Professor Martin Hegner
Professor, Physics
Professor, CRANN
Email Martin.Hegner@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2285https://www.tcd.ie/physics/people/martin-hegner/Biography
Prof. Hegner studied Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich in 1984 (CH). He received his Diplom ("master of science") degree in Cellular Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology and Toxicology in 1989 and he completed his PhD thesis in 1994 with work in the field of 'Protein Translocation across Membranes' and 'Biological Scanning Probe Microscopy' at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute for Biochemistry in Zurich. In 1994-96 he had a post-doctoral position at the Institute of Physics in Basel in the laboratory of Prof. H.-J. Güntherodt, a pioneer in the field of scanning probe microscopy. Thereafter ('96-'99) he joined the world leading group of C. Bustamante at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Eugene, OR and then at University of California at Berkeley, CA as a research associate to acquire know-ho in the field of single molecule manipulation with optical tweezers. In 1999 he joined the Institute of Physics at University of Basel (Switzerland) as group and project leader for biological nanoscale science within the newly founded Swiss National Centre of Competence 'Nanoscale Science'. Until today he introduced several novel approaches to investigate molecular interactions with nanomechanical tools. In 2001 he received his 'venia docendi' in Experimental Physics at the University of Basel, Switzerland and in 2007 he joined the Physics faculty of the University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin Ireland. He was appointed as Professor and pursues his interdisciplinary research in the Centre of Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN) in the field of Nanobiotechnology.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Maloney, N., Lukacs, G., Jensen, J., Hegner, M. , Nanomechanical sensors for single microbial cell growth monitoring, Nanoscale, 6, (14), 2014, p8242-8249Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Mishra, Rohit , Hegner, Martin , Effect of non-specific species competition from total RNA on the static mode hybridization response of nanomechanical assays of oligonucleotides, Nanotechnology, 25, (22), 2014, p225501-Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Maloney, N., Lukacs, G., Ball, S.L., Hegner, M. , Device for filamentous fungi growth monitoring using the multimodal frequency response of cantilevers., The Review of scientific instruments, 85, (1), 2014, p015003Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Walther, M.,Fleming, P.M., Padovani, F., Hegner, M., An optimized measurement chamber for cantilever array measurements in liquid incorporating an automated sample handling system, EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation, 2, (7), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jadhav V.S, BrÃŒggemann D, Wruck F, Hegner M, Single-molecule mechanics of protein-labelled DNA handles, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7, (1), 2016, p138 - 148Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Winters S, Berner N.C, Mishra R, DÃŒmbgen K.C, Backes C, Hegner M, Hirsch A, Duesberg G.S, On-surface derivatisation of aromatic molecules on graphene: the importance of packing density, Chemical Communications, 51, (94), 2015, p16778 - 16781Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Padovani, F., Duffy, J., Hegner, M., Microrheological Coagulation Assay Exploiting Micromechanical Resonators, Analytical Chemistry, 89, 2017, p751 - 758Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Wruck, F., Katranidis, A., Nierhaus, K.H., Büldt, G., Hegner, M., Translation and folding of single proteins in real-time, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, (22), 2017, pE4399 - E4407Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Zheng, L.-Q. and Wang, X. and Shao, F. and Hegner, M. and Zenobi, R., Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Reversible Photoisomerization of an Azobenzene-Thiol Self-Assembled Monolayer by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57, (4), 2018, p1025-1029Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Padovani, F. and Duffy, J. and Hegner, M., Nanomechanical clinical coagulation diagnostics and monitoring of therapies, Nanoscale, 9, (45), 2017, p17939-17947Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Duffy, J. and Padovani, F. and Brunetti, G. and Noy, P. and Certa, U. and Hegner, M., Towards personalised rapid label free miRNA detection for cancer and liver injury diagnostics in cell lysates and blood based samples, Nanoscale, 10, (26), 2018, p12797-12804Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Brunetti, G., Padovani, F., De Pastina, A., Rotella,C., Monahan, A., Hoffman, S., Jongo, S., Abdulla, S., Corradin, G., Pluschke, G., Daubenberger, C. and Hegner, M, Nanotechnological immunoassay for rapid label-free analysis of candidate malaria vaccines, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- De Pastina, A., Padovani, F., Brunetti, G., Rotella, C., Niosi, F., Usov. V. and Hegner, M., Multimodal real-time frequency tracking of cantilever arrays in liquid environment for biodetection: Comprehensive setup and performance analysis, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 92, 2021, p065001-Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Brunetti, G., De Pastina, A. and Hegner, M., apid Label-free Nanotechnological Immunoassay for Analysis of Candidate Malaria Vaccines, Appl. Cell Biol., 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Brunetti, G., De Pastina, A. and Hegner, M., Quantitative epitope analysis reveals drastic 63% reduced immuno-affinity and 60% enhanced transmissibility for SARS-CoV-2 variants, Nanoscale Advances, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Padovani, F., Hegner M., Novel strategies for clinical coagulation diagnostics and therapy monitoring, Clin. Lab. Int, 43, 2019, p20 - 22Journal Article, 2019
- Brunetti, G. Departing, A., Rotella, C, Usov, V., Villanueva, G., Hegner, M., Silicon microresonator arrays: A comprehensive study on fabrication techniques and pH-controlled stress-induced variations in cantilever stiffness, Microelectronic Engineering, 2024, p112154-Journal Article, 2024
- Braun, T., Ghatkesar, M.K., Backmann, N., Grange, W., Boulanger, P., Letelier, L., Lnag, H.P., Bietsch, A., Gerber, C., Hegner, M., Quantitative, time-resolved measurement of membrane protein-ligand interactionsusing microcantilever array sensors., Nature Nanotechnology, 4, 2009, p179-185Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Ghatkesar, M. K., Lang, H. P., Gerber, C., Hegner, M., Braun, T. , Comprehenisive characterization of molecular interactions based on nanomechanics, PLoS ONE, 3, (11), 2008, pe3610Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ghatkesar, M. K., Rakhmatullina, E., Lang, H. P., Gerber, Ch., Hegner, M., Braun, T. , Multi-parameter microcantilever sensor for comprehensive characterization of Newtonian fluids, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 135, (1), 2008, p133-138Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Huber, F., Lang, H. P., Hegner, M., Despont, M., Drechsler, U., Gerber, Ch., Analyzing refractive index changes and differential bending in microcantilever arrays, Review of Scientific Instruments, 79, (8), 2008, p086110Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Grange, W., Haas, P., Wild, A., Lieb, M.A., Calame, M., Hegner, M., Hecht, B. , Detection of transient events in the presence of background noise, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112, (23), 2008, p7140-7144Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Grange, W., Duckely, M., Husale, S., Jacob,S., Engel, A., Hegner, M., VirE2: A Unique ssDNA Compacting Molecular Machine, PLoS Biology, 6, (2), 2008, p343-351Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Husale, S., Grange,W., Karle, M.,Bürgi, S., Hegner, M., Interaction of cationic surfactants with DNA: a single-molecule study, Nucleic Acids Research, 36, (5), 2008, p1443-1449Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ghatkesar, M.K., Braun, T., Barwich, V., Ramseyer, J.P., Gerber, C., Hegner, M., Lang, H.P., Resonating modes of vibrating microcantilevers in liquid, Applied Physics Letters, 92, (4), 2008, p043106Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ghatkesar, MK; Barwich, V; Braun, T, Ramseyer, J.P., Gerber, C., Hegner, M., Lang, H.P., Drechsler, U., Despont, M., Higher modes of vibration increase mass sensitivity in nanomechanical microcantilevers, Nanotechnology, 18, (44), 2007, p445502Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Braun, T., Huber, F., Ghatkesar, M.K., Backmann, N., Lang, H.P., Gerber, C., Hegner, M. , Processing of kinetic microarray signals, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 128, (1), 2007, p75-82Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Park, K.K., Lee, H,J.,Yaralioglu, G.G., Ergun, A.S., Oralkan, O., Kupnik, M., Quate, C.F., Khuri-Yakub, B.T., Braun, T., Ramseyer, J.P., Lang, H.P., Hegner, M., Gerber, Ch., Gimzewski, J.K. , Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers for chemical detection in nitrogen, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 2007, p094102Journal Article, 2007, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Gerber, Ch. Hegner, M., Meyer, E. , Special issue featuring papers from ICN&T 2006, Nanotechnology, 18, (4), 2006, p040201Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Dorrestijn, M., Bietsch, A., Açikalin, T., Raman, A., Hegner, M., Meyer, E. and Ch. Gerber , Chladni Figures Revisited based on Nanomechanics, Physical Review Letters, 98, (2), 2007, p026102Journal Article, 2007, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Watari, M., Galbraith, J. Lang, H.P., Sousa, M., Hegner, M., Gerber, Ch., Horton, M.A. and McKendry, R.A. , Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of In-plane Mechanochemistry on Cantilever Arrays, Journal of American Chemistry Society, 129, (3), 2007, p601-609Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Nugaeva, N., Gfeller, K., Backmann, N., Lang, H.P., Güntherodt, H.J., Hegner, M., An antibody-sensitized microfabricated cantilever for the growth detection of Aspergillus niger spores , Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13, (1), 2007, p13-17Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Zhang, J., Lang, H. P., Bietsch, A., Huber, F., Certa, U., Güntherodt, H.-J., Hegner, M. Gerber, Ch., Rapid and label-free nanomechanical detection of biomarker transcripts in human RNA, Nature Nanotechnology, 1, 2006, p214-220Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Huber, F., Hegner, M., Gerber, Ch.,Güntherodt, H.J., Lang, H.P., Label free analysis of transcription factors using microcantilever arrays, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21, (8), 2005, p1599 - 1605Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Braun, T., Backmann, N., Bietsch, A., Engel, A., Lang, H.P., Gerber, Ch., Hegner, M., Conformational change of bacteriorhodopsin quantitatively monitored by microcantilever sensors, Biophysics Journal, 90, (8), 2006, p2970-2977Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Microfabricated Cantilever Array Sensors for (Bio-) Chemical Detection in, editor(s)B. Bhushan, H. Fuchs , Applied Scanning Probe Methods IV - Industrial Applications, Springer Verlag (Berlin, New York, Heidelberg), Applied Scanning Probe Methods IV - Industrial Applications, 2006, pp183-213 , [H.P. Lang, Hegner M. and Gerber Ch.]Book Chapter, 2006
- Nanomechanical Cantilever Array Sensors in, Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, Berlin, New York, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag , 2006, pp443-450 , [H.P. Lang, Hegner M. and Gerber Ch.]Book Chapter, 2006
- Lang, H.P., Hegner, M., Gerber, Ch. , Cantilever array sensors, Materials today, 8, (4), 2005, 30-36Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Gfeller, K.Y, Nugaeva, N., Hegner, M. , Rapid biosensor for the detection of selective growth of Escherichia coli, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71, (5), 2005, p2626-2631Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Bertoncini, P., Schoenauer, R., Agarkova, I., Hegner, M., Perriard, J.-C., Güntherodt, H.-J. , Study of the Mechanical Properties of Myomesin Proteins Using Dynamic Force, Journal of Molecular Biology, 348, (5), 2005, p1127-1137Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Gfeller, K., Nugaeva, N., Hegner, M., Micromechanical oscillators as rapid biosensors for the detection of active growth of Escherichia coli, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21, (3), 2005, p528-533Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Shahgaldian P., Pieles U, Hegner M. , Enantioselective recognition of phenylalanine by a chiral amphiphilic macrocycle at the air-water interface: A copper-mediated mechanism, Langmuir , 21, (14), 2005, p6503-6507Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Schoenauer, R., Bertoncini, P., Machaidze, G., Aebi, U., Perriard, J.C., Hegner, M., Agarkova, I. , Myomesin is a molecular spring with adaptable elasticity , Journal of Molecular Biology, 49, (2), 2005, p367-379Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Shahgaldian, P., Hegner, M., Pieles, U., A cyclodextrin Self-Assembled Monolayer (SAM) based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor for enantioselective analysis of thyroxine, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 53, 2005, p35-39Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Braun, T., Barwich, V., Ghatkesar, M.K., Bredekamp, A.H., Gerber, Ch., Hegner, M., Lang, H.P., Mass sensors for biomolecular detection in physiological environment, Physical Review E, 72, 2005, p031907Journal Article, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Backmann, N., , Zahnd, Ch., Huber, F., Bietsch, A., Plückthun, A., Lang, H.P., Güntherodt, H.J., Hegner, M., Gerber, Ch., A label-free immunosensor array using single-chain antibody fragments, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 102, (4), 2005, p14587-14592Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Nugaeva, N., Gfeller, K.Y., Backmann, N., Lang, H.P., Düggelin, M., Hegner, M. , Micromechanical cantilever array sensors for selective fungal immobilization and fast growth detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21, (6), 2005, p849-856Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Atomic Force Microscopy & Laser Tweezers. Physics meets Biology in, editor(s)Gompper, G., Kaupp, U.B., Dhont, J.K.G., Richter, D. Winkler, R.G. , Matter and Materials, Jülich , Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2004, pp19 , [Engel, A. & Hegner, M.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Schwarzenbach, M.S., Reimann, P., Thommen, V., Hegner, M., Mumenthaler, M., Schwob, J., Güntherodt, H.J. , Topological structure and chemical composition of inner surfaces of borosilicate vials, PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 58, (3), 2004, p169-175Journal Article, 2004, URL
- Bietsch, A., Hegner, M., Lang, H.P., Gerber, C., Inkjet deposition of alkanethiolate monolayers and DNA oligonucleotides on gold: Evaluation of spot uniformity by wet etching, Langmuir, 20, (12), 2004, p5119-5122Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Bietsch, A., Zhang, J.Y., Hegner, M., Lang, H.P., Gerber, Ch., Rapid functionalization of cantilever array sensors by inkjet printing, Nanotechnology , 15, (8), 2004, p873-880.Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Hegner, M., The Basel NanoBio-Network , Chimia, 58, (11), 2004, 788 - 791Journal Article, 2004
- Ghatkesar M. K., Barwich, V., Braun, T., Bredekamp, A.H., Drechsler, U., Despont, M., Lang, H. P., Hegner, M., Gerber Ch., RealTime Mass Sensing by Nanomechanical Resonatorsin Fluid, Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2, 2004, p1060 - 1063Journal Article, 2004, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hegner, M. and Grange, W., Mechanics and imaging of single DNA molecules, Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 23, (5-6), 2003, p367-375Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Arntz, Y., Seelig, J.E., Zhang, J., Lang, H.P., Hunziker, P., Ramseyer, J.P., Meyer, E., Hegner, M., and Gerber, Ch., A label-free protein assay based on a nanomechanical cantilever array, Nanotechnology, 14, 2003, p86-90Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Rohit Mishra, Wilfried Grange, and Martin Hegner, Rapid and Reliable Calibration of Laser Beam Deflection System for Microcantilever-Based Sensor Setups, Journal of Sensors, 2012, (617386), 2012, p6Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- G. Lukacs, N. Maloney, and M. Hegner, Ink-Jet Printing: Perfect Tool for Cantilever Array Sensor Preparation for Microbial Growth Detection, Journal of Sensors, 2012, 2012, p561256-561263Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ronan Daly, Shishir Kumar, Gyongyi Lukacs, Kangho Lee, Anne Weidlich, Martin Hegner, and Georg S. Duesberg, Cell Proliferation Tracking Using Graphene Sensor Arrays, Journal of Sensors, 2012, 2012, p219485-219492Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Haas, P.,Then, P., Wild, A., Grange, W., Zorman, S., Hegner, M., Calame, M., Aebi, U., Flammer, J., Hecht, B., Fast Quantitative Single-Molecule Detection at Ultra low Concentrations, Analytical Chemistry, 82, (14), 2010, p6299 - 6302Journal Article, 2010
- Nanomechanical Cantilever Array Sensors in, editor(s)Bushan , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, New York, Springer, 2010, pp427 - 452, [Hans Peter Lang, Martin Hegner, Christoph Gerber]Book Chapter, 2010
- Katranidis, A., Grange, W., Schlesinger, R.,Choli-Papadopoulou, T., Bruggemann, D., Hegner, M., Buldt, G, Force measurements of the disruption of the nascent polypeptide chain from the ribosome by optical tweezers, FEBS Letters, 585, 2011, p1859 - 1863Journal Article, 2011
- Park, K. K., Lee, H., Kupnik, M., Oralkan, O., Ramseyer, J. P., Lang, H. P., Hegner, M., Gerber, C., Khuri-Yakub, B., Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) as a chemical sensor for DMMP detection, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 160, 2011, p1120-1127Journal Article, 2011
- Jensen, J. and Hegner, M., Predictions of the Compressible Fluid Model and its Comparison to Experimental Measurements of Q Factors and Flexural Resonance Frequencies for Microcantilevers, Journal of Sensors, 2012, 2012, p258381-Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Maloney, N., Lukacs, G., Nugaeva, N., Grange, W., Ramseyer, J. P., Jensen, J., Hegner, M., Fibre Optic Readout of Microcantilever Arrays for Fast Microorganism Growth Detection, Journal of Sensors, 2012, 2012, Art. no 405281Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jensen, J., Farina, M., Zuccheri, G., Grange, W. and Hegner, M., Quantitative, Label-Free Detection of the Aggregation of alpha-Synuclein Using Microcantilever Arrays Operated in a Liquid Environment , Journal of Sensors, 2012, 2012, pArticle number 874086Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Noy, P., Steiner, R., Voelkle, J., Hegner, M. and Fattinger, Ch, Instrument for Label-Free Detection of Noncoding RNAs Journal of Sensors,, Journal of Sensors, 2012, 2012, p208079-Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Optical Tweezers in, editor(s)Bhushan, Bharat , Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, New York, Springer, 2012, pp1981 - 1991, [Hegner, M., Bruggemann, D., Skoko, D.]Book Chapter, 2012
- Jensen, J., Maloney, N., Hegner, M., A multi-mode platform for cantilever arrays operated in liquid, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 183, 2013, p388 - 394Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Hegner, M., Tenje, M., Jeon, S., Nanomechanical sensing, Journal of Sensors , 2012, pArticle number 346062Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
Research Expertise
Martin Hegner's scientific interests focus on interdisciplinary research in single molecule manipulation, biophysics, bio-diagnostics and development and application of biological sensing devices. Scientific collaborations around the globe and involve also industrial partners such as Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd. Nanobiotechnology will have a deep impact on our daily lives translating laboratory research into products that will revolutionize healthcare
TitleNanomechanical SensingSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01-2008Date To12-2012
TitleNanoremediesSummaryFunding AgencyHEADate From03-2011Date To12-2015
TitlencRNA diagnosticsSummaryFunding AgencyHoffmann-la-Roche Ltd.Date From01-2011Date To12-2015
TitleNanomechanical detection of noncoding RNA for diagnosis in biological fluidsSummaryMicroRNAs act at the molecular scale and influence the regulation of cellular processes. We have identified specific expression patterns of miRNA relevant to cancer, and infectious diseases and adverse drug effects. We will integrate novel label-free technologies across multiple disciplines to create smart diagnostic systems that significantly improve the identification and prognosis of diseases. Nanomechanical sensing can selectively analyse these molecules in complex biological fluids and offers previously unexplored non-invasive, rapid and more sensitive diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of diseases than current biopsy-based sample collection involving sequencing, amplification and labelling of biomarkers.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From10-2016Date To12-2021
TitleNanomechanical Thrombosis DiagnosticSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From02-2012Date To12-2015
TitleNanomechanics of molecular motors and cantilever array bio-diagnostic devicesSummaryNanobiotechnology provides unprecedented insights into biological processes (e.g. observing a single molecular-motor at work). In addition, advances in nanotechnology allow new devices to be designed that will result in the next generation of fast, sensitive diagnostics approaches applicable to broad ranges of human diseases. These improvements necessitate new methodologies for isolation and detection of minute physiological quantities of biomarker molecules at previously unachievable levels of sensitivity, multi-parameter analysis, speed and reliability. The proposed projects hinge on effective interdisciplinary collaborations. The 'Nanobio' group at CRANN forms a nucleus of interdisciplinary researchers from the areas of physics, biophysics, surface chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology. The application is divided on two major sections, the first describing state-of-the-art-single biomolecule manipulations with optical tweezers and the second describing the utilization of label-free cantilever array sensors devices for basic science and applied diagnostics.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From04-2010Date To03-2015
TitleFast Microbial Growth DetectionSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From03-2009Date To12-2013
TitleLab on a chip for nanomechnical assaysSummaryFunding AgencyEIDate From02-2013Date To03-2014
TitlencRNA diagnosticsSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01-2016Date To12-2017
TitleH2020 CoordinationSummaryFunding AgencyEIDate From01-2014Date To12-2014
- CIBA Geigy fellowship 11/1995
- GSE award for diploma work in biochemistry at ETH 11/1989
- Member NCCR Nanoscale Science; University of Basel 07/2001
- Editor in chief EPJ - TI (Springer) 2013
- Panel Member Volkswagen Research Foundation 2013
- Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship for advanced researcher 06/1996
- Wissenschaftspreis des Kanton Basel Stadt 2004 12/2004
- ELTEM Regio lecturer position in Nanoscale Science 07/2001
- Fellow TCD 2011
- Treubel Stiftung Habilitations fellowship 09/1999
- Associate Editor; BMC J. Nanobiotech 2008
- Stoke's Award - Science Foundation Ireland 11/2007
- Human Frontier Science Program fellowship 07/1997
- Biophysical Society USA present