Professor Louise Bradley
Professor in, Physics
Email Louise.Bradley@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3595http://www.tcd.ie/Physics/People/Louise.Bradley/Biography
Prof. Bradley leads a vibrant research team in the field of photonics, with current research interests mainly in the area of nanophotonics. Her research is directly relevant for development of higher efficiency light emitting devices, solar cells and sensing applications. She has previously made significant contributions to the development of novel devices for optical telecommunications systems. In 1992 she received a BSc (First Class Hons.) in Experimental Physics from University College Dublin. She was awarded Forbairt and Trinity College Dublin scholarships to pursue postgraduate studies at Trinity College Dublin, obtaining a MSc in 1994 and a PhD in 1998. During her PhD she studied nonlinear optical processes in semiconductor microcavity systems. As a Postdoctoral Research Fellow she worked on the development of semiconductor microcavity devices for lighting applications. In 1999, she became a Lecturer in the Institute of Technology, Tallaght, before returning to join the academic staff of the School of Physics in 2000. Subsequently, she was appointed Senior Lecturer and elected to Fellowship of the College in 2009, and promoted to Professor in 2016. Dr. Bradley has won over 3.55 M in competitive funding from Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Research Council. She has published over 140 scientific papers and collaborates with national and international research teams.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Karanikolas V.D, Marocico C.A, Bradley A.L, Tunable and long-range energy transfer efficiency through a graphene nanodisk, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 93, (3), 2016, p035426-Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Marocico C.A, Zhang X, Bradley A.L, A theoretical investigation of the influence of gold nanosphere size on the decay and energy transfer rates and efficiencies of quantum emitters, Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, (2), 2016, p024108-Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Karanikolas V.D, Marocico C.A, Bradley A.L, Dynamical tuning of energy transfer efficiency on a graphene monolayer, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91, (12), 2015, p125422-Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Higgins L.J, Karanikolas V.D, Marocico C.A, Bell A.P, Sadler T.C, Parbrook P.J, Bradley A.L, Carrier density dependence of plasmonenhanced nonradiative energy transfer in a hybrid quantum well-quantum dot structure, Optics Express, 23, (2), 2015, p1377 - 1387Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Lunz M, Bradley A.L, Chen W.-Y, Gun'ko Y.K, Forster resonant energy transfer in quantum dot layers, Superlattices and Microstructures, 47, (1), 2010, p98 - 102Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Lucas F.O, McNally P.J, Cowley A, Daniels S, Bradley L, Danieluk D, Taylor D.M, Structural, optical and electrical properties of Co-evaporated CuCl/KCl films, Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 6, (SUPPL. 1), 2009, pS114 - S118Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- L.J. Higgins, V.D. Karanikolas, G.P. Murphy, X. Zhang, C.A. Marocico, P.J. Parbrook and A.L. Bradley, Plasmon-enhanced nonradiative energy transfer in a hybrid quantum well structure, 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July, 2015Conference Paper, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- J.J. Gough, D. McCloskey, J.M. Caridad, V. Krstic, M. Muller, N. Gaponik and A.L. Bradley, Chiral Ag nanostructure arrays as optical antennas , 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS), Oxford, UK, September, 2015Conference Paper, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- L.J. Higgins, V.D. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico, P.J. Parbrook and A.L. Bradley, Plasmon-enhanced energy transfer in a hybrid system using silver nanobox array geometries, 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS), September, 2015Conference Paper, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- V. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Tunable and efficient long range energy transfer via graphene plasmon modes, 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS), September, 2015Conference Paper, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- C. A. Marocico, X. Zhang and A. L. Bradley, Spectral overlap dependence of enhanced energy transfer near small au nanoparticles, 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July, 2014, pp10.1109/ICTON.2014.6876459Conference Paper, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Gough J.J, Siewerska K.E, Mehigan S, Hanlon D, Backes C, Gholamvand Z, Szydloska B.M, Blau W.J, McCabe E, Bradley A.L, Ag nanoparticle decorated graphene oxide: Fluorescence quenching and surface enhanced raman scattering, 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS , September, 2016, pp121 - 123Conference Paper, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Vasilios D. Karanikolas, Cristian A. Marocico, Paul R. Eastham, A. Louise Bradley, Near-field relaxation of a quantum emitter to 2D semiconductors: surface dissipation and exciton polaritons, Physical Review B, 94, 2016, p195418-Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Yu.P. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, T.M. Connolly, J.J. Boland, M.A. Przyjalgowski, A. Ryder, N.Gaponik and A.L. Rogach, Confined optical modes in small photonic molecules with semiconductor nanocrystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 96, (11), 2004, p6761 - 6765Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- B. Roycroft, M. Akhter, P. Maaskant, B. Corbett, A. Shaw, L. Bradley, P. de Mierry and M. Poisson, Origin of power fluctuations in GaN resonant-cavity light-emitting diodes, Optics Express , 12, (5), 2004, p736 - 741Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- B. Kennedy, S. Philippe, P. Landais, A. L. Bradley and H. Soto, Experimental investigation of polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers, IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics , 151, (2), 2004, p114 - 118Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
- T. Krug, M. Lynch, A. L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan, L. P. Barry, H. Folliot, J. S. Roberts and G. Hill, High-sensitivity two-photon absorption microcavity autocorrelator, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16, 2004, p1543 - 1545Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Higgins L.J, Zhang X, Marocico C.A, Murphy G.P, Karanikolas V.K, Gun'Ko Y.K, Lesnyak V, Gaponik N, Susha A.S, Rogach A.L, Parbrook P.J, Bradley A.L, Enhancing Forster nonradiative energy transfer via plasmon interaction, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Photonics Europe 2016, Belgium, 2016, 9884, 2016, 98840P -Conference Paper, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Federico Zen, Vasilios D. Karanikolas, James A. Behan, Jenny Andersson, Guido Ciapetti, A. Louise Bradley, Paula E. Colavita, Nanoplasmonic Sensing at the Carbon-Bio Interface: Study of Protein Adsorption at Graphitic and Hydrogenated Carbon Surfaces, Langmuir, 33, (17), 2017, p4198-4206Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Luke J. Higgins, Cristian A. Marocico, Vasilios D. Karanikolas, Alan P. Bell, John J. Gough, Graham P. Murphy, Peter J. Parbrook and A. Louise Bradley, Influence of plasmonic array geometry on energy transfer from a quantum well to a quantum dot layer, Nanoscale, 8, 2016, p18170-18179Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Graham P. Murphy, Xia Zhang, and A. Louise Bradley, Temperature-Dependent Luminescent Decay Properties of CdTe Quantum Dot Monolayers: Impact of Concentration on Carrier Trapping, J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, (46), 2016, p26490-26497Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- G. P. Murphy, J. J. Gough, L. J. Higgins, V. D. Karanikolas, K. Wilson, J. Garcia Coindreau, Zubialevich, P. J. Parbrook and A. L. Bradley, Ag colloids and arrays for plasmonic non-radiative energy transfer from quantum dots to a quantum well, Nanotechnology, 28, 2017, p115401-Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jennings, Brian; McCloskey, David; Gough, John; Hoang, Thomas; Abadia, Nicolas; Zhong, Chuan; Karademir, Ertugrul; Bradley, A. L.; Donegan, John, Characterisation of multi-mode propagation in silicon nitride slab waveguides, Journal of Optics, 19, (1), 2017, p015604-Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Luke J. Higgins, Cristian A. Marocico, Jorge Garcia Coindreau, Vasilios D. Karanikolas, Alan P. Bell, John J. Gough, Graham P. Murphy, Peter J. Parbrook and A. Louise Bradley, Influence of plasmonic array geometry on non-radiative energy transfer from a quantum well to a quantum dot layer, 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Girona, Spain, July, edited by M. Marciniak , IEEE, 2017Conference Paper, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- K. Wilson, C. A. Marocico, E. Pedreuza, C. Smith and A. L. Bradley, Hybrid metal nanostructure arrays for colour printing, 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Trento, Italy, July, 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- K. Carney, R. Lennox, R. Maldonado-Basilio, S. Philippe, F. Surre, A. L. Bradley and P. Landais, 3.8 dB Noise figure in bulk semiconductor optical amplifier, 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 2013Conference Paper, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- K. Carney, S. Latkowski, R. Maldonado-Basilio, P. Landais, R. Lennox and A.L. Bradley, Characterization of a multi-electrode bulk-SOA for low NF in-line amplification in passive optical networks , 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2010Conference Paper, 2010, DOI
- A. L. Dunbar, R. P. Stanley, M. Lynch, A. L. Bradley, J. Hegarty and J. F. Donegan, Excitation induced coherence in teh four-wave-mixing response of cavity polaritons, 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- L.P. Barry, H. Folliot, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, L.A. Dunbar, T. Krug, J.F. Donegan, J.S. Roberts, and G. Hill, Design and fabrication of highly efficient non-linear optical devices for implementing high-speed optical processing, echnical Proceedings, European Conference on Optical Communications, uropean Conference on Optical Communications, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002, ppP2.19-Conference Paper, 2002
- L. J.Higgins, C. A. Marocico, J. G. Coindreau, V. D. Karanikolas, A. P. Bell, J. J. Gough, G. P. Murphy, P. J. Parbrook, A. L. Bradley, Influence of plasmonic array in non-radiative energy transfer from a quantum well to a quantum dot layer, ICTON, Girona, Spain, 2017Invited Talk, 2017
- L. J. Higgins, C. A. Marocico, J. G. Coindreau, V. D. Karanikolas, A.P. Bell, J. J. Gough, G. P. Murphy, P. J. Parbrook, A. L. Bradley, Enhancing Forster nonradiative energy transfer via plasmonic interaction, 12th International Conference on Optics at Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI-12), Dublin, September, 2017Invited Talk, 2017
- K. Siewerska, J. J. Gough, S. Mehigan, D. Hanlon, C. Backes, Z. Gholamvand, B. M Szydloska, W. J. Blau, E. McCabe, A. L. Bradley , Influence of graphene oxide/Ag nanoparticle composites on the fluorescence properies of organic dyes, EMRS Fall, Warsaw, Poland, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
- L. J.Higgins, C. A. Marocico, J. G. Coindreau, V. D. Karanikolas, A. P. Bell, J. J. Gough, G. P. Murphy, P. J. Parbrook, A. L. Bradley, Enhancing Forster nonradiative energy transfer via plasmon interaction, SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium, April, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
- K. Wilson, E. Pedreuza, A. L. Bradley, Hybrid metal nanostructures for colour printing, ICTON, Trento, Italy, July, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
- X. Zhang, G. P. Murphy and A. L. Bradley, Enhanced resonance energy transfer via plasmonic structures, 2nd International symposium on nanoparticle-nanomaterials and applications, Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2016Invited Talk, 2016
- L. J. Higgins, C. A. Marocico, J. G. Coindreau, V. D. Karanikolas, A. P. Bell, J. J. Gough, G. P. Murphy, P. J. Parbrook, A. L. Bradley, Plasmonic arrays for enhanced non-radiative energy transfer in quantum well-quantum dot structures, Nano-Tek 2015, San Antonio, Texas, November, 2015Invited Talk, 2015
- L. J. Higgins, V. D. Karanikolas, G. P. Murphy, X. Zhang, C. A. Marocico, P. J. Parbrook, A. L. Bradley, Plasmon-enhanced nonradiative energy transfer in a hybrid quantum well structure, ICTON, Budapest, Hungary, July, 2015Invited Talk, 2015
- C. A. Marocico, X. Zhang, A.L. Bradley, Spectral overlap dependence of enhanced energy transfer near small Au nanoparticles, ICTON, Graz, Austria, July, 2014Invited Talk, 2014
- V. D. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Plasmon-assisted energy transfer near metal coated cylinders, ICTON 2013, Cartagena, Spain, July, 2013Invited Talk, 2013
- X. Zhang, M. Lunz and A.L. Bradley, Surface plasmon enhanced non-radiative energy transfer in planar quantum dot structures, MRS, Boston, November, 2012Invited Talk, 2012
- X. Zhang, A. L. Bradley, Large energy transfer distance to a plane of gold nanoparticles, ICTON, Coventry, July, 2012Invited Talk, 2012
- X. Zhang, M. Lunz, A. L. Bradley, Plasmon enhanced FRET in quantum dot structures, International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics and International Conference and Organics Photonics and Electronics, Dublin, September, 2011Invited Talk, 2011
- X. Zhang and A. L. Bradley, Enhanced quantum efficiency in mixed donor-acceptor nanocrystal quantum dot monolayers , ICTON 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2011, 2011Invited Talk, 2011
- X. Zhang, M. Lunz, A. L. Bradley, Modification of the FRET rate in quantum dot structures, ICTON, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 2011Invited Talk, 2011
- M. Lunz and A. L.Bradley, Influence of localised surface plasmons on energy transfer, ICTON 2010, Munich, Germany, June 2010, 2010Invited Talk, 2010
- M. Lunz and A. L. Bradley, Forster resonant energy transfer in quantum dot structures, ICTON 2009, Azores, Portugal, June, 2009, 2009Invited Talk, 2009
- S. Philippe, P.Landais, A. L. Bradley, Polarization dependent intra-band dynamics in semiconductor optical amplifiers, ICTON 2007, Rome, Italy, June 2007, 2007Invited Talk, 2007
- S. Philippe, P. Landais, A. L. Bradley, Dynamics of non-linear polarisation rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers, ICTON 2007, Rome, Italy, June 2007, 2007Invited Talk, 2007
- S. Philippe, P. Landais, A. L. Bradley, Dynamics of non-linear polarisation rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers, Photonics Ireland 2007, Galway, Ireland, September 2007, 2007Invited Talk, 2007
- V. K. Komarala, A. L. Bradley, Accelerated Forster energy transfer between CdTe quantum dots in proximity to old nanoparticles, Photonics Ireland 2007, Galway, Ireland, September 2007, 2007Invited Talk, 2007
- S. Philippe, A. L. Bradley, B. Kennedy, F. Surre, P. Landais, Polarization resolved dynamics in semiconductor optical amplifiers, ICTON 2006, Nottingham, UK, June 2006, 2006Invited Talk, 2006
- T. Krug, M. Lynch, A. L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan, Enhanced nonlinearity in semiconductor microcaviities, Emerging Technologies in Optical Sciences, Cork, Ireland, July 2004, 2004Invited Talk, 2004
- A. L. Bradley, Optimization of optical cavity design of GaN resonant cavity light emitting diodes, CLEO Europe-EQEC Conference, Munich, Germany, June 2003, 2003Invited Talk, 2003
- A. L. Bradley, J. P. Doran and J. Hegarty, Nonlinear refelctivity of semiconductor microcavities: experiment and theory, CLEO Europe-EQEC Conferencce, Hamburg, Germany, June 1996, 1996Invited Talk, 1996
- Alan Shaw, John F. Donegan, James G. Lunney, and Louise Bradley , Optical design of GaN resonant cavity LEDs emitting at 510 nm for use in plastic optical fibre applications, Conference Title: Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications , Galway, Ireland , 05 September 2002 , edited by Thomas J. Glynn , 4876, (1), 2003, pp184-195Conference Paper, 2003, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- A. Shaw, A.L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan and J. G. Lunney, GaN resonant cavity light-emitting diodes for plastic optical fibre applications, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16, (9), 2004, p2006 - 2008Journal Article, 2004, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Gough, J.J. and McEvoy, N. and O'Brien, M. and Bell, A.P. and McCloskey, D. and Boland, J.B. and Coleman, J.N. and Duesberg, G.S. and Bradley, A.L., Dependence of Photocurrent Enhancements in Quantum Dot (QD)-Sensitized MoS2 Devices on MoS2 Film Properties, Advanced Functional Materials, 28, (13), 2018, p1706149-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gough, J.J. and O'Brien, M. and McEvoy, N. and Bell, A.P. and Duesberg, G.S. and Bradley, A.L., Enhancing the electrical properties of MoS2 through nonradiative energy transfer, Engineered Materials Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials), 11th International Congress on, (8107862), 2017, pp124-126Conference Paper, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- J. J. Gough, K. Siewerska, S. Mehigan, D. Hanlon, C. Backes, Z. Gholamvand, B. M. Szydloska, W. J. Blau, E. McCabe and A. L. Bradley, Influence of graphene oxide/Ag nanoparticle composites on the fluorescence properties of organic dyes, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials, 17, 2017, p8946 - 8952Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Karanikolas, V.D. and Marocico, C.A. and Eastham, P.R. and Bradley, A.L., Near-field relaxation of a quantum emitter to two-dimensional semiconductors: Surface dissipation and exciton polaritons, Physical Review B, 94, (19), 2016, p195418-Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Jakub Jadwiszczak, Colin O'Callaghan, Yangbo Zhou, Daniel S Fox, Eamonn Weitz, Darragh Keane, Conor P. Cullen, Ian O'Reilly, Clive Downing, Aleksey Shmeliov, Pierce Maguire, John J. Gough , Cormac McGuinness , Mauro S. Ferreira, A. Louise Bradley , John J. Boland, Georg S. Duesberg, Valeria Nicolosi & Hongzhou Zhang, Oxide-mediated recovery of field effect mobility in plasma-treated MoS2, Science Advances, 4, (2), 2018, peaao5031-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- J. J. Gough, M. O'Brien. N. McEvoy, A. Bell, G. Duesberg, A. L. Bradley, Enhancing the electrical properties of MoS2 through nonradiative energy transfer, 11th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials , Marseille, France, August 27th, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- J. J. Gough, K. Siewerska, S. Mehigan, D. Hanlon, C. Backes, Z. Gholamvand, B. M. Szydloska, W. J. Blau, E. McCabe and A. L. Bradley, Ag Nanoparticle Decorated Graphene Oxide: Fluorescence Quenching and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials, Crete, 17-22 September, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
- V. K. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Tunable and efficient long range energy transfer via graphene plasmon modes, 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials 2015, Oxford, United Kingdom, 7-12 September, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- J. J. Gough, D. McCloskey, J. M. Caridad, V. Krstic, M. Müller, N. Gaponik and A. L. Bradley, Chiral Ag nanostructure arrays as optical antennas, 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials, Oxford, United Kingdom, 7-12 September, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- L.J. Higgins, V.D. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico, P.J. Parbrook and A.L. Bradley, Plasmon-enhanced energy transfer in a hybrid system using silver nanobox array geometries, 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials, Oxford, United Kingdom, 7-12 September, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- J.J. Gough, D. McCloskey, J.M. Caridad, V. Krstic, M. Müller, N. Gaponik and A.L. Bradley, Helical nanostructures as optical antennas, Photonics Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 2-4 Sept, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- L. J. Higgins, V.D. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico, A. P. Bell, P. J. Parbrook and A. L. Bradley, Plasmon-enhanced nonradiative energy transfer in a hybrid quantum well-quantum dot system, Photonics Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- V. K. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Long range energy transfer efficiency through graphene nanostructures, Photonics Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 2-4 Sept, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- E. Pedrueza-Villalmanzo, K. Wilson, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Angular dependence of the optical properties of plasmonic aluminum nanodisk arrays, Photonics Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 2-4 Sept, 2015Poster, 2015
- K. Wilson, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Design of metallic nanostructured arrays for display applications, Photonics Ireland, 2-4 Sept, 2015Poster, 2015
- G. P. Murphy, X. Zhang, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, S. Susha, A. L. Rogach, and A.L. Bradley, Temperature dependent studies of surface plasmon assisted energy transfer in quantum dot systems, Photonics Ireland, 2-4 Sept, 2015Poster, 2015
- V. K. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Graphene plasmonics and energy transfer efficiency, Optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modelling workshop (OWTNM), London, UK, 17-18 April, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- J. Gough, D. McCloskey, J. Caridad, V. Krstic, M. Müller, N. Gaponik and A. L. Bradley, Circularly Polarised Quantum Dot Emission via Coupling with Chiral Ag Nanostructures, NanoMeta 2015 - 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, Austria, 5 - 8 January , 2015Poster, 2015
- L. Higgins, V. Karanikolas, C. Marocico, A. Bell, P. J. Parbrook, A. L. Bradley, Plasmon-enhanced nonradiative energy transfer in a hybrid quantum well-quantum dot system, NanoMeta 2015 - 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, Austria, 5 - 8 January, 2015Poster, 2015
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Energy Transfer Rate between a Pair of Quantum Emitters in the Presence of a Coated Metallic Cylinder, International Conference on Quantum Dots, 11 - 16 May, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Energy transfer enhancement between quantum emitters over larger distances through coupling with a coated metallic cylinder energy, 17th Nanoscale Simulators Ireland and Irish Atomistic Simulators Meeting, Belfast, Ireland, 26 - 27 May, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Transfer rate between a pair of quantum emitters in the presence of a coated metallic cylinder, Nanolight, 2 - 8 March, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Energy transfer between a quantum well and quantum dots for led applications, International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS13), September, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- X. Zhang, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach, and A.L. Bradley, Surface plasmon extended optical ruler, International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS13), September, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, 59. Decay and Energy Transfer Rates in Metal/Dielectric Core-Shell Cylinders, European Materials Research Symposium, May 27th-30th, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Decay and Energy Transfer Near Au Nanospheres and Coated Metal Nanowires, Photonics Ireland, September, 2013Poster, 2013
- X. Zhang, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach, and A.L. Bradley, Surface plasmon extended optical ruler, Photonics Ireland, September, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Energy Transfer between a Quantum Well and Quantum Dots for LED Applications, Photonics Ireland 2013, September, 2013Poster, 2013
- X. Zhang, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach, and A.L. Bradley, Distance dependent energy transfer between CdTe quantum dots with intermediate gold nanoparticles, European Materials Research Symposium, May 27th-30th, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Localized surface plasmons, field intensity and energy transfer, EuroNano Forum, Dublin, June, 2013Poster, 2013
- C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Decay and Energy Transfer Near Au Nanospheres, NanoNET, Dublin, September 17-19th, 2012Poster, 2012
- X. Zhang, C. A. Marocico, M. Lunz, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach and A. L. Bradley, Probing the interaction between a bilayer of QDs and gold nanoparticles with Förster resonance and nanometal surface energy transfer theories, NanoNET, Dublin, September 17-19th, 2012Poster, 2012
- G. P. Murphy , V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, P. J. Parbrook , T. Sadler, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach and A. L. Bradley, Hybrid QW structures with colloidal QDs and metal nanoparticles: Experimental Results, NanoNET, September 17-19th, 2012Poster, 2012
- V. Karanikolas, C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Local Field Enhancement of Nanoparticles in the Presence of Dipole Sources, NanoNET, Dublin, September 17-19th, 2012Poster, 2012
- L. Higgins, J. Gough, G. Murphy, V. Karanikolas, V. A. Gerard, C. Hanley, Y. K. Gun'ko and A. L. Bradley, Metal Nanoparticle Arrays for Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions, NanoNET, September 17-19th, 2012Poster, 2012
- C.A. Marocico and A.L. Bradley, Decay Rates near layers of Au Nanospheres, 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
- X. Zhang, M. Lunz, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach and A. L. Bradley, Large Förster radius for off-resonance energy transfer to a plane of gold metal nanoparticles, European Materials Research Symposium, 14th-18th May, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
- X. Zhang, M. Lunz, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach and A. L. Bradley, Large energy transfer distance between planes of quantum dots and gold metal nanoparticles, Quantum Dot, Santa Fe, 13th-18th May, 2012Poster, 2012
- X. Zhang, M. Lunz, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach and A.L. Bradley, Surface Plasmon increased FRET Rate in Quantum Dot Structures, Photonics Ireland 2011, September, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- R. Lennox, K. Carney, R. Maldonado-Basilio, S. Philippe, P. Landais, and A. L. Bradley, Power saturation and noise figure control of a multi-electrode bulk semiconductor optical amplifier, Photonics Ireland 2011, September, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- K. Carney, R. Lennox, R. Maldonado-Basilio, S. Philippe, F. Surre, A.L. Bradley, and P. Landais, Simulation of noise figure and saturation power control technique in multi-section semiconductor optical amplifiers, Photonics Ireland 2011, September, 2011Poster, 2011
- X. Zhang, M. Lunz, V. Gerard, Y. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik and A.L. Bradley, Enhanced quantum efficiency in mixed donor-acceptor quantum dots monolayers, Photonics Ireland 2011, September, 2011Poster, 2011
- M. Lunz, X. Zhang, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach and A. L. Bradley, Doubling of the Förster radius in Qunatum Dot Structures by Localised Surface Plasmon interaction, Microscopy Society of Ireland Symposium , Dublin, 24th-26th August, 2011Poster, 2011
- C. Higgins, M. Lunz, A. L. Bradley, V. A. Gerard, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak and N. Gaponik, FRET in self-assembled CdTe quantum dot nanoclusters, 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Munich, June 27th -1st July, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- M. Lunz, A.L. Bradley, W.-Y. Chen, V. A. Gerard, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak and N. Gaponik, Influence of intra-ensemble energy transfer on the properties of nanocrystal quantum dot structures and devices, 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Munich, June 27th -1st July, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- M, Lunz, A. L. Bradley, V. A. Gerard, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak and N. Gaponik, Surface plasmon effects on Förster resonant energy transfer in colloidal quantum dot structures, Quantum Dot, Nottingham, 26th-30th April , 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- M, Lunz, A. L. Bradley, V. A. Gerard, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak and N. Gaponik, Influence of the donor concentration on Förster resonant energy transfer between donor /acceptor quantum dot layers, Quantum Dot, Nottingham, 26th-30th April , 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- M. Lunz, C. Higgins, A. L. Bradley, V. A. Gerard, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak and N. Gaponik, Concentration dependence of the optical properties of monodisperse colloidal quantum dot monolayers, Quantum Dot, Nottingham, 26th-30th April , 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- C. Higgins, M. Lunz, A. L. Bradley, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, Acceptor emission enhancement in mixed solutions of oppositely charged semiconductor quantum dots, Photonics Ireland 2009, September, 2009Poster, 2009
- M. Lunz, A.L. Bradley, Förster resonant energy transfer between semiconductor quantum dot layers , Photonics Ireland 2009, September, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- M, Lunz, A. L. Bradley, V. A. Gerard, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak and N. Gaponik, Transverse versus Vertical Förster Resonant Energy Transfer: Concentration Dependence in Quantum Dot Layer Structures, International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, Madrid, 7th-11th September, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- S. Philippe, K. Carney, P. Landais, F. Surre, R. Lennox, A.L. Bradley, Novel design for noise controlled semiconductor optical amplifier, 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Azores, Portugal, June 28 - July 2, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- M. Lunz, A. L. Bradley, W.-Y. Chen and Y. K. Gun,ko, Förster resonant energy transfer in quantum dot layers, 9th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, Leece, Italy, 16 -20 April, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- M. Lunz, A. L. Bradley, W.-Y. Chen and Y. K. Gun'ko, Förster resonant energy transfer in a mixed quantum dot monolayer, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, 6th -8th April , 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- D. Danieluk, A. L. Bradley, E. Degirmenci and P. Landais, CuCl photonic crystal THz waveguide, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, 6th -8th April , 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- K. Carney, R. Lennox, S. Philippe, F. Surre, A. L. Bradley and P. Landais, Demonstration of concept of a novel low noise semiconductor optical amplifier, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, 6th -8th April , 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- R. Lennox, S. Philippe, A. L. Bradley and P Landais, Polarisation resolved gain dynamics in bulk semiconductor optical amplifiers, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, 6th -8th April , 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- M. Lunz, A.L. Bradley, T. Chen and Y. Gunko, Theory of Fӧrster Resonant Energy Transfer in Two Dimensions Applied to a Mixed Quantum Dot Monolayer, EPS - CMD 22, 2008, The 22nd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Rome, Italy, 25th-29th August , 2008Oral Presentation, 2008
- M. Lunz, A.L. Bradley, T. Chen and Y. Gun'ko, Förster Resonant Energy Transfer in a Mixed CdTe Quantum Dot Layer, 14th International conference on solid films and surfaces, Dublin, July, 2008Oral Presentation, 2008
- M. Lunz, V. Komarala, Y. Rakovich, L. Bradley, S. Byrne, Y. Gun'ko, A. Susha and A. Rogach, Förster resonant Energy Transfer Between CdTe Quantum Dots Near Gold Nanoparticles, 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing, Dublin, 17-18 December, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- D. Danieluk, A. Mitra, A.L. Bradley, P.J. McNally, L. O'Reilly, O. F. Lucas, G. Natarajan, S. Daniels, E.McGlynn, A. Cowley, B. Foy and D.C. Cameron, Optical properties of CuCl on Si substrates - toward UV photonic devices, Photonics Ireland 2007, Galway, September , 2007Poster, 2007
- M. Kadic, F. Surre, M. Lunz, V. K. Komarala, A. L. Bradley, S. J. Byrne and Y. K. Gun'ko, Interaction of CdTe quantum dot emission with surface plasmon modes,, Photonics Ireland 2007, Galway, September, 2007Poster, 2007
- M. Lunz, M. Kadic, V. K. Komarala, A. L. Bradley, S. J. Byrne, Y. K. Gun'ko, N. Gaponik and A. Eychmueller, Surface plasmon enhanced spontaneous emission from CdTe quantum dots, Photonics Ireland 2007, Galway, September , 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- V.K. Komarala, A.L. Bradley , Accelerated Förster energy transfer between CdTe quantum dots in proximity to gold nanoparticles, SPIE Optics and Photonic, San Diego, USA, 6-30 August , 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- D. Danieluk, A. Mitra and A.L. Bradley, P.J. McNally, L. O'Reilly, O. F. Lucas, G. Natarajan, S. Daniels, E.McGlynn, A. Cowley, B. Foy and D.C. Cameron, Optical properties of CuCl on Si substrates - toward UV photonic devices,, The International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, London, UK, 30 July - 3 August, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- S. Philippe and A.L. Bradley, F. Surre and P. Landais, Investigation Of Polarisation Dependance of Dynamics in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers - Influence of Material Strain, The International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, London, UK, 30 July - 3 August, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- K. Bondarczuk, P.J. Maguire, L.P. Barry, J. O'Dowd, W.H. Guo, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F Donegan, H. Folliot , Wavelength tuneable pulse monitoring using a two-photon-absorption microcavity, CLEO/IQEC, Munich, May, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- V.K.Komarala, M.Lunz, M.Kadic, Yu.P.Rakovich, A.L. Bradley, S.J.Byrne, Yu.K.Gun'ko, A.S.Susha, A.Rogach, Accelerated Förster energy transfer between the quantum dots in proximity of metal nanoparticles, International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO) Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT), Belarus, May 28-June 1, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- V.K. Komarala, Y.P. Rakovich, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, S.F Byrne and Y. Gun'ko , Spontaneous emission properties of quantum dots deposited on layer-by-layer grown polyelectrolyte films, Photon 06, Quantum Electronics and Photonics 17 conference, Manchester, UK, September 4th to 7th, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- B.F. Kennedy, F. Surre, S. Philippe, A.L. Bradley and P. Landais, The use of polarization effects in semiconductor optical amplifiers to perform all-optical signal processing, SENACITEL, Valdivia, Chile, 8th-11th November , 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- P.J. Maguire, K. Bondarczuk, L.P. Barry, J. O'Dowd, W.H. Guo, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan and H. Folliot, Dispersion monitoring for high speed WDM networks via two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity, 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2006), Nottingham, UK, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- V.K. Komarala, Y.P. Rakovich, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, S.F Byrne and Y. Gun'ko , Influence of the surface charge of semiconductor nanocrystals on polyelectrolyte multilayers, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, USA, 18th - 20th April , 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- S.J. Byrne, S.A. Corr, Y.K. Gun'ko, K.K. Vamsi, Y. Rakovich, A.L. Bradley, M. Gerlach and J.F. Donegan, Optimization of quantum yield for CdTe nanocrystals and investigation of their emission properties in polyelectrolyte multilayers, 4th International Conference on Quantum Dots, Chamonix Mont Blanc France, 1st-6th May, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- L. O'Reilly. A. Mitra, G. Natarajan, O.F. Lucas, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, D. C. Cameron, A. L. Bradley and A. Reader,, Impact on structural, optical and electrical properties of CuCl by incorporation of Zn for n-type doping, 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, 3-8 July, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- O.F. Lucas, G. Natarajan, L. O'Reilly, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, D.M. Taylor, S. William, D. C. Cameron, A. L. Bradley and A. Mitra, Encapsulation of the heteroepitaxial growth of wide bandgap ϒ-CuCl on silicon substrates, 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, 3-8 July, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- S. Philippe, A.L. Bradley, P. Landais, F. Surre, M. Martinez-Rosas, Pump-probe studies of polarisation effects in semiconductor optical amplifiers using a counter-propagation configuration, IPRA 2005 , San Diego, USA, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- S. Philippe, F. Surre, P. Landais, A.L. Bradley, Polarisation resolved dynamic measurements of semiconductor optical amplifiers, SPIE Europe, International congress on Optics and Optoelectronics, Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 28th -Sept. 2nd, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- V.K. Komarala, Y.P. Rakovich, A.L. Bradley and J.F. Donegan, Metal surface enhanced emission from CdTe quantum dots, SPIE Europe, Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 28th -Sept. 2nd, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- P.J. Maguire, L.P. Barry, T. Krug, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan and H. Folliot, All-optical sampling based on two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity for high-speed OTDM, SPIE Opto-Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, April 4-6 , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- G. Natarajan, L. O'Reilly, S. Daniels, D. C. Cameron, P.J. McNally, O. Lucas, A. Reader, A. Mitra and A.L. Bradley, Structural and Optoelectronic properties of Sputtered Copper (I) Chloride, SPIE Opto-Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, April 4-6 , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- L. O'Reilly, G. Natarajan, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, O.F. Lucas, A. Mitra, M. Martinez-Rosas, A.L. Bradley, A. Reader and D. C. Cameron, The use of wide-bandgap CuCl on silicon for ultra-violet photonics, SPIE Opto-Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, April 4-6 , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- S. Philippe, F. Surre, A.L. Bradley, P. Landais and M. Martinez-Rosas, Dynamic pump-probe studies of TE and TM modes in semiconductor optical amplifiers, SPIE Opto-Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, April 4-6 , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Y.P. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, T. Connolly, J.J. Boland, N. Gaponik and A.L. Rogach, Photonic molecules modes in resonantly coupled spherical microcavities with semiconductor nanocrystals, SPIE Opto-Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, April 4-6 , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- T. Krug, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, P. Maguire, L.P. Barry and H. Folliot, Two photon absorption microcavity detector for picosecond and femtosecond pulses, SPIE Opto-Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, April 4-6 , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Yu. P. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, A. L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan, M. Rrzyjalgowski, A. Ryder, N. Gaponik, and A. L. Rogach, Spontaneous emission from semiconductor nanocrystals in coupled spherical microcavities, 4th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, St. Petersburg, July, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- T. Krug, H. Folliot, A.L. Bradley, M. Lynch, L.P. Barry, J.F. Donegan, J.S. Roberts, G. Hill, Two-photon absorption based microcavity detector, Emerging Technologies and Optical Sciences, Cork, July, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- S. Philippe, B.F. Kennedy, M. Martinez-Rosas, A.L. Bradley and P. Landais, Pump-probe studies of non-linear polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers, Emerging Technologies and Optical Sciences, Cork, July, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- B.F. Kennedy, S. Philippe, M. Martinez-Rosas, A.L. Bradley and P. Landais, Measurement of the chirp introduced to a picosecond pulse injected into an SOA as a function of polarization angle, Emerging Technologies and Optical Sciences, Cork, July, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- B.F. Kennedy, P. Landais, S. Philippe, M. Martinez-Rosas and A.L. Bradley, Temporal and spectral dependence on polarization of the input signal in a semiconductor optical amplifier, Optical Amplifiers and their applications, San Francisco, USA, June, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- E. Alphandéry, L. M. Walsh, Y. Rakovich, A.L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan, N. Gaponik, T. Franzl, A. L. Rogach, Highly efficient resonance energy transfer between CdTe nanocrystals and Rhodamine B, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, April, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- E. Alphandéry, L. M. Walsh, Y. Rakovich, A.L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan, N. Gaponik, T. Franzl, A. L. Rogach, Highly efficient resonance energy transfer between CdTe nanocrystals and Rhodamine B, 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, USA, February , 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- E. Alphandery, L.M. Walsh, Y. Rakovich, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan and N. Gaponik, Highly efficient Förster resonance energy transfer between CdTe nanocrystals and Rhodamine B in mixed solid films, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, April, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- B.F. Kennedy, P. Landais, S. Philippe, M. Martinez-Rosas and A.L. Bradley, Study of the polarization dependence of a signal injected into a semiconductor optical amplifier using frequency resolved optical gating, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, April, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- T. Krug, H. Folliot, A.L. Bradley, M. Lynch, L.P. Barry, J.F. Donegan, J.S. Roberts, G. Hill, Two-Photon Absorption in microcavties for optical autocorrelation and sampling, CLEO/Europe-EQEC , Munich, June, 2003Oral Presentation, 2003
- B. Kennedy, S. Philippe, P. Landais, A. L. Bradley and H. Soto, Change of the polarisation state in a semiconductor optical amplifier, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, April, 2003Oral Presentation, 2003
- T. Krug, H. Folliot, A.L. Bradley, M. Lynch, L.P. Barry, J.F. Donegan, J.S. Roberts, G. Hill, A novel approach towards two-photon absorption based detectors, CLEO USA, Baltimore, USA, May, 2003Oral Presentation, 2003
- M. Lynch, T. Krug, H. Folliot, A. L. Bradley, L. P. Barry and J. F. Donegan, Optical autocorrelation using two-photon absorption in semiconductor microcavities, Semiconductor and integrated optoelectronics, Cardiff, Wales, April, 2003Oral Presentation, 2003
- A. Shaw, J.F. Donegan, J.G. Lunney and L. Bradley, Optical design of GaN resonant cavity LEDs emitting at 510 nm for use in plastic optical fibre applications, Opto-Ireland, Galway, September, 2002Oral Presentation, 2002
- . Barry, G. Hill, M. Lynch, H. Folliot, J.S. Roberts, J. Donegan, L. Bradley and T. Krug, Design and fabrication of highly efficient non-linear optical devices for implementing high-speed optical processing, ECOC, Copenhagen, Denmark, September , 2002Oral Presentation, 2002
- T. Krug, H. Folliot, M. Lynch, L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, L. Barry, J.S. Roberts and G. Hill, Two-photon absorption enhancement in a bulk III-V semiconductor microcavity, Opto Ireland, Galway, September , 2002Oral Presentation, 2002
- A. L. Bradley, L. A. Dunbar, J. P. Doran, J. Hegarty, Suppression of acoustic phonon scattering in strong coupling semiconductor microcavities, EQEC, Glasgow, Scotland, 1998Oral Presentation, 1998
- Y. Rakovich, L. Walsh, L. Bradley, J. F. Donegan, D. Talapin, A. Rogach and A. Eychmueller, Size selective photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy in CdTe quantum dots, Opto-Ireland, Galway, September , 2002Poster, 2002
- A.L. Dunbar, R.P. Stanley, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J Hegarty, J.F. Donegan, U. Oesterle, R. Houdre and M. Ilegems, Excitation induced coherence in the four-wave-mixing response of cavity polaritons, 26th ICPS , Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 2002Poster, 2002
- , H. Folliot, M. Lynch, L.P. Barry, A.L. Bradley, L.A. Dunbar, T. Krug, J.F. Donegan, J.S. Roberts and G. Hill, Two-photon absorption enhancement in AlGaAs microcavities, 26th ICPS , Edinburgh, Scotland, August, 2002Poster, 2002
- A. L. Bradley, J. P. Doran, J. Hegarty, U. Oesterle, M. Ilegems, R. P. Stanley and R. Houdré, Nonlinear dynamics of III-V semiconductor microcavities, L.O.E., Galway, June, 1997Oral Presentation, 1997
- T. Aherne, A. L. Bradley, J. P. Doran, J. O'Gorman, C. Brys, H. De Neve, P. Van Deale, R. Bates, K. Rakennus, A. Salokatve, P. Uusimaa and M. Pessa, Optical properties of ZnSSe Microcavities fabricated using ELO technique, International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Edinburgh, Scotland, September , 1995Oral Presentation, 1995
- J. P. Doran, B. Roycroft, A. L. Bradley, J. O'Gorman and J. Hegarty, Microcavities in the weak and strong coupling regimes: Dynamical and nonlinear properties, 7th Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, Rochester, USA, June, 1995Oral Presentation, 1995
- J. P. Doran, B. Roycroft, A. L. Bradley, J. O'Gorman and J. Hegarty, Dynamical and nonlinear properties of semiconductor microcavities, Workshop of the European-Canadian Mesoscopic Initiative, Glasgow, Scotland, August, 1995Oral Presentation, 1995
- A. L. Bradley, J. P. Doran, J. Hegarty, R. P. Stanley, R. Houdré, U. Oesterle and M. Ilegems, Nonlinear dynamics of III-V microcavities, PHOTONS Workshop, Cambridge, UK, October, 1995Oral Presentation, 1995
- Gough, J.J. and McEvoy, N. and O'Brien, M. and Bell, A.P. and McCloskey, D. and Boland, J.B. and Coleman, J.N. and Duesberg, G.S. and Bradley, A.L., Dependence of Photocurrent Enhancements in Quantum Dot (QD)-Sensitized MoS
2 Devices on MoS2 Film Properties, Advanced Functional Materials, 28, (13), 2018, p1706149-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL - T. Krug, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley and J.F. Donegan, Beam propagation analysis in two-photon absorption microcavity devices, SPIE Opto-Ireland, Dublin, April 4-6 , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- O'Reilly, L., Lucas, O.F., McNally, P.J., Reader, A., Natarajan, G., Daniels, S., Cameron, D.C., Mitra, A., Martinez-Rosas, M., Bradley, A.L., Room-temperature ultraviolet luminescence from "-CuCl grown on near lattice-matched silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 98, (11), 2005Journal Article, 2005, TARA - Full Text
- Karanikolas, V.D., Marocico, C.A., Eastham, P.R., Bradley, A.L., Near-field relaxation of a quantum emitter to two-dimensional semiconductors: Surface dissipation and exciton polaritons, Physical Review B, 94, (19), 2016Journal Article, 2016
- Carney, K., Lennox, R., Maldonado-Basilio, R., Philippe, S., Surre, F., Bradley, L., Landais, P., 3.8dB Noise figure in bulk semiconductor optical amplifier, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest, 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Lunz, M., Bradley, A.L., Chen, W.-Y., Gun'ko, Y.K., Förster resonant energy transfer in quantum dot layers, Superlattices and Microstructures, 47, (1), 2010, p98-102Journal Article, 2010
- Lunz, M., Bradley, A.L., Chen, W.-Y., Gun'ko, Y.K., Förster resonant energy transfer in quantum dot structures, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- Maguire, P.J., Barry, L.P., Krug, T., Lynch, M., Bradley, A.L., Donegan, J.F., Folliot, H., All-optical sampling utilising two-photon absorption in semiconductor microcavity, Electronics Letters, 41, (8), 2005, p489-490Journal Article, 2005
- K Wilson, C A Marocico, A L Bradley, Dynamic structural colour using vanadium dioxide thin films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 2018, p255101Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jadwiszczak, J. and O'Callaghan, C. and Zhou, Y. and Fox, D.S. and Weitz, E. and Keane, D. and Cullen, C.P. and O'Reilly, I. and Downing, C. and Shmeliov, A. and Maguire, P. and Gough, J.J. and McGuinness, C. and Ferreira, M.S. and Bradley, A.L. and Boland, J.J. and Duesberg, G.S. and Nicolosi, V. and Zhang, H., Oxide-mediated recovery of field-effect mobility in plasma-treated MoS
2 , Science Advances, 4, (3), 2018, peaao5031-Journal Article, 2018, DOI - Gough, J.J. and McEvoy, N. and O'Brien, M. and Bell, A.P. and McManus, J. and McCloskey, D. and Boland, J.B. and Coleman, J.N. and Duesberg, G.S. and Louise Bradley, A., Nonradiative Energy Transfer and Photocurrent Enhancements in Hybrid Quantum Dot-MoS
2 Devices, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2018 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2018-July, 2018, pp8473673-Conference Paper, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text - Optics In Ireland, USA, Optical Society of America, [eds.], 2018-2018Editorial Board, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- A. L. Bradley, Energy Transfer in Nanoscale Systems, Smart NanoMaterials 2018: Advances, Innovation and Applications (SNAIA), Paris, France, December , 2018Invited Talk, 2018
- Wolfgang Schmitt, Luana Martins, Lauren Macreadie, Debobroto Sensharma, Sebastien Vaesen, Xia Zhang, John Gough, Mariah O'Doherty, Nianyong Zhu, Manuel Ruether, John E O'Brien and A. Louise Bradley , Light-harvesting, 3rd generation RuII/CoII MOF with large, tubular channel aperture, Chemical Communications, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- John J. Gough , Niall McEvoy, Maria O'Brien, John McManus, Jorge Garcia-Coindreau, Alan P. Bell, David McCloskey, Calin Hrelescu, Georg S. Duesberg, and A. Louise Bradley, Dependence of Photocurrent Enhancements in Hybrid Quantum Dot-MoS2 Devices on Quantum Dot Emission Wavelength, ACS Photonics, 2019, p976-984Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keith Wilson, Cristian A. Marocico, Esteban Pedrueza-Villalmanzo, Christopher Smith, Calin Hrelescu and A. Louise Bradley, Plasmonic Colour Printing by Light Trapping in Two-Metal Nanostructures, Nanomaterials, 9, (7), 2019, p963Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Daniel K. Kehoe, Joseph McCarthy, John J. Gough, A. Louise Bradley, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Macroscopic Vortex-Induced Optical Activity in Silver Nanowires, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, (24), 2019, p15307Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- S. Cunnningham, S. Barry Porter, P. Stamenov, C. Hrelescu, and A. L. Bradley, Tuning metasurfaces with phase change materials, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Angers, France, 7th July, 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- A. L Bradley, Tuning metasurfaces with phase change materials, 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Angers, France, 7th July, 2019, 2019Invited Talk, 2019
- S. Cunningham, J. J. Gough, S. B. Porter, P. Stamenov, C. Hrelescu, A. L. Bradley, Dynamic Tuning of Plasmonic Structures using Phase Change Materials, E-MRS, Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 27th may, 2019, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- S. Cunningham, J. J. Gough, S. B. Porter, P. Stamenov, C. Hrelescu, A. L. Bradley, Light Manipulation with Plasmonic Structures using Phase Change Materials, CLEO Europe, Munich, Germany, 27th June, 2019, 2019Poster, 2019
- Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy, A. Louise Bradley, Rabi Splitting between Plasmons in Gold Nano-bipyramids and Excitons in Monolayer MoS2 revealed by Single-particle Dark Field Spectroscopy, Microscopy Society of Ireland 2020, Dublin, Ireland, 10th January, 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy, A. Louise Bradley, Influence of Gold Nano-Bipyramid Dimensions on Strong Coupling with Excitons of Monolayer MoS2, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, (41), 2020, p46406-46415Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Friedrich W Steuber, John J Gough, Éadaoin Whelan, Lyubomyr Burtnyak, A Louise Bradley, Wolfgang Schmitt, Node-Dependent Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Third-Generation 2D MOFs Containing Earth-Abundant Metal Ions, Inorganic Chemistry, 59, (23), 2020, p46406-46415Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Xia Zhang, Jing Li, John F. Donegan, and A. Louise Bradley, Constructive and destructive interference of Kerker-type scattering in an ultrathin silicon Huygens metasurface, Physical Review Materials, 4, 2020, p125202Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Fionnuala McGrath, Jing Qian, Kelsey Gwynne, Cindy Kumah, Dermot Daly, Calin Hrelescu, Xia Zhang, Deirdre M O'Carroll, A Louise Bradley, Structural, optical, and electrical properties of silver gratings prepared by nanoimprint lithography of nanoparticle ink, Applied Surface Science, 537, 2021, p147892Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- C. Hrelescu, S. Cunningham, S. Pelivani and A. L. Bradley, Light Manipulation with Tuneable Plasmonic Structures using Vanadium Dioxide , SNAIA 2020, Paris, France, 10th December 2020, 2020, SNAIAInvited Talk, 2020
- Xia Zhang, Jing Li, John F. Donegan, A. Louise Bradley, Substrate Effect on Kerker-type Scattering in an Ultra-thin Metasurface, CLEO US, USA, 9th-14th May 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy and A. Louise Bradley, Influence of Nanoparticle Dimensions on Rabi Splitting Strength, CLEO US, USA, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy and A. Louise Bradley,, Rabi Splitting of Gold Nano-bipyramids coupled to Monolayer MoS2, PLMCN 2020, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 2020, 2020Poster, 2020
- Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy and A. Louise Bradley, Rabi Splitting of Gold Nano-bipyramids coupled to Monolayer MoS2, European Materials Research Society (EMRS) 2021, Virtual, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- J. Lawless, C. Hrelescu, C. Elliott, L. Peters, N. McEvoy, and A. L. Bradley, The Effect of Nano-Bipyramid Size on Rabi Splitting Strength when coupled to MoS2, EUROMAT 2021, Graz, Austria, 12th-16th September, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Stephen Cunningham, Calin Hrelescu, Gwenael Atcheson, Plamen Stamenov and Louise Bradley, Dynamic Tuning of Coupled Emitter-Plasmonic Systems using Thin Film Vanadium Dioxide, EUROMAT 2021, Graz, Austria, 12th-16th September, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy and A. Louise Bradley, Rabi Splitting using Gold Nano-Bipyramids and Monolayer MoS2, CLEO Europe 2021, Munich, Germany, 21st-25th June, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Colm Delaney, Jing Qian, Xia Zhang, Radislav Potyrailo, A. Louise Bradley, Larisa Florea, Direct laser writing of vapour-responsive photonic arrays, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 2021, p11674 - 11678Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Cunningham, S., Hrelescu, C., Atcheson, G., Stamenov, P. and Louise Bradley, A., Photoluminescence modification using plasmonic nanoparticles coupled to vanadium dioxide, OSA Optical Design and Fabrication 2021 (Flat Optics, Freeform, IODC, OFT), OSA Optical Fabrication and Testing, 27/6/21, (JTu1A.2), 2021Conference Paper, 2021, DOI
- Zhang, X. and Bradley, A.L., Polaritonic critical coupling in a hybrid quasibound states in the continuum cavity- WS2 monolayer system, Physical Review B, 105, (16), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Zhang, X. and Lawless, J. and Li, J. and Donegan, J.F. and Bradley, A.L. and Peters, L. and McEvoy, N., Absorbance enhancement of monolayer MoS2 in a perfect absorbing system, Physical Review Materials, 6, (4), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Garcia, J.A. and Hrelescu, C. and Zhang, X. and Grosso, D. and Abbarchi, M. and Bradley, A.L., Quasi-Guided Modes in Titanium Dioxide Arrays Fabricated via Soft Nanoimprint Lithography, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, (40), 2021, p47860-47870Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Cunningham, S. and Hrelescu, C. and Bradley, A.L., Plasmonic nanodiscs on vanadium dioxide thin films for tunable luminescence enhancement, Optics Express, 29, (14), 2021, p22288-22298Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Zhang, X. and Bradley, A.L., Wide-angle invisible dielectric metasurface driven by transverse Kerker scattering, Physical Review B, 103, (19), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Zhang, X. and Li, J. and Donegan, J.F. and Bradley, A.L., Transfer Matrix Method for Kerker-type Scattering of Metasurface, CLEO: Applications and Technology 2021, San Jose, California United States, 9/5/2021, OSA, 2021Conference Paper, 2021, DOI
- Zhang, X. and Li, J. and Donegan, J.F. and Bradley, A.L., Transfer matrix method for Kerker-type scattering of metasurface, (JW1A.5), 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- Lunz, M. and Bradley, A.L., Förster resonant energy transfer in CdTe nanocrystal quantum dot structures, 2013, 87-120ppBook, 2013, DOI , URL
- S Cunningham, AL Bradley, Tunable plasmonics with Au nanoparticles coupled to thin film vanadium dioxide, Optical Materials Express , 12, (9), 2022, p3638-3647Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- M Proffit, S Pelivani, P Landais, AL Bradley, Electrically Driven Reprogrammable Vanadium Dioxide Metasurface Using Binary Control for Broadband Beam Steering, ACS applied materials & interfaces , 14, (36), 2022, p41186-41195Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- S Cunningham, AL Bradley, Large Reversible Plasmon Shift with Au Nanodisc Dimers on Thin film VO2, ACS applied materials & interfaces , 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- J Qian, C Delaney, X Zhang, L Florea, AL Bradley, Direct laser writing of submicron photonic arrays for vapor-responsive sensing, Optica Advanced materials Congress, Maastricht,Limburg Netherlands, 24/7/2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- S. Cunningham and A. L. Bradley, Manipulation of Light-matter Interaction on the Nanoscale, CIMTEC 2022, Perugia, Italy, 23/7/22, 2022, CIMTECInvited Talk, 2022
- J. Qian, C. Delaney, L. Florea and A. L. Bradley, Direct laser writing of submicron photonic arrays for vapor responsive sensing, E-MRS 2022, Strasbourg, 1/6/2022, 2022Poster, 2022
- J. Qian, S. Kolagatla, A. Pacalovas, X. Zhang, L. Florea, A. L. Bradley, and C. Delaney, Responsive spiral photonic structures for visible vapor sensing, pattern transformation and encryption, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- J. Lawless, C. Hrelescu and A.L. Bradley, Size dependence of Rabi splitting using Au nano-bipyramids on monolayers MoS2, SNAIA , Paris, France, 15/12/21, 2021, SNAIAInvited Talk, 2021
- John J. Gough , Niall McEvoy, Maria O'Brien, Alan P. Bell , John McManus, David McCloskey, John B. Boland, Jonathan N. Coleman, Georg S. Duesberg, and A. Louise Bradley, Nonradiative energy transfer and photocurrent enhancements in hybrid quantum dots-MoS2 Devices, ICTON, Bucharest, Romania, 2018, ICTONInvited Talk, 2018
- K. Wilson, C. Hrelescu and A. L. Bradley, Near-perfect absorption n the visible range using metal-dielectric-metal nanostructure plasmonic array, 24th International conference on Spectral Lineshapes, Dublin, Ireland, 2018Invited Talk, 2018
- Stephen Cunningham, A. Louise Bradley, Large Reversible Plasmon Shift with Au Nanodisc Dimers on Thin film VO2, Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022, Netherlands, 24/7/2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hajian, H. and Rukhlenko, I.D. and Bradley, A.L. and Ozbay, E., High-Figure-of-Merit Biosensing and Enhanced Excitonic Absorption in an MoS2-Integrated Dielectric Metasurface, Micromachines, 14, (2), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Qian, J. and Kolagatla, S. and Pacalova, A. and Zhang, X. and Florea, L. and Delaney, C. and Bradley, A.L., TPL-fabricated responsive hydrogel-based micro photonic structures for visible vapor sensing, 12663, (1266304), 2023Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
- Hajian, H. and Zhang, X. and Mccormack, O. and Zhang, Y. and Dobie, J. and Rukhlenko, I.D. and Ozbay, E. and Bradley, A.L., Quasi-bound states in the continuum for electromagnetic induced transparency and strong excitonic coupling, Optics Express, 32, (11), 2024, p19163-19174Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Augustine, A. and Qian, J. and Faraone, T. and Kolagatla, S. and Prochukhan, N. and Morris, M.A. and Bradley, A.L. and Florea, L. and Delaney, C., Direct Laser Writing of Silica Nanoparticle Nanocomposites: Probing Mechanical Reinforcement and Understanding Structural Color from Design Parameters, Small, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Zhang, X. and Zhang, X. and Bradley, A.L., Supercavity modes in stacked identical Mie-resonant metasurfaces, Physical Review B, 108, (19), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Lawless, J. and McCormack, O. and Pepper, J. and McEvoy, N. and Bradley, A.L., Spectral Tuning of a Nanoparticle-on-Mirror System by Graphene Doping and Gap Control with Nitric Acid, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15, (32), 2023, p38901-38909Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Purcell-Milton, F., Kuznetsova, V.A., Bai, X., (...), Bradley, A.L., Gun"ko, Y.K., Chiroptically active quantum nanonails, Nanoscale Horizons, 9, (6), 2024, p1013-1022Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hajian, H. and Proffit, M. and Ozbay, E. and Landais, P. and Bradley, A.L., Reprogrammable metasurface design for NIR beam steering and active filtering, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57, (41), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Qian, Jing and Kolagatla, Srikanth and Zhang, Xia and Florea, Larisa and Delaney, Colm and Bradley, A. Louise, Novel applications based on dynamic color of photonic structures printed by two-photon lithography, 2023Conference Paper, 2023, URL
- Y.P. Rakovich, J.F. Donegan, M. Gerlach, A.L. Bradley, T.M. Connolly, J.J. Boland, N. Gaponik, and A. Rogach, Fine structure of coupled optical modes in photonic molecules, Physical Review A, 70, (5), 2004, p051801(R) - 051801(R)Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- P.J. Maguire, L.P. Barry, T. Krug, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, and H. Folliot, All optical sampling utilizing two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity, Electronics Letters, 41, 2005, p489 - 490Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- P.J. Maguire, L.P. Barry, T. Krug, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, and H. Folliot, Simulation of a high-speed demultiplexer based on two-photon absorption in semiconductor devices, Optics Communications, 249, 2005, p415 - 420Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- K.K Vamsi, Yu. P. Rakovich, A.L Bradley, J.F Donegan, B. Doggett, T. Donnelly, J. G Lunney, N. Gaponik and A. Susha, Interaction of Surface Plasmons with CdTe quantum dot excitons, 5955, , (5955OL-1 ), 2005, pp1-6Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- R.C. Barklie, C. O'Raifeartaigh, L. Bradley and A.M. Hodge, Spin dependent photoconductivity in silicon on sapphire, Materials Science Forum, 143-147, 1994, p195 - 200Journal Article, 1994, DOI , URL
- Dynamical studies of cavity polaritons in semiconductor microcavities in, 1996, pp59-67 , [J. P. Doran, A.L. Bradley, B. Roycroft, T. aherne, J. Hegarty, R.P. Stanley, R. Houdre, U. Oesterle and M. Ilegems ]Book Chapter, 1996
- J.P. Doran, A.L. Bradley, B. Roycroft, T. Aherne, J. Hegarty, R.P. Stanley, R. Houdre, U. Oesterle and M. Ilegems, Semiconductor microcavities: Physics and applications of strong and weak coupling, edited by F. Ren , 1996, pp333-340Conference Paper, 1996
- A.L. Bradley, L.A. Dunbar, J.P. Doran, J. Hegarty, R.P. Stanley, R. Houdre, U.Oesterle and M. Ilegems, Dephasing of strongly coupled exciton-photon systems, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter. EXCON'98 Electrochemical Society Proceedings 98-25, 10, 1998, ppxii+574Conference Paper, 1998
- Folliot, H. and Lynch, M. and Bradley, A. L. and Dunbar, L. A. and Donegan, J. F. and Barry, L. P. and Roberts, J. S. and Hill, G., Two-photon absorption photocurrent enhancement in bulk AlGaAs semiconductor microcavities, Applied Physics Letters, 80, 2002, p1328-1330Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Barry, L. P. and Maguire, P. and Krug, H. and Folliot, M. and Lynch, A. L. and Bradley, J. F. and Donegan, J. F. and Roberts, J. S. and Hill G., Design of microcavity semiconductor devices for highly efficient optical switching and sampling applications, 2, 2002, pp839- 840Conference Paper, 2002, URL , TARA - Full Text
- H. Folliot, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, T. Krug, L.A. Dunbar, J. Hegarty, J.F. Donegan, L.P. Barry, J.S. Roberts and G. Hill, Two-photon induced photoconductivity enhancement in semicondcutor microcavities: a theoretical invetsigation, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 19, (10), 2002, p2396 - 2402Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- E. Alphandery, L.M. Walsh, Y. Rakovich, L. Bradley, Y. Gun'ko, J.F. Donegan, N. Gaponik, T. Franzl, A.L. Rogach, Highly efficient Forster resonance energy transfer between CdTe nanocrystals and Rhodamine B, Biophysical Journal, 86, (1 Part 2 Suppl. S.), 2004, p170A -Journal Article, 2004
- Y.P. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, T. Connolly, J.J. Boland, N. Gaponik and A.L. Rogach, Photonic molecules modes in resonantly coupled spherical microcavities with semiconductor nanocrystals, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, Dublin, edited by , John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 5825, 2005, pp73-84Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Philippe, F. Surre, A.L. Bradley, P. Landais and M. Martinez-Rosas, Dynamic Pump-probe studies of TE and TM modes in semiconductor optical amplfiers, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, Dublin, edited by John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 5825, 2005, pp267-274Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- B.F. Kennedy, P. Landais and A.L. Bradley, Experimental analysis of polarization dependence of ultrafast gain dynamics in SOAs, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, 2005, edited by John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 5825, 2005, pp185-194Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- L. O'Reilly, G. Natarajan, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, O.F. Lucas, A. Mitra, M. Martinez-Rosas, A.L. Bradley, A. Reader and D.C. Cameron, The use of wide-bandgap CuCl on silicon for ultra-violet photonics, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, Dublin, edited by , John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 5825, 2005, pp29-36Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- G. Natarajan, L. O'Reilly, S. Daniels, D.C. Cameron, P.J. McNally, O. Lucas, A. Reader, A. Mitra and A.L. Bradley, Structural and optoelectronic properties of sputtered copper(I) chloride, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, Dublin, 2005, edited by John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 5825, 2005, pp364-369Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- L. O'Reilly, G. Natarajan, P.J. McNally, D. cameron, O.F. Lucas, M. Martinez-Rosas, L. Bradley and A. Reader, Growth and characterization of wide-bandgap I-VII optoelectronic materials on silicon, Journal of materials science: materials in electronics, 16, (7-8), 2005, p415-419Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- L. O'Reilly, O.F. Lucas, P.J. McNally, A. Reader, Gomathi Natarajan, S. Daniels, D.C. Cameron, A. Mitra, M. Martinez-Rosas, A.L. Bradley, Room-temperature ultraviolet luminescence from g-CuCl on silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 98, (11), 2005, p113512-Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Brys, C.; Vermaerke, F.; Demeester, P.; van Daele, P.; Rakennus, K.; Salokatve, A.; Uusimaa, P.; Pessa, M.; Bradley, A. L.; Doran, J. P.; O'Gorman, J.; Hegarty, J., Epitaxial lift-off of ZnSe based II-VI structures, Applied Physics Letters, 66, (9), 1995, p1086 - 1088Journal Article, 1995, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- A. Shaw, T. McCormack, A.L. Bradley, J.G. Lunney, J.F. Donegan, Modelling of Extraction Efficiency of GaN-Based Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diodes Emitting at 510 nm, Physica Status Solidi (a), 192, (1), 2002, p103 - 109Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- A. L. Bradley, J. P. Doran, T. Aherne, and J. Hegarty and R. P. Stanley, R. Houdré, U. Oesterle, and M. Ilegems, Nonlinear reflectivity of semiconductor microcavities in the weak- and strong-coupling regimes: Experiment and theory, Physical Review B, 57, (16), 1998, p9957 - 9964Journal Article, 1998, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- A. L. Bradley, J. P. Doran, J. Hegarty, R. P. Stanley, U. Oesterle, R. Houdré and M. Ilegems, Nonlinear reflectivity of strongly coupled exciton-photon systems under resonant and non-resonant pumping , Journal of Luminescence, 85, (4), 2000, p261 - 270Journal Article, 2000, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- T. Aherne , A. L. Bradley, J. P. Doran, J. O'Gorman, J. F. Heffernan, J. Hegarty, H. De Neve, C. Brys, G. Geens, P. Van Daele, R. Baets, P. Demeester, K. Rakennus, A. Salokatve, P. Uusimaa and M. Pessa, Optical properties of a ZnSSe microcavity fabricated by epitaxial lift-off, Journal of Crystal Growth, 159, (1-4), 1996, p636 - 639Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- Y.P. Rakovich, J.F. Donegan, M. Gerlach, A.L. Bradley, T.M. Connolly, J.J. Boland, N. Gaponik, A. Rogach, Fine structure of coupled optical modes in photonic molecules, Physical Review A, 70, (5), 2004, p051801(R) - 1/4Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Vamsi K. Komarala, Yury P. Rakovic, A. Louise Bradley, Stephen J. Byrne, Serena A. Corr, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Emission Properties of Colloidal Quantum Dots on Polyelectrolyte Multilayers, Nanotechnology, 17, 2006, p4112-4117Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O.F. Lucas, L.O'Reilly, G. Natarajan, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, A. Mitra, L. Bradley, D. Cameron, A. Reader, Encapsulation of heteroepitaxially grown wide bandgap -CuCl on silicon substrates, J. Cryst. Growth, 287, (1), 2006, p112 - 117Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- L. O'Reilly, G. Natarajan, O.F. Lucas, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, A. Mitra, L. Bradley, D. Cameron and A. Reader, Impact on structural, optical and electrical properties of CuCl by incorporation of Zn for n-type doping, J. Cryst. Growth, 287, (1), 2006, p139 - 144Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Philippe, A.L. Bradley, F. Surre, P. Landais, M. Martinez-Rosas, Polarisation Dependent Dynamics in Bulk Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Nottingham, UK, 18-22 June 2006, 2, 2006, pp157-160Conference Paper, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- F. Surre, B. Kennedy, P. Landais, S. Philippe, A.L. Bradley, Polarization resolved four-wave-mixing-based measurement in bulk material semiconductor optical amplifier, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 18-22 June 2006, 2, 2006, pp169-172Conference Paper, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Maguire, P.J.; Barry, L.P.; Krug, T.; Guo, W.H.; O'Dowd, J.; Lynch, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Folliot, H., Optical signal processing via two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity for the next generation of high-speed optical communications network, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24, (7), 2006, p2683 - 2692Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Krug, T.; Guo, W.H.; O'Dowd, J.; Lynch, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Maguire, P.J.; Barry, L.P.; Folliot, H., Resonance tuning of two-photon absorption microcavities for wavelength-selective pulse monitoring, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, (2), 2006, p433 - 435Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Maguire, P.J. and Barry, L.P. and Krug, T. and Dowd, J.O. and Lynch, M. and Bradley, A.L. and Donegan, J.F. and Folliot, H. , Direct measurement of a high-speed (>100Gbit/s) OTDM data signal utilising two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, edited by John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 2005, pp142 - 143Conference Paper, 2005, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Vamsi, K.K.; Rakovich, Yu.P.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Doggett, B.; Donnelly, T.; Lunney, J.G.; Gaponik, N.; Susha, A, Interaction of surface plasmons with CdTe quantum dot excitons, Proceedings of SPIE, Metamaterials , Warsaw, Poland, 30 August, edited by Tomasz Szoplik, Ekmel Özbay, Costas M. Soukoulis, Nikolay I. Zheludev , 5955, SPIE, 2005, pp1 - 6Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Vamsi, K.K.; Rakovich, Yu.P.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Donnelly, T.; Lunney, J.G.; Gaponik, N., Metal surface enhanced emission from CdTe quantum dots, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, Dublin, edited by , John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 2005, pp350Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL
- Maguire, P.J.; Barry, L.P.; Krug, T.; Lynch, M.L.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Folliot, H., Highly-efficient optical sampling based on two-photon absorption in a semiconductor micro-cavity device, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005, Dublin, edited by John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 2, (2), 2005, pp1112 - 1114Conference Paper, 2005, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Rakovich, Y.P.; Gaponik, N.; Rogach, A.L.; Gerlach, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Connolly, T.; Boland, J.J.; Donegan, J.F., Coupled cavity modes in photonic molecules with semiconductor nanocrystals, Proceedings of SPIE, Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications , Sevilla, Spain , 9th May, edited by Goncal Badenes, Derek Abbott, Ali Serpenguzel , 5840, (2), 2005, pp572 - 583Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Maguire, P.J.; Barry, L.P.; Krug, T.; Lynch, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Folliot, H., All-optical sampling based on two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity for high-speed OTDM, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks , Dublin, Ireland , 4th April, edited by John G. McInerney, Gerard Farrell, David M. Denieffe, Liam P. Barry, Harold S. Gamble, Padraig J. Hughes, Alan Moore , 5825, SPIE, 2005, pp316-325Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Maguire, P.J. and Barry, L.P. and Krug, T. and O'Dowd, J. and Lynch, M. and Bradley, A.L. and Donegan, J.F. and Folliot, H. , Highly-efficient optical sampling of a 100 Gbit/s OTDM data signal via two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity, Proceedings of 31st European Conference on Optical Communication, 31st European Conference on Optical Communication, 25-29 Sept. 2005, 3, (3), 2005, pp483 - 484Conference Paper, 2005, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Rakovich, Yu.P.; Gerlach, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Boland, J.; Connolly, T.; Przyjalgowski, M.; Ryder, A.; Gaponik, N.; Rogach, A.L., Spontaneous emission from semiconductor nanocrystals in coupled spherical microcavities, Physica Status Solidi C, (2), 2005, p858 - 861Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gomathi Natarajan, Anirban Mitra, Lisa O'Reilly, Stephen Daniels, David C Cameron, Patrick McNally, Olabanji Lucas, Louise Bradley, Optical investigations on sputtered CuCl thin films, Progress in Semiconductor Materials V -- Novel Materials and Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications, Warrendale, PA, USA, edited by L.J. Olafson, R.M. Biefeld, M.C. Wanke, A.W. Saxler , 2005Conference Paper, 2005, URL
- L.A. Dunbar, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, J. Hegarty, R.P. Stanley , U. Oesterle , R. Houdré , M. Ilegems , Collisional Broadening of Semiconductor Microcavity Polaritons, Physica Status Solidi (a) - Applied Research, 190, 2002, p435 - 440Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- V.K. Komarala, A.L. Bradley, Y.P. Rakovich, S.J. Byrne, Y.K. Gun'ko and A.L. Rogach, Enhanced Forster resonance energy transfer between CdTe quantum dots in proximity to gold nanoparticles, Plasmonics: Metallic nanostructures and their optical properties, SPIE Photonics, San Diego, August 2007, edited by M.I. Stockman , V, SPIE, 2007, pp66410Y-1 - 66410Y-7Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Philippe, A.L. Bradley, F. Surre, B. Kennedy and P.Landais, Dynamics of non-linear polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Internation Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Rome, July 2007, 2, 2007, pp243 - 246Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. Philippe, F. Surre, A.L. Bradley, R. Maldonado-Basilio, B. Kennedy, P. Landais and H. Soto, Polarization dependent intra-band dynamics in semiconductor optical amplifiers, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON, International conference on transparent optical networks, Rome, July 2007, 2, 2007, pp247 - 250Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- B.F. Kennedy, S. Philippe, F. Surre, A.L. Bradley and P. Landais, Investigation of optimum wavelength converter based on nonlinear polarization rotation in a bulk SOA, IET OPTOELECTRONICS, 1, (2), 2007, p55 - 60Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- G. Natarajan, S. Daniels, D. C. Cameron, L. O'Reilly, A. Mitra, P.J. McNally, O. F. Lucas, R.T. Rajendra Kumar, I. Reid and A.L. Bradley, Growth of CuCl thin films by magnetron sputtering for ultraviolet optoelectronic applications, Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 2006, p033520-1 - 033520-5Journal Article, 2006, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Vamsi K Komarala, Yury P Rakovich, A. L. Bradley, Stephen J Byrne, Serena A Corr, Yurii K Gun'ko, A. Eychmuller and N. Gaponik, Off-resonance surface plasmon enhanced spontaneous emission from CdTe quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, 89, 2006, p253118 - 253120Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- B.F. Kennedy, S. Philippe, F. Surre, A.L. Bradley and P. Landais, Investigation of polarization dependent gain in a bulk SOA, Optics Communications, 272, (2), 2007, p490 - 495Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- F. O. Lucas, A. Mitra, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, A.L. Bradley, D.M. Taylor, Y.Y. Proskuryakov, K. Durose, D.C. Cameron, Evaluation of the chemical, electronic and optoelectronic properties of gamma-CuCl thin films and their fabrication on Si substrates, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 40, (11), 2007, p3461 - 3467Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- L. O'Reilly, A. Mitra, O.F. Lucas, G. Natarajan, P.J. McNally, S. Daniels, A. Lankinen, D. Lowney, A.L. Bradley, D.C. Cameron, Characterisation of n-type gamma-CuCl on Si for UV optoelectronic applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 18, (1), 2007, pS57 - S60Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- P.J. Maguire, K. Bondarczuk, L.P. Barry, J. O'Dowd, W-H Guo, J. O'Dowd, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan and H. Folliot, Dispersion monitoring for high-speed WDM networks via two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity, Proceedings of International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks , International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks , 18-22 June 2006, 2006, pp138-141Conference Paper, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- K. Bondarczuk, P.J. Maguire, L.P. Barry, J. O'Dowd, W.H. Guo, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan and H. Folliot, Chromatic dispersion monitoring of 80 Gbps OTDM data signal via two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , 19, (1), 2007, p21-23Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- W.H. Guo,. J. O'Dowd, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, and L.P.Barry, Influence of cavity lifetime on high-finesse microcavity two-photon absorption photodetectors , IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19, (6), 2007, p432-434Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Y.P. Rakovich, M. Gerlach, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, T. Connolly, J.J. Boland, N. Gaponik and A.L. Rogach, Photonic molecules modes in resonantly coupled spherical microcavities with semiconductor nanocrystals, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,, ICONO 2007: Novel Photonics Materials; Optics and Optical Diagnostics of Nanostructures, edited by Oleg A. Aktsipetrov, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Sergey V. Gaponenko, Nikolay I. Zheludev , 6728, SPIE, 2007, pp67282QConference Paper, 2007, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Severine Philippe, A. Louise Bradley, Ramon Maldonado-Basilio, Frederic Surre, Brendan F. Kennedy, Pascal Landais and Horacio Soto-Ortiz, Polarization dependence of non-linear gain compression factor in semiconductor optical amplifier, Optics Express, 16, (12), 2008, p8642-8648Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Wei-Hua Guo; O'Dowd, J.; Flood, E.; Quinlan, T.; Lynch, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Donegan, J.F.; Bondarczuk, K.; Maguire, P.J.; Barry, L.P., Suppression of Residual Single-Photon Absorption Relative to Two-Photon Absorption in High Finesse Planar Microcavities, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20, (16), 2008, p1426 - 1428Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- J. O'Dowd, W.H. Guo, E. Flood, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan and L.P. Barry, Temperature tuning of two-photon absorption microcavity photodetectors for wavelength selective pulse monitoring, Electronics Letters, 44, (16), 2008, p989 - 991Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- L.P. Barry, K. Bondarezuk, K.J. Dexter, P.J. Magure, D.A. Reid, J. O'Dowd, W.H. Guo, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley and J.F. Donegan, All-optical pulse processing for advanced photonic communication system, Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary International Conference on : Transparent Optical Networks, 2008. ICTON 2008. , 10th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 22-26 June 2008, 2, IEEE, 2008, pp92 - 95Conference Paper, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Bondarczuk K, Maguire PJ, Barry LP, J. O'Dowd, W.H. Guo, M. Lynch, A.L. Bradley and J.F. Donegan, High-Speed Chromatic Dispersion Monitoring of a Two-Channel WDM System using a single TPA Microcavity, Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO/QELS, 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, CA, MAY 04-09, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2008, pp805-806Conference Paper, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- V. K. Komarala, A.L. Bradley, Y.P. Rakovich, S.J. Byrne, Y. Gun'ko and A.L. Rogach, Surface plasmon enhanced Förster resonance energy transfer between the CdTe quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters, 93, (12), 2008, p123102 - 123104Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- J. O' Dowd, W. H. Guo, E. Flood, M. Lynch, A. L. Bradley, L. P. Barry, and J. F. Donegan, Polarization dependence of a GaAs-based two-photon absorption microcavity photodetector, Optics Express, 16, (22), 2008, p17682-17688Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Anirban Mitra, L. O'Reilly, O. F. Lucas, Gomathi Natarajan, D. Danieluk, A. L. Bradley, P. J. McNally, S. Daniels, D. C. Cameron, A. Reader, and M. Martinez-Rosas, Optical properties of CuCl films on silicon substrates, Physica Status Solidi B, 245, (12), 2008, p2808-2814Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Guo WH, O'Dowd J, Lynch M, A.L. Bradley, J.F. Donegan, L.P. Barry and D.C. Kilper, Two-photon absorption generated by optically amplified signals, Electronics Letters, 44, (18), 2008, p1087-1088Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- S. Philippe, A.L. Bradley, B. Kennedy, F. Surre, P. Landais, Experimental Investigation of Polarization Effects in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers and Implications for All-Optical Switching, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26, (16), 2008, p2977 - 2985Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Cowley, A., Foy, B., Danilieuk, D., McNally, P.J., Bradley, A.L., McGlynn, E., Danilewsky, A.N., UV emission on a Si substrate: Optical and structural properties of γ-CuCl on Si grown using liquid phase epitaxy techniques , Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 206, (5), 2009, p923-926Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Lunz, M., Bradley, A.L., Chen, W.Y., Gun'ko, Y.K., Two-dimensional förster resonant energy transfer in a mixed quantum dot monolayer: Experiment and theory , Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, (8), 2009, p3084-3088Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- K. Bondarczuk, P. J. Maguire, D. Reid, L. P. Barry, J. O'Dowd, W. H. Guo, M. Lynch, A. L. Bradley, and J. F. Donegan, Chromatic dispersion monitoring for high-speed WDM systems using two-photon absorption in a semiconductor microcavity, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 45, (1), 2009, p90-99Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D. Danieluk, A.L. Bradley, A. Mitra, L.O'Reilly; O. F Lucas, P. J. McNally, G. Natarajan, D. C.Cameron, A. Cowley, B. Foy, E. McGlynn, Optical properties of undoped and oxygen doped CuCl films on silicon substrates, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 20, (1), 2009, p76-80Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Folliot, H., Lynch, M., Barry, L. P., Bradley, A. L., Dunbar, L. A., Krug, T., , Two-photon absorption enhancement in AlGaAs microcavities, Conference Series, International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, edited by Long, A.R., Davies, J.H. , 171, (Paper D247), Institute of Physics, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- Shaw, A., Folliot, H., Bradley, A. L., Hegarty, J., Donegan, J. F., Impact of carrier diffusion in quantum wells and quantum dots on the behaviour of etched microcavity structures, Institute of Physics Conference Series , Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Institute of Physics, 2002, edited by Long, A.R., Davies, J.H. , 171, (Paper D172), 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- Rakovich, Yu.P.,Walsh, L., Bradley, L., Donegan, J. F., Talapin, D., Rogach, A.L., Eychmüller, A., Size selective photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy in CdTe quantum dots, Proceedings of SPIE, Opto-Ireland 2002: Optics and Photonics Technologies and Applications , Galway, Ireland , 5 September 2003, edited by Thomas J. Glynn , 4876, 2003, pp432 - 437Conference Paper, 2003, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Dowd JO, Guo WH, Flood E, et al., Polarization dependence of a GaAs-based two-photon absorption microcavity photodetector , Optics Express, 16, (22), 2008, p17682-17688Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Krug, T., Lynch, M., Bradley, A.L., Donegan, J.F., Barry, L.P., Folliot, H., Roberts, J. S., Hill, G., High sensitivity two photon absorption microcavity autocorrelator, Photonics Technology Letters, 16, 2004, p1543 - 1545Journal Article, 2004, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Alphandery, E., Walsh, L., Rakovich, Yu. P., Bradley, A.L., Donegan, J.F., Gaponik, N., Highly efficient Förster energy transfer between CdTe nanocrystals and Rhodamine B in mixed solid films, Chemical Physics Letters, 388, 2004, p100 - 104Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
- Dunbar, A., Lynch, M., Bradley, A.L., Donegan, J.F., Oesterle, U., Houdré, R., Ilegems, M., Doran, J.P., Polariton scattering processes under resonant excitation in a strongly coupled semiconductor microcavity, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 19, (9), 2004, p1104 - 1112Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
- Alphandery, E., Walsh, L., Rakovich, Yu. P., Bradley, A.L., Donegan, J.F., Gaponik, N., Gun'ko, Y., Highly efficient Forster resonance energy transfer between CdTe nanocrystals and two different dye molecules, Proc. SPIE 5462, Biophotonics Micro- and Nano-imaging, Photonics Europe 2004, 5462, (33), 2004, pp87 - 91Conference Paper, 2004, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- J. O'Dowd, W.-H. Guo, M. Lynch, A. L. Bradley and J.F. Donegan,, Acceptance angle influence on optimum incident spot size for high-finesse microcavity two-photon absorption photodetectors, IEEE Jourrnal of Quantum Electronics, 45, (12), 2009, p1584 - 1589Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- M.M. Alam, F.O. Lucas, D. Danieluk, A.L. Bradley, K.V. Rajani, S. Daniels and P.J. McNally, Hybrid organic-inorganic spin-on-glass CuCl films for optoelectronic applications, Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 42, (22), 2009, p225307-1 to 5Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- S. Philippe, F. Surre, K. Carney, R. Lennox, A.L. Bradley and P. Landais, Novel design for noise controlled semiconductor optical amplifier, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Azores, June 2009, 1 & 2, 2009, pp1-4Conference Paper, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- M. Lunz, A.L. Bradley, W.Y. chen and Y.K. Gun'ko, Forster resonant energy transfer in QD structures, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Azores, June, 1 & 2, 2009, pp378-381Conference Paper, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Manuela Lunz and A. Louise Bradley Wei-Yu Chen, Valerie A. Gerard, Stephen J. Byrne, and Yurii K. Gun'ko, Vladimir Lesnyak and Nikolai Gaponik, Influence of quantum dot concentration on Förster resonant energy transfer in monodispersed nanocrystal quantum dot monolayers, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), 81, (205316), 2010, p10Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Dowd, J, Guo, WH, Lynch, M, Flood, E, Bradley, AL, Donegan, JF, Description of polarisation dependence of two-photon absorption in silicon avalanche photodiodes, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 46, (12), 2010, p854 - 856Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Higgins, Clare; Lunz, Manuela; Bradley, A. Louise; Gerard, Valerie A.; Byrne, Stephen; Gun'ko, Yurii K.; , FRET in self-assembled CdTe quantum dot nanoclusters, 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Munich, Germany, June 27-July 1, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010, pp1 - 4Conference Paper, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Clare Higgins, Manuela Lunz, A. Louise Bradley, Valerie A. Gerard, Stephen Byrne, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Vladimir Lesnyak, and Nikolai Gaponik, Energy transfer in colloidal CdTe quantum dot nanoclusters, Optics Express, 18, (24), 2010, p24486-24494Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Manuela Lunz, Louise Bradley, Wei-Yu Chen, V.A. Gerard, S.J. Byrne, Yuri Gun'ko, V. Lesynak, N. Gaponik, Influence of intra-ensemble energy transfer on the properties of nanocrystal quantum dot structures and devices, 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2010, Munich, 27 June-1 July 2010, 2010, pp1-4Conference Paper, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Lunz, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Wei-Yu Chen; Gerard, V.A.; Byrne, S.J.; Gun'ko, Y.K.; Lesnyak, V.; Gaponik, N.; Susha, A.S.; Rogach, A.L.; , Influence of localised surface plasmons on energy transfer between quantum dots, 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2010, Munich, 27 June-1 July, IEEE Computer Society, 2010Conference Paper, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Flood, E.; Guo, W.H.; Reid, D.; Lynch, M.; Bradley, A.L.; Barry, L.P.; Donegan, J.F.; , Interferometer based in-band OSNR monitoring of single and dual polarisation QPSK signals, 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Communication (ECOC), 2010 , Turin, 19-23 September, IEEE Computer Society, 2010Conference Paper, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- K.V. Rajani, F. Olabanji Lucas, S. Daniels, D. Danieluk, A.L. Bradley, A. Cowley, M.M. Alam, P.J. McNally, Growth of n-type γ-CuCl with improved carrier concentration by pulsed dc sputtering: Structural, electronic and UV emission properties, Thin Solid Films, 519, (18), 2011, p6064-6068Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Flood, E, Guo, WH, Reid, D, Lynch, M, Bradley, AL, Barry, LP, Donegan, JF, In-band OSNR monitoring using a pair of Michelson fiber interferometers, Optics Express, 18, (4), 2010, p3618-3625Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Reid, DA, Bondarczuk, K, Dexter, KJ, Shi, K, Anandarajah, PM, Barry, LP, Guo, WH, O'Dowd, J, Lynch, M, Bradley, AL, Donegan, JF, Two-Photon-Absorption-Based OSNR Monitor for NRZ-PSK Transmission Systems, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22, (5), 2010, p275-277Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Lunz, M, Bradley, AL, Gerard, VA, Byrne, SJ, Gun'ko, YK, Lesnyak, V, Gaponik, N, Concentration dependence of Forster resonant energy transfer between donor and acceptor nanocrystal quantum dot layers: Effect of donor-donor interactions, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83, (11, 115423), 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Robert Lennox, Kevin Carney, Ramón Maldonado-Basilio, Severine Philippe, A. Louise Bradley, and Pascal Landais, Impact of bias current distribution on the noise figure and power saturation of a multicontact semiconductor optical amplifier, Optics Letters, 36, (13), 2011, p2521-2523Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Dowd, JA, Guo, WH, Flood, E, Lynch, M, Bradley, AL, Kilper, DC, Donegan, JF, Polarisation dependence of two-photon absorption generated by band-limited amplified spontaneous emission noise in silicon avalanche photodiodes, Electronics Letters, 47, (25), 2011, p1390-1391Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Lunz, M, Gerard, VA, Gun'ko, YK, Lesnyak, V, Gaponik, N, Susha, AS, Rogach, AL, Bradley, AL, Surface Plasmon Enhanced Energy Transfer between Donor and Acceptor CdTe Nanocrystal Quantum Dot Monolayers, Nano Letters, 11, (8), 2011, p3341-3345Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Cowley, A, Lucas, FO, Gudimenko, E, Alam, MM, Danieluk, D, Bradley, AL, McNally, PJ, Electroluminescence of gamma-CuBr thin films via vacuum evaporation depositon, Journal of Physics D, 43, (16), 2010, p165101 -Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Raifeartaigh, C.O., Bradley, L., Barklie, R.C., Hodge, A.M., Richmond, E.D., Spin-dependent photoconductivity in CVD- and MBE-grown silicon-on-sapphire, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 10, (12), 1995, p1595 - 1603Journal Article, 1995, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Flood, E, Guo, WH, Smyth, JF, Lynch, M, Bradley, AL, Barry, LP, Donegan, JF, Dual Polarization Interferometric In-Band OSNR Measurement, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, (11), 2012, 873-875Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Flood, E., Guo, W.H., Reid, D., Lynch, M., Bradley, A.L., Barry, L.P., Donegan, J.F., OSNR monitoring using two fiber interferometers , Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2010, San Diego, 21-25 March , 2010, pp5465231Conference Paper, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Zhang X, Marocico CA, Lunz M, Gerard VA, Gun'ko YK, Lesnyak V, Gaponik N, Susha AS, Rogach AL, Bradley AL, Wavelength, concentration, and distance dependence of nonradiative energy transfer to a plane of gold nanoparticles., ACS Nano, 6, (10), 2012, p9283-90Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Carney, K. , Lennox, R., Watts, R., Philippe, S., Bradley, L., Landais, P., Short pulse transmission characteristics in multi-contact SOA, 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON, Coventry, 2-5 July, 2012, pp6254397-Conference Paper, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Lunz, M., Zhang, X., Gerard, V.A., Gun'Ko, Y.K., Lesnyak, V., Gaponik, N., Susha, A.S., (...), Louise Bradley, A., Modification of the FRET rate in quantum dot structures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 2011, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 2011, Stockholm, 26-30 June, 2011, pp5970807-Conference Paper, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Zhang, X., Lunz, M., Gerard, V.A., Gun'Ko, Y.K., Lesnyak, V., Gaponik, N., Bradley, A.L., Enhanced quantum efficiency in mixed donor-acceptor nanocrystal quantum dot monolayers, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 2011, Stockholm, 28-30 June, 2011, 5971137Conference Paper, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Flood, E., Guo, W.H., Reid, D., Lynch, M., Bradley, A.L., Barry, L.P., Donegan, J.F., OSNR monitoring using two fibre interferometers, Proceedings of the Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS, San Jose, 16-21 May, 2010, pp5500451-Conference Paper, 2010, DOI
- Carney, K., Lennox, R., Maldonado-Basilio, R., Philippe, S., Bradley, L., Landais, P., Noise controlled semiconductor optical amplifier based on lateral cavity laser, Electronics Letters, 46, (18), 2010, p1288-1289Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Zhang, X, Marocico, CA, Lunz, M, Gerard, VA, Gun'ko, YK, Lesnyak, V, Gaponik, N, Susha, AS, Rogach, AL, Bradley, AL, Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Distance Dependence of Localized Surface Plasmon Coupled Forster Resonance Energy Transfer, ACS NANO, 8, (2), 2014, p1273-1283Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- M.M. Alam, F. O. Lucas, D. Danieluk, A. L. Bradley, S. Daniels and P. J. McNally, Temperature Dependent Photoluminescence of Nanocrystalline Gamma-CuCl Hybrid Films, Thin Solid Films, 564, 2014, p104-109Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- V. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Spontaneous Emission and Energy Transfer Rates Near a Coated Metallic Cylinder, Physical Review A, 89, 2014, p063817 -Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Förster Resonant Energy Transfer in, editor(s)Editors: John Donegan and Yury Rakovich , CdTe Nanocrystal Quantum Dot Structures, M. Lunz and A.L. Bradley, Cadmium Telluride Quantum Dots Advances and Applications, Taylor and Francis, 2013, pp1 - 248, [Bradley, A.L.]Book Chapter, 2013
- Carney, K, Lennox, R, Maldonado-Basilio, R, Philippe, S, Surre, F, Bradley, L, Landais, P, Method to improve the noise figure and saturation power in multi-contact semiconductor optical amplifiers: simulation and experiment, OPTICS EXPRESS, 21, (6), 2013, p7180-7195Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- V. D. Karanikolas, C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Plasmon-assisted Energy Transfer near Coated Metal Cylinders, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 5th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), July, 2013, pp1-10-Conference Paper, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- M. Lunz, X. Zhang, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A. S. Susha, A. L. Rogach and A. L. Bradley, Effect of metal nanoparticle concentration on localized surface plasmon mediated Förster resonant energy transfer, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 2012, p26529-26534Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- X. Zhang, V. A. Gerard, Y. K. Gun'ko, V. Lesnyak, N. Gaponik, A.S. Susha, A.L. Rogach and A. L. Bradley, Large Energy Transfer Distance to a plane of Gold Nanoparticles, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), , 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), , Coventry , 2-5 June, 2012, pp1-4Conference Paper, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- C. A. Marocico and A. L. Bradley, Decay Rates near layers of Au Nanospheres, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON),, 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON),, Coventry, July, 2012, pp1 - 4Conference Paper, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- A. L. Bradley, Importance of diversity in Physics, Women in STEM, Trinity College Dublin, 2017, TCDSU and WiserInvited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Enhancing Forster non-radiative energy transfer via plasmon interaction, TCD Physoc, Physics, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2017, 2017, TCD Physics SocietyInvited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Women in Physics: a journey to nanoscale optics, Women in Science Week, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2014, 2014, Physoc and Dublin University Gender Equality SocietyInvited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Localised surface plasmon coupled non-radiative energy transfer, Technical Universitat Berlin, November 2011, 2011Invited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Shedding light in the nanoscale, Presidential address, Trinity College Dublin, October 2013, 2013, PhysocInvited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Forster resonant energy transfer in nanocrystal quantum dot structures, Invited Seminar, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, February 2011, 2011Invited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Plasmonics: metal nanostructures and their applications in optical systems, School of Physics Seminar Series, Trinity College Dublin, November 2007, 2007Invited Talk
- A. L. Bradley,, Polarization effects in bulk semiconductor optical amplifiers, Invited Seminar, Tyndall, University College Cork, August 2006, 2006Invited Talk
- M. Lunz, A. L. Bradley, W.-Y. Chen and Y.K. Gun,ko, Förster Resonant Energy Transfer in Quantum Dot Structures, Nanoweek Conference, Cork, Ireland, 30th November , 2009Poster
- C. Elliott, C. Hrelescu and A. L. Bradley, Multiresonance plasmonic nanostructures, CLEO US, San Jose, USA, 10th May, 2019, 2019Oral Presentation
- Julia Lawless, Calin Hrelescu, Carolyn Elliott, Lisanne Peters, Niall McEvoy and A. Louise Bradley, Exciton-plasmon interaction in the strong coupling regime, 2nd Annual AMBER Conference, Laois, Ireland, 15th January, 2020, AMBERInvited Talk
- Louise Bradley, Plasmon coupled nanoemitters, Biophotonics Seminar Series, Tyndall, Co. Cork, 12th March 2021, 2021, IPICInvited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Plasmon coupled nanoemitters, UCC Physics Seminar Series, UCC, Co. Cork, 19th April 2021, 2021, Physics, UCCInvited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Plasmon-coupled nano-emitters, Chist-Era , 18th May, 2021, UKRi-EPSRCInvited Talk
- A. L. Bradley, Responsive spiral photonic structures for visible vapor sensing, pattern transformation and encryption, Biophotonics Seminar, IPIC Tyndall, 16/09/2022, 2022, IPICInvited Talk
Research Expertise
Over the past 25 years I have carried out research in a wide range of topics spanning the field of Photonics. In the early part of my career, I led research on microcavity physics and devices for optical communications. I pioneered research on nonlinear in microcavities in particular for microcavity-enhanced two-photon absorption based detector for optical telecommunications systems. This work led to numerous publications and two patents, and was highlighted in Nature Photonics. In parallel I developed systems for investigating nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor optical amplifiers. During this project I demonstrated the lowest noise-figure to date for a bulk SOA using novel a multi-section device to control the carrier distribution along the length of the device in collaboration with researchers in Dublin City University. At that time nanophotonics and plasmonics were only in their infancy but I could see that there was enormous potential for new physics and devices based on the control and understanding of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. I pioneered a research programme in nanophotonics and plasmonics in Physics in Trinity. I led the development of experimental capability to fabricate, and characterise nanoscale structures. This led to long-term collaborations with leading chemistry and growth groups (Gaponik (TU Dresden), Rogach (City University, Hong Kong and Gun"ko (Chemistry, TCD)), and Parbrook (Tyndall Institute). I was the first to report experimental plasmonic enhancement of energy transfer between quantum dots. In subsequent research I revealed the role of different parameters in controlling the energy transfer signatures. Importantly I demonstrated that plasmon-enhanced energy transfer can be applied in hybrid material systems technologically of interest for improved light emission and light-harvesting devices. More recently I have pioneered research on dynamic plasmonic systems. I reported the largest resonance tuning to date using vanadium dioxide, and demonstrated for the first time that tuning the plasmonic resonance can compensate for thermal quenching of emission at elevated temperatures. My work on electrically driven reprogrammable VO2 metasurfaces demonstrates many significant features such as broadband operation, wide tuning range, inverse design and binary control, opening up many exciting possibilities for tunable metasurfaces. In further work I demonstrated for the first time that room-temperature strong light matter interaction can be achieved in dielectric metasurfaces coupled with transition metal dichalogenides. My paper on metasurface enhanced absorbance in MoS2 was the editor selection for that issue. These publications highlight my expertise across numerical simulation, design, fabrication and characterization. I have secured funding for the next 4 years to further explore metasurfaces for novel light emitting devices and sensing applications. I was invited to join the Irish Photonics Integration Centre in 2018 and I am the nanophotonics theme leader. Due to my expertise in design and characterise I am invited to collaborate on projects investigating novel materials for photonics applications. I recently designed photonic structures for colour responsive vapour sensing, pattern transformation and pattern encryption using 3D printed responsive hydrogel. A further collaboration with Alcon, a multinational company developing next generation intraocular lenses is also getting underway.
TitlePlasmon‐enhanced upconverting nanocrystals for biological labellingSummaryFunding AgencyIPIC Tyndall and SFIDate From2018Date To2022
TitleLight-matter interacion and matter-matter interaction in microcavity quantum dot systemsSummaryFunding AgencyHEADate From2004Date To2006
TitleNovel ultra-violet optoelectronic devices based on copper halides lattice matched to silicon substratesSummaryFunding AgencySFIDate From2006Date To2009
TitleTwo-photon absorption in semiconductor micorcavities - application to optical time division multiplexingSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From2001
TitleResponsive Photonic StructuresSummaryFunding AgencyChinese Science CouncilDate From2019Date To2023
TitleNoise Controlled Semiconductor Optical AmplifiersSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise irelandDate From2007Date To2010
TitleHigh efficiency white light emitting diodesSummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research Council Science Engineering and TechnologyDate From2011Date To2015
TitleA strategy for metallic nanostructured displaySummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate From2013Date To2017
TitleHybrid quantum-well and quantum dot photonic devicesSummaryFunding AgencyNational Access ProgrammeDate From2012Date To2014
TitleAll-Dielectric Metasurfaces for Sensing Applications (MESA)SummaryFunding AgencyMSCA EU_cofund with IPICDate From2023Date To2024
TitleCross-polarization in semiconductor optical amplifiersSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From2003
TitlePixel Demonstrator for Actively Tuned Reflective Plasmonic DisplaySummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From2014Date To2016
TitlePlasmonic enhanced nanophotonic devicesSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From2011Date To2016
TitleSurface plasmon -semiconductor nanocrystal interactions: toward nanoscale light emitting devicesSummaryFunding AgencySFIDate From2006Date To2010
TitleFibre coupled dielectric metasurfaces as sensing platformsSummaryFunding AgencySFIDate From2022Date To2026
TitleTwo photon absorption and emission processes in novel structures for communications applicationsSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From2004
TitleDevelopment of an all-optical polarization switch for telecommunications applicationsSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From2002Date To2004
TitleDielectric Metasurfaces for Emission ControlSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From2022Date To2026
TitleCoupling transition metal dichalcogenides with dielectric metasurfacesSummaryFunding AgencySFIDate From2023Date To2027
TitleThe growth of a wide band gap, direct band gap, optoelectronics material on silicon substrates: CuCl on SiSummaryFunding AgencyIRCSETDate From2003Date To2005
TitleInnovative photonic devices for optical signal processing in high speed communications systemsSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From2002Date To2005
TitlePlasmonic enhanced nanophotonic devices - Facility Access CostsSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From2011Date To2016
TitleDynamic tuning of plasmonic structuresSummaryFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From2017Date To2022
TitleAlloyed Plasmonic Structures for Light HarvestingSummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate From2013Date To2017
TitlePlasmonic reflective displaysSummaryFunding AgencyCRANNDate From2013Date To2014
TitleRealization of 100 GHz all-optical wavelength conversion using polarization switching in SOAsSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From2004Date To2006
TitleNonlinear Polarization Rotation In Semiconductor Optical AmplifiersSummaryFunding AgencyIRCSETDate From2002Date To2005
Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, Electrical engineering, Physical Sciences, Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics, Classical physics, Nanotechnology, Condensed matter physics,
- Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award 2013
- Nominated for Favourite Woman in Trinity Science - Dublin University General Science Society 2017, 2018 and 2019
- Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2009
- Selected for highlight in the SPIE 2017 Women in Optics Planner 2017
- Basic Forbairt Research Award for Fundamental Physics 1992
- Trinity College Dublin Postgraduate Scholarship 1992
- External Examiner for 3 Bachelor Degree Programmes in the School of Physics, Dublin City University 2015-2019
- Reviewer for Thomas Preston Postgraduate Scholarship Award in Physics, University College Dublin since 2020
- External Assessor for Full Chair Position, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology May 2021
- Internal PhD Examiner in Engineering, Nanomedicine and Physics in Trinity for more than 15 theses 2001
- Academic External Assessor for new degree programme, B.Sc. in Energy and Environmental Physics in Dublin Institute of Technology 2011
- Reviewer for Irish Fulbright Awards Since 2019
- External Advisory Board for European Double Doctorate Training Network OPTAPHI April 2022
- Co-editor of a special issue of Applied Optics dedicated to Optics in Ireland Dec 2018
- Expert reviewer for national funding agencies in 10 countries across 3 continents including the EPSRC and Royal Society (UK), ANR (France), DoE (US), New Zealand Science Foundation, and Austrian Science Foundation 2001-present
- External Examiner for Undergraduate Degree Programmes in Physics in University College Cork 2022-2025
- External Expert in Photonics and Physics on 13 Appointment Committees in UCC, Tyndall, DCU, NUIG and TUD 2001 - present
- Irish representative at Cost P11: Physics of linear and non-linear photonic crystals 2003-2007
- Irish Representative at COST 268, Wavelength scale photonics components for telecommunications 2001
- IPIC (Irish Photonics Integration Centre) Executive Management Committee as Nanophotonics Theme Leader 2022
- External Academic Assessor for Dublin Institute of Technology B.Sc. in Physics Technology 2011
- External Examiner for more than 12 PhD theses in other universities 2001 - present
- Committee Member of the Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Science Committee, Royal Irish Academy 2018 - 2022
- Reviewer for many top-ranked journals including ACS Nano, Nano Letters, Scientific Reports, Nanoscale, Physical Review Letters and Physical Review B, Advanced Materials, Journals of Physical Chemistry, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Quantum Electronics, Photonics Technology Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology 2001 - present
- IPIC (SFI Centre for Integrated Photonics), Tyndall, Leadership Committee member April 2018