Dr. Charles Patterson
Associate Professor, Physics
Email Charles.Patterson@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1468www.tcd.ie/Physics/People/Charles.Patterson/Biography
1982 B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry, University of Bristol. 1982-85 PhD in Chemistry, University of Cambridge. PhD topic: Reactions at single crystal surfaces. 1986-90 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. Research topics: Electron energy loss spectroscopy and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Ab initio computational studies of surfaces and clusters. 1987 Visiting researcher A.T. and T. Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. Research topic: Low energy ion scattering from NiAl(110). 1990 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physics, TCD. Ab initio computational studies of optical properties of semiconductor surfaces. 1991-04 Lecturer in Science of Materials, Department of Physics,TCD. Research Interests: Computational materials science. 1997-11 Director of Computational Physics Degree Course, TCD. 2004-current Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, Department of Physics, TCD.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- C. H. Patterson, Atomic and electronic structures of Si(111)-(√3x√3)R30-Au and (6x6)-Au surfaces, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 27, 2015, p475001-Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- C. H. Patterson, Bond calculation of optical second harmonic generation at gallium-terminated and arsenic-terminated Si(111) surfaces, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 4, 1992, p4017 - 4037Journal Article, 1992
- C. H. Patterson, S. Banerjee, J. F. McGilp, Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of the Si(111)-(5 × 2)Au surface, Physical Review B, 94, (15/16), 2016, p165417 - 9 pagesJournal Article, 2016, URL
- C. H. Patterson and R. P. Messmer, The role of d functions in Sulfur Oxide molecules, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 111, 1989, p8059 - 8060Journal Article, 1989, URL
- C. H. Patterson and R. P. Messmer, Structural compromise of the Arsenic terminated Si(111) surface, Physical Review B, 39, 1989, p1372 - 1374Journal Article, 1989, URL
- J. D. O'Mahony, C. H. Patterson, J. F. McGilp, F. M. Leibsle, P. Weightman and, C. F. J. Flipse, The Au-induced 5 × 2 reconstruction on Si(111), Surface Science, 277, 1992, pL57 - L62Journal Article, 1992, URL
- P. Kumar and C. H. Patterson, Dielectric anisotropy of the GaP/Si(001) interface from first-principles theory, Physical Review Letters, 118, (23), 2017, p237403-Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- S. Banerjee, C. H. Patterson and J. F. McGilp, Group V adsorbate structure on vicinal Ge(001) surfaces determined from the optical spectrum, Applied Physics Letters, 110, (23), 2017, p233903-Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- N.P. Konstantinidis and C.H. Patterson, Spin polaron effective magnetic model for La0.5Ca0.5MnO3, Physical Review B, 70, 2004, p064407-1 - 064407-8Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- M. Nicastro, M. Kuzmin and C.H. Patterson, Spin and orbital ordering in CaMnO3 and LaMnO3: UHF calculations and the Goodenough model, Computational Materials Science, 17, 2000, p445 - 449Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- G. Zheng and C.H. Patterson, Ferromagnetic polarons in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and La0.33Ca0.67MnO3, Physical Review B, 67, 2003, p220404-1 - 220404-4Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Galamic-Mulaomerovic, C.D. Hogan and C.H. Patterson, Eigenfunctions of the inverse dielectric function and response function of silicon and argon, 188, (4), 2001, pp1291 - 1296Conference Paper, 2001, DOI
- M. Nicastro, S. Galamic-Mulaomerovic and C.H. Patterson, Multipolar contributions to electron self-energies:extreme tight binding model, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13, 2001, p1215 - 1231Journal Article, 2001, DOI
- C.H. Patterson and G. Zheng, Spin polaron electronic structure of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3: UHF and CI calculations, 272-276, 2004, pp124 - 126Conference Paper, 2004, DOI
- Charles H. Patterson, Charge ordered oxygen ions and bi- and tri-Mn polarons in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3, Molecular Physics, 103, (18), 2005, p2507 - 2512Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Charles H. Patterson, Competing crystal structures in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3: conventional charge order versus Zener polarons, Physical Review B, 72, 2005, p085125-1 - 085125-5Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- S. Galamic-Mulaomerovic and C.H. Patterson, Band structures of rare gas solids within the GW approximation, Physical Review B, 71, 2005, p195103-1 - 195103-8Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Galamic-Mulaomerovic and C.H. Patterson, Ab initio many-body calculation of excitons in solid Ne and Ar, Physical Review B, 72, 2005, p035127-1 - 035127-7Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- C.H. Patterson, Two approaches to teaching computational physics, Computing in Science and Engineering, 4, (6), 2002, p64 - 68Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- C.H. Patterson and D. Herrendorfer, Reflectance anisotropy of the Si(100)1x2-As surface: Discrete dipole calculation, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 15, (6), 1997, p3036 - 3043Journal Article, 1997
- D. Herrendorfer and C.H. Patterson, Dipole waves in semiconductors: The dielectric function and plasma oscillations of silicon, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 58, (2), 1997, p207 - 220Journal Article, 1997
- T. Somasundaram, M. in het Panhuis, R.M. Lynden-Bell, C.H. Patterson, A simulation study of the kinetics of passage of CO2 and N2 through the liquid/vapor interface of water, Journal of Chemical Physics, 111, (5), 1999, p2190 - 2199Journal Article, 1999, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- F. Renzoni, J. F. Donegan, C.H. Patterson, Optical gain and linewidth enhancement factor in bulk GaN, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 14, (6), 1999, p517 - 520Journal Article, 1999, DOI
- T. Somasundaram, R.M. Lynden-Bell RM, C.H. Patterson, The passage of gases through the liquid water vapour interface: a simulation study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1, (1), 1999, p143 - 148Journal Article, 1999
- M. in het Panhuis, C.H. Patterson, R.M. Lynden-Bell, A molecular dynamics study of carbon dioxide in water: diffusion, structure and thermodynamics, Molecular Physics, 94, (6), 1998, p963 - 972Journal Article, 1998
- C.D. Hogan, C.H. Patterson, Reflectance anisotropies of silicon surfaces: analysis of spectra in terms of surface excess susceptibilities, 404, (1-3), 1998, pp586 - 589Conference Paper, 1998
- C.D. Hogan, C.H. Patterson, Reflectance anisotropy of silicon surfaces: Discrete dipole calculation, Physical Review B, 57, (23), 1998, p14843 - 14849Journal Article, 1998
- D. Herrendorfer, C.H. Patterson, Reflectivity and reflectance anisotropy of Si(100): A polarisable bond model, Surface Science, 375, (2-3), 1997, p210 - 220Journal Article, 1997
- C.H. Patterson, Bond polarisabilities at the C(111) 1x1-H surface and their application to 3 wave mixing experiments, Surface Science, 304, (3), 1994, p365 - 374Journal Article, 1994
- C.H. Patterson, A novel method for calculating bond-bond interactions of large systems, Chemical Physics Letters, 213, (1-2), 1993, p59 - 64Journal Article, 1993
- R.P. Messmer, C.H. Patterson, Long bonds in silicon clusters: a failure of conventional Moller-Plesset perturbation theory, Chemical Physics Letters, 192, (2-3), 1992, p277 - 282Journal Article, 1992
- M.M. Lynam, L.V. Interrante, C.H. Patterson, R.P. Messmer, Comparison of isoelectronic aluminium nitrogen and silicon carbon double bonds using valence bond methods, Inorganic Chemistry, 30, (8), 1991, p1918 - 1922Journal Article, 1991
- C.H. Patterson, R.P. Messmer, Bonding and structures in silicon clusters: a valence bond interpretation, Physical Review B, 42, (12), 1990, p7530 - 7555Journal Article, 1990
- C.H. Patterson, R.P. Messmer, Valence bonds in the main group elements 2: the sulfur oxides, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 112, (11), 1990, p4138 - 4150Journal Article, 1990
- C.H. Patterson, T.M. Buck, The binding site of CO on NiAl(110) determined by low energy ion scattering, Surface Science, 218, (2-3), 1989, p431 - 451Journal Article, 1989
- C.H. Patterson, J.M. Mundenar, P.Y. Timbrell, A.J. Gellman, R.M. Lambert, Molecular pathways in the cyclotrimerization of acetylene on Pd(111): vibrational spectra of the C4H4 intermediate and its thermal decomposition products, Surface Science, 208, (1-2), 1989, p93 - 112Journal Article, 1989
- C.H. Patterson, R.M. Lambert, Molecular pathways in the cyclotrimerization of ethyne on palladium - role of the C4 intermediate, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 110, (20), 1988, p6871 - 6877Journal Article, 1988
- I. Kamiya, T.M. Buck, T. Sakuri, C.H. Patterson, Preferential sputtering in dilute Cu-Ni alloys, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 33, (1-4), 1988, p479 - 481Journal Article, 1988
- C.H. Patterson, R.M. Lambert, Molecular mechanisms in the cyclotrimerization of acetylene to benzene on palladium(111), Journal of Physical Chemistry, 92, (5), 1988, p1266 - 1270Journal Article, 1988
- C.H. Patterson, R.M. Lambert, Structure and Properties of the Palladium Sulfur Interface S2 Chemisorption on Pd(111), Surface Science, 187, (2-3), 1987, p339 - 358Journal Article, 1987
- P.A. Schultz, C.H. Patterson, R.P. Messmer, K-CO on Transition Metals: A Local Ionic Interaction, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A Vacuum Surfaces and Films, 5, (4 part 2), 1987, p1061 - 1064Journal Article, 1987
- The linear optical response in, editor(s)J.F. McGilp, D. Weaire, C.H. Patterson , Epioptics: linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces, Berlin, Springer, 1995, pp15 - 38, [R. del Sole, A. Shkrebtii, Guo-Ping J., C.H. Patterson]Book Chapter, 1995
- Charles H. Patterson, Photoabsorption Spectra of Small Na Clusters: TDHF and BSE versus CI and experiment, Physical Review Materials, 3, (4), 2019, p043804-1 - 043804-13Journal Article, 2019, URL
- McGilp, John and McGuinness, Cormac and Patterson, Charles, Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces PREFACE, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 255, (4), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- C. H. Patterson, Density fitting in periodic systems: Application to TDHF in diamond and oxides, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, (6), 2020, p064107Journal Article, 2020
- Charles H. Patterson, Soumya Banerjee, John F. McGilp, Erratum: Optical and phonon excitations of modified Pandey chains at the Si(111)"2×1 surface [Phys. Rev. B 84 , 155314 (2011)], Physical Review B, 100, (16), 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Mehes, E. and Patterson, C.H., Defects at the Si(001)/a-SiO2 interface: Analysis of structures generated with classical force fields and density functional theory, Physical Review Materials, 1, (4), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Nicastro, M. and Patterson, C.H., Exchange coupling in (formula presented) and (formula presented) Configuration interaction and the coupling mechanism, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 65, (20), 2002, p1-15Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Chaudhuri, D. and Patterson, C.H., TDDFT versus GW/BSE Methods for Prediction of Light Absorption and Emission in a TADF Emitter, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126, (51), 2022, p9627-9643Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Sahoo, S.R. and Patterson, C.H., Charge transfer excitons in pi -stacked thiophene oligomers and P3[Alkyl]T crystals: CIS calculations and electroabsorption spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 157, (7), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Rawlins, C.M. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Many-body theory of positron binding to polyatomic molecules, Nature, 606, (7915), 2022, p688-693Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Chaudhuri, D. and Patterson, C.H., Reliable prediction of the singlet-triplet gap in TADF molecules with GW/BSE approach, 2022 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Turin, Italy, 12th September 2022, 2022, pp85-86Conference Paper, 2022, DOI
- Sahoo, Smruti Ranjan, Patterson, Charles H., Spectroscopic Identification of the Charge Transfer State in Thiophene/Fullerene Heterojunctions: Electroabsorption Spectroscopy from GW/BSE Calculations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, (32), 2023, p15928-15942Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Rawlins, C.M., Hofierka, J., Cunningham, B., Patterson, C.H., Green, D.G., Many-Body Theory Calculations of Positron Scattering and Annihilation in H2, N2 and CH4, Physical Review Letters, 130, (26), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Arthur-Baidoo, E. and Danielson, J.R. and Surko, C.M. and Cassidy, J.P. and Gregg, S.K. and Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Positron annihilation and binding in aromatic and other ring molecules, Physical Review A, 109, (6), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Cassidy, J.P. and Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Rawlins, C.M. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Many-body theory calculations of positron binding to halogenated hydrocarbons, Physical Review A, 109, (4), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Rawlins, C.M. and Hofierka, J. and Cunningham, B. and Patterson, C.H. and Green, D.G., Many-Body Theory Calculations of Positron Scattering and Annihilation in H2, N2, and CH4, Physical Review Letters, 130, (26), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Charles H. Patterson, Molecular Ionization Energies from GW and Hartree-Fock Theory: Polarizability, Screening, and Self-Energy Vertex Corrections, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computing, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Charles H. Patterson, Excited states of molecular and crystalline acetylene: application of TDHF and BSE via density fitting methods., Molecular Physics, 2020 Sanibel Symposium, St. Simon's Island, GA, USA, February 2020, edited by Rodney Bartlett , 119, (13), 2020, ppe1792568-Conference Paper, 2020, URL
- Waide D.T., Patterson C.H., Excited states from GW/BSE and Hartree-Fock theory: Effects of polarizability and transition type on accuracy of excited state energies, Journal of Chemical Physics, 161, (22), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- M. Nicastro and C.H. Patterson, Exchange coupling in CaMnO3 and LaMnO3: Configuration interaction and the coupling mechanism, Physical Review B, 65, 2002, p205111-1 - 205111-15Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Charles H. Patterson, Role of defects in ferromagnetism in Zn1-xCoxO: A hybrid density functional study, Physical Review B, 74, (14), 2006, p144432-1 - 144432-13Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- S. Krishnamurthy, C. McGuinness, L. S. Dorneles, M. Venkatesan, J. M. D. Coey, J. G. Lunney, C. H. Patterson, K. E. Smith, T. Learmonth, P.A. Glans, T. Schmitt, J.-H. Guo, Soft x-ray spectroscopic investigation of ferromagnetic Co-doped ZnO, Journal of Applied Physics, 99, (08M111), 2006, p1 - 3Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- J F McGilp, D Weaire and C H Patterson (eds), Epioptics - Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995, 1 - 230ppBook, 1995
- Charles H. Patterson, Comparison of hybrid density functional, Hartree-Fock, and GW calculations on NiO, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 106, (15), 2006, p3383 - 3386Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- Charles H. Patterson and S. Galamić-Mulaomerovi, Quasiparticle and Optical Excitations in Solid Ne and Ar: GW and BSE Approximations, AIP Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Corfu, Greece, 25-30 September 2007, edited by Charles H. Patterson and S. Galamić-Mulaomerovi &George Maroulis, University of Patras , 963, (2B), American Institute of Physics, 2007, pp241-244Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL
- Charles H. Patterson and S. Galamić‐Mulaomerović, Electronic Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Magnetite, AIP Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Corfu, Greece, 25-30 September 2007, edited by George Maroulis, University of Patras Charles H. Patterson and Andrew D. Rowan Theodore E. Simos, University of Peloponnese George Maroulis, University of Patras , 963, (2B), American Institute of Physics, 2007, pp371-374Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL
- Charles H. Patterson, Electronic Structure and Lattice Vibrations of Ca2CuO2Cl2: a hybrid density functional study, Physical Review B, 77, (11), 2008, p115111-1 - 115111-6Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Charles H. Patterson, Small polarons and magnetic anti-phase boundaries in Ca2−xNaxCuO2Cl2 (x=0.06,0.12): origin of striped phases in cuprates, Physical Review B, 77, (9), 2008, p94523-1 - 94523-11Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- A. D. Rowan, C. H. Patterson and L.V. Gasparov, Hybrid density functional theory applied to magnetite: Crystal structure, charge order, and phonons , Physical Review B, 79, 2009, p205103-1 - 205103-18Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Charles H. Patterson, First Principles Calculation of the Structure and Dielectric Properties of Bi2Ti2O7 , Physical Review B, 82, (15), 2010, p155103-Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Charles H. Patterson, Exciton: A Code for Excitations in Materials , Molecular Physics, 108, 2010, p1-Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- D. J. Arenas, L. V. Gasparov, Wei Qiu, J. C. Nino, C. H. Patterson and D. B. Tanner , Raman study of phonon modes in bismuth pyrochlores , Physical Review B, 82, (21), 2010, p214302-1 - 214302-8Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Chakrabarty, A, Patterson, CH, Defect-trapped electrons and ferromagnetic exchange in ZnO, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84, (5), 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- C. H. Patterson, S. Banerjee, J. F. McGilp, Optical and phonon excitations of modified Pandey chains at the Si(111)-2×1 surface, Physical Review B, 84, (15), 2011, p155314-Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Charles H. Patterson, High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy of clean and hydrogen covered Si(001) surfaces: First principles calculations , Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, (9), 2012, p094701-1 - 094701-10Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Charles H. Patterson, Validity of the HREELS surface dipole selection rule at semiconductor surfaces: Si(001)-(2x1)H/D, EPL, 98, 2012, p66001-1 - 66001-5Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL
- Aurab Chakrabarty and Charles H. Patterson, Transition levels of defects in ZnO: Total energy and Janak's theorem methods , Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 2012, p054709-1 - 054709-6Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Jorgji, S., McGilp, J.F., Patterson, C.H., Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of Si(111)-(3×1)Li and Ag surfaces, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 87, (19), 2013, part. no. 195304Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Banerjee, S., McGilp, J.F., Patterson, C.H., Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of clean and Sb covered Ge(001) surfaces and comparison with clean Si(001) surfaces, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 252, (1), 2015, p78 - 86Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Jorgji, S, McGilp, JF, Patterson, CH, Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of Si(111)-(3 x 1)Li and Ag surfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 87, (19), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Patterson, C.H., Hogan, C.D., Nicastro, M. , Many-body theory applied to optical properties of silicon surfaces, Computer Physics Communications, Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics, Granada, Spain, September 2-5, 121, 1999, 711-Conference Paper, 1999, DOI
- C. H. Patterson, Hybrid DFT calculation of 57Fe NMR resonances and orbital order in magnetite , Physical Review B, 90, (7), 2014, p075134 1-11Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
- P. Kumar and C. H. Patterson, Reflectance anisotropy of the anatase TiO2(001)-(4x1) surface, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 26, (44), 2014, p445006 1-6Journal Article, 2014, URL
- C. H. Patterson, Discrete dipole calculations of surface optical properties, International school of solid state physics: EPIOPTICS 4, Erice, Sicily, June, 1996Invited Talk
- C. H. Patterson, The computational physics degree at Trinity College Dublin, American Physical Society Division of Computational Physics Annual Meeting, Massachussetts Institute of Technology , July, 2001, American Physical Society Division of Computational PhysicsInvited Talk
- C. H. Patterson, Ab initio studies of manganites: La0.5Ca0.5MnO3, Condensed Matter Theory Group Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Bristol, July, 2003, Prof James AnnettInvited Talk
- C. H. Patterson, Electronic, magnetic and crystal structures of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3, EPSRC Metal Oxides Network Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, April, 2004, EPSRC Metal Oxides NetworkInvited Talk
- C. H. Patterson, Ab initio many-body calculations for solids: Ne and Ar, Theoretical Chemistry Group Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Turin, April , 2003Oral Presentation
- C. H. Patterson, Many-body calculations for solids: progress and prospects, Quantum Theory Project Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Florida, October, 2005, Prof. Rodney Bartlett, University of FloridaInvited Talk
- C. H. Patterson, Magnetic defects promote ferromagnetism - do Zener polarons rule at 0K?, Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA, May, 2006Oral Presentation
- C. H. Patterson, Dielectric properties of semiconductor surfaces, International workshop on computational materials design and engineering, IIT Jodhpur, India, February, 2013, Prof Ambesh Dixit, IIT JodhpurInvited Talk
- C. H. Patterson, Dielectric properties of silicon surfaces, Group Seminar, S. N. Bose National Centre, Kolkata, India, February, 2013Oral Presentation
- C. H. Patterson, S. Banerjee, P. Kumar and J. F. McGilp, Au at the Si(111) surface: silicene and Au nanowires probed by optical spectroscopy, Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, S. Korea, 22nd June 2016, 2016Oral Presentation
- C. H. Patterson, The Irish Transition Year and TYPE, The Gangwon Education International Symposium 2014, Chuncheon, Gangwon, S. Korea, 28th November, 2014, Gangwon-do Provincial Office of EducationInvited Talk
- C. H. Patterson, Optical Spectroscopy of 1-D Nanostructures at Si(111) Surfaces, Group Seminar, Department of Physics, Yonsei University, Seoul, S. Korea, 25th November , 2014Oral Presentation
- C. H. Patterson, Crystal structure, charge and orbital order in magnetite: a new perspective from DFT calculations, Group seminar, Korea Advanced Insitute for Science and Technology , 26th November, 2014Oral Presentation
- P. Kumar and C. H. Patterson, Optical characterisation of native point defects in ZnO and TiO2, European materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Lille, France, 11th - 15th May 2015, 2015Poster
- E. Mehes and C. H. Patterson, Defect levels and optical spectra of the Si(001):a-SiO2 interface, Workshop on dielectrics in microelectronics, Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland, 9th - 11th June 2014, 2014Poster
- C. H. Patterson and C. McNamee, Transition levels of defects in CuAlo2, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany, 10 - 15 March 2013, 2013Oral Presentation, URL
- C. H. Patterson, S. Jorgji and J. F. McGilp, Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopyof clean and adsorbate covered Si(111) surfaces: comparison of experiment and hybrid DFT, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, Germany, 10 - 15 March 2013, 2013Oral Presentation, URL
- C. H. Patterson, 'EXCITON code', TCD, 2017, -Software
- Charles H. Patterson, Donal MacKernan, 7th Irish Atomistic Simulators' Meeting, 2002, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Charles H. Patterson, R.M. Lynden-Bell, 1st Irish Atomistic Simulators' Meeting, 1996, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Charles H. Patterson, 4th Irish Atomistic Simulators' Meeting, 1999, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Charles H. Patterson, Density fitting approach to many-body calculations, 24th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations, Jena, Germany, 16 - 20 September 20, edited by Claudia Roedl , 2019Oral Presentation
- Charles H. Patterson, Debapriya Chaudhuri and Smruti Sahoo, Charge transfer states in molecular and crystalline organics with PV and TADF applications, 2024 Sanibel Symposium, St. Augustine, FL, USA, 25th February to 1st, 2024Oral Presentation, URL
- B. Cunningham, J. Hofierka, C.M. Rawlins, A.R. Swann, J.P. Cassidy, S.K. Gregg, C.H. Patterson, and D.G. Green, Many-body theory of low-energy positron interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter, 2022Poster
- Charles H. Patterson and Dermot G. Green, Exciton: a code for many-body calculations in molecules and materials, Psi-k Conference 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland, 22-25 August 2022, 2022Poster
- Charles H. Patterson, Debapriya Chaudhuri and Smruti Ranjan Sahoo, Charge transfer states and electroabsorption spectroscopy: challenges to theory, 16th International Conference on Organic Electronics, Madrid, Spain, 3rd to 7th July 2023, 2023Oral Presentation
- P. Kumar and C. H. Patterson, Dielectric Anisotropy of the GaP/Si(001) Interface, DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 11-16 March 2018, 2018Oral Presentation, URL
- Smruti Ranjan sahoo and Charles H. Patterson, Charge Transfer Excitons in pi-stacked Thiophene, New Horizone in Photochemical Water Splitting and heterogeneous Catalysis, Dublin, Ireland, 29th-31st May 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, URL
- S. Banerjee, S. Jorgji, J. F. McGilp and C. H. Patterson,, Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of clean and adsorbate-covered Si(111) surfaces: comparison of experiment and hybrid density functional theory, German Physical Society March Meeting Berlin 2012, Berlin, 25-30 March 2012, 2012Oral Presentation
- C. H. Patterson and G. Zheng, Charge, Orbital and Magnetic Ordering in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3,, Condensed Matter and Material Physics (CMMP) conference, Queen's University, Belfast, April 2003, 2003Poster
- C. H. Patterson, Structure, Charge Order, Phonons and IR Spectra of Magnetite, Visit to Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Bangalore, India, March 2014, 2014Invited Talk
- Charles H. Patterson, Electronic Structure of Striped Phase of Ca1.875Na0.125CuO2Cl2, 75th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, Dresden, Gemany, 13th March 2011, 2011Oral Presentation
- A. Chakrabary and C. H. Patterson, F-Centres and Ferromagnetism in Oxides, 75th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, Dresden, Germany, 13-18 March 2011, 2011Oral Presentation
- C. H. Patterson (Chair), G. Watson, S. Elliott, M. Nolan, Computer simulation of oxides: dopants, defects and surfaces, 9-11 September 2009, 2009, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Emilio Artacho (University of Cambridge) Volker Blum (Duke University) Donal Mackernan (University College Dublin) Charles Patterson, David O'Regan Stefano Sanvito (Trinity College Dublin), CECAM Extended Software Development Workshop: Scaling Electronic Structure Applications, 7-18 January 2019, 2019, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- John McGilp, Cormac McGuinness, Charles Patterson, 12th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces, 25-30 June 2017, 2017, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised, URL
- 12th European Physical Society Computational Physics Group Summer School on Computing Techniques in Physics, Teaching Computational Physics, 28 Aug-2 Sept 2000, 2000, Trest, Czech RepublicMeetings /Conferences Organised
- European Physical Society, Applications of Physics to Financial Analysis (APFA1), 15-17 July 1999, 1999, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised, URL
- C. H. Patterson (chair) and S. Jorgji, 16th Irish Atomistic Simulators Meeting, December 2012, 2012, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- C. H. Patterson (chair) and S. Jorgji, 16th Irish Atomistic Simulators Meeting, December 2012, 2012, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- C. H. Patterson, S. Banerjee, S. Jorgji, P. Kumar, J. F. McGilp, Optical Anisotropy Calculations on Semiconductor and Oxide Surfaces, 10th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces , Chemnitz, Germany, 8th - 13th September, 2013, Dietrich R. T. Zahn (Technische Universität Chemnitz) Friedhelm Bechstedt (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) Norbert Esser (Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften - ISAS e.V.)Invited Talk
Research Expertise
Electronic structure theory code development Optics of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces Computational materials science Many-body theory of electrons in solids Electronic structure of magnetic materials My research consists of developing and applying electronic structure methods to problems in molecular, condensed matter and materials physics. Electronic structure theory is now a relatively mature field and density functional theory codes are available for many applications. More accurate many body methods, based on electron Green's functions, and electron-hole polarization propagators yield the most accurate predictions of excited state properties (Excitons) of molecules and condensed matter. The Exciton code performs self-consistent field Hartree-Fock calculations as well as GW (Green's function) and Bethe-Salpeter Equation calculations. Electronic structure codes divide roughly into those which represent electron wave functions using plane waves and those which use local orbitals. The former are best suited to crystalline materials with limited numbers of atoms per unit cell, the latter have many advantages for molecules, especially large molecules and systems with little or no symmetry. Accurate electronic structure methods such as the GW Green's function method and Bethe-Salpeter Equation polarization propagator method have applications in optical excitations of biomolecules, photovoltaics and photocatalysts for light harvesting and chemical reaction promotion such as artificial photosynthesis. Development of the Exciton code was begun with two graduate students, Drs. Conor Hogan and Svjetlana Galamic-Mulaomerovic, over a decade ago. That first phase of code development was based on a plane wave representation of the Coulomb potential, which is straightforward to code. The original Exciton code resulted in two publications in Physical Review B in 2005. Based on experience gained in developing the first Exciton code, I began developing an entirely new version of the code during a sabbatical year spent at the Quantum Theory Project, University of Florida, hosted by Prof. Rodney Bartlett. The new code employs the Ewald representation of the Coulomb potential for periodic systems. It makes full use of point, layer or space group symmetries in real and reciprocal space as well as time-reversal symmetry in reciprocal space. Symmetry is also used to transform the Gaussian atomic orbital basis into a symmetry adapted basis, which results in block diagonalization of operators, a reduction of running time and increased accuracy of wave functions. The many-body part of the code relies on an approach called Density fitting, which greatly reduces the time required to calculate Coulomb integrals over molecular orbitals. Current applications of the self-consistent Hartree-Fock, GW and BSE modules in the code to moleclues and molecular complexes have been tested using up to 1800 basis functions in the wave function basis and 4500 basis functions in the density fitting basis. Future development of the code will include the capacity to perform GW and Bethe-Salpeter Equation calculations for crystalline systems. Applications where the code would have significant advantages over plane wave codes are metal organic framework (MOF) materials which have open structures. Exciton is developed in C++ and MPI and consists of around 50,000 lines of code. The current Exciton code is also interfaced to the Crystal code which allows it to perform single-particle optical excitations calculations using wave functions and energy band structures from Crystal. This part of Exciton led to 15 publications in the seven year period since 2010. This version of the code produced two publications in 2005.
TitleSurface and Interface Optics CalculationsSummaryLight can be used as a probe of the electronic properties of matter in situations where conventional light-in/charged particle-out spectroscopies such as photoelectron spectroscopies cannot. The ejected electron in photoelectron spectroscopy cannot be detected if the ambient surrounding the sample is not high vacuum. In contrast, light-in/light-out spectroscopies such as reflectance measurements can be used without a vacuum ambient. The surface and interface optics project is focussed on applying density functional theory (DFT) methods to calculation of optical spectra of surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors and oxides. The work is done in collaboration with experimentalists, notably Prof. John McGilp in the School of Physics. Recent work on the interface between GaP thin films and the underlying Si substrate has been done with Prof. T. Hannappel and Dr. O. Supplie at the Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin who are experimentalists working on this prototype system for III-V semiconductor growth on silicon. Reflection of light by a surface depends on the dielectric responses of atoms from the surface layer to many layers below the surface. In order to use visible light as a probe of electrons at surfaces, it is essential to distinguish the reflected signal coming from the layers immediately at the surface from that coming from many more layers near the surface. One way of doing this is to choose systems where the surface is anisotropic in the surface plane while the underlying layers are isotropic. An example of an isotropic surface is where surface atoms form pairs (or dimerize) in chains at (001) surfaces of silicon or III-V semiconductors. If the difference in reflectivity of light is measured in normal incidence with the optical polarization vector aligned parallel or perpendicular to the dimer chains, then the surface contribution to reflectivity arises only from the anisotropic surface. Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) consists of measuring this difference, usually in the photon energy range from 1 to 5 eV. The experimental measurement by itself yields only a fingerprint of the surface. In order to use RAS to obtain information about electronic properties of the surface, experimental data must be compared to results of our calculations using the Crystal and Exciton codes. These calculations show which features in a RAS spectrum arise from transitions between particular surface states. Armed with this analysis, experimentalists may use the RAS technique to diagnose the electronic properties of a surface on which a semiconductor is being grown under non-high vacuum conditions. One recent highlight of this work has been application of the methods that we have developed since 2010 for calculating RAS for surfaces, to the interface between GaP thin films grown on the Si(001) surface by Hannappel and Supplie in Berlin. They measured the dielectric anisotropy of the interface between the thin film and silicon substrate. My PhD student, Pankaj Kumar, calculated the dielectric anisotropy for this interface using Crystal and Exciton and found agreement between theory and experiment only when the silicon substrate was doped so that the interface was semiconducting. Our work showed that the measured interface dielectric anisotropy arises from electrons trapped in interface states localized in several layers of silicon atoms closest to the first P layer in the GaP thin film. It also showed that if the GaP layer was terminated by a Ga/Si interface, the interface dielectric anisotropy spectrum was quite different. Thus a combination of theory and experiment can show whether a buried interface is conducting or semiconducting and whether the GaP layer in contact with the Si substrate is Ga or P. Our work is, as far as we can tell, the first application of DFT to the optical anisotropy of an interface and it has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate FromOctober 2009Date ToSeptember 2014
TitleExciton Computer CodeSummaryMy research consists of developing and applying electronic structure methods to problems in molecular, condensed matter and materials physics. Electronic structure theory is now a relatively mature field and density functional theory codes are available for many applications. More accurate many body methods, based on electron Green's functions, and electron-hole polarization propagators yield the most accurate predictions of excited state properties (Excitons) of molecules and condensed matter. The Exciton code performs self-consistent field Hartree-Fock calculations as well as GW (Green's function) and Bethe-Salpeter Equation calculations. Electronic structure codes divide roughly into those which represent electron wave functions using plane waves and those which use local orbitals. The former are best suited to crystalline materials with limited numbers of atoms per unit cell, the latter have many advantages for molecules, especially large molecules and systems with little or no symmetry. Accurate electronic structure methods such as the GW Green's function method and Bethe-Salpeter Equation polarization propagator method have applications in optical excitations of biomolecules, photovoltaics and photocatalysts for light harvesting and chemical reaction promotion such as artificial photosynthesis. Development of the Exciton code was begun with two graduate students, Drs. Conor Hogan and Svjetlana Galamic-Mulaomerovic, over a decade ago. That first phase of code development was based on a plane wave representation of the Coulomb potential, which is straightforward to code. The original Exciton code resulted in two publications in Physical Review B in 2005. Based on experience gained in developing the first Exciton code, I began developing an entirely new version of the code during a sabbatical year spent at the Quantum Theory Project, University of Florida, hosted by Prof. Rodney Bartlett. The new code employs the Ewald representation of the Coulomb potential for periodic systems. It makes full use of point, layer or space group symmetries in real and reciprocal space as well as time-reversal symmetry in reciprocal space. Symmetry is also used to transform the Gaussian atomic orbital basis into a symmetry adapted basis, which results in block diagonalization of operators, a reduction of running time and increased accuracy of wave functions. The many-body part of the code relies on an approach called Density fitting, which greatly reduces the time required to calculate Coulomb integrals over molecular orbitals. Current applications of the self-consistent Hartree-Fock, GW and BSE modules in the code to moleclues and molecular complexes have been tested using up to 1800 basis functions in the wave function basis and 4500 basis functions in the density fitting basis. Future development of the code will include the capacity to perform GW and Bethe-Salpeter Equation calculations for crystalline systems. Applications where the code would have significant advantages over plane wave codes are metal organic framework (MOF) materials which have open structures. Exciton is developed in C++ and MPI and consists of around 50,000 lines of code. The current Exciton code is also interfaced to the Crystal code which allows it to perform single-particle optical excitations calculations using wave functions and energy band structures from Crystal. This part of Exciton led to 15 publications in the seven year period since 2010. This version of the code produced two publications in 2005.Funding AgencyHigher Education Authority/Enterprise IrelandDate FromJanuary 2000Date ToCurrent
TitleCharge and Orbital Order in MagnetiteSummaryMany of the most exotic states and properties of matter such as superconductivity, charge and spin order, etc arise in materials with unpaired electron spins on metal ions such as Fe3+ or Cu2+. My work in this area includes first principles hybrid density functional theory (DFT) calculations on manganites, cuprates and magnetite. Magnetite is a ferrimagnet, also known as lodestone, which has an unusual phase transition between a conducting and semiconducting state at 120 K, known as the Verwey transition. The contribution that I and my student, Andrew Rowan, and Prof. Lev Gasparov at the University of North Florida made in this area is in understanding charge order in the above mentioned materials. My most recent work in this area has been on elucidating the charge order in magnetite in the semiconducting phase of magnetite which exists below the Verwey temperature. The transition has puzzled physicists, including many distinguished scientists, since its discovery by Verwey in 1939. The problem is quite simple to explain. Magnetite consists of Fe3+ ions in tetrahedral 'A' sites and an equal proportion of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in octahedral 'B' sites. Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions are in d6 and d5 electronic configurations, respectively. This means that half of the ions at 'B' sites contain one minority spin electron, which is responsible for conduction above the Verwey transition temperature and must somehow become immobile below the Verwey temperature. It is this question that has puzzled physicists for 75 years. A complicating factor in determining the cause of the Verwey transition was that the structure of magnetite in the low temperature phase was poorly resolved because if multiple twinning of domains. It was finally resolved by Attfield and coworkers who used x-ray diffraction on a micron sized grain with one dominant domain in 2012 [Nature 481, 173 (2012)]. The unit cell contains 112 ions and has 16 types of Fe 'B' site and 8 types of 'A' site. The low temperature phase shows charge ordering of electrons on Fe 'B' sites, which is associated with the change in electric conductivity and which was dubbed 'trimeron' formation by Attfield and coworkers. Some chains of 3 Fe ions showed on of the conduction electrons being localized on 3 Fe ions. My contribution to this problem was to calculate the NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra of 'A' and 'B' site Fe ions in the newly discovered structure of magnetite as a function of crystal orientation in an external magnetic field. NMR is a potentially powerful probe of charge order in Fe compounds because 57Fe is a spin " nucleus which will couple to the minority spin electron in d6 Fe2+. Measurement of the NMR resonance frequency as a function of orientation of the magnetite crystal in a magnetic field yields curves which are characteristic of the shape of the d orbital containing this electron. My paper published in Physical Review B in 2014 showed that hybrid DFT calculations using the Crystal code and the crystal structure published by Attfield and coworkers in 2012 could reproduce the variation of NMR frequency with crystal orientation, and therefore that the charge order in our calculations was correct. I concluded that molecular polarons and charge localization in zig-zag chains (Attfield's trimerons) was responsible for the Verwey transition. Hybrid DFT calculation of 57Fe NMR resonances and orbital order in magnetite , C. H. Patterson, Phys. Rev. B 90, 075134 (2014) Hybrid Density Functional Theory Applied to Magnetite: Crystal Structure, Charge Order and Phonons, A. D. Rowan, C. H. Patterson and L. V. Gasparov, Phys. Rev. B 79 205103 (2009)Funding AgencyScience Foundation Ireland
Physical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Condensed matter physics, Classical physics,
- Fellow of TCD 2000
- Trinity Global Engagement Award 2018
- Institute of Physics present
- American Physical Society
- Institute of Physics
- Since January 2023 I have reviewed at least one manuscript for the following journals: Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF 14.4), NPJ Computational materials (IF 9.7), Nanoscale (IF 8.3), Physical Review Letters (IF 8.1), Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (IF 4.3), Heliyon (IF 3.4), Physical Review B (IF 3.2), Physical Review Materials (IF 3.1), Journal of Applied Physics (IF 2.3) 2023-2024
- Board Member, European Physical Society Computational Physics Group. I served a five year term on the EPS-CPG. This entailed attending board meetings in Prague, organising a biennial Summer School on Computing Techniques in Physics and organisation of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics(IUPAP) Conference on Computational Physics in Granada, Spain in 2000. I chaired the EPS-CPG Summer School in the Czech Republic in 2000. 1997 to 2002
- Board or Steering Group Member, Psi-k Network www.Psi-k.org. European Network funded by successive European Commission Human Capital and Mobility and two 5 year European Science Foundation grants. 1994 to 2016
- I have acted as a PhD External Examiner for the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Tyndall National Laboratory/University College Cork, Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, India, Department of Physics, IIT Jodhpur, India. Oral examinations were conducted for the first two and thesis reports given for the latter two.
- I have served two three year terms as an Institute of Physics in Ireland (IOPI) committee member. The first of these terms was in the 1990"s which included a 2 year term as IOPI Treasurer. The second term was from 2017 to 2020 and I was the rep on the Committee from TCD. Roles included attending IOPI committee meetings in Belfast and Dublin, publicising IOP membership to students in TCD and coordinating applications for degree accreditation by the IOP accreditation committee at IOP headquarters in London. The latter is described in more detail in Service to College. 2017 to 2020