Professor Ignatius Mcgovern
Fellow Emeritus, Physics
Email Iggy.McGovern@tcd.ie Phone http://people.tcd.ie/imcgovrnBiography
I have been in the Physics Department at Trinity College since 1979; previously I held research positions in the University of Wisconsin, University of Pennsylvania and the New University of Ulster. I am married to Eileen Patten and we have a son, Eoin. My main extracurricular activity is creative writing; a first collection of poetry 'The King of Suburbia' was published in late 2005 by Dedalus Press
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- McIntyre J, Verma N.K, Smith R.J, Moore C, Nerl H, McEvoy N, Berner N, McGovern I, Khan U, Lyons P, O'Neill L, Nicolosi V, Duesberg G.S, Byrne H.J, Coleman J, Volkov Y, A comparison of catabolic pathways induced in primary macrophages by pristine single walled carbon nanotubes and pristine graphene, RSC Advances, 6, (70), 2016, p65299 - 65310Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S Bengio, H Ascolani, N Franco, J Avila, M C Ascensio, E Dudzik, I T McGovern, T Giebel, R Lindsay, A M Bradshaw and D P Woodruff, Quantitative determination of the adsorption site of the OH radicals in the H2O/Si(100) system, Physical Review B, 66, (19), 2002, p195322 - 195329Journal Article, 2002, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D A Evans, H J Steiner, A R Vearey-Roberts, A Bushell, G Cabailh, S O'Brien, J Wells, I T McGovern, V Dhanak, T U Kampen, D R T Zahn and D Batchelor, Synchrotron radiation studies of inorganic-organic semiconductor interfaces, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms , 199, 2003, p475 - 480Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- D A Evans, H J Steiner, A R Vearey-Roberts, V Dhanak, G Cabailh, S O'Brien, I T McGovern, W Braun, T U Kampen, S Park and D R T Zahn, Perylenes and phthalocyanines on GaAs(001) surfaces, Applied Surface Science , 212-213, (spec issue), 2003, p417 - 422Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- A Koebbel, D R Lloyd, I T McGovern, M Polcik, O Schaff, R Lindsay, A J Patchett, A M Bradshaw and D P Woodruff, Local structure of OH adsorbed on the Ge(001)-(2x1) surface using scanned energy mode photoelectron diffraction, Surface Science , 540, (2-3), 2003, p246 - 254Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- T U Kampen, G Gavrila, H Méndez, D RT Zahn, A R Vearey-Roberts, D A Evans, J Wells, I T McGovern and W. Braun, Electronic properties of interfaces between perylene derivatives and GaAs(001) surfaces , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 15, (38), 2003, pS2679 - S2692Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- D A Evans, H J Steiner, S Evans, R Middleton, T S Jones, S Park, T U Kampen, D R T Zahn, G Cabailh and I T McGovern, Copper phthalocyanine on InSb (111)A - interface bonding, growth mode and energy band alignment, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 15, (38), 2003, pS2729 - S2740Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- G Cabailh, J W Wells, I T McGovern, A R Vearey-Roberts, A Bushell and D A Evans, Synchrotron radiation studies of the growth and beam damage of tin-phthalocyanine on GaAs(001)-1x6 substrate, Applied Surface Science , 234, (1-4), 2004, p144 - 148Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- A R Vearey-Roberts, H J Steiner, S Evans, I Cerrillo, J Mendez, G Cabailh, S O'Brien, J W Wells, I T McGovern and D A Evans, Growth and morphology of SnPc films on the S-GaAs(001) surface : a combined XPS, AFM and NEXAFS study, Applied Surface Science , 234, (1-4), 2004, p131 - 137Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Bengió, S. and Ascolani, H. and Franco, N. and Avila, J. and Asensio, M.C. and Dudzik, E. and McGovern, I.T. and Giessel, T. and Lindsay, R. and Bradshaw, A.M. and Woodruff, D.P., Quantitative determination of the adsorption site of the OH radicals in the (formula presented) system, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 66, (19), 2002, p1-8Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
- G. Cabailh, I.T. McGovern, A. Vearey-Roberts, A. Bushell and D.A. Evans, Growth of Metal-Phthalocyanine on GaAs(001): an NEXAFS study, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optical Sensing and Spectroscopy, Dublin, Ireland , 4th - 6th April, edited by Byrne H.J., Lewis E., MacCraith B.D., McGlynn E., et al , 5826, SPIE, 2005, pp37 - 43Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Iggy McGovern, The King of Suburbia, Dublin, The Dedalus Press, 2005, 70ppBook, 2005
- G. Cabailh, B.N. Holland, C. Stephens, I.T. McGovern, C. McGuinness, A. Cafolla, A.R. Vearey-Roberts and D.A. Evans, Soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of metal-phthalocyanines on the (001) surface of GaAs and Ge, Journal de Physique IV, 132, 2006, p11 - 15Journal Article, 2006, URL
- I T McGovern, J F McGilp, G J Hughes, A McKinley, R H Williams and D Norman, Soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of the chemical reactivity of the metal-GaSe interface, Vacuum, 33, (10-12), 1983, p607 - 612Journal Article, 1983, DOI
- B N Holland, G Cabailh, N Peltekis, C McGuinness, A A Cafolla, and I T McGovern, Arrangement of metal phthalocyanines on Ge 2x1 surfaces, Applied Surface Science , 255, (3), 2008, p775 - 777Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Y Hernandez, V Nicolosi, M Lotya, FM Blighe, Z Sun, S De, I T McGovern, B Holland, M Byrne, Y Gun'ko, J Boland, P Niraj, G Duesberg, S Krishnamurthy, R Goodhue, J Hutchinson, V Scardaci, A C Ferrari and J N Coleman, High - yield production of graphene by liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite, Nature Nanotechnology , 3, (9), 2008, p563 - 568Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Yenny Hernandez, Valeria Nicolos1, Mustafa Lotya, Fiona M Blighe, Zhenyu Sun, Sukanta De, IT McGovern, Brendan Holland, Michele Byrne, Yurii Gun'ko, John Boland, Peter Niraj, Georg Duesberg, Satheesh Krishnamurthy, Robbie Goodhue, John Hutchison, Vittorio Scardaci, Andrea C. Ferrari, and Jonathan N Coleman, High yield production of graphene by liquid phase exfoliation of graphite, Nature Nanotechnology , 3, (9), 2008, p563 - 568Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Mustafa Lotya, Yenny Hernandez, Paul J. King, Ronan J. Smith, Valeria Nicolosi, Lisa S. Karlsson, Fiona M. Blighe, Sukanta De, Zhiming Wang, I. T. McGovern, Georg S. Duesberg and Jonathan N. Coleman, Liquid phase production of graphene by exfoliation of graphite in surfactant/water solutions , Journal of the American Chemical Society , 131, (10), 2009, p3611 - 3620Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- I T McGovern, H O Ozer, R Egdell and J B Pethica, The adsorption and decomposition of H2S on Ge(001): an STM study, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology , 7, 2009, p203 - 206Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- B N Holland, A A Cafolla, C Stephens and I T McGovern, Adsorption of lead phthalocyanine on the Ge(111)-c(2 × 8) surface , e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology , 7, 2009, p234 - 238Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- S. J. Burbridge, K. H. Cazzini, W. J. Blau, J. G. Lunney and I. T. McGovern, A comparative study of the physical and chemical effects of near and mid-infrared laser irradiation of dentine, Lasers in the Life Sciences, 6, 1994, p197-215Journal Article, 1994
- B.N. Holland, G. Cabailh, N. Peltekis, C. McGuinness, A.A. Cafolla, I.T. McGovern, Arrangement of metal phthalocyanines on Ge (0 0 1) 2 x 1 surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 255, (3), 2008, p775 - 777Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
- N. Peltekis, B.N. Holland, L.F.J. Piper, A. DeMasi, K.E. Smith, J.E. Downes, I.T. McGovern, C. McGuinness, The local electronic structure of tin phthalocyanine studied by resonant soft X-ray emission spectroscopies, Applied Surface Science, 255, (3), 2008, p764 - 766Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
- N. Peltekis, B. N. Holland, S. Krishnamurthy, I. T. McGovern, N. R. J. Poolton, S. Patel, and C. McGuinness, Electronic and Optical Properties of Magnesium Phthalocyanine (MgPc) Solid Films Studied by Soft X-Ray Excited Optical Luminescence and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopies, Journal of American Chemical Society, 130, (39), 2008, p13008 - 13012Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
- B. N. Holland, N. Peltekis, T. Farrelly, R. G. Wilks, G. Gavrila, D. R. T. Zahn, C. McGuinness, I. T. McGovern, NEXAFS studies of copper phthaloyanine on Ge(001)-2 × 1 and Ge(111)-c(2 × 8) surfaces, physica status solidi (b), 246, (7), 2009, p1546 - 1551Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- B. N. Holland, G. Gavrila, D. R. T. Zahn, A A Cafolla, C. McGuinness, and I. T. McGovern, Adsorption of lead phthalocyanine on the hydrogen-passivated Ge(001)-2x1 surface, physica status solidi (c), 7, (2), 2009, p218 - 221Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Cabailh, G., Wells, J.W., McGovern, I.T., Dhanak, V.R., Vearey-Roberts, A.R., Bushell, A., Evans, D.A., Soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of tin-phthalocyanine/GaAs(001)-1 × 6 interface formation , Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 15, (38), 2003, pS2741-S2748Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Zahn, D.R., Preface, 2003, -Miscellaneous, 2003
- Evans, D.A., Steiner, H.J., Middleton, R., Jones, T.S., Chen, C.H., Horn, K., Park, S., (...), McGovern, I.T., In-situ monitoring of the growth of copper phthalocyanine films on InSb by organic molecular beam deposition , Applied Surface Science , 175-176, 2001, p374-378Journal Article, 2001, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Koebbel, A., Leslie, A., Dudzik, E., Mitchell, C.E.J., McLean, A.B., Patchett, A., (...), Cowie, B.C.C., X-ray standing wave study of wet-etch sulphur-treated InP(100) surfaces , Applied Surface Science, 66, (1), 2000, p196-200Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- Gnoth, D.N., Wolfframm, D., Patchett, A., Hohenecker, S., Zahn, D.R.T., Leslie, A., McGovern, I.T., Evans, D.A., A comparison of S-passivation of III-V (001) surfaces using (NH4)2Sx and S2Cl2 , Applied Surface Science, 123-124, 1998, p120-125Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Franco, N., Chrost, J., Avila, J., Asensio, M.C., Müller, C., Dudzik, E., Patchett, A.J., (...), Woodruff, D.P., Structural determination for H2O adsorption on Si(001)2 × 1 using scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction, Applied Surface Science, 123-124, 1998, p219-222Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Dudzik, E., Leslie, A., O'Toole, E., McGovern, I.T., Patchett, A., Zahn, D.R.T., An ARUPS/NEXAFS study of the H2S/InP(110) adsorbate system, Applied Surface Science, 104-105, 1996, p101-106Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- Nowak, C., Chassé, A., Braun, W., Richter, W., McGovern, I.T., Zahn, D.R.T., Antimony adsorption on III-V(110) surfaces: Growth and structure studied by photoemission and photoelectron diffraction , Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena , 80, 1996, p143-146Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- Dudzik, E., Leslie, A., O'Toole, E., McGovern, I.T., Patchett, A., Zahn, D.R.T., Lüdecke, J., (...), Cowie, B.C.C., An x-ray standing-wave study of H2S adsorption on InP(110) , Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 8, (1), 1996, p15-24Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- Dudzik, E., Müller, C., McGovern, I.T., Lloyd, D.R., Patchett, A., Zahn, D.R.T., Johal, T., McGrath, R., H2S adsorption on the (110) surfaces of III-V semiconductors, Surface Science, 344, (1-2), 1995, p1-10Journal Article, 1995, DOI
- Nowak, C., Hempelmann, A., Märkl, A., Chassé, A., Dudzik, E., Müller, C., McGovern, I.T., (...), Zahn, D.R.T., Low-energy photoelectron diffraction study of epitaxial Sb monolayers on GaAs(110) , Surface Science, 331-333 , (A), 1995, p564-568Journal Article, 1995, DOI
- Whittle, R., Dudzik, E., McGovern, I.T., Hempelmann, A., Nowak, C., Zahn, D.R.T., Cafolla, A., Braun, W., Electronic bandstructure of monolayer Sb on GaP(110), Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 68, (C), 1994, p399-405Journal Article, 1994, DOI
- Woodruff, D.P., Holloway, S., McGovern, I.T. , Preface , 1994, - viiMiscellaneous, 1994
- Nowak, C., Chassé, A., Hempelmann, A., Richter, W., Dudzik, E., Whittle, R., McGovern, I.T., (...), Zahn, D.R.T., Epitaxial antimony monolayers on III-V(110) surfaces studied by low-energy photoelectron diffraction, Surface Science, 307-309, (B), 1994, p685-690Journal Article, 1994, DOI
- Dudzik, E., Whittle, R., Müller, C., McGovern, I.T., Nowak, C., Märkl, A., Hempelmann, A., (...), Braun, W., The adsorption of H2S on InP (110) and GaP (110) , Surface Science, 307-309, (1), 1994, p223-227Journal Article, 1994, DOI
- Lemoine, P., Cazzini, K., McGovern, I.T., Blau, W.J., Bätz, P., Ziegler, C., Göpel, W., X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of KrF laser-irradiated polycarbonate films , Chemical Physics Letters , 220, (3-5), 1994, p177-180Journal Article, 1994, DOI
- Whittle, R., McGovern, I.T., Hughes, A., Shen, T.-H., Matthai, C.C., A theoretical study of the electronic structure of clean GaP(110) and Sb on GaP(110) surfaces, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 5, (36), 1993, p6555-6562Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- Whittle, R., Dudzik, E., McGovern, I.T., Zahn, D.R.T., Nowak, C., Cafolla, A., Braun, W, Surface electronic structure of monolayer Bi on InP(110) , Surface Science, 287-288, (1), 1993, p554-558Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- Newstead, K., Robinson, A.W., d'Addato, S., Patchett, A., Prince, N.P., McGrath, R., Whittle, R., (...), McGovern, I.T. , An X-ray absorption fine structure study of Ge(001)(2×1)-S , Surface Science, 287-288, (1), 1993, p317-320Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- Zahn, D.R.T., Esser, N., Müller, C., Richter, W., Stephens, C., Whittle, R., McGovern, I.T., (...), Braun, W, Influence of Sb and Bi epitaxial monolayers on the metal/GaAs(110) interface formation, Applied Surface Science, 56-58, (1), 1993, p228-232Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- McGrath, R., McGovern, I.T., Warburton, D.R., Purdie, D., Muryn, C.A., Prakash, N.S., Wincott, P.L., (...), Norman, D., Origin of the x-ray-absorption fine structure in photon-stimulated ion desorption from Si-adsorbate systems , Physical Review B, 45, (16), 1992, p9327-9338Journal Article, 1992, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Fives, K., McGovern, I.T., McGrath, R., Cimino, R., Hughes, G., McKinley, A., Thornton, G., The photoelectron bandstructure of molybdenum disulphide , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 4, (25), 1992, p5639-5646Journal Article, 1992, DOI
- Newstead, K., Robinson, A.W., D'Addato, S., Patchett, A., Prince, N.P., McGrath, R., Whittle, R., (...), McGovern, I.T., Adsorbate-induced de-reconstruction in the interaction of H2S with Ge(001)2*1 , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 4, (44), 1992, p8441-8446Journal Article, 1992, DOI
- Esser, N., Zahn, D.R.T., Müller, C., Richter, W., Stephens, C., Whittle, R., McGovern, I.T., (...), Braun, W., Effect of annealing on the band bending and the overlayer morphology at Sb/III-V (110) interfaces, Applied Surface Science, 56-58 , (1), 1992, p169-177Journal Article, 1992, DOI
- Whittle, R., McGovern, I.T., Zahn, D.R.T., Müller, C., Nowak, C., Cafolla, A., Braun, W., Surface electronic structure of monolayer Sb on InP(110), Applied Surface Science, 65-68, (1), 1992, p218-223Journal Article, 1992, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Whittle, R., Zahn, D.R.T., Muller, C., Nowak, C., Cafolla, A., Braun, W., Photoelectron bandstructure of InP(110)-Sb monolayers , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 3, (S), 1991, pS367-S372Journal Article, 1991, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Stephens, C., Fives, K., Whittle, R., Cimino, R., Zahn, D.R.T., Braun, W, Anomalous bandbending in metal/InP interface formation, Surface Science, 251-252, (C), 1991, p447-452Journal Article, 1991, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of compound semiconductor surfaces and interfaces , Applied Surface Science, 50, (1-4), 1991, p34-41Journal Article, 1991, DOI
- Stephens, C., Zahn, D.R.T., Cimino, R., Braun, W., Fives, K., McGovern, I.T., A photoemission study of the BiInP(110) interface , Vacuum, 41, (4-6), 1990, p1021-1024Journal Article, 1990, DOI
- Stephens, C., Cimino, R., Fives, K., Adamson, S., Thornton, J., Braun, W., McGovern, I.T. , The temperature dependence of Ag/InP(110) interface formation , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 1, 1989, pSB247-SB248Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- Fives, K., McGrath, R., Stephens, C., McGovern, I.T., Cimino, R., L.law, D.S., Johnson, A.L., Thornton, G. , ARUPS of water adsorption on Si(100) and Si(111) surfaces , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 1, 1989, pSB105-SB109Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- Zahn, D.R.T., Richter, W., McLean, A.B., Williams, R.H., Stephens, C., McGovern, I.T., Cimino, R., (...), Esser, N. , Temperature effects on the formation of the Sb/InP(110) interface , Applied Surface Science , 41-42, (C), 1989, p179-183Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- Thornton, G., Wincott, P.L., McGrath, R., McGovern, I.T., Quinn, F.M., Norman, D., Vvedensky, D.D. , Bonding sites for Cl on Si(100)2×1 and Si(111)7×7 , Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter, 158, (1-3), 1989, p640-642Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- Thornton, G., Wincott, P.L., McGrath, R., McGovern, I.T., Quinn, F.M., Norman, D., Wedensky, D.D. , Bonding sites for Cl on Si(100)2 × 1 and Si(111)7 × 7 , Surface Science, 211-212, (C), 1989, p959-968Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- McGrath, R., McGilp, J.F., McGovern, I.T., Morgan, S.J., Herrenden-Harker, W.G., Williams, R.H. , Metal adatoms on oxidised silicon surfaces , Semiconductor Science and Technology, 3, (9), 1988, p937-942Journal Article, 1988, DOI
- McGrath, R., Cimino, R., Braun, W., Thornton, G., McGovern, I. , A photoemission study of H2O adsorption on a vicinal Si(100) surface , Vacuum, 38, (4-5), 1988, p251-255Journal Article, 1988, DOI
- McLean, A.B., McGovern, I.T., Stephens, C., Wilke, W.G., Haak, H., Horn, K., Braun, W. , Dependence of core-level photoemission spectra on overlayer growth mode: Al on InP(110) , Physical Review B, 38, (9), 1988, p6330-6333Journal Article, 1988, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Stephens, C., Hughes, G., McGovern, I., McLean, A., Zahn, D., Williams, R., Braun, W., (...), Horn, K. , Thermal effects in aluminium-semiconductor interface formation , Vacuum , 38, (4-5), 1988, p329-332Journal Article, 1988, DOI
- Morgan, S.J., Law, A.R., Williams, R.H., Norman, D., McGrath, R., McGovern, I.T. , A surface exafs study of the Vanadium/Si(111) interface , Surface Science, 204, (3), 1988, p428-444Journal Article, 1988, DOI
- McGrath, R., McGovern, I.T., Warburton, D.R., Thornton, G., Norman, D. , A PSID SEXAFS study of H2O adsorption on Si(100) , Surface Science , 178, (1-3), 1986, p101-109Journal Article, 1986, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Dietz, E., Rotermund, H.H., Bradshaw, A.M., Braun, W., Radlik, W., McGilp, J.F. , Soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of metal-molybdenum bisulphide interfaces , Surface Science, 152-153, (2), 1985, p1203-1212Journal Article, 1985, DOI
- Braun, W., Petersen, H., Feldhaus, J., Bradshaw, A.M., Dietz, E., Haase, J., McGovern, I.T., (...), Unwin, R. , Soft X-Ray monochromators at Bessy, Science with ., Upton, NY, USA, edited by Himpsel F.J., Klaffky Roger W. , 447, SPIE, 1984, pp117-125Conference Paper, 1984
- Hughes, G.J., McKinley, A., Williams, R.H., McGovern, I.T. , Metal-gallium selenide interfaces-observation of the true Schottky limit , Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 15, (6), 1982, pL159-L164Journal Article, 1982, DOI
- H. Williams, A. McKinley, G. J. Hughes, V. Montgomery, and I. T. McGovern, Metal-GaSe and metal-InP interfaces: Schottky barrier formation and interfacial reactions, The Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 21, (2), 1982, p594-598Journal Article, 1982
- McGovern, I.T., Childs, K.D., Clearfield, H.M., Williams, R.H. , Atomic effects in the photoemission cross sections of the valence states of MoS2 , Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 14, (9), 1981, pL243-L246Journal Article, 1981, DOI
- Eberhardt, W., McGovern, I.T., Plummer, E.W., Fisher, J.E. , Charge-Transfer and Non-Rigid-Band Effects in the Graphite Compound LiC6 , Physical Review Letters , 44, (3), 1981, p200-204Journal Article, 1981, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Williams, R.H., Srivastava, G.P., McGovern, I.T. , Photoelectron spectroscopy of solids and their surfaces , Reports on Progress in Physics, 43, (12), 1980, p1357-1414Journal Article, 1980, DOI
- Levinson, H.J., McGovern, I.T., Gustafsson, T. , Photoelectron studies of the xenon 5p branching ratio using synchrotron radiation , Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics , 13, (2), 1980, p253-258Journal Article, 1980, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Eberhardt, W., Plummer, E.W., Fischer, J.E. , The bandstructures of graphite and graphite intercalation compounds as determined by angle resolved photoemission using synchrotron radiation , Physica B+C, 99, (1-4), 1980, p415-419Journal Article, 1980, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Williams, R.H., Parke, A.W. , The electronic structure of MoS2 and á-MoTe2 by photoelectron spectroscopy using line and synchrotron sources , Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 12, (13), 1979, p2689-2704Journal Article, 1979, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Eberhardt, W., Plummer, E.W. , Atomic and solid-state effects in the angle resolved photoemission cross section from an adsorbate: 4d levels of c(2 × 2)Te on Ni , Solid State Communications, 32, (11), 1979, p963-966Journal Article, 1979, DOI
- Williams, G.P., Cerrina, F., McGovern, I.T., Lapeyre, G.J. , Surface structure effects via photoexcited core electron diffraction for Na on Ni , Solid State Communications, 31, (1), 1979, p15-18Journal Article, 1979, DOI
- Williams, G.P., Cerrina, F., McGovern, I.T., Lapeyre, G.J. , Surface structure effects via photoexcited core electron diffraction for Na on Ni , Solid State Communications, 31, (1), 1979, p15-18Journal Article, 1979, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Parke, A.W., Williams, R.H. , The energy dependence of the photoelectron attenuation length via the oxidation of silicon , Solid State Communications, 26, (1), 1978, p21-23Journal Article, 1978, DOI
- Norman, D., McGovern, I.T., Norris, C. , Surface states on gallium phosphide , Physics Letters A, 63, (3), 1977, p384-386Journal Article, 1977, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Williams, R.H. , The band structure of á-MoTe2 by photoelectron spectroscopy , Il Nuovo Cimento B Series11, 38, (2), 1977, p241-247Journal Article, 1977, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Parke, A., Williams, R.H. , Angularly resolved photoemission from GaSe using line and synchrotron sources , Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 9, (18), 1976, pL511-L514Journal Article, 1976, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Williams, R.H. , The partial densities of p and d states in á-MoTe2 by photoemission using a synchrotron source , Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 9, (13), 1976, pL337-L340Journal Article, 1976, DOI
- Williams, R.H., McGovern, I.T., Murray, R.B., Howells, M. , An Investigation of the Electronic Structure of GaSe and GaTe by Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Using a Synchrotron Source, and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 73, (1), 1976, p307-316Journal Article, 1976, DOI
- Williams, R.H., McGovern, I.T., Murray, R.B., Howells, M. , An Investigation of the Electronic Structure of GaSe and GaTe by Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Using a Synchrotron Source, and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 73, (1), 1976, p307-316Journal Article, 1976, DOI
- Williams, R.H., McGovern, I.T., Murray, R.B., Howells, M. , An Investigation of the Electronic Structure of GaSe and GaTe by Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Using a Synchrotron Source, and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 73, (1), 1976, p307-316Journal Article, 1976, DOI
- Williams, R.H., McGovern, I.T., Surface characterisation of indium phosphide , Surface Science, 51, (1), 1975, p14-28Journal Article, 1975, DOI
- McGovern, I.T., Williams, R.H., Mee, C.H.B. , Electronic properties of cleaved molybdenum disulphide surfaces , Surface Science , 46, (2), 1974, p427-440Journal Article, 1974, DOI
- Williams, R.H., McGovern, I.T. , Surface studies of some transition metal dichalogenides, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Solid Surfaces, International Conference on Solid Surfaces, Japan, 25-29 March, 1974Conference Paper, 1974
- D. A. Evans, A. R. Vearey-Roberts, O. R. Roberts, A. C. Brieva, A. Bushell, G. T. Williams, D. P. Langstaff, G. Cabailh, and I. T. McGovern, Real-time monitoring of the evolving morphology and molecular structure at an organic-inorganic semiconductor interface: SnPc on GaAs(001) , J. Vac. Sci. Technology B, 48, 2010, pc5f5 - c5f11Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Iggy McGovern, Safe House, Dublin, Dedalus Press, 2010Book, 2010
- Berner, N. c.; Sergeeva, Y. N.; Sergeeva, N. N.; Senge, M. O.; Cafolla, A. A.; McGovern, I. T., Adsorption of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-bromophenyl)porphyrin on germanium(001), Physica Status Solidii C, 9, 2012, p1404 - 1407Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Cano, M., Khan, U., Sainsbury, T., O'Neill, A., Wang, Z., McGovern, I.T., Maser, W.K., (...), Coleman, J.N., Improving the mechanical properties of graphene oxide based materials by covalent attachment of polymer chains, Carbon, 52, 2013, p363-371Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Sainsbury, T., Satti, A., May, P., Wang, Z., McGovern, I., Gun'ko, Y.K., Coleman, J., Oxygen radical functionalization of boron nitride nanosheets, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134, (45), 2012, p18758-18771Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Evans,DA Andrew D.A., Vearey-Roberts,A. R. A.R., Roberts,Owain R. O.R., Williams,Gruffudd T. G.T., Cooil,Simon P. S.P., Langstaff,David P. D.P., Cabailh,Gregory G., McGovern,Ignatius T. I.T., Goss,Jonathan P G J.P.G., Transport and optical gaps and energy band alignment at organic-inorganic interfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, (12), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Science and poetry: not so different? in, editor(s)Philip Coleman , On Literature and Science, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, pp211 - 222, [Iggy McGovern]Book Chapter
Research Expertise
My general area of research is Surface Physics, specifically the photoelectron spectroscopy of semiconductor surfaces using synchrotron radiation. My principal interest has been in the adsorption of small molecules on clean, ordered semiconductor surfaces; the area has a connection with device processing. More recently, research has focused on organic molecule adsorption. Synchrotron radiation has a unique combination of properties of intensity, tunability, polarisation and time-structure; when applied to traditional spectroscopy such as photoelectron spectroscopy, there is both a quality enhancement and the opportunity to p[erform novel variations on the technique, such as 'near-edge absorption fine structure ' or NEXAFS and 'photoelectron diffraction' or PhD
TitleThe fabrication and characterisation of high-k dielectric/InP based devicesSummaryThis collaborative project (PI: Prof G Hughes of DCU) will optimise the deposition of high-k dielectric thin films on passivated surfaces of indium phosphide, using the combination of scanning tunneling microscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy, using laboratory and synchrotron radiation sources.Funding AgencySFIDate From01.09.06Date To31.08.09
TitlePorphyrin-based nanomeshes as a novel route to molecular electronicsSummaryAn investigation of the conditions for creating nanomeshes via covalent bonding of suitably modified porphyrin molecules; the principal techniques are scanning tunneling microscopy and soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopyFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01.07.08Date To30.06.11
TitleOrganic Semiconductor NanostructuresSummaryThe fundamentals of adsorption of organic molecules are investigated by a combination of laboratory techniques such as XPS and STM (at DCU) and the central facility of synchrotron radiation, available at various European centresFunding AgencyHEADate From01.06.02Date To31.05.07
TitleSynchrotron X-ray spectroscopic investigations of electronic structure in organic semiconductorsSummaryThis project combines traditional photoelectron spectroscopy with x-ray absorption/emission methods to examine the electronic and geometric structures of organic semiconductor thin filmsFunding AgencySFIDate From01.10.04Date To30.09.07
TitleDIODESummaryDIODE (designing inorganic-organic devices) is a network of physicists, chemists and engineers, focusing on the fundamentals of how a thin interfacial layer of organic molecules can improve Schottky diode performanceFunding AgencyEUDate From01.02.00Date To31.01.05
- Fellow of Trinity College 1990
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellow 1986
- Fellow of Institute of Physics 2003
- Institute of Physics
- American Vacuum Society