The School previous held an Athena Swan Bronze award, which was renewed in 2020.  

On today’s announcement, Head of School, Prof. Jonathan Coleman said: 

As Head of School, I am delighted to receive news of the School’s Silver Award. The School of Physics community has worked extraordinarily hard to develop and implement a wide range of EDI initiatives, which build on the foundations originally set out in our Bronze award. Today’s announcement marks the next step in our Athena Swan journey, one which we are excited to progress with the support of Athena Swan Ireland and Advance HE.  

School of Physics’ Athena Swan Champion, Prof. Ortwin Hess welcomed the news saying:  

This Silver award was made possible not just because of the School, but our friends and supporters throughout Trinity. I would like to sincerely thank Trinity’s EDI office, without whom this application would not have been possible. We also want to acknowledge the advice and support received from other Schools during the application process, which has really showcased the collegiality and kindness of Trinity’s EDI network. 

The School would also like to congratulate all of the other Trinity awardees, particularly the School of Psychology who have also advanced from Bronze to Silver Athena Swan award status.  

Welcoming this news Dr Linda Doyle, Provost of Trinity, said: 

"I am delighted to congratulate our Trinity Schools on retaining their Athena Swan awards, with some even advancing to silver award status. These awards reflect the tremendous dedication and commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion within our Schools. 

I would like to extend my thanks to our Heads of School and Athena Swan Champions for their leadership and collaboration. I also want to acknowledge the invaluable support from our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Office and our Human Resources team. 

Well done to all our Athena Swan award recipients!" 

Trinity will host the national Athena Swan Ireland awards in November 2024, in conjunction with Advance HE, and we look forward to celebrating the successes of our Schools at this event. 

For more information on the work across Trinity in relation to Athena Swan, and a list of our Schools and Units with awards please visit: