She explored the uses for electron microscopes and her own research on building an improved electron source for electron microscopes.

Frances is currently based in the School’s TCD Ultramicroscopy group, led my Prof Lewys Jones. She has previously won the IOP’s 2023 Rosse Medal for physics communication.

‘Three Minute Wonder’ is the IOP’s UK and Ireland-wide science communication competition. It challenges researchers to explain their work to the public in just three minutes. Participants pitch their original research to a panel of judges and a non-specialist audience. The aim is to bring cutting edge physics-related research to life for the general public. This year’s event took place in The Royal Institution's historic lecture theatre in London.

Jeremy Rigney (DIAS Dunsink Observatory and Armagh Observatory) won the competition’s public choice award.

The School of Physics would like to extend congratulations to both Frances and Jeremy for their achievements.

Photo caption: Jeremy Rigney (DIAS Dunsink Observatory and Armagh Observatory), Frances Quigley (School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin) with Prof. Peter Gallagher (Head of Astrophysics at DIAS,  Director of DIAS Dunsink Observatory and Adjust Professor and Honorary Fellow Trinity College Dublin) pictured with Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution in London.