The event continues our mission to support and promote an eco-system of #diversityandinclusion at the foundation of the emerging #quantum sector across Ireland.
Opened by Prof John Goold (Trinity College Dublin, AMBER) and Dr Marianna Bonanome, Head of Education and Outreach (Sandbox AQ), our Diversity in Quantum event included a fireside chat with Anne Sheehan, GM, to review the importance of building diversity and inclusion practices for more effective, high-performance teams. Dr Michael Dascal, Co-Founder of DiviQ, also shared his experiences in participating and promoting a more diverse community through his work at DiviQ.
Led by Prof Felix Binder, our invited panellists spoke about ways to promote diversity in research and industry. Special thanks to Dr Nadia Carlsten (Sandbox AQ), Dr Akinlolu Akande, (ATU), Carmen Recio Valcarce (Moody’s Analytics) and Prof Stefano Sanvito (School of Physics, AMBER Trinity College Dublin) for sharing their experiences and advice.
The evening was also a great opportunity to celebrate our Microsoft Ireland Trinity College Dublin and School of Physics AMBER scholarship winners Matea Leahy Aditi Rupade Alina Gallardo Cheshta Joshi Lucija Grba Javaria Ghafoor and Anton Svetlichnyi.
Thank you to all who have supported in our #quantum journey so far!