The Trinity Student Philosophical Review (TSPR) is an entirely student-run publication that aims to highlight the highest quality undergraduate essays in philosophy and provide a platform for emerging scholars to showcase their work.

Now entering its third volume, the TSPR has published exceptional essays on diverse topics, including animal ethics, dialetheism, and possibilia. The quality of the essays far exceeds what is expected of undergraduate students, reflecting the depth of thought and scholarship among our students.

Submissions Now Open For 2025

We are now accepting submissions for the third volume of the TSPR. If you're a Junior or Senior Sophister philosophy student, we encourage you to submit your work!

  • The deadline for submissions is midnight, 25 January 2025.
  • Essays must be between 2,000 and 3,000 words.
  • Only one submission per person is allowed.
  • Submissions should be in doc or docx format, justified, with 1.5 line spacing, and font size 11.
  • Previously submitted coursework essays are welcome.

All submissions must be made using the Google Form linked below. If you have any questions, please contact

Submit Your Essay Now