Programme of Events

Researcher Masterclass
An international panel of three expert academics and researchers will share their experience and knowledge on developing a career in research. Our expert panellists are Prof. Kevin Smith (University of Boston), Dr. Nora Dempsey (CNRS) and Dr. Sophie Murray (DIAS). All three are Trinity Physics graduates with a wealth of international experience.

Communicating Science Workshop
A workshop on communicating science to the general public and policy makers. Contributors include Trinity Physics Alumni Siobhán Ryan (Meteorologist, Met Éireann), Hal Hodson (The Economist's Special Projects Writer), Dr. Michael Moloney (Chief Executive Officer of the American Institute of Physics) and Dr. Cormac O'Raifeartaigh (South Eastern Technological University).

Physics 300 Physics in 3 Competition
PhD students affiliated with the School of Physics are invited to present the subject of their thesis in just 3 minutes aimed at a general audience. A panel of judges will then award a cash prize to the best presentation. The presentations will showcase the exciting research done by our PhD students and will cover a broad range of disciplines within our School.