Professor Denis Weaire

Professor Denis Weaire

Fellow Emeritus, Physics

CRANN Board Member, CRANN


Denis Lawrence WEAIRE recently retired as Erasmus Smith Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the School of Physics of Trinity College Dublin. He is a an honorary Doctor of the Technical University of Lisbon, Member (and former VP) of the Royal Irish Academy, Member (and current VP) of the Academia Europaea, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. He served on the interim Board of Science Foundation Ireland and as a member of the Scientific Council of the (EC)JRC, Editor-in-Chief of J Phys (Condensed Matter), a founder member and first Secretary/Treasurer of the European Association of Deans of Science, Chairman of the EU TMR Physics Networks Panel, and President of the European Physical Society. In TCD he has served as Dean of Science, and he has conducted numerous evaluations and reviews for the EU and governmental agencies. In 2002 he was awarded the Cecil Powell Memorial Medal of the EPS. His work has also been recognized by prizes from Shell Amsterdam, the Japanese Society for Science on Form, and special public lectures. In February 2005 he is to be conferred with the Cunningham Medal, the most distinguished award of the Royal Irish Academy. In 2008 he received the Hollingweck Medal and prize, jointly awarded by the Intitute of Physics and the French Physical Society. He was a director and co-founder of a successful spin-off technology company (Magnetic Solutions Ltd) engaged since 1994 in the manufacture and design of magnetic instrumentation and of magnetic annealing systems for the semiconductor industry. He has acted as an advisor on science policy and evaluation to science agencies in France, Portugal, Brazil and Australia and is currently reviewing plans for major research centres in Australia. Research interests have included computational physics, electronic structure, amorphous materials, magnetic devices, soft condensed matter (particularly foams), microfluidics, and the history of science. He has delivered many keynote and plenary lectures on these topics to leading international conferences in a variety of disciplines. In addition he has strong interests in history of science (and has been chairman of the relevant boards of EPS and IOP) and arts-science interactions. He has assisted in the design of the Science Centre at Birr, organised the Quatercentenary Science Exhibition of TCD and other lesser exhibitions, and produced the play "Calculus". He is Chairman of the Library Committee of the Royal Society. He is the author over three hundred and fifty publications and several books, most notably Physics of Foams (OUPP) and Pursuit of Perfect Packing (Taylor anf Francis,Second Edition 2008). His most notable research achievement was the 1994 paper, which overthrew a century-old conjecture of Lord Kelvin, regarding the structure of foam. The "Weaire-Phelan" structure, announced at that time, is to be the basis for the construction of one of the main buildings of the Beijing Olympics- the "Water Cube". He has an extensive record of research grants in the USA, UK, the EU and Ireland.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Whyte, David S. , Murtagh, Robert P., Weaire, Denis L., Hutzler, Stefan, Applications and extensions of the Z-cone model for the energy of a foam, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 473, 2015, p115 - 122Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Bergin, S.D., Hutzler, S., Weaire, D. , The drop heard round the world, Physics World, 27, (5), 2014, p26-29Journal Article, 2014
  • Foams and analogous cellular systems in, E. Terentiev , The Oxford Handbook of Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2015, pp147 - 166, [Denis Weaire and Stefan Hutzler]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
  • Weaire, Denis, "Albert and Erwin: decline and fall", 2015, - 42-43Miscellaneous, 2015
  • AJ Meagher, D Whyte, J. Banhart, S. Hutzler and F Garcıa-Moreno, Slow crystallisation of a monodisperse foam stabilised against coarsening, Soft Matter, 11, 2015, p4710 - 4716Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Foams in, editor(s)N.J. Higham , Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2015, pp737 - 740, [D. Weaire and S. Hutzler]Book Chapter, 2015
  • D Whyte, D Weaire, W Drenckhan and S Hutzler, The relative energy of fcc and hcp foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 95, 2015, p319 - 323Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Drenckhan, W., Hutzler, S., Structure and energy of liquid foams, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 224, 2015, p1 - 16Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • R Murtagh, D Whyte, D Weaire and S Hutzler, Adaptation of the Z-cone model to the estimation of the energy of a bcc foam, Philosophical Magazine, 95, 2015, p4023 - 4034Journal Article, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Emilie Forel, Emmanuelle Rio, Maxime Schneider, Sebastien Beguin, Denis Weaire, Stefan Hutzler and Wiebke Drenckhan, The surface tells it all: relationship between volume and surface fraction of liquid dispersions, Soft Matter, 12, 2016, p8025 - 8029Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • C. H. Patterson, Bond calculation of optical second harmonic generation at gallium-terminated and arsenic-terminated Si(111) surfaces, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 4, 1992, p4017 - 4037Journal Article, 1992
  • Heitkam S, Drenckhan W, Titscher T, Weaire D, Kreuter D.C, Hajnal D, Piechon F, Fröhlich J, Elastic properties of solid material with various arrangements of spherical voids, European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 59, 2016, p252 - 264Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Heitkam S, Drenckhan W, Weaire D, Fröhlich J, Beam model for the elastic properties of material with spherical voids, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 86, (1-2), 2016, p165 - 176Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Hutzler S, Murtagh R.P, Whyte D, Tobin S.T, Weaire D, Z-cone model for the energy of an ordered foam, Soft Matter, 10, (36), 2014, p7103 - 7108Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
  • F. F. Dunne and F. Bolton and D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Statistics and topological changes in 2D foam from the dry to the wet limit, Philosophical Magazine, 97, (21), 2017, p1768 - 1781Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • J. Winkelmann, B. Haffner, D. Weaire, A. Mughal, and S. Hutzler, Simulation and observation of line-slip structures in columnar structures of soft spheres, Physical Review E, 96, 2017, p012610-1 - 012610-6Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • D Weaire, R Hoehler and S Hutzler, Bubble-bubble interactions in a 2D foam, close to the wet limit, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 247, 2017, p491 - 495Journal Article, 2017, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • J Winkelmann, FF Dunne, VJ Langlois, ME Moebius, D Weaire, S Hutzler, 2D foams above the jamming transition: Deformation matters, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 534, 2017, p52 - 57Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mughal, A. and Weaire, D., Phyllotaxis, disk packing, and Fibonacci numbers, Physical Review E, 95, (2), 2017, p022401-Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Thorpe, M.F. and Weaire, D., THEORY OF THE ELECTRONIC DENSITY OF STATES IN AMORPHOUS SEMICONDUCTORS., 1973, p917-937Journal Article, 1973, URL
  • Alben, R. and Weaire, D. and Smith Jr., J.E. and Brodsky, M.H., VIBRATIONAL DENSITY OF STATES AND THE INFRARED AND RAMAN SPECTRA OF AMORPHOUS SILICON AND GERMANIUM., 1974, p1231-1238Journal Article, 1974, URL
  • Boland, C.S. and Khan, U. and Binions, M. and Barwich, S. and Boland, J.B. and Weaire, D. and Coleman, J.N., Graphene-coated polymer foams as tuneable impact sensors, Nanoscale, 10, (11), 2018, p5366-5375Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Hutzler, S. and Ryan-Purcell, J.C.F. and Dunne, F.F. and Weaire, D., A simple formula for the estimation of surface tension from two length measurements for a sessile or pendant drop, Philosophical Magazine Letters, (98), 2018, p9 - 16Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Cox, S. J. and Kraynik, A. M. and Weaire, D. and Hutzler, S., Ideal wet two-dimensional foams and emulsions with finite contact angle, Soft Matter, 14, 2018, p5922 - 5929Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • A. Mughal, J. Winkelmann, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Columnar structures of soft spheres: Metastability and hysteresis, Physical Review E, 98, 2018, p043303 - (6 pages)Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • A. Mughal, S.J. Cox, D. Weaire, S.R. Burke and S. Hutzler, Demonstration and interpretation of 'scutoid' cells formed in a quasi-2D soap froth, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 98, 2018, p358 - 364Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • J Winkelmann, A Mughal, DB Williams, D Weaire and S Hutzler, Theory of rotational columnar structures of soft spheres, Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), 99, 2019, p020602-Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • F.F. Dunne , J. Winkelmann, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Implementation of Morse-Witten theory for a polydisperse wet 2D foam simulation, Philosophical Magazine, 99, (18), 2019, p2303 - 2320Journal Article, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Höhler, R. and Weaire, D., Can liquid foams and emulsions be modeled as packings of soft elastic particles?, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 263, 2019, p19-37Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • J Winkelmann, A Mughal, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Equilibrium configurations of hard spheres in a cylindrical harmonic potential., EPL Europhysics Letters, 127, 2019, p44002 - (7 pages)Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Denis Weaire, Ali Irannezhad, Adil Mughal and Stefan Hutzler, A simple experimental system to illustrate the nonlinear properties of a linear chain under compression., American Journal of Physics, 88, (5), 2020, p347 - 352Journal Article, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Stefan Hutzler, Adil Mughal, John Ryan-Purcell, Ali Irannezhad, and Denis Weaire, Buckling of a linear chain of hard spheres in a harmonic confining potential: Numerical and analytical results for low and high compression, Physical Review E, 102, 2020, p022905-Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Hutzler S, Dunne FF, Kraynik AM and Weaire D, The energy of fcc and hcp foams, Soft Matter, 16, 2020, p8262 - 8271Journal Article, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Susmit Kumar; Stewart K. Kurtza; Denis Weaire, Average number of sides for the neighbours of a Poisson-Voronoi tesselation, Philosophical Magazine Part B, 69, (3), 1994, p69 - 31Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • D. Weaire, R Phelan, Optimal Design of Honeycombs, Nature, 367, (123), 1994Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • D. Weaire, Ordering disorder: Prospect and retrospect in condensed matter physics, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Conference , October 1 1992, edited by D. Weaire, V Srivastava, A K Bhatnagar, D G Nauler , 286, (21), 1994, 21-29Conference Paper, 1994, DOI
  • D. Weaire, Structural transformations in foam?, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 69, (99), 1994, p99 - 105Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • D. Weaire, R Phelan, A Counter-example to Kelvin's conjecture on minimal surfaces, Phil. Mag. Letters, 69, (99), 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • D. Weaire, R. Fhelan, The Structure of Monodisperse Foam, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 70, (5), 1994, p345 - 350Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • D. Weaire, S Hutzler, Froth: A Cosmic Connection?, Irish Astronomy Journal, 22, (1), 1995, p39Journal Article, 1995, URL
  • D. Weaire, F Bolton, S Hutzler, The Effects of Plateau Borders in the 2dSoap froth, III Further Results, Phil. Mag., 70, (345), 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • D. Weaire, M A Fortes, S Coughlan, The Modelling of Liquid and Solid Foams, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 55, (3-4), 1995, p178 - 185Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • D. Weaire, David Hobbs, Electrons and Holes in a-Si, Phil Mag Letters, 69, (99), 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • D. Weaire, D Hobbs, G J Morgan, J M Holender, F Wooten, New Applications of the Equation-of-motion: Optical Properties, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids , 877, (2), 1993, p164 - 166Journal Article, 1993, DOI
  • D. Weaire, G J Morgan, J Okumu, J M Holender and D Hobbs, Electrons, Holes and the Hall Effect in Amorphous Silicon, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 457, (1), 1993, p164 - 166Journal Article, 1993, DOI
  • D. Weaire, Froths, Foams and Heady Geometry, New Scientist, 142, (34), 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • D. Weaire, S McMurry, S Hutzler, J Lunney, Theory of Diffusive Light Scattering from Disordered Materials, Optical Engineering, 33, (3849), 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • D. Weaire, De la Bulle à la Mousse, La Recherche, 274, (246), 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • D. Weaire, D Hobbs, Una Nuova Applicazione del metodo dell'equazione del moto: proprieta ottiche non lineari Atti Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti Classe I di Scienze, Fis. Mat. e Nat., 72, 1994, p583 - 590Journal Article, 1994
  • D. Weaire, Young Man in a Hurry, Physics World, 8, 1995, p28 - 31Journal Article, 1995
  • D. Weaire, M A Fortes, Stress and Strain in Froths and Foams, Advances in Physics, 43, 1994, p685 - 738Journal Article, 1994
  • D. Weaire, R Phelan and K Brakke, Computation of Equilibrium Foam Structures using the Surface Evolver, Exptl. Math, 4, 1996, p181 - 192Journal Article, 1996
  • D Weaire, G Verbist, A Kraynik, The Foam Drainage Equation, J Phys: Condensed Matter, 8, 1996, p3715 - 3731Journal Article, 1996
  • D Weaire and S McMurry, Some Fundamentals of Grain Growth, Solid State Physics, 50, 1997, p1 - 36Journal Article, 1997
  • D Weaire, A Search for Structure - in the Footsteps of Cyril Stanley Smith, Katachi U Symmetry, 1996, p125 - 134Journal Article, 1996
  • D Hobbs, D Weaire, S McMurry, O Zuchuat, The Computation of Linear and Nonlinear Optical Constants of Semiconductors, J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 8, 1996, p4691 - 4707Journal Article, 1996
  • D. Weaire, R Phelan, A Counter-example to Kelvin's conjecture on minimal surfaces, Hyperspace, 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • E Finch and D Weaire, The Long Life of an Atom Splitter, Physics World, 1995, p62 - 63Journal Article, 1995
  • D Weaire, S Findlay, G Verbist, Measurement of Foam Drainage using AC Conductivity, P. Phys: Condensed Matter, 7, 1995, pL217 - L222Journal Article, 1995
  • S Hutzler, D Weaire, G Verbist and J A Van der Steen, Measurement of Foam Density Profiles using AC Capacitance, Europhysics Letters, 31, (497), 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • D. Weaire, A Tribute to Cyril Stanley Smith, Symmetry, Culture and Science, 1992, p441 - 442Journal Article, 1992
  • D. Weaire, R. Phelan, Cellular Structures in Three Dimensions, Phil. Trans Roy Soc A, 354, 1996, p1989 - 1997Journal Article, 1996
  • D. Weaire, Rich Silence: Some of the Contributions of GG Stokes to Physics, Mathematics Today, (May/June), 1996, p81 - 83Journal Article, 1996
  • D. Weaire, Comment on Evolution of Two-Dimensional Soap Froth with a Single Defect, Physical Review Letters, 74, (3710), 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • N Pittet, N Rivier and D Weaire, Cylindrical Packing of Foam Cells, Forma, 10, 1995, p65 - 73Journal Article, 1995
  • D. Weaire, R Phelan, An Architectural Dome Construction based on the Weaire-Phelan Structure, Hyperspace, 4, (18), 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • R Phelan, S Hutzler, G Verbist, Structure, Rheology and Drainage of Foams, Les Houches, Summer School Notes, (Feb.), 1995, p43 - 45Journal Article, 1995
  • D. Weaire, S. McMurry, Grain Boundary Motion in Idealised Models, Proc 7th Int Conf. on Intergranular and Interface Boundaries in Materials, Materials Science Forum, 1997, pp569 - 572Conference Paper, 1997
  • S Hutzler, D Weaire, The Osmotic Pressure of a Two-Dimensional Foam, J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 7, 1995, pL657 - L662Journal Article, 1995
  • S McMurry, J Lunney, S Hutzler and D Weaire, Response to 'The Importance of Boundary Reflections in the Theory of Diffusive Light Scattering', Optical Engineering, 34, 1995, p3345 - 3346Journal Article, 1995
  • D Weaire and R Phelan, Vertex Instabilities in Foams and Emulsions, J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 8, 1996, pL37 - L43Journal Article, 1996
  • D. Weaire, P Boltenhagen, N Rivier, N Pittet, Structural Transitions in Ordered Cylindrical Foam, Europhysics Letters, I, 1996, p547 - 552Journal Article, 1996
  • D Weaire and R Phelan, The Physics of Foam, J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 8, 1996, p9519 - 9524Journal Article, 1996
  • R. Phelan, D. Weaire, EAJF Peters, G Verbist, The Conductivity of a Foam, J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 8, 1996, pL475 - L482Journal Article, 1996
  • D. Weaire, De la Burbuja a la Espuma, Mundo Cientifico, 157, (408), 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • D Weaire, S Hutzler, G. Verbist, De schone schijn van schuim, Chemisch Weekblad, 9, 2000, p12 - 13Journal Article, 2000
  • D.Weaire, S. Hutzler, G.Verbist, EAJF Peters, A Review of Foam Drainage, Adv. in Chem. Phys, 102, 1997, p315 - 374Journal Article, 1997
  • D.Weaire, On the Kelvin-Stamenovic estimate of the shear modulus of a foam, Phil.Mag., 77, (5), 1998, p257 - 260Journal Article, 1998
  • D. Weaire, The Equilibrium Structure of Soap Froths: Inversion and Decoration, Phil.Mag., Letters, 79, 1999, p4921 - 4925Journal Article, 1999
  • S Hutzler and D Weaire, Foam Coarsening under Forced Drainage, Phil Mag Letters, 80, (419), 2000Journal Article, 2000
  • S. Stoyanov, C. Dushkin, D. Langevin, D. Weaire and G. Verbist, Effect of the Rheology on Foam Drainage, Langmuir, 14, 1998, p4663 - 4665Journal Article, 1998
  • D.Weaire, S. Hutzler, S. Findlay, R. Phelan, Foam drainage, measurement and theory, Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industries (HIFFI), Plovdiv-Scientific Works, XLIII, 1998, p145 - 150Journal Article, 1998
  • R. Phelan, D. Weaire, S. McMurry, S. Cox, The Deformation of Soap Film Junctions by Applied Forces, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 79, (887), 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • D. Weaire, Lord Kelvin e a Fisica do seu tempo, Colóquio/Ciências, (20), 1997, p67 - 75Journal Article, 1997
  • S.Hutzler, D.Weaire, R.Crawford, Convective instability in foam drainage, Europhysics Lett., 41, 1998, p4651 - 4655Journal Article, 1998
  • S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, R. Phelan, New Variations on the Soap Film Experiments of Plateau: I. Experiments under Forced Drainage, Phil.Mag., B, (78), 1998, p1 - 12Journal Article, 1998
  • D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Nonlinear Phenomena in Soap Froth, Physica A, 257, 1998, p264 - 274Journal Article, 1998
  • G.Verbist, D. Weaire, R. Phelan, Rheology and Drainage of Liquid Foams, Foams and Emulsions, 1999, p303 - 314Journal Article, 1999
  • M. Coey and D. Weaire, Magnets, Markets and Magic Cylinders, The Industrial Physicist, 1998, p34 - 36Journal Article, 1998
  • D. Weaire, Pride and Precedence in Victorian Science, Contemporary Physics, 39, 1998, p295 - 297Journal Article, 1998
  • D. Weaire, Lord Kelvin's Model of the Ether, Physicalia, 21, 1999, p267 - 274Journal Article, 1999
  • T Ni Mhiochain, JMD Coey, D Weaire and S McMurry, Torque in nested Halbach Cylinders, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 35, 1999, p3968 - 3970Journal Article, 1999
  • D. Weaire, A Short History of Packing Problems, Forma, 14, 1999, p279 - 285Journal Article, 1999
  • T Ni Mhiochain, D Weaire, S McMurry, JMD Coey, Analysis of Torque in nested Halbach cylinders, Journal of Applied Physics, 86, 1999, p6412 - 6424Journal Article, 1999
  • D Weaire and S Hutzler, Making, modelling and measuring foams, Europhysics News, 30, 1999, p73 - 75Journal Article, 1999
  • S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, Foam coarsening under forced drainage, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 80, (6), 2000, p419 - 425Journal Article, 2000
  • C Monnereau, N Pittet and D Weaire, An analysis of surface curvature and growth laws using the Surface Evolver, Europhys. Lett, 52, 2000, p3 - 8Journal Article, 2000
  • S.J. Cox, G. Bradley and D. Weaire, Metallic foam processing from the liquid state: the competition between solidification and drainage, European Journal of Physics: Applied Physics, 14, 2001, p87 - 96Journal Article, 2001
  • S.J. Cox, G. Bradley, S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, Vertex corrections in the theory of foam drainage, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13, 2001, p4863 - 4869Journal Article, 2001
  • S.J. Cox and D. Weai, Comment on 'free-drainage of aqueous foams: container shape effects on capillarity and vertical gradients', Europhysics Letters, 55, 2001, p445 - 446Journal Article, 2001
  • D. Weaire, S.J. Cox, S. Hutzler and G. Bradley, Foams in microgravity, Journal de Physique iv, 2001Journal Article, 2001
  • D. Weaire, Instabilities of two liquid drops in contact, Computing in Science and Engineering, 4, 2001, p564 - 574Journal Article, 2001
  • D Weaire, S.J. Cox and F. Graner, Uniqueness, Stability and Hessian eigenvalues for two-dimensional foam structures, European Physical Journal E, 7, 2002, p123 - 127Journal Article, 2002
  • S.J. Cox, D. Weaire and M.F. Vaz, The transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional foam structures, European Physical Journal, E 7, 2002, p311 - 315Journal Article, 2002
  • S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, F. Elias, and E. Janiaud, Juggling with Bubbles in Cylindrical Ferrofluid Foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 82, 2002, p297 - 301Journal Article, 2002
  • D. Weaire, The science lecture: theatre in the round?, Europhysics News, 26, 2002Journal Article, 2002
  • J.Banhart and D. Weaire, On the Road Again: Metal Foams Find Favor, Physics Today, 55, 2002, p37-42Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
  • D. Weaire, Foam Physics, Advanced Engineering Materials, 4, 2002, p723 - 725Journal Article, 2002
  • D. Weaire, The Value of Useless Studies (Cecil Powell Lecture), Europhysics News, 2002, p170 - 173Journal Article, 2002
  • N Kern and D Weaire, Approaching the dry limit in foam, Philosophical Magazine, 83, 2003, p2973 - 2987Journal Article, 2003
  • D Weaire, N Kern, G Verbist, Loaded Foam Structures, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 84, 2004, p117 - 125Journal Article, 2004
  • Cox, S.J., Vaz, M.F. and Weaire, D., Topological changes in a two-dimensional foam cluster, European Physical Journal E, 11, (1), 2003, p29 - 35Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Drenckhan, W., Weaire, D. and Cox, S.J., The demonstration of conformal maps with two-dimensional foams, European Journal of Physics, 25, 2004, p429 - 438Journal Article, 2004
  • D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Dilatancy in liquid foams, Philosophical. Magazine, 83, 2003, p2747 - 2760Journal Article, 2003
  • D. Weaire, S Cox, N. Kern, S Hutzler, W Drenckhan, The Two Dimensional Viscous Froth Model for Foam Dynamics, Physical Review, 2004Journal Article, 2004
  • M Durand, D.Weaire, Optimising Transport in a Homogeneous Network, Physical Review E, 70, (4), 2004, p046125Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Hard Magnets, M Amaral Fortes, P J Ferreira, Materiais Dois Mil, IST Press, 2003, pp277 - 282, [D. Weaire, JMD Coey]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2003
  • D. Weaire, W Drenckhan, S Hutzler, Foam physics; the simplest example of soft condensed matter, AIP Conference Proceedings, First International Conference on Modern Trends in Physics Research, 748, (1), 2004, pp22-28Conference Paper, 2004, DOI
  • SJ Cox, D Weaire, G Verbist, Comment on "Foam Imbibition in Microgravity, Eur J Phys, B, (40), 2004, p119 - 121Journal Article, 2004
  • S. Hutzler, G. Delaney, D. Weaire and F. McLeod, Rocking Newton's Cradle, American Journal of Physics, 72, (12), 2004, p1508 - 1516Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • S Cox, D Weaire, J A Glazier, The rheology of two-dimensional foams, Rheologica Acta, 43, (5), 2004, p442 - 448Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • SJ Cox, D Weaire, G Verbist, Comment on "Foam Imbibition in Microgravity, Eur J Phys, B, (40), 2004, p119 - 121Journal Article, 2004
  • M Durand and D Weaire, Optimizing transport in a homogeneous network, Physical Review, 70, 2004, p046125Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • A. Mughal, D. Weaire and S Hutzler, Peierls-Nabarro potential for a confined chain of hard spheres under compression, epl (Europhysics Letters), 135, 2021, p26002-Journal Article, 2021, URL
  • D. Weaire, A. Mughal, J. Ryan-Purcell and S. Hutzler, Description of the buckling of a chain of hard spheres in terms of Jacobi functions, Physica D, 433, 2022, p133177-Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Weaire D, Hutzler S and Pittet N, Cylindrical Packings of Foam Cells, Forma, 7, (3), 1992, p259 - 263Journal Article, 1992, URL
  • Weaire D, Pittet N, Hutzler S. and Pardal D, Steady-State Drainage of an Aqueous Foam, Physical Review Letters, 71, (16), 1993, p2670 - 2673Journal Article, 1993, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Hutzler S, Weaire D and Bolton F, The effects of Plateau borders in the two-dimensional soap froth, III. Further results, Philosophical Magazine B, 71, (3), 1995, p277 - 289Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Verbist G, Weaire D and Van der Steen J A, Measurement of Foam Density Profiles Using AC Capacitance, Europhysics Letters, 31, (8), 1995, p497 - 502Journal Article, 1995, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Hutzler S and Weaire D, The osmotic pressure of a two-dimensional disordered foam, Journal of Physics.: Condensed Matter, 7, 1995, pL657 - L662Journal Article, 1995, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Weaire D and Crawford R, Moving boundaries in ordered cylindrical foam structures, Philosophical Magazine B, 75, (6), 1997, p845 - 857Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • Hutzler S and Weaire D, Buckling properties of 2D regular elastomeric honeycombs, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 9, 1997, pL323 - L329Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Weaire D and Crawford R, Convective instability in foam drainage, Europhysics Letters, 41, 1998, p461 - 465Journal Article, 1998, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • In het Panhuis M, Hutzler S, Weaire D and Phelan R, New variations on the soap film experiments of Plateau:I. Experiments under forced drainage , Philosophical Magazine B, 78, (1), 1998, p1 - 12Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • Weaire D and Hutzler S, Nonlinear phenomena in soap froth, Physica A, 257, (1), 1998, p264 - 274Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Weaire D and Shah S, Bubble sorting under forced drainage, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 80, (1), 2000, p41 - 48Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • Cox S J, Weaire D, Hutzler S, Murphy J, Phelan R and Verbist G, Applications and generalisations of the foam drainage equation, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 456, (20002), 2000, p2441 - 2464Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • Weaire D, Cox SJ, Hutzler S and Bradley G, Foams in microgravity, Journal de Physique IV France, 11, 2001, pPr6-213 - Pr6-220Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Weaire D, Elias F, Janiaud E, Juggling with bubbles in cylindrical ferrofluid foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 82, 2002, p297 - 301Journal Article, 2002, DOI
  • Weaire D and Hutzler S, Dilatancy in liquid foams, Philosophical Magazine, 83, (23), 2003, p2747 - 2760Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Kern N, Weaire D, Martin A, Hutzler S and Cox SJ, The two-dimensional viscous froth model for foam dynamics, Physical Review E, 70, 2004, p041411 - (13 pages)Journal Article, 2004, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Hutzler S, Delaney G, Weaire D and McLeod F, Rocking Newton"s Cradle, American Journal of Physics, 72, (12), 2004, p1508 - 1516Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • Rioual F, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Elastic dilatancy in wet foams: A simple model, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263, (1-3), 2005, p117 - 120Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Delaney G, Weaire D, Hutzler S and Murphy S, Random packing of elliptical disks, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 85, (2), 2005, p89 - 96Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Physics in a small bedroom in, editor(s)M.Emmer, M. Abate , Imagine Math 8, Springer, 2022, [D Weaire, S Hutzler, A Irannezhad and K Cox]Book Chapter, 2022, DOI , URL
  • A Irannezhad, D Weaire, A Mughal, J Ryan-Purcell, S Hutzler, Buckling of a tilted line of confined hard spheres, Philosophical Magazine, 102, 2022, p2506 - 2524Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Mughal A, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Coulomb Calligraphy, Forma, 38, 2023, p1 - 5Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • A. Mughal, J. Winkelmann, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Stability maps for columnar structures, Philosophical Magazine, 103, (14), 2023, p1328 - 1344Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • S. Hutzler, J. Ryan-Purcell, A. Mughal and D. Weaire, A continuum description of the buckling of a line of spheres in a transverse harmonic confining potential, Royal Society Open Science, 10, (7), 2023, p230293-Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Irannezhad A, Baragry A, Weaire D, Mughal A and Hutzler S, Packing soft spheres: experimental demonstrations with hydrogels, European Journal of Physics, 44, 2023, p065501-Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mc Murry S, Weaire D, Lunney J and Hutzler S, Theory of diffusivelight scattering from disordered materials, Optical Engineering, 33, (12), 1994, p3849 - 3852Journal Article, 1994, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Weaire, Denis, From bombs to bubbles: the extraordinary career of Cyril Stanley Smith, Institute of Physics History of Physics Group, 2023, p33 - 35Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
  • Cox SJ, Alonso MD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Drainage induced convection rolls in foams I: Convective bubble motion in a tilted tube, European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter, 19, 2006, p17 - 22Journal Article, 2006, URL
  • D. Weaire, S. Hutzler, S. Cox, N. Kern, M.D. Alonso, and W. Drenckhan, The Fluid Dynamics of Foams, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, 2003, pS65-S73Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Liquid Foams - Precursors for Solid Foams in, editor(s)Michael Sceffler and Paolo Colombo , Cellular Ceramics, Weinheim, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, , 2005, pp18 - 28, [Denis Weaire, Simon Cox and Ken Brakke]Book Chapter, 2005
  • Delaney G W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Onset of rigidity for stretched string networks, europhysics letters, 72, 2005, p990 - 996Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Elias F, Bacri J-C, Flament C, Janiaud E, Talbot D, Drenckhan W, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Magnetic Soap Films and Magnetic Soap Foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 263, (1-3), 2005, p65 - 75Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • McGuinness P, Drenckhan W, Weaire D, The optimal tap: three dimensional nozzle design, Journal of Applied Physics D - Applied Physics, 38, (18), 2005, p3382 - 3386Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • S. Hutzler, N. Peron, D. Weaire, W. Drenckhan , The Foam/Emulsion Analogy in Structure and Drainage, European Journal of Physics E, 14, (4), 2004, p381 - 386Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • W. Drenckhan, F. Elias, S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, E. Janiaud, J.-C. Bacri , Bubble size control and measurement in the generation of ferrofluid foams, Journal of Applied Physics, 93, (12), 2003, p10078 - 10083Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • W. Drenckhan, S. Gatz, D. Weaire , Wave patterns of a rivulet of surfactant solution in a Hele-Shaw cell, Physics of Fluids, 16, (8), 2004, p3115 - 3121Journal Article, 2004, DOI
  • W. Drenckhan, S. Cox, G. Delaney, H. Holste, D. Weaire, N. Kern , Rheology of ordered foams- on the way to Discrete Microfluidics, Cooloids and Surfaces A, 263, (1-3), 2005, p65 - 75Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • A. Saugey, W. Drenckhan, D. Weaire, Wall slip of bubbles in foams, Physics of Fluids, 18, (5), 2006, p053101Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • A. van der Net, W. Drenckhan, D. Weaire, S. Hutzler , The Crystal Structure of Bubbles in the Wet Foam Limit, Soft Matter, 2, (2), 2006, p129 - 134Journal Article, 2006, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • T.R. Ní Mhíocháin, D. Weaire, S.M. McMurry, J.M.D. Coey, Analysis of Torque in Nested Halbach Cylinders, Journal of Applied Physics, 86, (11), 1999, p6412 - 6424Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Weaire D, Janiaud E and Hutzler S, Two-dimensional foam rheology with viscous drag, Physical Review Letters, 97, 2006, p038302-Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • T. R. Ní Mhíocháin, J.M.D. Coey, D. L. Weaire, S.M. McMurry, Torque in Nested Halbach Cylinders, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 35, (5 part 2), 1999, p3968 - 3970Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • J F McGilp, D Weaire and C H Patterson (eds), Epioptics - Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995, 1 - 230ppBook, 1995
  • Conclusions in, editor(s)J F McGilp, D Weaire and C H Patterson , Epioptics - Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces,, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp207 - 209, [J F McGilp]Book Chapter, 1995
  • Conclusions in, editor(s)J F McGilp, D Weaire and C H Patterson , Epioptics - Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces,, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp207 - 209, [J F McGilp]Book Chapter, 1995
  • Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation in, editor(s)J F McGilp, D Weaire and C H Patterson , Epioptics - Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp183 - 206, [J F McGilp]Book Chapter, 1995
  • S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, S. J. Cox, A. van der Net and E. Janiaud, Pre-empting Plateau: The nature of topological transitions in foam, Europhysics Letters, 77, 2007, p28002-p1 - 28002-p5Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Clancy RJ, Janiaud E, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The response of 2d foams to continuous applied shear in a Couette rheometer, European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter, 21, 2006, p123 - 132Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Ahern A, Verbist G, Weaire D, et al., The conductivity of foams: a generalisation of the electrical to the thermal case, Colloid Surface A, 263 , (1-3), 2005, p275 - 279Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Marze, S, SaintJalmes, Cox SJ, Weaire D, Aqueous foam experiments in the Maxus 6 rocket: Towards the development of an ISS module, ESA SP Publications, 590, 2005, p573 - 578Journal Article, 2005, URL
  • Saint-Jalmes A, Cox SJ, Marze S, Safouane M, Langevin D, Weaire D, Experiments and Simulations of Liquid Imbibition in Aqueous Foams under Microgravity, Microgravity: Science and Technology, 18 , (3-4), 2006, p108 - 111Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Weaire D, A story of silicon, soap and serendipity, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 8 (6), 2006, p2011 - 2014Journal Article, 2006
  • Weaire D, Vaz MF, Teixeira PIC, Fortes MA, Instabilities in liquid foams, Soft Matter, 3, 2007, p47 - 57Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • N. Péron, S.J. Cox, S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, Steady drainage in emulsions: corrections for surface Plateau borders and a model for high aqueous volume fraction, European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter, 22, 2007, p341 - 351Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Drainage induced convection rolls in foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p33 - 37Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Carrier V, Hutzler S and Weaire, Drainage of bamboo foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p13 - 19Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • van der Net A, Delaney GW, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Crystalline arrangements of microbubbles in monodisperse foams, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p117 - 124Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Janiaud E, Weaire D and Hutzler, A simple continuum model for the dynamcis of a a quasi two-dimensional foam, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p125 - 131Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Weaire D, Kelvin's foam structure: a commentary, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, (2), 2008, p91 - 102Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Carrier V, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Drainage of foams with regularly spaced parallel soap films, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 309, 2007, p13 - 19Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Kelvin and Fitzgerald: Great Irish Physicists in, editor(s)Flood R, McCarthy M and Whitaker A , Kelvin: life, labours and legacy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp86 - 93, [Weaire D]Book Chapter, 2008
  • Aste T and Weaire D, Pursuit of Perfect Packing, 2nd Edition, London, Taylor and Francis, 2008Book, 2008
  • Weaire D and Brakke K, CS Smith's development of a viewpoint, Resonance, 11, (6), 2006, p31 - 41Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Saadatfar M, van der Net A, Weaire D and Cox SJ, The dynamics of a topological change in a system of soap films, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Weaire D and Coey JMD, Mentor and Constant Friend: the Life of George Francis Fitzgerald (1851-1901), European Review, 15, 2007, p513 - 521Journal Article, 2007, URL
  • Weaire D, Time for a rethink of research proposal evaluation?, European Review, 15, 2007, p275 - 282Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Cox SJ and Weaire D, Comment on "Free drainage of aqueous foams: Container, Europhys. Lett., 55, (3), 2001, p445-Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Saadatfar M, van der Net A, Weaire D and Cox SJ, The dynamics of a topological change in a system of soap films, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 323, 2008, p123 - 131Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Barrett D, Daly EJ, Dolan M, Kelly S, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Taking Plateau into micro-gravity: the formation of an eight-fold vertex in a system of soap films, Microgravity - Science and Technology, 20, 2008, p17 - 22Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Weaire D, Hutzler S, Langlois VJ and Clancy RJ, Velocity dependence of shear localisation in a 2D foam, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 2008, p387 - 396Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Langlois VJ, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Rheological properties of the soft disk model of 2D foams, Physical Review E, 78, 2008, p021401 - 021408Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Carrier V, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Observations of a variety of drainage patterns in bamboo foams, Europhysics Letters, 83, 2008, p54005 - (5 pages)Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Saadatfar M, Barry J, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Ordered cylindrical foam structures with internal bubbles, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 2008, p661 - 668Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Van der Net A, Weaire D and Hutzler, Rearrangement and elimination of ordered surface layers of crystalline bubble structures due to gas diffusion, Soft Matter, 5, 2009, p318 - 324Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Weaire D, Special issue dedicated to the memory of Professor Manuel Amaral Fortes - Foreword, 2008, -Miscellaneous, 2008, DOI
  • Weaire D and Rivier N, Soap, cells and statistics - random patterns in two dimensions (Reprinted from Contemporary Physics, vol 25, pg 59, 1984), Contemporary Physics, 50, (1), 2009, p199 - 239Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Weaire D, Clancy RJ and Hutzler S, A simple analytical theory of localisation in 2D foam rheology, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 89, (4), 2009, p294 - 299Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Hutzler S, Barry J, Grasland-Mongrain P, Smyth D and Weaire D, Ordered packings of bubbles in columns of square cross-section, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 344, 2009, p37 - 41Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Saadatfar M, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Sheppard AP, Knackstedt MA, Banhart J and Weaire, Imaging of metallic foams using X-ray micro-CT, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 344, 2009, p107 - 112Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Michael Coey and Dennis Weaire, Magnets, markets and magic cylinders, Industrial Physicist, September , 1998, p34- 36Journal Article, 1998
  • D. L. Weaire and J. M. D. Coey, Mentor and constant friend: the life of George Francis Fitzgerald (1851 - 1901), The European Review , 15, (4), 2007, p513-521Journal Article, 2007, DOI
  • Denis Weaire and Stefan Hutzler, Foam as a complex system, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 2009, p474227 - 474231Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Weaire D, Barry JD and Hutzler S, The continuum theory of shear localization in two-dimensional foam, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 2010, p193101 - (22pp)Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • SJ Cox , D. Wearie , G. Mishuris, The viscous froth model: steady states and the high-velocity limit, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 465, (2108 ), 2009, p2391 - 2405Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • A Mughal, D Weaire, Curvature in conformal mappings of two-dimensional lattices and foam structure, Proc. R. Soc. A, 465, 2009, p219 - 238Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Weaire D, Kelvin's ideal foam structure, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 158, 2009, p012005-Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • D Weaire and W Drenckhan, Structure and dynamics of confined foams: A review of recent progress, Advances in colloid and interface science, 137, 2008, p20 - 26Journal Article, 2008, DOI
  • Barry JD, Weaire D and Hutzler, Shear localisation with 2D Viscous Froth and its relation to the Continuum Model, Rheologica Acta, 49, 2010, p687 - 698Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Alben, R., Goldstein, S., Thorpe, M.F., Weaire, D. , Band Structure of Si III and Ge III. , Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 53, (2), 1972, p545-552Journal Article, 1972, DOI
  • Alben, R., Steinhardt, P., Weaire, D. , Construction, Refinement and applications of structural models, AIP Conference Proceedings, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, Mar 20-22 , 2, (1), 1974, pp213-217Conference Paper, 1974
  • Alben, R., Steinhardt, P., Weaire, D. , Construction, Refinement and applications of structural models, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Conference, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, Mar 20-22 , 2, (1), 1974, pp213-217Conference Paper, 1974
  • Wilson, J.I.B., Weaire, D. , Prospects for the use of amorphous semiconductors in solar energy conversion, Nature , 275, (5676), 1978, p93-96Journal Article, 1978, DOI
  • Weaire, D., Higgins, N., Marshall, I., Moore, P. , Model structure for hydrogenated amorphous silicon, Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties , 40, (3), 1979, p243-245Journal Article, 1979, DOI
  • Miller, A., MacKinnon, A., Weaire, D. , Beyond the binaries - the chalcopyrite and related semiconducting compounds, Solid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications , 36, 1981, p119-175Journal Article, 1981, DOI
  • Kramer, B., MacKinnon, A., Weaire, D., Numerical study of conductivity for the Anderson model in two and three dimensions, Physical Review B , 23, (12), 1981, p6357-6370Journal Article, 1981, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Lambert, C.J., Weaire, D.L. , Theory of the arrangement of cells in a network, Metallography , 14, (4), 1981, 307-318Journal Article, 1981, DOI
  • Weaire, D. , Random network structures, Solar Energy Materials , 8, (1-3), 1982, p159-163Journal Article, 1982, DOI
  • Weaire, D., Kermode, J.P. , Computer simulation of a two-dimensional soap froth. I. Method and motivation, Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties, 48, (3), 1983, p245-259Journal Article, 1983, DOI
  • Weaire, D., O'Carroll, C. , A new model for the Giant's Causeway, Nature , 302, (5905), 1983, p240-241Journal Article, 1983, DOI
  • Weaire, D., Kermode, J.P. , Computer simulation of a two-dimensional soap froth II. Analysis of results , Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties , 50, (3), 1984, p379-395Journal Article, 1984, DOI
  • Weaire, D., Kermode, J.P. , ELECTRON STATES IN THE GaAs-Ga//xAl//1// minus //xAs SUPERLATTICE, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research , 127, (2), 1985, pk143-k145Journal Article, 1985
  • D. Weaire, Counting constraints for hard disks, Philosophical Magazine B: Physics of Condensed Matter; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties , 51, (2), 1985, pL19-L20Journal Article, 1985, DOI
  • Weaire, D., Kermode, J.P., Dwyer, V.M. , The role of diffraction in dispersive optical bistability, Optics Communications , 55, (3), 1985, 223-228Journal Article, 1985, DOI
  • Wooten, F., Fuller, G.A., Winer, K., Weaire, D., Computer generation of structural models of amorphous Si: Studies of nucleation of crystallization, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids , 75, (1-3 ), 1985, p45-50Journal Article, 1985, DOI
  • F. Wooten, W. Einer, D. Weare, Structural Model of Amorphous Silicon with Periodic Boundary Conditions, 17th Int. Conference Phys. of Semiconductors, San Francisco, edited by Chadi James D., Harrison Walter A. , 1984Conference Paper, 1984
  • Wooten, F. , Winer, K. , Weaire, D., Computer generation of structural models of amorphous Si and Ge, Physical Review Letters , 54, (13), 1985, p1392-1395Journal Article, 1985, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • B.J Hickey, G.J Morgan, D.L Weaire and F Wooten, The density of states in amorphous Si , Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 77-78, (1), 1985, p67-70Journal Article, 1985, DOI
  • S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, The mechanics of liquid foams: history and new developments, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 382, (1-3), 2011, p3 - 7Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Hutzler S, Loesch D, Carey E, Weaire D, Hloucha M and Stubenrauch C, Evaluation of a steady-state test of foam stability, Philosophical Magazine, 91, (4), 2011, p537 - 552Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Adil Mughal, Ho-Kei Chan & Denis Weaire, Phyllotactic Description of Hard Sphere Packing in Cylindrical Channels, Physical Review Letters, 106, (11), 2011, p115704-1 - 115704-4Journal Article, 2011, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Barry JD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Nonlocal effects in the continuum theory of shear localisation in 2d foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 91, (6), 2011, p432 - 440Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • A.J. Meagher, M. Mukherjee, D. Weaire, S.Hutzler, J. Banhart and F. Garcia-Moreno, `Analysis of the internal structure of a monodisperse liquid foam by X-ray tomography, Soft Matter, 7, 2011, p9881 - 9885Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • N Vandewalle, H Caps, G Delon, A Saint-Jalmes , E Rio , L Saulnier, M Adler, A L Biance, O Pitois, S Cohen Addad, R Hohler, D Weaire, S Hutzler, D Langevin, Foam Stability in Microgravity, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space, Bonn, Germany, July 11-15, 2011, edited by Andreas Meyer and Ivan Egry , 327, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2011, pp012024-Conference Paper, 2011, DOI
  • R. Gabbrielli, A.J. Meagher, D. Weaire, K.A. Brakke and S. Hutzler, An experimental realisation of the Weaire-Phelan structure in monodisperse liquid foam, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 92, 2012, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Foam Morphology in, editor(s)Paul Stevenson , Foam Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley, 2012, pp7 - 26, [D. Weaire, S.T. Tobin, A.J. Meagher and S. Hutzler]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
  • Adil Mughal, Ho-Kei Chan, Denis Weaire & Stefan Hutzler, Dense packings of spheres in cylinders: Simulations, Physical Review E, 85, (5), 2012, p051305-1 - 051305-17Journal Article, 2012, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Weaire D and O'Connor S , False starts and dead ends: the Irish contribution to late 19th century spectroscopy, The roots of physics in Europe - echophysics, Poellau, Austria, edited by P.M. Schuster, , Living Edition, 2013, pp113-123Conference Paper, 2013
  • Denis Weaire, John F Donegan and Petros S Florides, Unknown Genius, Physics World, December, 2012, p26-30Journal Article, 2012, URL
  • Edward Hutchinson Synge (1890-1957) - a fragmentary life in, editor(s)Donegan JF, Weaire D, Florides P , Hutchie - The life and works of Edward Hutchinson Synge, Poellauberg, Austria, Living Edition, 2012, pp1-49 , [Petros S Florides, Denis Weaire and John F Donegan]Book Chapter, 2012
  • Denis Weaire, Hutchie - The life and works of Edward Hutchinson Synge, Poellauberg, Austria, Living Edition, 2012, 1-155ppBook, 2012
  • Hutchie in, Donegan JF, Weaire D, Florides P , Hutchie - The life and works of Edward Hutchinson Synge, Poellauberg, Austria , Living Edition, 2012, pp147 , [Denis Weaire]Book Chapter, 2012
  • S. Hutzler, S. T. Tobin, A. J. Meagher, A. Marguerite and D. Weaire, A model system for foam fractionation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 469, 2013, p20120727 - (15 pages)Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • A.J. Meagher, S. Hutzler and D. Weaire, Building the pyramids: perfect bubble crystals, Philosophical Magazine, 93, 2013, p4138 - 4150Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • S.T. Tobin, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, Theoretical analysis of the performance of a foam fractionation column, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 470, 2014, p20130625 - (18 pages)Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • A. Mughal and D. Weaire, Theory of cylindrical dense packings of disks, Physical Review E, 89, 2014, p042307-Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • S. Hutzler , R.P. Murtagh, D. Whyte, S.T. Tobin, D. Weaire, Z-Cone model for the energy of an ordered foam, Soft Matter, 10, 2014, p7103 - 7108Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • D. Weaire, T. Aste, The Pursuit of Perfect Packing, Bristol, IOPP, 2000Book
  • D. Weaire and S. Hutzler, The Physics of Foams, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999Book
  • D. Weaire, JF McGilp, Ch Patterson, Epioptics, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995Book
  • D. Weaire, The Kelvin Problem, London, Taylor and Francis, 1997Book
  • D. Weaire, P Kelly, D A Attis, Lectures on Natural Philosophy (Richard Helsham 1739), Physics Dept TCD, and IOP Publishing, 2000Book
  • D. Weaire, J Banhart, Foams and Films, Verlag MIT Publishing, 1999Book
  • D. Weaire, Unweaving the Rainbow: a celebration of the achievements of 19th Century Spectroscopy, 1987, -Exhibition
  • D. Weaire, Let There Be Light, 1999, -Exhibition
  • D. Weaire, Creativity in Science and Science Education, Proceedings of the 1993 Congress on Creativity, Madrid, 1993Conference Paper
  • D. Weaire, A Soluble Model for Foam Drainage Europhysics, Letters, 23, (631), 1994Journal Article
  • The Earls of Rosse , J S Bell, T Preston, Blackwell Companion to Irish Culture, Oxford, Blackwell Press, 1998, [D. Weaire]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc
  • Modelling the structure of Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Materials in, editor(s)J Kalwas , Adaptation of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Problems, Elsevier, 1995, pp197 - 203, [D. Weaire, F. Wooten]Book Chapter
  • On the Theory of Second Harmonic Generation in, editor(s)J F McGilp, D Weaire, C H Patterson , Epioptics, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp163 - 181, [A. d'Andrea, M. Cini, R. Del Sole, L Reining, C. Verdozzi, R. Girlanda, E. Piparo, D. Hobbs]Book Chapter
  • D.Weaire, S. Hutzler and F. Bolton, Model Simulations of two-dimensional liquid and solid foams, IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computing. Modelling and Apllied Mathematics, edited by A. Sydow , 3, WTV, 1997, pp227 - 282Conference Paper
  • Introduction and Historical Summary (and reprinted papers) in, editor(s)D. Weaire , The Kelvin Problem: Special Issue of Forma, 1996, [D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • D. Weaire, Computing Minimal Surfaces in the Theory of Foams, Conference on Scientific Computing in Europe, DCU Dublin, edited by HJ Ruskin, R O'Connor, Y. Feng , 1996Conference Paper
  • William Thomson, Lord Kelvin: George Francis Fitzgerald in, editor(s)K Houston , Creators of Mathematics: The Irish Connection, Dublin, UCD Press, 2000, pp55 - 62, [D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • The Structure and Geometry of Foams in, editor(s)J.F.Sadoc, N. Rivier , Foams and Emulsions, Kluwer, 1999, pp287 - 302, [D.Weaire, R. Phelan, G. Verbist]Book Chapter
  • R. Phelan, G. Verbist, D. Weaire, Electrical and Thermal Transport in Foams, Foams and Emulsions, 1999, p315 - 322Journal Article
  • Speculations and calculations in the physics of foams in, editor(s)A T Skjeltorp and S F Edwards , Soft Condensed Matter: Configurations, Dynamics and Functionality, 2000, pp247 - 268, [D Weaire, G Bradley, R Phelan]Book Chapter
  • S.J. Cox, D. Weaire, S. Hutzler, J. Murphy, R. Phelan and G. Verbist, Applications and generalisations of the foam drainage equation, Proceeding of the Royal Society London, A, edited by 456 , 2000, pp2441 - 2464Conference Paper
  • Preface: The many facets of foams in, editor(s)Z Pacelli, J Banhart and G Verbist , Foams, emulsions and their applications, Bremen, Verlag MIT, 2000, pp3 - 4, [D. Weaire, S. Hutzler and G. Verbist]Book Chapter
  • Drainage phenomena in uniform and non-uniform foams in, editor(s)Z Pacelli, J Banhart and G Verbist , Foams, emulsions and their applications, Bremen, Verlag MIT, 2000, pp266 - 273, [S.J. Cox, D. Weaire, S. Hutzler and S. Verbist]Book Chapter
  • The Stokes experiment in a foam in, editor(s)Z Pacelli, J Banhart and G Verbist , Foams, emulsions and their applications, Bremen, Verlag MIT, 2000, pp282 - 289, [S.J. Cox, M.D. Alonso , S. Hutzler and D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • Speculations and Calculations in the Physics of Foams in, editor(s)A T Skjeltorp and S F Edwards , Soft Condensed Matter: Configurations, Dynamics and Functionality, Kluwer, 2000, pp247 - 268, [D Weaire, G. Bradley and R Phelan]Book Chapter
  • William Thomson, Lord Kelvin 1824-1907 in, editor(s)K Houston , Creators of Mathematics: the Irish Connection, University College Dublin Press, 2000, pp55 - 62, [D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • George Francis Fitzgerald 1851-1901 in, editor(s)K Houston , Creators of Mathematics: the Irish Connection, University College Dublin Press, 2000, pp89 - 96, [D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • J. Banhart, F. Baumgartner, S.J. Cox, B. Kronberg, D. Langevin, S. Odenbach, D. Weaire and T. Wubben, Development of advanced foams under microgravity, Proceedings of the 1st international symposium on microgravity research and applications in physical sciences and biotechnology, Sorrento, Italy, 2001, pp589 - 596Conference Paper
  • Modelling metallic foam formation in, Cellular metals and metal foaming technology, Bremen, MIT-Verlag, 2001, pp99 - 104, [S.J. Cox, G. Bradley and D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • D. Weaire, S.J. Cox and J. Banhart, Methods and models of metallic foam fabrication, Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on composites engineering, edited by D. Hui , 2001, pp977 - 978Conference Paper
  • Rigidity loss transition in a disordered 2D froth in, editor(s)A.J. Liu and S.R. Nagel , Jamming and rheology, London, Taylor and Francis, 2001, pp167 - 169, [F. Bolton and D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • Interfaces, foams and emulsions in, editor(s)B. Fitton and B. Battrick , A world without gravity, Noordwijk, ESA, 2001, pp241 - 253, [A. Passerone and D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • Hard problems with soft materials in, editor(s)H. Aref and J.W. Philips , Mechanics for a new millennium, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp275 - 288, [D. Weaire and S. Hutzler]Book Chapter
  • D. Weaire, A philomorph looks at foam, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 4, 2001, pp564 - 574Conference Paper
  • 'William Thomson', 'Thomas Preston', 'Thomas Lyle', Mollan, W. Dave, B. Finnucane, Irish Innovators, 2002, Royal Irish Academy, 2002, pp134, 188, 190 , [D Weaire, D. Attis and S O'Connor]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc
  • Interfaces, Foams and Emulsions in, editor(s)G. Seibert et al , A World without Gravity, Noordwijk, ESA, 2001, pp241 - 253, [A. Passerone and D. Weaire]Book Chapter
  • John Joly 1857-1933, M. McCartney, A. Whitaker, Physicists of Ireland, Bristol, IOP, 2003, pp143 - 150, [D. Weaire and S. Coonan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc
  • M Durand, D Weaire and J Sadoc, Maximum Electrical Conductivity of a Network of Uniform Wires: The Lemlich Law as an Upper Bound, Proc Roy Soc London A, 4, 2004, pp1269 - 1284Conference Paper
  • Weaire, D., Kern, N., Cox, S.J., Sullivan,, Pressures in periodic foams, Proceedings of the Royal Society of, A, (460), 2004, pp569 - 579Conference Paper
  • Hard Magnets, M Amaral Fortes, P J Ferreira, Materiais Dois Mil, IST Press, 2003, [D Weaire and JMD Coey]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc
  • M Durand, J-F Sadoc, D Weaire, Maximal Conductivity of a network made of uniform wires, Proc Roy Soc, A, (460), 2004, pp1471 - 2946Conference Paper
  • Weaire, D., American Physical Society Annual Meeting, 1969Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Midwinter Solid State Conference, Annaheim, California, 1971Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Gordon Conference, 1971Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., American Physical Society, March Meeting, 1972Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., IBM Symposium, 1972Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., APS New England Section Meeting, 1972Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Gordon Conference, 1973Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D. Thorpe, M. F., Fifth International Conference on Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors, 1973Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductor Meeting, Chelsea, 1974Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., NATO Summer School, Kingston, RI, 1974Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., International Symposium 'Reinstoffe in Wissenschaft and Technik', Dresden, 1975Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Latin American Summer School in Physics, Venezuela, 1976Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors Meeting, Chelsea, 1977Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., SRC Summer School, Leicester, 1977Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D. Kramer, B., 8th International Conference on Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors, 1978Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Cambridge, Mass, 1979Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., BAAS Meeting, Edinburgh, 1979Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Symposium on Disordered Systems, Imperial College, 1979Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., ICCTP Symposium, Trieste, 1980Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Daresbury Symposium, 1980Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Kyoto Summer School, Kyoto, 1980Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., NATO Summer School, Michigan, 1981Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Mexican Winter School, Guernavaca, 1981Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Topical Meeting on Wave Propagation, Cambridge, 1982Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Taniguichi Symposium on Disordered Structures, Shimoda, 1982Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., NATO Advanced Workshop, Cambridge, 1982Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Schwerpunkt Workshop, Bad Königstein, 1982Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., SERC Summer School, Leicester, 1983Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Gordon Conference (Chemistry of Interfaces), 1984Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., MRS-Europe Conference, Strasbourg, 1984Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Workshop on Total Energy Calculations, Braunschweig, 1984Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., International Conference on the Theory of Structures of Non-Crystalline Solids, Michigan, 1985Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Gordon Conference (Metallurgy), 1985Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., IBM Europe Institute, 1986Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., West Indies Spring School, 1987Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Erhart Foundation Symposium, 1987Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Recent Advances in Many-body Theory, Oulu, Finland, 1987Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Short School on Materials etc, Kingston, Jamaica, 1987Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Annual Meeting, Japan Society for Science on Form, 1988Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Winter School on Amorphous Semiconductors, Folgaria, Italy, 1988Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., RSC Food Colloids Symposium, 1988Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., CECAM Planning Workshop, 1988Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Focus on Foams, , YorkInstitute for Applied Biology, 1989Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., 60th Birthday Meeting for Sir Roger Elliott, 1989Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., EPS General Meeting (Plenary), Prague, 1992Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., APS Condensed Matter Meeting, Pittsburgh, 1994Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., IOP Condensed Matter Meeting (Plenary), Warwick, 1994Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Katachi/Symmetry Conference (Plenary), Tsukuba, 1994Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., European Liquids Conference, 1996Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., AMS Mathfest, Atlanta, 1997Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., International Conference on Colloids and Interfaces, Sofia, 1997Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Danish Physical Society, 1998Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Larmor Lecture, Queen's University, Belfast, 1998Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., NATO School, Cargese, 1998Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., EPS Condensed Matter Conference, 1998Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Belgium Physical Society, 1999Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., NATO School, Geilo, 1999Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Finnish Physical Society, Helsinki, 2000Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., IUTAM Congress (ICTAM), Chicago, 2000Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., ESA Microgravity Conference, Sorrento, 2000Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., American Philosophical Society, Washington, 2000Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., EPS General Conference, Budapest, 2001Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Marterialica Materials Week, Berlin, 2001Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., European Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz, 2002Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., 2002 European Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2003Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., CNRS Workshop, Carry Le Rouet, 2002Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Trends in Physics, Cairo, 2004Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., IUTAM International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, 2004Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., Conference on Networks in Physics and Biology, Orleans, 2004Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., German Society for Colloids, Aachen, 2005Invited Talk
  • Weaire, D., British Association for Advancement of Science, 2005Invited Talk
  • Hutzler S, Weaire D, Saugey A, Cox S and Peron N, The physics of foam drainage, 52nd SEPAWA Congress including the European Detergent Conference, Wuerzburg, Germany, Oct. 12 - 14, 2005, edited by K. Henning , ISBN 3-9810074-1-7, Vereinigung der Seifen, Parfuem und Waschmittelfachleute e.V., 2005, pp191 - 206Conference Paper
  • W. Drenckhan, S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, "Foam Physics: the simplest example of soft condensed matter, AIP Conference Procedings, Modern Trends of Physics Research 2004, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 748, Melville, New York, 2005, pp22 - 28Conference Paper, DOI , URL
  • W. drenckhan, D. Weaire, Some confluences of art and science in the physics of foams, Journal of ISIS - Symmetry, 1-4, 2004, p54 - 57Journal Article
  • van der Net A, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The Crystal Structure of Bubbles in the Wet Foam Limit (Amendment), Soft Matter, 2, 2006, p523 - 523Journal Article, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Caps H, Cox SJ, Decauwer H, Weaire D, et al., Capillary rise in foams under microgravity, Colloid Surface A, 261 (1-3), (Sp. Issue), 2005, p131 - 134Journal Article
  • van der Net A, Delaney GW, Drenckhan W, Weaire D, Hutzler S, Crystalline structures of wet microbubbles, Journal of Colloids and Interfaces A (EUFoam Proceedings), 2006Journal Article
  • Weaire D, Complex Ideas and their Demonstration in the 2D Soap Froth, Resonance, 11 (6), 2006, p31 - 40Journal Article
  • Drenckhan W, Ritacco H, Saint Jalmes A, Saugey A, McGuinness P, van der Net A, Langevin D, Weaire D, Fluid dynamics of rivulet flow between plates, Physics of Fluids, 19, (10), 2007, p102101-102123Journal Article, DOI
  • Barrett DT, Kelly S, Daly EJ, Dolan MJ, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Taking Plateau into microgravity, 2007Journal Article
  • Dierdorf D & Enlow M, Applied Research Associates, Inc, Albuquerque, NM & Tyndall AFB, FL and Weaire D, Structure and Modelling of Aqueous Film Forming Foams over Ten Orders of Magnitude in Time and Space, 2007Conference Paper
  • Weaire D and Drenckhan W, Structure and dynamics of confined foams: a review of recent progress, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 137, 2007, p20 - 26Journal Article
  • Lloyd, Humphrey (1808 - 1881), Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, 2007, pp472 - [Weaire D and Coey JMD]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc
  • D. Weaire, S. Hutzler, W. Drenckhan, A. Saugey and S. J. Cox, The Rheology of Foams, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 133, 2006, p100 - 105Journal Article, DOI
  • Aref H, Weaire D and Hutzler S, Toying with physics, europhysics news, 38, (3), 2007, p23 - 26Journal Article, DOI , URL
  • Foam as granular matter in, editor(s)Aste T, Di Matteo T and Tordesillas A , Granular and complex materials, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, New Jersey, World Scientific Publishing, 2007, pp1 - 26, [Weaire D, Langlois V, Saadatfar M and Hutzler S]Book Chapter, URL
  • Schuster PM and Weaire D(ed.), 1st EHoP Conference, Fitzgerald and Friends, Pöllauberg, 2008, 2008, 13-18 pProceedings of a Conference
  • Weaire D, Verbist G, Cox SJ, Hutzler S, Pleanary Lecture: Frontiers of the Physics of Foams, Microgravity Research and Aplications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Sorrento, Italy, 10-15 September 2000Conference Paper, URL
  • Banhart J, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Langevin D, Liggieri L, Miller R, Saint-Jalmes A and Weaire D, Foams and emulsions in space, Europhysics News, 39, 2008, p26 - 28Journal Article, DOI
  • Weaire D, Hutzler S and Langlois VJ, Foam rheology in two dimensions, The XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterrey, USA, American Institute of Physics, 2008, pp833 - 835Conference Paper, DOI , URL
  • Saadatfar M, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Foams, Trinity College Dublin: interconnect, Scientific Computing and Visualisation Newsletter, (2), 2008, p8 - 9Journal Article
  • Andersson M, Banhart J, Caps H, Durian D, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Kronberg B, Langevin D, Pitois O, Saadatfar M, Saint-Jalmes A, Vandewalle N, Vignes-Adler M, Weaire D, Foam Research in Microgravity, Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 25, 2008, p241 - 244Journal Article, URL
  • Mughal A and Weaire D, Curvature in conformal mappings of 2D lattices and foam structures, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 465, (2101), 2009, pp219 - 238Conference Paper, DOI
  • Vignes-Adler M and Weaire D, New foams: Fresh challenges and opportunities, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 13, (3), 2008, pp141 - 149Conference Paper, DOI
  • Vignes-Adler M and Weaire D, New foams: Fresh challenges and opportunities, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 13, (3), 2008, pp141 - 149Conference Paper, DOI
  • L Engwall and D Weaire (editors), Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 84: The University in the Market, Portland Press, 2008, 1 - 153ppBook, URL
  • The farmers and the cowboys should be friends in, editor(s)L. Wedlin, K. Sahlin and M. Grafstroem , Exploring the Worlds of Mercury and Minerva - Essays for Lars Engwall- Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum 51, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2009, pp113 - 122, [D. Weaire and P. Richmond]Book Chapter, URL
  • Bergin SD, Weaire D and Hutzler S, The Drop heard round the World, Physics World, May 2014, 2014, p26 - 29Journal Article

Research Expertise

My research has ranged over a number of areas in solid state physics, materials science and computational physics. Early work in Cambridge was in pseudopotential theory applied to metals: it resulted in an influential review article, but preceded the major expansion of that subject, in terms of local density approximations. At Harvard I was attracted to two themes in disordered materials: amorphous metals and amorphous silicon. The latter was to absorb my interest for many years, in the proof of theorems and computations that had to do with electronic and vibrational properties. The foremost of these rigorously established the existence of a band gap for an idealised ("Weaire-Thorpe") Hamiltonian, regardless of disorder, which was an important step in understanding a-Si. I also became interested in the process of building random network models for this material. Much later, I was to develop with others the WWW model, based on an algorithm of my own conception. This has been greatly used and highly cited ever since. Quite early in my career I recognised that foam structures, particularly in two dimensions, presented an opportunity for this kind of research, in tune with the growing interest in complex, disordered materials. This grew into a research programme that has by now excluded all else, and is partly encapsulated in the book Physics of Foams, now a standard reference. In 1984 we organised in Ireland the first of a series of conferences on the physics of foams, of which the latest was held in France this year, Attracting 200 participants. Starting at Yale, then at UCD and TCD, this research has produced many key results such as: the Aboav-Weaire Law for statistical correlations in cellular structures the first realistic computer simulation of a dry 2d foam the first realistic simulation for a wet foam the first account of the variation of elastic properties of a 2d foam with liquid fraction, based on simulation the discovery of many ordered cylindrical foam structures the discovery and theoretical analysis of a solitary wave in foam drainage the discovery of convective instability in foam drainage recently, the discovery of a remarkable new form of meandering rivulet instability However the most prominent outcome of our work at TCD was the Weaire-Phelan structure, the minimum energy structure (as far as we know) of a foam of equal-sized bubbles in three dimensions. This overthrew a century-old conjecture of Lord Kelvin (as recounted in The Kelvin Problem), and it attracted worldwide recognition. One of the main buildings for the Beijing Olympics is being constructed in the form of a framework explicitly based on this structure - the Water Cube. The mathematical questions surrounding foam structures are intriguing. I was invited to be the primary coordinator of a summer programme at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge in 2002, to which leading mathematicians came to discuss these topics intensively for one month. However this is not really characteristic of our general style of research, which combines theory, computation and simple experiments in the pursuit of many different physical properties and even their applications. Today most of these topics belong in some sense to fluid dynamics. This research line is continuing unabated into retirement, with some addition of themes from the history of science, which build upon longstanding interests.


  • Harkness Fellowship (Commonwealth Fund, New York) 1964 - 1966
  • Award for Outstanding Paper, Japanese Society for Science on Form.
  • Larmor Lecture, Queens University Belfast.
  • Elected Fellow of the Royal Society 1998
  • Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 1987
  • Cunningham Medal of the Royal Irish Academy 2005
  • Cecil Powell Memorial Medal and Lecture, European Physical Society.
  • Major Open Scholarship, Clare College, Cambridge 1961
  • Fellow of Clare College 1967 - 1969
  • Research Fellow, Harvard University 1969 - 1970
  • President, European Physical Society 1999
  • Belfast Royal Academy 1961
  • Elected Member of the Academia Europaea
  • Member of the Royal Irish Academy
  • Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1994-1997
  • Magnetic Solutions Ltd (Manufacturing Company) 1994-Present
  • Vice-President, European Physical Society 1999-2000
  • Vice-President of the Academia Europaea 2003-Present
  • Birr Scientific and Heritage Trust(Charitable Foundation) 1992-1998