Module Previews 2024/25

Please find below previews of the modules that will be available to undergraduate philosophy students for the academic year 2024/25. Some modules may be core (students must take them) and others are optional/ approved.

It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that they:

  • Take modules amounting to 60 ECTS during the academic year.
  • Select modules that meet the programme requirements.
  • Meet the prerequisites for chosen modules.

All module choices must be registered online via the portal.

* All students should note that module changes will be subject to the availability of places and timetable constraints.

Junior Freshman | Michaelmas Term

Junior Freshman | Hilary Term

Senior Freshman | Michaelmas Term

Senior Freshman | Hilary Term

Junior Sophister | Michaelmas Term

Junior Sophister | Hilary Term

Senior Sophister | Michaelmas Term

Senior Sophister | Hilary Term