Erasmus Smith’s Professors of Natural and Experimental Philosophy

Richard Helsham 1724-1738

Caleb Cartwright 1738-1743

William Clement 1745-1759

Hugh Hamilton 1759-1769

Thomas Wilson 1769-1786

Matthew Young 1786-1799

Thomas Elrington 1799-1807

William Davenport 1807-1822

Bartholomew Lloyd 1822-1831

Humphrey Lloyd 1831-1843

James MacCullagh 1843-1848

Robert Vickers Dixon 1848-1854

Joseph Allen Galbraith 1854-1870

John Robert Leslie 1870-1881

George Francis Fitzgerald 1881-1901

William Edward Thrift 1901-1929

Robert William Ditchburn 1929 -1946

Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton 1946-1974

Brian Henderson 1974-1984

Denis Lawrence Weaire 1984-2007

John Michael David Coey 2007-2012

Jonathon Coleman 2022-present
- Wikipedia, Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Natural and Experimental philosophy, Wikipedia (Accessed July 2023 )
- D. Spearman (Last updated 2019), 400 years of Mathematics
- Mathematics Ireland (Last updated 23 Feb 2023), Mathematical Professorships at Trinity College, Mathematics Ireland
- Thomas Ulick Sadlier (1935), Alumni Dublinenses: a register of students, graduates, professors, and provosts of Trinity College in the University of Dublin (1593-1860), Thom Co Ltd,