Positions available in the School of Physics and elsewhere will be advertised here, although this list is not meant to be definitive.
For postgraduate opportunities within the School of Physics, please see the Opportunities section under Postgraduate.
The School welcomes applications for all positions advertised here from all qualified applicants, and applications are particularly encouraged from traditionally under-represented groups in Physics.
Research Opportunities
We invite applications for a 3-year Research Fellow position in the area of Exoplanetary Systems at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland. The successful candidate will join Prof. Luca Matrà’s research group, funded by the E-BEANS (Exoplanets and Belts of Exocomets around Nearby Stars) ERC Starting Grant, with the overarching goal of understanding the potential for young Earth analogues to be provided with volatile molecules in the latest stages of formation.
The candidate will work towards the goals of the ERC project, in the broad areas of exocometary belts and/or detection of exoplanets in these systems and/or volatile delivery mechanisms. Projects typically complement a modelling component with exploiting high resolution observations of exoplanetary systems; other projects may be sought within the broader goals of the grant. The group is leading large collaborations including the REASONS survey and the ARKS ALMA Large program, and benefits from multiwavelength expertise with HST, VLT/CRIRES+ and JWST data.
Applicants must have a PhD in Astrophysics or related field, or have satisfied the requirements of a PhD by the starting date. Preference will be given to applicants with expertise specific to the areas described above, but consideration will be given to candidates more broadly experienced with circumstellar disks and/or exoplanets and/or planet formation, both theory and observations.
The successful candidate will actively contribute to and interact with the ERC group, currently composed of 4 PhD researchers and 2 postdocs, and the broader Trinity Astrophysics Group, a friendly and vibrant environment researching exoplanet systems/atmospheres, supernovae, pulsars, and light pollution. Trinity is located in the heart of Dublin, with a number of other astrophysics institutes and an active community in Star and Planet Formation+Exoplanets. Trinity has access to ESO and ESA observatories such as ALMA, JWST, HST, the VLT, and soon the European ELT, as well as both EU and Irish career development opportunities, with three ERCs, Marie-Curie and Royal Society fellowship awardees currently in the group. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to supervise students and gain teaching experience within the School of Physics.
The full-time position is available for three years, with nominal start date September 1st, 2025, which can be negotiated. The starting salary will normally be in the range €46,305-48,896 depending on qualifications and experience, plus benefits and funding for travel and relocation costs. The group has access to dedicated computing servers and high-performance facilities through Trinity’s Research IT infrastructure and the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC).
Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV with publication list, two letters of recommendation (max 2-pages), and a research statement (max 3-pages). Complete applications received by the application deadline of January 6th, 2025 will receive full consideration. Applications from traditionally under-represented minorities in physics and astronomy are particularly welcome.
Applications, references, as well as any queries, can be submitted via email to – please include Exoplanetary Systems Research Fellow application in the subject heading.
We invite applications for a 3-year Research Fellow position in the area of Extrasolar Atmospheres at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland. The successful candidate will join Prof. Johanna Vos’s research group in the School of Physics. The position will focus on the study of giant extrasolar worlds and is funded by the ERC Starting Grant Exo-PEA (Exometeorology: Probing Extrasolar Atmospheres).
The candidate will work towards the goals of the ERC project, which aims to disentangle extrasolar weather processes such as clouds, winds and aurorae. The ideal candidate will have expertise in observational and/or theoretical studies of brown dwarfs and/or giant exoplanets. The candidate will have access to multiple observational datasets from world-class facilities including the James Webb Space Telescope and Very Large Array. Applicants must have a PhD in Astrophysics or related field, or have satisfied the requirements of a PhD by the time of appointment.
The successful candidate will also become part of the Trinity Astrophysics Group, a friendly and vibrant environment where world-leading research on exoplanet systems/atmospheres, supernovae, pulsars, and light pollution takes place. Trinity’s campus is located at the heart of Dublin, which hosts a number of other astrophysics research institutes with an active community in Star and Planet Formation+Exoplanets. Trinity has access to ESO and ESA facilities such as ALMA, JWST, HST, the VLT, and soon the ELT, as well as both EU and Irish research career development opportunities, with multiple ERC, Marie-Curie and Royal Society URF fellowship awardees in the group. The successful applicant will contribute to the supervision of students and have the opportunity to gain teaching experience within the School of Physics.
The full-time position is available for three years, with a nominal start date of September 1st, 2025. The starting salary will normally be in the range €46,305-€50,168 depending on qualifications and experience, plus benefits and funding for travel and relocation costs. The group has access to dedicated computing servers and high-performance computing facilities through Trinity’s Research IT and the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC).
Applicants should submit a cover letter, a CV with publication list, two letters of recommendation (max 2-pages), and a (max 3-page) research statement. Complete applications received by the application deadline of January 6th, 2025 will receive full consideration. Applications from traditionally under-represented minorities in physics and astronomy are particularly welcome.
Applications, references, as well as any queries, can be submitted via email to – please include Extrasolar Atmospheres Research Fellow application in the subject heading.