Prof. Felix Binder awarded an Irish research council starting Laureate grant for his project InfoNat
Prof. Felix Binder awarded an Irish research council starting Laureate grant for his project Understanding and Harnessing Information Processing in Nature [InfoNat]
10 Oct 2022
Alessandro Lunghi is the only Irish recipient of the intel Rising Star Faculty Award for his breakthrough work in quantum mechanics and machine learn
Each year, the Intel® Rising Star Faculty Award (RSA) program selects early-career academic researchers who lead groundbreaking technology research demonstrating the potential to disrupt the tech industry.
10 Oct 2022
First compelling evidence of low-frequency gravitational waves in the cosmos
Scientists from Trinity are part of the European Pulsar Timing Array, which joins teams worldwide in today announcing evidence for gravitational wave signals of cosmological origin.
30 Jun 2022
Dr Hongzhou Zhang research project funded in the latest round of funding from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Dr Hongzhou Zhang research project Controllable Resistive Switching in Two-dimensional Molybdenum Disulphide via Site-specific Helium Ion Irradiation wins SFI funding...
08 Jun 2022
The edge currents that don’t go with the flow – scientists make peculiar quantum discovery
Physicists from Trinity College Dublin and the Universidad Complutense of Madrid have made a peculiar discovery in which energy moves from a colder to a hotter region...
28 Mar 2022
QUSYS Group win European Research Council Proof of Concept grant
QUSYS Group group led by Professor John Goold will test, develop, and find market opportunities for a new soil fertility monitoring and forecasting method based on the statistical physics of disordered systems...
08 Feb 2022
School of Physics researchers design new molecules that boost fuel efficiency
Researchers from Trinity and TOTAL have designed, synthesized and tested new additives that increase fuel efficiency. Led by Professor Stephen Dooley in Trinity’s School of Physics, the Trinity researchers undertook the project...
17 Dec 2021
From flashing fireflies to cheering crowds – physicists unlock secret to synchronisation
School of Physics researchers have unlocked the secret that explains how large groups of individual “oscillators” – from flashing fireflies to cheering crowds, and from ticking clocks to clicking metronomes...
13 Dec 2021
School of Physics Joseph McCauley has been awarded the 2021 Institute of Physics Technicians Award
Joesph McCauley was awarded for his outstanding technical leadership associated with the planning, construction and operation of the Irish Low Frequency Array radio telescope at Birr Castle.
29 Nov 2021
Two School of Physics academics feature on highly cited researchers 2021 list
Jonathan Coleman, Professor of Chemical Physics in Trinity’s School of Physics and PI at CRANN and AMBER and Stefano Sanvito, Professor of Condensed Matter Theory in the School of Physics, Director of CRANN and PI at AMBER...
16 Nov 2021
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