Trinity Walton Club Workshops
As part of the Physics 300 celebrations the Trinity Walton Club will run a series of STEM workshops for secondary school students. Following the workshop, the students will be able to visit the Physics 300 exhibition and the WHS Monck Observatory in the School of Physics. While Trinity Physics is celebrating its tercentenary the Trinity Walton Club is celebrating its first decade in 2024.
Trinity Walton Club is an extracurricular teaching and learning innovation that seeks to build STEM competence and confidence amongst second-level school students.
We also aim to promote all students’ interest in STEM areas and broaden their awareness of the transferability of STEM competencies for a wide range of careers both in and beyond science.
These workshops are fully booked out.
Monday April 15th 2024 - Thursday April 18th 2024
School of Physics, Fitzgerald Building, Trinity College Dublin