Beginning in February, this popular series features six engaging talks that explore how philosophy connects with the challenges of the modern world. This year’s series invites attendees to engage with a diverse range of topics, including:
- The ethics of journalism
- The complexities of war
- The significance of truth
- The value of inquiry
- Berkeley's legacy
- The philosophy of self-care
Each lecture will feature a 50 minute presentation followed by an interactive Q&A session.
Event Details:
Dates: Thursdays, starting 6 February 2025 (every second Thursday)
Time: 7pm - 8.30pm
Location: JM Synge Theatre, Arts Building, TCD
Fee: €80 for the full series (concession rate: €40 for students, OAPs, unemployed, groups of 20+, TCD staff, and graduates)
Early booking is advised, as last year’s series sold out quickly.
For further information about talks, speakers, and to purchase tickets, click the button below!