It is the School’s policy to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicble, the health, safety and welfare of all its staff and students in accordance with the College Safety Policy, the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act of 2005 and relevant subsidiary legislation. All personnel (staff, students and visitors) have a personal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of themselves and of others who may be affected by their activities within the School.
Laser Safety
The Laser Safety Guide should assist both supervisors and all laboratory personnel working with laser systems in the college. It will help to identify and control sources of danger associated with these systems. The guide should be read in completion by those working in the vicinity of or operating lasers directly and used as a reference thereafter when appropriate. Reading of this guide does not complete the registration process. This can only be done through consultation with the college laser safety officer. At all times if you require clarification or more information you should contact the College Laser Safety Officer by email or telephone (see below).
Emergency Contacts
The Internal telephone number 1999 provides immediate access to professional assistance on a 24-hour basis.
Be prepared to state:
- Type of assistance required (ambulance, fire brigade, police etc.)
- Type of emergency (fire, injury, etc)
- Name, extension number and location.
If possible and safe to do so, keep close to the telephone, in order to give further information should it be required by the emergency services.
This number should only be used in an emergency.
School phone numbers relating to safety:
- School Safety Officer, Mr. Joe McCauley, 2218 (01-896 2218)
- Chief Technical Officer, Mr. Ken Concannon, 1308 (01-896 1308)
- Chemical Safety, Dr. Viktor Usov, 3530 (01-896 3530)
- School Radiological Supervisor, Dr. Maria Stamenova, 8454 (01-896 8454)
- Laser Safety, Mr. Christopher Smith, 3649 (01-896 1772)
- Electrical safety, Mr. Joe McCauley, 2218 (01-896 2218)
- First Aid, College security at 1999
College Specialist Hazard Officers
The following members of Staff have been appointed by the Board as specialist advisors in the fields outlined below. They advise the College Safety Officer, Local, Faculty and College Safety Committees and the College Community in general on matters relating to their respective fields. If you have a query in relation to safety in the use of lasers, radioactive materials, biologically hazardous materials, fire safety or hazardous chemicals, the relevant specialist in College can be contacted at the telephone numbers or addresses shown.
- Hazardous Chemicals
Dr. John Southern
Chemistry School, Chemistry Building
Tel: 01-896 3411
- Bio-Hazards
Dr. Mary McDonnell
Biosciences Building, Trinity College Dublin
Tel: 01-896 2887/01 896 3965
- Bio-Safety and Genetic Manipulation
Dr Henry Windle, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St James's Hospital, Dublin 8
tel: 896 2211
- Laser Safety
Mr. Christopher Smith, Physics School, Physics Building, College
tel: 896 3649
- Bio-Resources
Dr Jose Manuel Sanchez-Morgado, Comparative Medicine, TBSI, Pearse Street, College
tel: 896 4356
- Radiological Protection
Dr. Eoin Scannail, Estate and Facilities Department, West Chapel, College
tel: 896 2887
- Fire Safety
Mr. Cathal Ryan
Biosciences Building, Trinity College Dublin
Tel:01-896 3545