Professor Eithne Mc Cabe
Fellow Emeritus, Physics
Email Eithne.McCabe@tcd.ie Phone http://www.eithnemccabe.comBiography
Before her tenure as Professor and Fellow in the School of Physics at Trinity College Dublin, Eithne was formerly Fellow and member of the Governing Body of Magdalen College, Oxford and Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff and later Consultant, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Crawford Hill Laboratory, New Jersey, USA. Her research background is in optical engineering including light sources and high-resolution optical imaging. Eithne is Board Member of the Irish Research Council, member of the Institute of Directors in Ireland, Executive member of Women in Technology and Science (WITS), member of Helsinki group and Institute of Physics Juno committee evaluating and advising on best practice in relation to gender and Physics. Eithne has served Trinity and the wider national and international community on numerous committees including Finance, Personnel and Appointments, INTEGER and Equality. She led prestigious successful international gender equality awards, Athena SWAN and Institute of Physics Juno and led Trinity Women in Physics and Juno initiatives initiating national Women in Physics meetings and networking. She has served on numerous international scientific conference organising committees in addition to many national and international service to the community committees including the BA Festival of Science and the national committee for the UNESCO International Year of Light. Her Doctorate work was carried out at the University of Oxford with full industrial sponsorship she secured entirely independently. She was elected a Senior Scholar at Lincoln College, Oxford. During this period she was awarded a Royal Television Society Scholarship and an Amelia Earhart Medal and award. She has worked with AT&T, Digital Equipment Corporation, Hitachi, Bosch, and ESB during her career. Her undergraduate work was carried out at UCD where she earned a First Class Honours Degree in Electronic Engineering and earned first place in a Hewlett-Packard national award for her final year research project.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Sam Mehigan, Ciaran A Smyth and Eithne M. McCabe, Bridging the Gap between SERS Ehnancement and Reproducibility by Salt Aggregated Silver Nanoparticles, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 5, (1), 2015, p1-6Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Eilish McLoughlin, Sandra Fee and Eithne McCabe, The environment for women in physics in Ireland, AIP Conf. Proc. , American Institute of Physics Conference Series: WOMEN IN PHYSICS: 5TH IUPAP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WOMEN IN PHYSICS, Canada, 5-8 August 2015, 1697, AIP, 2015, pp060025Conference Paper, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Gough J.J, Siewerska K.E, Mehigan S, Hanlon D, Backes C, Gholamvand Z, Szydloska B.M, Blau W.J, McCabe E, Bradley A.L, Ag nanoparticle decorated graphene oxide: Fluorescence quenching and surface enhanced raman scattering, 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS , September, 2016, pp121 - 123Conference Paper, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gough, J.J., Siewerska, K.E., Mehigan, S., (...), McCabe, E., Bradley, A.L. , Influence of graphene oxide/Ag nanoparticle composites on the fluorescence properties of organic dyes, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, (12), 2017, p8901-8911Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- L. Yang, C.M. Taylor, Y.P. Rakovich, E.M. McCabe, The three-dimensional imaging of microspheres in confocal and conventional polarization microscopes, Proceedings of SPIE , SPIE. Photonics West. BIOS2003. Conference 4964 Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing X, San Jose, California, USA, 25-31 January 2003, edited by J.-A. Conchello, C.J. Cogswell, T. Wilson , 4964, SPIE, 2003, pp66 - 72Conference Paper, 2003, DOI , URL
- Y.P. Rakovich, L. Yang, E.M. McCabe, J.F. Donegan, T. Perova, A. Moore, N. Gaponik, A. Rogach, Whispering Gallery Mode Emission from a Composite System of CdTe Nanocrystals and a Spherical Microcavity, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 18, (11), 2003, p914 - 918Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
- L. Yang, C.M. Taylor, Y.P. Rakovich and E.M. McCabe, The three-dimensional imaging of microspheres with confocal and conventional polarization microscopes, Applied Optics, 42, (28), 2003, p5693 - 5700Journal Article, 2003, URL
- L. Yang, C.M. Taylor, Y.P. Rakovich, E. McCabe, A. Rogach, N. Gaponik, Light confinement in photonic dots with a quantum dot nanocrystal shell, Abstracts, OPTO Ireland. SPIE Regional Meeting, Galway, Ireland , 5-6 September 2002, 2002, pp42 - 42Meeting Abstract, 2002
- J.F. Donegan, Yu.P. Rakovich, L. Yang, E.M. McCabe, T. Perova, A. Moore, N. Gaponik, A. Rogach, Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing from a Composite System of CdTe Nanocrystals and a Spherical Microcavity, Program, Material Research Society 2002 Fall Meeting. Symposium E: Physics and Thechnology of Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Boston, MA, USA, December 2-5, 2002, 2002, pp105-Poster, 2002
- Yu. Rakovich, L. Yang, C.M. Taylor, L.A. Dunbar, A. MacRaighne, J. Donegan, E.M. McCabe, Imaging and size determination of a spherical microcavity by confocal fluorescence microscopy, Abstracts, 27th Annual Symposium of Microscopical Society of Ireland , University College Cork, Ireland, Sept. 10-12, 2003, 2003, pp16-Meeting Abstract, 2003
- Yu.P. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, E.M. McCabe, J.F. Donegan, T. Perova, A. Moore, A.L. Rogach, N. Gaponik, Resonance-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Anti-Stokes Emission From Spherical Microcavities With CdTe Quantum Dots, Abstracts, The European Materials Conference, European Material Research Society Spring Meeting. E-MRS 2004, Symposium A2: Nanophotonic Materials, Strasbourg, France, May 24-28, 2004, 2004, pp27-Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Y.P. Rakovich, L. Yang, C.M. Taylor, L.A. Dunbar, A. Mac Raighne, J.F. Donegan, E.M. McCabe, Three dimensional confocal microscopy of fluorescent microspheres: imaging and size determination , In: "Photonic Engineering" Proceedings of SPIE, OPTO Ireland. SPIE Meeting. Conference 5827A "Photon Management Research in Ireland", Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland , 4-6 April, 2005, edited by B.W. Bowe, G. Byrne, A.J. Flanagan, T.J. Glynn, J. Magee, G.M. O'Connor, R.F. O'Dowd, G.D. O'Sullivan, J.T. Sheridan , 5827, SPIE, 2005, pp299 - 304Conference Paper, 2005, URL
- Rakovich, Y.P.; Yang, L.; Taylor, C.M.; Dunbar, L.A.; Mac Raighne, A.; Donegan, J.F.; McCabe, E.M., Three dimensional confocal microscopy of fluorescent microspheres: Imaging and size determination, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2005: Photonic Engineering, Opto-Ireland 2005: Photonic Engineering, Dublin, 04 April, edited by Brian W. Bowe, Gerald Byrne, Aidan J. Flanagan, Thomas J. Glynn, Jonathan Magee, Gerard M. O'Connor, Ronan F. O'Dowd, Gerard D. O'Sullivan, John T. Sheridan , 5827, SPIE, 2005, pp299 - 304Poster, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jordan, C.; Fewer, D. T.; Donegan, J. F.; McCabe, E. M.; Huynh, A.; Logue, F. P.; Taniguchi, S.; Hino, T.; Nakano, K.; Ishibashi, A., Defect annealing in a II-VI laser diode structure under intense optical excitation, Applied Physical Letters, 72, (2), 1998, p194 - 196Journal Article, 1998, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jordan, C.; Fewer, D.T.; Donegan, J.F.; Logue, F.P.; McCabe, E.M.; Huynh, A.; Taniguchi, S.; Hino, T.; et. al., Defect annealing in a II-VI laser diode structure under intense optical excitation , Journal of Crystal Growth, 185, 1998, p585 - 586Journal Article, 1998, URL
- D.T.Fewer,C.Jordan, S.J.Hewlett, E.M.McCabe, F.P.Logue, J.F.Donegan,J.Hegarty, S.Taniguchi, T.Hino, K.Nakano and A.Ishibashi, Degradation dynamics of II-VI (ZnCdSe) quantum well materials using confocal photoluminescence microscopy, Proceedings of Royal Microscopical Society Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Royal Microscopical Society Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, 157, 1998, pp569 - 572Conference Paper, 1998
- Logue, F. P.; Fewer, D. T.; Hewlett, S. J.; Heffernan, J. F.; Jordan, C.; Rees, P.; Donegan, J. F.; McCabe, E. M.; Hegarty, J.; Taniguchi, S.; Hino, T.; Nakano, K.; Ishibashi, A., Optical measurement of the ambipolar diffusion length in a ZnCdSe-ZnSe single quantum well, Journal of Appleid Physics, 81, (1), 1997, p536 - 538Journal Article, 1997, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jordan, C. McCabe, E.M. Donegan, J.F. Nakano, K. Ishibashi, A.Itoh, S. , Recovery of degradation in Il-VI laser diode structure , Electronic Letters, 35, (15), 1999, p1281 - 1283Journal Article, 1999, DOI
- C. Smyth, R. Reilly, Y. Rakovich and E. McCabe, Synthesis and formation of one-dimensional Au nanoparticle chains, J.Surf.Sci.Nanotech., 7, 2009, p327 - 329Journal Article, 2009
- R. Reilly, C. Smyth, Y. Rakovich and E. McCabe, Photoluminescent lifetime of polyelectrolytes in thin films formed via layer by layer self assembly, Nanotechnology, 20, (095707), 2009Journal Article, 2009
- C. Smyth, R. Reilly, Y. Rakovich and E. McCabe, Synthesis and formation of one-dimensional Au nanoparticle chains, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, Aveiro, Portugal, 29, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- C.Smyth, Y. Rakovich, E. McCabe, Alignment and FLIM imaging of Ag nanowires with CdTe quantum dots, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks Ponta Delgada University, Azores, Portugal, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- C.Smyth, Y. Rakovich, E. McCabe, Investigation and characterisation of 1-dimensional plasmonic structures, Proceedings of Photonics Ireland, Kinsale, Co. Cork, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- C. Smyth, R. Reilly, Y. Rakovich and E. McCabe, Synthesis and formation of one-dimensional Au nanoparticle chains, 4th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, Ireland, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- R Reilly, Y. Rakovich and E. McCabe, Fluorescent lifetime imaging as a new tool to investigate surface plasmon enhanced spontaneous emission, Photonics Ireland Conference, Galway, Ireland, 33, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- A. MacRaighine, Y. Rakovich, Y. Gunko, E. McCabe, Imaging of Enhanced Fluorescence by Nanostructured Gold Particles, Institute of Physics Conference Quantum Electronics and Photonics (QEP-17), Manchester, UK, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- A. MacRaighne, E. McCabe and T. Scharf, A. MacRaighne, E. McCabe and T. Scharf, Review of Scientific Instrumentation, 77, (055103), 2006Journal Article, 2006
- A. MacRaighne, J. Wang, E. McCabe and T. Scharf, Variable focal-length microlens arrays in confocal micro, Proc.SPIE, SPIE Three-dimensional and Multi-dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing, 5701, 2005, pp93-100Conference Paper, 2005
- A. MacRaighne, L. Yang and E. McCabe, Three-dimensional confocal microscopy of fluorescent microspheres: imaging size and determination, Proc.SPIE , 5827, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- E. McCabe, L. Dunbar and T. Scharf, Confocal microscopy using variable-focal-length microlenses and an optical fibre bundle, Applied Optics, 44, 2005, p5928-5936Journal Article, 2005
- A. MacRaighne, L. Yang, L. Dunbar, E. McCabe and T. Scharf, Confocal Microscopy and Variable-Focal-Length Microlenses, Proc.SPIE , SPIE Photonics West BiOS 2004: International Biomedical Optics Symposium, San Jose, California, USA, 5324, 2004, pp55-64Conference Paper, 2004
- Anti-Stokes emission and resonance-enhanced Raman scattering from spherical microcavities with CdTe quantum dots, Y. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, E. McCabe, J. Donegan, T. Perova, A. Moore, N. Gaponik, A.L. Rogach , Nano2004, 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials,, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 20-24, 2004, pppp109-Conference Paper, 2004
- C. Taylor and E. McCabe, Effects of source coherence and aperture array geometry on optical sectioning strength in direct-view microscopy, J.Opt.Soc.Am.A , 19, (7), 2002, p1406-1416Journal Article, 2002
- C. Taylor, P. Smith, E. McCabe, D. Selviah, S. Day and L. Commander, Switchable fibre coupling using variable-focal-length microlenses, Review of Scientific Instrumentation, 72, (7), 2001, p3132-3134Journal Article, 2001
- E. McCabe, A. Allen, J. O'Brien and S. McGrath, Women in Physics in Ireland, American Institute of Physics Conf.Proc., 628, 2002, pp177Conference Paper, 2002
- E. McCabe, C. Taylor and L. Yang, Novel Imaging in Confocal Microscopy, Proc.SPIE., SPIE Conference on Three-dimensional and Multi-dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing, San Jose, California, USA, 4876, 2002, 1-10Conference Paper, 2002
- C. Taylor, L. Yang and E. McCabe, Source coherence and optical sectioning in DVMs, Proc.SPIE., SPIE Conference on Three-dimensional and Multi-dimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing, 4621, 2002, pp32-39Conference Paper, 2002
- P. Smith, C. Taylor, A. Shaw and E. McCabe, Programmable array microscopy using a ferroelectric liquid crystal SLM, Appl.Optics , 39, (16), 2000, p2664-2669Journal Article, 2000
- D. Fewer, S. Hewlett and E. McCabe, Imaging in fluorescence direct-view microscopy, J.Opt.Communications , 152, 1998, p393-402Journal Article, 1998
- S. Hewlett, D. Fewer and E. McCabe, Influence of source coherence and aperture distribution on the imaging properties in direct-view microscopy, J.Opt.Soc.Am.A, 14, 1997, p1066-1075Journal Article, 1997
- D.T.Fewer, S.J.Hewlett , E.M.McCabe and J.Hegarty, Direct-view microscopy: experimental investigation of the dependence of the optical sectioning characteristics on pinhole-array configuration, Journal of Microscopy, 187, (1), 1997, p54 - 61Journal Article, 1997, DOI
- E. M. McCabe, D. T. Fewer, A. C. Ottewill, S. J. Hewlett J. Hegarty, Direct-view microscopy: optical sectioning strength for finite-sized, multiple-pinhole arrays, Journal of Microscopy, 184, (2), 1996, p95 - 105Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- C. Smyth, J.J. Wang, S.E.J.Bell, Y.P. Rakovich and E.M. McCabe, Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy using metal nanostructure substrates towards the study of pterins, Biosensors 2010, 20th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Glasgow, UK, 26-28 May 2010, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- C. Smyth, S.E.J. Bell, Y.P. Rakovich and E.M.McCabe, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) of pterins, Nanotechnology, 53, 2011, pp76-Conference Paper, 2011
- C. Smyth, S. Mehigan, Y. P. Rakovich, S. E. J. Bell and E. M. McCabe, Biological sensing with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) using a facile and rapid silver colloid-based synthesis technique, SPIE, 7911, 2011, p79111H-Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- C.A. Smyth, S. Mehigan, Y. P. Rakovich, S.E. J Bell and E.M. McCabe, Pterin detection using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy incorporating a straightforward silver colloid-based synthesis technique, J. Biomed. Opt., 16, 2011, p077007-Journal Article, 2011
- C.A. Smyth,I. Mirza, J.G. Lunney and E.M. McCabe, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Pterins using silver nanoparticles, SPIE , 8234, 2012, p82341G1 - G7Journal Article, 2012
- CA Smyth, I Mirza, JG Lunney and EM McCabe, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) using Ag nanoparticle films produced by Pulsed Laser deposition (PLD), Journal of Surface Science, 264, 2013, 31-35Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Sam Mehigan, Ciarán Smyth and Eithne McCabe, Examination of pterins using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using low-volume samples, Proc. SPIE, Colloidal Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications VIII, 8595, SPIE, 2013, pp8595OY - 8595OY-8Conference Paper, 2013, DOI
- O'Sullivan, G.; Hegarty, J.; Horan, P.; Kakizaki, S.; Kelly, B.; McCabe, E., Simulation of a novel, optically addressable, switched-current/continuous-time, current- mode cellular neural network, Electronic Letters, 31, 1995, p563 - 564Journal Article, 1995, URL
- The monolithic integration of quantum-well high-electron-mobility field-effect transistors, and asymmetric Fabry-Perot optical modulators. in, Institute of Physics Conference Series, IOP, 1995, pp519 - 522, [O'Sullivan, G., Aherne, T., McCabe, E., Hegarty, J., Horan, P. , Corbett, B.]Book Chapter, 1995
- Mehigan, S., Smyth, C., McCabe, E.M., Optimisation of surface enhanced raman spectroscopy reproducibility for pterin detection, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 8801, 2013, art. no. 880107Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Sam Mehigan and Eithne McCabe, A consideration of Silver Nanoparticle aggregates with a view to SERS, Proc. SPIE, 9126, (Nanophotonics V), 2014, pp91263 - 91270Conference Paper, 2014
- Biomedical spectroscopy and Imaging, 3, (2014), 225 - 229p, Sam Mehigan, Ciaran Smyth and Eithne McCabe, [eds.]Journal, 2014
Research Expertise
Professor McCabe's research interests are in the area of high resolution imaging. She brings an engineering perspective to this subject with a career spanning Engineering and Physics Departments and also industry in AT&T (Lucent) Bell Laboratories. This field of microscopy has revolutionized the way biologists, physicists and engineers use light to image a range of samples from biological cells to semiconductor devices. The three-dimensional, high-resolution, non-destructive features are captivating new microscope users around the globe and driving the development of radically new types of confocal microscopes. Professor McCabe's group focuses on the theoretical as well as the experimental aspects of confocal imaging where she designs new microscopes and develops new imaging techniques. She holds patents on this work. She is particularly interested in multi-aperture imaging using novel approaches to increase imaging speed by imaging in parallel. Her work has focused on new imaging techniques which may ultimately drive down the cost of high resolution imaging systems.
- Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Fellow
- Zonta Amelia Earhart Fellow
- Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
- Fellow of the Institute of Physics
- Fellow of Magdalen College Oxford
- Royal television Society Baird Scholarship
- Senior Scholar Lincoln College Oxford
- The Hewlett-Packard for Innovation in Electronic Engineering
- Member of INTEGER committee, TCD
- Member of the Institute of Directors in Ireland
- Member of the Editorial Board, Review of Scientific Instruments
- Member of the Helsinki Group
- Member of Equality Committee, TCD
- Board member of the Irish Research Council
- Member of TCD Scientific Committee for the British Association Festival of Science
- Member of Institute of Physics Women in Physics Group committee
- Member of Finance Committee, TCD
- Member of Graduate Studies Committee, TCD
- Team leader for the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and the Royal Irish Academy for the Women in Physics initiative, Paris
- Member of Program Committee SPIE European Conference on Biomedical Optics, Munich
- Member of Personnel and Appointments Committee, TCD
- Former advisor to the Department of Education in Ireland
- Women in Physics and IOP Juno Leader, TCD
- Member of Catering Management Committee, TCD
- Member of School of Physics Executive, TCD
- Member of national committee for the UNESCO International Year of Light
- Member of Program Committee SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, USA
- Member of Governing Body Magdalen College Oxford
- Tutor, TCD
- Member of the Executive of Women in Technology and Science (WITS)
- Member of Program Committee SPIE Opto Ireland Conference
- Member of Teaching and Learning Committee, TCD
- Member of Institute of Physics Juno committee for the UK and Ireland evaluating and advising on best practice in gender and Physics