Guidelines for the Pitch Tar Drop Apparatus
The apparatus should be placed away from direct sunlight and heat (i.e. not on a windowsill or too close to a radiator). It could be placed in a foyer to engage with the wider school population.
All-Island Pitch Tar Drop Experiment Launch
Launch Zoom call video from Wednesday November 27th, 2024
Unpackage and Assembly
How to safely unpackage and assemble the Pitch Tar Experiment
Removal of Funnel Stopper
Removal of Funnel Stopper
Teachers can choose which year group is most appropriate to be responsible for the measurements in their school.
Each school will receive a weblink which will bring you to a form for entering your data.
The date, time lapsed (hours) from when the plug was removed, the length of the pitch tar from the base of the funnel (mm) and the temperature should be recorded using your school specific form. There is also a Y/N question asking if a drop has dripped. This is important as it will be used for the presentation of the data on the School of Physics Pitch Tar experiment webpage.
It is suggested to measure the length weekly at first. This is a new pitch formulation, and we cannot be sure how fast it will flow. If the flow is increasing, then measurements can be made more frequently.
The data can be used to extract the value of viscosity. Two scientific papers showing this are included here.
The viscosity of the pitch will be lower at higher temperatures. This is why we are asking you to record the temperature so that students can compare the rates of fall across different schools.
The data will be available publicly for anyone to view and use.
We are asking to you record data until the pitch has first contact with the glass dish. Once that happens you don’t need to return any more data, but you can continue to use and enjoy the apparatus for future years. You can replenish the funnel at any time by adding the fallen pitch tar back into the top of the funnel.
To capture the drop formation as a function of time you can photograph at regular time intervals to create a time lapse video (the suggested method) or use a webcam for real time recording. You can find a simple guide for creating this video here Simple guide to making a time lapse video recording of your pitch tar experiment
Images can be posted on social media using #physics300 and the School of Physics handle @TCDPhysics (LinkedIn) or @TCD_physics (Twitter/X) and @AMBERCentre (Twitter/X). We prefer if you used LinkedIn or X. We will be able to capture these posts and repost from School of Physics and AMBER accounts.
Possible Learning Experiences and Activities
Viscosity is the word we use to describe the resistance to flow.
Measurement of Viscosity
If we drop marbles into water, honey and cooking oil, in which will it fall most slowly?
- Take three graduated cylinders and add a liquid to each.
- Release a marble in each
- Measure the time it takes for the marble to sink to the bottom
- Repeat a number of times, and look at mean results
- Which do you think is the most viscous? Which is the least?
- Was your prediction correct? Explain your answer.
Measurement of Flow Rate
What do you think affects the rate at which something will fall through a funnel? (‘Rate’ can mean different things – but here we mean how many grammes per second fall through)
If we drop tiny chia seeds through one funnel and larger sesame seeds through another, which will fall more quickly? Do you think the diameter of the funnel spout would have an effect?
- Pour about 50g of each type of seed into two funnels (blocking the spout)
- Let them flow through, and measure how long it takes to empty
- Try it again, with a wider funnel spout
- Compare your results.
- Were your predictions correct? Explain your answer
In each of these activities, using a slow-motion camera might make it easier to make precise measurements of the time.
Drawings created using
Shared Learning Day in March 2025.
Poster submission guidelines: ***Deadline extended to March 10th***
We will be awarding a 'Best poster' prize at the in-person Shared Learning Event on March 27th.
- Submit completed poster via this link:
[This will take you to a Microsoft form which includes a dropbox link]
- Please refer to the attached doc PITCHTAR_2024_ Poster Template for what should be included
- Poster should be single page and portrait orientation
- Please upload as single PDF file
Please note:
- The purpose of the poster is to share learning and reflections from engaging in the experiment, not on whether the experiment was completed/ 'successful' or not.
- You do not need to print your posters, we will organise printing and display for you
- You will be issued an e-proof prior to print. Please ensure you check this carefully & get back to us ASAP with amendments.