Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Campaioli, F and Pollock, F A and Binder, F C and Celeri, L and Goold, J and Vinjanampathy, S and Modi, K, Enhancing the Charging Power of Quantum Batteries, Physical Review Letters, 118, (15), 2017, p150601Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Binder, F.C. and Vinjanampathy, S. and Modi, K. and Goold, J., Quantacell: Powerful charging of quantum batteries, New Journal of Physics, 17, (7), 2015, p075015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Binder, F. and Vinjanampathy, S. and Modi, K. and Goold, J., Quantum thermodynamics of general quantum processes, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 91, (3), 2015, p032119Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Francica G, Binder F C, Guarnieri G, Mitchison M. T, Goold J and Plastina F, Quantum coherence and ergotropy, Physical Review Letters , 125, 2020, p180603Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Alex Wozniakowski and Jayne Thompson and Mile Gu and Felix C. Binder, A new formulation of gradient boosting, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Stefano Gherardini, Francesco Campaioli, Filippo Caruso, Felix C. Binder, Stabilizing open quantum batteries by sequential measurements, Physical Review Research, 2, (1), 2020, p013095Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Felix Binder, Work, heat, and power of quantum processes, University of Oxford, 2016Thesis, 2016
- Francesco Campaioli, Felix A. Pollock, Felix C. Binder, Kavan Modi, Tightening Quantum Speed Limits for Almost All States, Physical Review Letters, 120, (6), 2018, p060409Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Felix C Binder, Jayne Thompson, Mile Gu, Practical Unitary Simulator for Non-Markovian Complex Processes, Physical Review Letters, 120, 2018, p240502Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Marco Radaelli, Gabriel T. Landi, Felix C. Binder, Gillespie algorithm for quantum jump trajectories, Physical Review A, 110, 2024, p062212Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Faraj Bakhshinezhad, Beniamin R. Jablonski, Felix C. Binder, Nicolai Friis, Trade-offs between precision and fluctuations in charging finite-dimensional quantum systems, Physical Review E, 109, 2024, p014131-Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Joseph A. Smiga, Marco Radaelli, Felix C. Binder, Gabriel T. Landi, Stochastic metrology and the empirical distribution, Physical Review Research, 5, 2023, p033150-Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Abhisek Panda, Felix C. Binder, Sai Vinjanampathy, Nonideal measurement heat engines, Physical Review A, 108, 2023, p062214Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Qing Liu, Thomas J. Elliott, Felix C. Binder, Carlo Di Franco, Mile Gu, Optimal stochastic modeling with unitary quantum dynamics, Physical Review A, 99, (6), 2019, p062110Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Safranek D., Rosa D., Binder F.C., Work Extraction from Unknown Quantum Sources, Physical Review Letters, 130, (21), 2023, p210401Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Suri N., Binder F.C., Muralidharan B., Vinjanampathy S., Speeding up thermalisation via open quantum system variational optimisation, European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 227, (3-4), 2018, p203 - 216, p203-216Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Yadin B., Binder F.C., Thompson J., Narasimhachar V., Gu M., Kim M.S., Operational Resource Theory of Continuous-Variable Nonclassicality, Physical Review X, 8, (4), 2018, p041038Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Yang C., Binder F.C., Narasimhachar V., Gu M., Matrix Product States for Quantum Stochastic Modeling, Physical Review Letters, 121, (26), 2018, p260602Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Yang C., Binder F.C., Gu M., Elliott T.J., Measures of distinguishability between stochastic processes, Physical Review E, 101, (6), 2020, p062137Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Elliott T.J., Yang C., Binder F.C., Garner A.J.P., Thompson J., Gu M., Extreme Dimensionality Reduction with Quantum Modeling, Physical Review Letters, 125, (26), 2020, p260501Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Felix Binder, Luis A. Correa, Christian Gogolin, Janet Anders, Gerardo Adesso (eds.), Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime, Springer International Publishing, 2018Book, 2018, DOI
- Narasimhachar, Varun, Assad, Syed, Binder, Felix C., Thompson, Jayne, Yadin, Benjamin, Gu, Mile, Thermodynamic resources in continuous-variable quantum systems, npj Quantum Information, 7, (1), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Taranto, Philip, Bakhshinezhad, Faraj, Bluhm, Andreas, Silva, Ralph, Friis, Nicolai, Lock, Maximilian P.E., Vitagliano, Giuseppe, Binder, Felix C., Debarba, Tiago, Schwarzhans, Emanuel, Clivaz, Fabien, Huber, Marcus, Landauer Versus Nernst: What is the True Cost of Cooling a Quantum System?, PRX Quantum, 4, (1), 2023, p010332Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Radaelli, Marco, Landi, Gabriel T, Modi, Kavan, Binder, Felix C, Fisher information of correlated stochastic processes, New Journal of Physics, 25, (5), 2023, p053037Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Emanuel Schwarzhans, Felix C. Binder, Marcus Huber, Maximilian P. E. Lock, Quantum measurements and equilibration: the emergence of objective reality via entropy maximisation, arXiv preprint, 2023Journal Article, DOI
- Varun Narasimhachar and Felix Binder, Taking Smooth Steps Toward Equilibrium, Review of Optimizing thermalization, by Kamil Korzekwa and Matteo Lostaglio , Physics, 15, 2022, p110Review, URL
- Irish Research Council Laureate Award September 2022
- German Physical Society (DPG)
- Management Committee of COST Network Relativistic Quantum Information
- Foundational Questions Institute (FQxI)