0.6MnO3, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, (7), 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • O†Connell,G. G., Donnelly,Tony T., Lunney,James G. J.G., Nanoparticle plume dynamics in femtosecond laser ablation of gold, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 117, (1), 2014, p289-293Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • R. T. Darcy, J. G. Lunney and J. F. Donegan, Observation of a new interference phenomena in internal conical diffraction, Optics Express, 23, 2015, p11290-Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise

My research in physics has been mainly focussed on the interaction of high power lasers with materials. During my Ph. D studies at the Rutherford Laboratory I used very large and powerful lasers to heat materials to very high temperature for laser fusion studies and X-ray laser development. I made some of the first X-ray spectroscopic measurements on laser imploded micro-balloons and observed for the first time density-dependent dielectronic satellite line emission. On joining the Department of Physics at Trinity College I was able to continue some of this work on plasma spectroscopy, and I applied some of these techniques to dense Z-pinch plasma experiments at Imperial College, London. I also published 4 important papers on: . a new pumping scheme for an X-ray laser, . a new spectroscopic method for diagnosing high density plasmas, . time-resolved X-ray diffraction from laser heated crystals, and . a method for wave-guiding in X-ray laser experiments, which has been demonstrated in large laser laboratories in US and Japan In 1986 I established a new programme of research on laser processing of materials at Trinity College. Together with my research students, we have made contributions on a number of topics in this field: . laser ablative etching of polymers and inorganic materials, . laser glazing of metallic alloys, . laser chemical vapour deposition, and . pulsed laser deposition of thin films. We were the first group in Ireland to use the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) to make thin films. PLD is a highly flexible technique for the preparation of complex materials for research. We have used the technique to make thin films of a wide range of superconducting, magnetic, semiconducting and metallic materials for several EU and nationally-funded projects with Prof. Coey and Prof. Blau. We have also shown that it is possible to use PLD to make ultra-thin multilayer films for the fabrication of multilayer mirrors and magneto-resistive devices. My group has made significant contributions on the physics of the laser ablation process. In particular, we have made important contributions to the study of laser ablation plasmas using Langmuir probes. Using these probes we have shown that in PLD the ablated vapour is substantially ionised because of strong absorption of the laser in that material. We have also been able to validate the use of adiabatic isentropic models for describing the plasma expansion. This work has benefited from a strong collaboration with Prof J. Schou at Risoe National Laboratory in Denmark We have used PLD can to prepare films wide-bandgap semiconductors such as GaN and ZnO. Some of this work has been done in collaboration with researchers at Dublin City University. We are now exploring the potential of doping these materials to semiconducting thin films that are ferromagnetic at room temperature. Such materials may prove to be important in the emerging field of spin electronics. I also have a continuing interest in finding new applications for laser ablation, such as using it to provide the gas load for pulsed discharge plasma creation schemes. In this context I was partner in an EU-funded TMR contract on in capillary discharges for pulsed X-ray sources.


  • Elected Fellow of Trinity College 1992
  • Elected Fellow of the Institute of Physics 1993
  • Fellow of the Institute of Physics
  • Member of Optical Society of America