REAL Workshops
These seminars focus on different themes of the REAL – ‘Rights and Egalitarianism' project and bring together researchers with expertise in a given theme. The format varies.
Past Workshops
Hybrid Workshop on 'Building in time: Intergenerational infrastructural justice and equality'
Date | February 21, 2025, 1pm - 5pm
Organisers: Erika Brandl (University of Bergen) and Adina Preda (TCD)
Co-sponsored by their projects: Building in time: challenges of intergenerational infrastructural justice and REAL-Rights and egalitarianism.
- Erika Brandl (University of Bergen): ‘Theorizing Lock-In: On Irreversiblity, Intergenerationality, and Responsibility (and the Architectural Case)’
- Niklas Dummer (University of Dortmund): ‘Relational Housing Justice – An Argument for Housing Limitarianism’
- Daniel Weinstock (McGill University): ‘Cities and federalism’
- Jonathan Wolff (University of Oxford): ‘City of equals’
Title | 'Work and Equality' Workshop
Date | May 13-14, 2024
Location | Room 5012, Arts Building
Any normative assessment of societies will depend in part on how they organise work. After all, because most people will spend more time working than doing anything else in their life, and because individuals can only carry out their own plans thanks to the work of others, work’s organisation is inextricably linked to how people’s lives fare overall. While work has received sporadic treatment from political philosophers and political theorists over the years, a growing number of scholars are giving increased attention to the range of normative issues that arise from treating work as a distinct topic in its own right.
This workshop will situate normative debates about work within concerns of equality. It will do this by bringing together a group of international experts from across Europe to present and discuss current work-in-progress. What do the demands of equality impose on the world of work? Be this in terms of relational equality (How might relations of labour express our status as moral equals?), or distributive equality (How can the goods (and bads) of work be distributed fairly?).
Monday, May 13, 2024
11:00: Welcome and coffee
11.30-12.30: Nicholas Vrousalis (Erasmus) – 'Gender, Race, and the Primacy of the Mode of Production'
12.30-13:45: Lunch
13.45-14.45: Jahel Queralt (UPF) – 'Self-Employment and the Least Advantaged'
15.00-16:00: Jan Kandiyali (Durham) – 'One Thing Today and the Same Thing Tomorrow: Why Marx’s Account of the Good Society Requires a Division of Labour'
16.00-16.30: Break
16.30-17.30: Jonathan Wolff (Oxford) – 'Working from Home, Socialising at Work'
18.30: Conference Dinner
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
10.30-11.30: Mirjam Müller (Humboldt) – 'Free Care: A normative reconstruction of the care crisis?'
11.45-12.45: Michael Cholbi (Edinburgh) – 'Workplace Democracy Versus … Democracy?'
12.45-14.00: Lunch at The 1592
14.00-15.00: Caleb Althorpe (TCD) – 'Markets as a Game: Community In and Through Market Competition'
15.15-16.15: Virginia Mantouvalou (UCL) – 'Work in Prison: Rehabilitation or Exclusion and Exploitation?'
This workshop is funded by the Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship Award: ‘Justice and Meaningful Work’ GOIPD/2023/1395 (PI: Caleb Althorpe), and the European Research Council Consolidator Grant: 'REAL – Rights and Egalitarianism' Grant Agreement number: 819043, ERC-2018-COG (PI: Adina Preda)
Title | ‘Equality of Opportunity, Justice, and Rights’ Workshop
Date | 19 & 20 June, 2023
Location | TRiSS Seminar room, 6th floor, Arts Building, TCD
Time | See provisional schedule below
Confirmed Speakers: Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (University of Aarhus), Emily McTernan (UCL) and David O’Brien (Tulane)
What is the relation between rights and egalitarian justice? There is a perception that the two pull in different directions, perhaps because rights are often conceptualised as individual entitlements and/or as deontological constraints while egalitarian theories of justice are taken to propose teleological principles whose satisfaction might infringe individual rights. Is this perception warranted? Are rights and egalitarianism in tension with each other or might they be compatible? Can principles of egalitarian justice be translated into (individual) rights and if so, should they?
One area where rights and egalitarianism appear to converge is equality of opportunity. Formal equality of opportunity, at least, can easily be translated into individual rights against discrimination. But equality of opportunity might require more than the rights against discrimination currently recognised in many jurisdictions; it might also require rights against socio-economic or class-based discrimination, which might be difficult to conceptualise and/or implement.
The 2nd REAL workshop seeks to address these and any other questions about the relation between rights and egalitarianism.
Monday, 19 June 2023
11am-11.15am: Welcome and introductions
11.15am-12.45pm: Showkat Ali - ‘An institutional account of fair equality of opportunity'
12.45pm-2pm: Lunch
2pm-3.30pm: Timo Juetten - ‘The harms of unfair competition'
3.30pm-3.45pm: Coffee
3.45pm-5.15pm: Emily McTernan - ‘Equality and the right to dissociate’
7pm: Conference Dinner
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
9.30am-11am: Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (with Bastian Steuwer) - ‘Poverty discrimination’
11am-11.15am: Coffee
11.15am-12.45pm: Shalom Chalson - ‘Discounting people for reasons that shouldn’t count’
12.45pm-2pm: Lunch
2pm-3.30pm: Matthew Palynchuk - ‘Distributive justice and the distributive view of disability’
3.30pm-3.45pm: Coffee
3.45pm-5.15pm: Adi Goldiner - ‘From Disability Accommodations to Structural Modifications: The Case of Extended Time on Exams’
Title | ‘Human rights and equality’ (on Zoom)
Date | 7 & 8 June, 2021
The kinds of justification or ground most commonly offered for human rights can be divided into instrumental and non-instrumental justifications.
According to the former, human rights protect valued features of human life; according to the latter, human rights are expressions of our inviolable moral status as persons. Both types of justification have significant limitations; the second one in particular, is arguably plagued by a vicious circularity problem, as several authors have noted: if inviolability is part of the definition of moral status, this seems to express the same idea as rights.
In light of these issues, this workshop explored alternative grounds and evaluations for human rights. In particular, the workshop considered (basic) equality as a possible ground for human rights and whether it can be understood in a way that is not reducible to either of the grounds mentioned earlier.
More generally, the workshop considered the ways in which human rights and egalitarian commitments may converge or diverge.
Monday, June 7 2021
10am-11.30am: Adina Preda (TCD) - ‘Justifications of human rights’
11.30am-12.30pm: Ian Carter (University of Pavia) - ‘Equality and opacity’
12.30pm-1.30pm: Lunch break
1.30pm-2.30pm: Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke University) - ‘Human rights and democratic legitimacy’
2.45pm-4.15pm: Ariel Zylberman (University of Albany, SUNNY) - ‘Rights constitutivism’
Tuesday, June 8 2021
10am-11.30am: Jiewuh Song (Seoul National University) - ‘Egalitarian reasons and human rights obligations'
11.30am-12.30pm: Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus University) - ‘Discrimination and moral equality of persons: Could we oppose the former and not accept the latter?’
12.30pm-1.30pm: Lunch break
1.30pm-2.30pm: Laura Valentini (LMU Munich) -‘On the explanatory dispensability of natural rights’
2.45pm-4.00pm: Jesse Tomalty (University of Bergen) - ‘Discrimination at the border’